81 research outputs found

    Identificação de conhecimentos ancestrais na etnia Emberá Katío sobre cuidados ambientais

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    Education in Colombia has difficulties in meeting the needs of indigenous communities and balancing educational programs with the cultural requirements of each community. Indigenous children are forced to adapt to an educational system that is not in accordance with their needs. For this reason, the objective of this work is to identify the ancestral knowledge of the Emberá Katío culture related to caring for the environment and the indigenous relationship with nature. The study methodology is framed in the qualitative approach, with an ethnographic design, the collection of information was carried out by semi-structured interview and observation. As a main conclusion, it is highlighted that the Emberá have a different way of seeing the world, with their own worldview that includes beliefs, practices and traditional customs that define their structure as a people and society, they conceive of the earth as a mother, so they have a relationship of respect for her, which is transmitted to her children through spiritual knowledge and traditional productive practices.La educación en Colombia tiene dificultades para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades indígenas y equilibrar los programas educativos con los requerimientos culturales de cada comunidad, los niños indígenas se ven obligados a adaptarse a un sistema educativo no acorde con sus necesidades. Por ello el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los saberes ancestrales de la cultura Emberá Katío relacionados con el cuidado del medio ambiente y la relación del indígena con la naturaleza. La metodología del estudio se enmarca en el enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño etnográfico, la recolección de información se realizó por entrevista semiestructurada y la observación. Como conclusión principal se destaca que los Emberá tiene una forma diferente de ver el mundo, con una cosmovisión propia que incluyen creencias, prácticas y costumbres tradicionales que definen su estructura como pueblo y sociedad, conciben a la tierra como madre por lo que tienen una relación de respeto hacia ella, que es trasmitido a sus hijos por medio de los saberes espirituales y las practicas productivas tradicionales

    Modelado con Common-KADS de la tarea de interpretación de la retórica existencial del espacio arquitectónico

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    This article proposes the modeling at the knowledge level, of the interpreting task of the existential rhetoric of architectural space using the Common-KADS Knowledge Engineering methodology. The model establishes the relationships between the spatiotemporal components of the existence formulated in Heidegger´s phenomenology, the topological elements of the internal structure of existential space (considering the theories of place of Aguiló, Bollnow, Chuk and Norberg-Schulz), along with the perceptual parameters of such elements and the rhetorical strategy (based on Aristotle, Barthes and Muntañola) that links the topological scheme of the external and internal structures of a “center” with the model of dwelling. A representation system based on labeled multigraphs is used. This representation system, a modification and improvement of the model proposed by Millán, allows us to match the topological syntagmas of the topological scheme with the scheme of existence that characterizes the model of dwelling. Connotations of the perceptible structure and perceived space (based on the semiotic theories and models of Eco, Hjelmslev, Meissner, Morris, Mukarovsky, Scalvini and Peirce) are added. To obtain the set of denotations and aggregated connotations, the following perceptual chain is defined: (physical structure ? physical space) ? (perceptible structure ? space perceived ? pragmatic space) ? (topological layout ? model of dwelling), adapting it to the different perceptual stages of identification, approximation, access and internal path in relation to a “center”. Key words: rhetoric, phenomenology, existential space, topology.En este artículo se propone el modelado, a nivel de conocimiento, de la tarea de interpretación de la retórica existencial del espacio arquitectónico mediante la metodología de Ingeniería del Conocimiento Common-KADS. En el modelo se establecen las relaciones entre los componentes espacio-temporales de la existencia formulados en la fenomenología de Heidegger, los elementos topológicos de la estructura interna del espacio existencial teniendo en cuenta las teorías del lugar de Aguiló, Bollnow, Chuk y Norberg-Schulz, junto a los parámetros perceptivos de dichos elementos, y la estrategia retórica que enlaza el esquema topológico de la estructura externa e interna de un “centro” con el modelo de habitar, partiendo de Aristóteles, Barthes y Muntañola. Se utiliza un sistema de representación basado en multi-grafos etiquetados, modificación y mejora del modelo propuesto por Millán, que nos permite emparejar los sintagmas topológicos del esquema topológico al esquema existencial que caracteriza el modelo de habitar, a los que se les agrega las connotaciones de la estructura perceptible y el espacio percibido, partiendo de las teorías y modelos semióticos de Eco, Hjelmslev, Meissner, Morris, Mukarovsky, Scalvini y Peirce. Para obtener el conjunto de denotaciones y connotaciones agregadas se define la cadena perceptiva (estructura física ? espacio físico) ? (estructura perceptible ? espacio percibido ? espacio pragmático) ? (esquema topológico ? modelo de habitar), adecuándola a las diferentes etapas perceptivas de identificación y aproximación, acceso y recorrido interno en relación a un “centro”. Palabras clave: retórica, fenomenología, espacio existencial, topología

    Evaluación de dos aditivos antioxidantes naturales en la elaboración de mantequilla de semilla de marañón (Anacardium occidentale L.) y su efecto sobre la rancidez oxidativa y calidad sensorial

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    La investigación consistió, en la evaluación de mantequilla de semilla de marañón con adición de antioxidantes bajo tres tratamientos en estudio: T1 sin antioxidantes, T2 con Tocoferoles (25 mg/kg) y T3 con Lecitina de soya (10 g/kg), utilizando un diseño completamente al azar con seis repeticiones; con el objetivo de conocer el efecto de los aditivos antioxidantes naturales sobre la rancidez oxidativa y calidad sensorial del producto durante 180 días. El periodo de la investigación fue de diciembre de 2018 a julio de 2019 en la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de El Salvador. Para todos los tratamientos se utilizó semilla de marañón quebrada, aceite de oliva y panela molida; a excepción de T2 y T3, a los cuales se les adicionó antioxidantes. La mantequilla se procesó en molino de disco de 200 revoluciones por minuto, hasta obtener una pasta homogénea con un tamaño de partícula de aproximadamente 50 micras, y se depositó en frascos de vidrio de 225 gramos, almacenándolos en cajas de cartón a temperatura ambiente y bajo oscuridad total. Mensualmente a una muestra de cada tratamiento, se le determinó el índice de peróxido (IP) y cada dos meses se realizó una evaluación sensorial, mediante una prueba afectiva de aceptación, utilizando 30 panelistas, quienes calificaron el color, olor, sabor y textura. Los datos de las evaluaciones sensoriales, se analizaron de manera exploratoria a través del método multivariado por componentes principales y de manera confirmatoria por análisis de varianza y prueba estadística LSD Fisher con una probabilidad del 5%, utilizando Infostat versión estudiantil, con función R. Los valores de IP a los 120 días fueron no cuantificables (<0.2 meq/kg). La mantequilla mantuvo su estabilidad oxidativa durante todo el estudio debido a que los valores de IP detectados a los 150 y 180 días están bajo el límite permisible (10 meq/kg) definido por la norma para grasas y aceites comestibles del Codex Alimentarius. No hubo efecto de los tratamientos sobre los atributos sensoriales evaluados, manteniéndose la aceptación entre “ligeramente agradable” y “agradable”. Se encontró efectos significativos en el color y textura a los 180 días, siendo el color mejor evaluado, mientras que la textura disminuyó su nivel de agrado. Palabras claves: tocoferoles, lecitina de soya, índice de peróxido, mantequilla de semilla de marañón, análisis sensorial, atributos

    Genotypic tropism testing in proviral DNA to guide maraviroc initiation in aviremic subjects: 48‐week analysis of the PROTEST study

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    Introduction: In a previous interim 24‐week virological safety analysis of the PROTEST study [1], initiation of Maraviroc (MVC) plus 2 nucleoside reverse‐transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV‐1 DNA was associated with low rates of virological failure. Here we present the final 48‐week analysis of the study. Methods PROTEST was a phase 4, prospective, single‐arm clinical trial (ID: NCT01378910) carried on in 24 HIV care centres in Spain. Maraviroc‐naïve HIV‐1‐positive adults with HIV‐1 RNA (VL) 10% in a singleton), initiated MVC with 2 NRTIs and were followed for 48 weeks. Virological failure was defined as two consecutive VL>50 c/mL. Recent adherence was calculated as: (# pills taken/# pills prescribed during the previous week)*100. Results Tropism results were available from 141/175 (80.6%) subjects screened: 87/141 (60%) were R5 and 74/87 (85%) were finally included in the study. Their median age was 48 years, 16% were women, 31% were MSM, 36% had CDC category C at study entry, 62% were HCV+ and 10% were HBV+. Median CD4+ counts were 616 cells/mm3 at screening, and median nadir CD4+ counts were 143 cells/mm3. Previous ART included PIs in 46 (62%) subjects, NNRTIs in 27 (36%) and integrase inhibitors (INIs) in 1 (2%). The main reasons for treatment change were dyslipidemia (42%), gastrointestinal symptoms (22%), and liver toxicity (15%). MVC was given alongside TDF/FTC in 40 (54%) subjects, ABC/3TC in 30 (40%), AZT/3TC in 2 (3%) and ABC/TDF in 2 (3%). Sixty‐two (84%) subjects maintained VL<50 c/mL through week 48, whereas 12 (16%) discontinued treatment: two (3%) withdrew informed consent, one (1%) had a R5→X4 shift in HIV tropism between the screening and baseline visits, one (1%) was lost to follow‐up, one (1%) developed an ART‐related adverse event (rash), two (3%) died due to non‐study‐related causes (1 myocardial infarction at week 0 and 1 lung cancer at week 36), and five (7%) developed protocol‐defined virological failure, although two of them regained VL<50 c/mL with the same MVC regimen (Table 1). Conclusions Initiation of MVC plus 2 NRTIs in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV‐1 DNA is associated with low rates of virological failure up to one year

    Genotypic tropism testing in proviral DNA to guide maraviroc initiation in aviremic subjects: 48-week analysis of the PROTEST study

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    Introduction: In a previous interim 24-week virological safety analysis of the PROTEST study (1), initiation of Maraviroc (MVC) plus 2 nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA was associated with low rates of virological failure. Here we present the final 48-week analysis of the study. Methods: PROTEST was a phase 4, prospective, single-arm clinical trial (ID: NCT01378910) carried on in 24 HIV care centres in Spain. Maraviroc-naïve HIV-1-positive adults with HIV-1 RNA (VL) 10% in a singleton), initiated MVC with 2 NRTIs and were followed for 48 weeks. Virological failure was defined as two consecutive VL>50 c/mL. Recent adherence was calculated as: (# pills taken/# pills prescribed during the previous week)*100. Results: Tropism results were available from 141/175 (80.6%) subjects screened: 87/141 (60%) were R5 and 74/87 (85%) were finally included in the study. Their median age was 48 years, 16% were women, 31% were MSM, 36% had CDC category C at study entry, 62% were HCV+ and 10% were HBV+. Median CD4+ counts were 616 cells/mm(3) at screening, and median nadir CD4+ counts were 143 cells/mm(3). Previous ART included PIs in 46 (62%) subjects, NNRTIs in 27 (36%) and integrase inhibitors (INIs) in 1 (2%). The main reasons for treatment change were dyslipidemia (42%), gastrointestinal symptoms (22%), and liver toxicity (15%). MVC was given alongside TDF/FTC in 40 (54%) subjects, ABC/3TC in 30 (40%), AZT/3TC in 2 (3%) and ABC/TDF in 2 (3%). Sixty-two (84%) subjects maintained VL<50 c/mL through week 48, whereas 12 (16%) discontinued treatment: two (3%) withdrew informed consent, one (1%) had a R5→X4 shift in HIV tropism between the screening and baseline visits, one (1%) was lost to follow-up, one (1%) developed an ART-related adverse event (rash), two (3%) died due to non-study-related causes (1 myocardial infarction at week 0 and 1 lung cancer at week 36), and five (7%) developed protocol-defined virological failure, although two of them regained VL<50 c/mL with the same MVC regimen (Table 1). Conclusions: Initiation of MVC plus 2 NRTIs in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA is associated with low rates of virological failure up to one year

    Genotypic tropism testing in proviral DNA to guide maraviroc initiation in aviremic subjects: 48-week analysis of the PROTEST study

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    Introduction: In a previous interim 24-week virological safety analysis of the PROTEST study (1), initiation of Maraviroc (MVC) plus 2 nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA was associated with low rates of virological failure. Here we present the final 48-week analysis of the study. Methods: PROTEST was a phase 4, prospective, single-arm clinical trial (ID: NCT01378910) carried on in 24 HIV care centres in Spain. Maraviroc-naïve HIV-1-positive adults with HIV-1 RNA (VL) 10% in a singleton), initiated MVC with 2 NRTIs and were followed for 48 weeks. Virological failure was defined as two consecutive VL>50 c/mL. Recent adherence was calculated as: (# pills taken/# pills prescribed during the previous week)*100. Results: Tropism results were available from 141/175 (80.6%) subjects screened: 87/141 (60%) were R5 and 74/87 (85%) were finally included in the study. Their median age was 48 years, 16% were women, 31% were MSM, 36% had CDC category C at study entry, 62% were HCV+ and 10% were HBV+. Median CD4+ counts were 616 cells/mm(3) at screening, and median nadir CD4+ counts were 143 cells/mm(3). Previous ART included PIs in 46 (62%) subjects, NNRTIs in 27 (36%) and integrase inhibitors (INIs) in 1 (2%). The main reasons for treatment change were dyslipidemia (42%), gastrointestinal symptoms (22%), and liver toxicity (15%). MVC was given alongside TDF/FTC in 40 (54%) subjects, ABC/3TC in 30 (40%), AZT/3TC in 2 (3%) and ABC/TDF in 2 (3%). Sixty-two (84%) subjects maintained VL<50 c/mL through week 48, whereas 12 (16%) discontinued treatment: two (3%) withdrew informed consent, one (1%) had a R5→X4 shift in HIV tropism between the screening and baseline visits, one (1%) was lost to follow-up, one (1%) developed an ART-related adverse event (rash), two (3%) died due to non-study-related causes (1 myocardial infarction at week 0 and 1 lung cancer at week 36), and five (7%) developed protocol-defined virological failure, although two of them regained VL<50 c/mL with the same MVC regimen (Table 1). Conclusions: Initiation of MVC plus 2 NRTIs in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA is associated with low rates of virological failure up to one year

    Plant characterization of genetically modified maize hybrids MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-88Ø17-3, MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6, and MON-ØØ6Ø3-6: alternatives for maize production in Mexico

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    Environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) crops is a process to evaluate whether the biotechnology trait(s) in a GM crop may result in increased pest potential or harm to the environment. In this analysis, two GM insect-resistant (IR) herbicide-tolerant maize hybrids (MON-89Ø34-3 9 MON-88Ø17-3 and MON-89Ø34-3 9 MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) and one herbicide-tolerant GM hybrid (MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) were compared with conventional maize hybrids of similar genetic backgrounds. Two sets of studies, Experimental Phase and Pilot Phase, were conducted across five ecological regions (ecoregions) in Mexico during 2009–2013, and data were subject to meta-analysis. Results from the Experimental Phase studies, which were used for ERA, indicated that the three GM hybrids were not different from conventional maize for early stand count, days-tosilking, days-to-anthesis, root lodging, stalk lodging, or final stand count. Statistically significant differences were observed for seedling vigor, ear height, plant height, grain moisture, and grain yield, particularly in the IR hybrids; however, none of these phenotypic differences are expected to contribute to a biological or ecological change that would result in an increased pest potential or ecological risk when cultivating these GM hybrids. Overall, results from the Experimental Phase studies are consistent with those from other world regions, confirming that there are no additional risks compared to conventional maize. Results from Pilot Phase studies indicated that, compared to conventional maize hybrids, no differences were detected for the agronomic and phenotypic characteristics measured on the three GM maize hybrids, with the exception of grain moisture and grain yield in the IR hybrids. Since MON-89Ø34- 3 9 MON-88Ø17-3 and MON-89Ø34-3 9 MONØØ6Ø3- 6 confer resistance to target insect pests, they are an alternative for farmers in Mexico to protect the crop from insect damage. Additionally, the herbicide tolerance conferred by all three GM hybrids enables more cost-effective weed management

    Insectos como plagas potenciales del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) en El Salvador

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    The research was carried out in cocoa trees in El Salvador, identifying in the study more than 250 species of arthropods, of which few insect species can become cocoa pests (Theobroma cacao L.), when inappropriate use of synthetic agrochemicals is made and poor management of the crop, soil and environment. This article describes and provides photographs taken in the field and laboratory of insects that can become pests of the cocoa crop in El SalvadorEl trabajo de investigación fue desarrollado en cacaotales de El Salvador, identificando más de 250 especies de artrópodos, durante el estudio, de los cuales pocas especies de insectos se pueden convertir en plagas del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), cuando se hace un uso inadecuado de agroquímicos sintéticos y mal manejo del cultivo, suelo y ambiente. En este artículo se describen y se proporcionan fotografías tomadas en campo y laboratorio, de los insectos que pueden convertirse en plagas del cultivo de cacao en El Salvado

    Intensification of Antiretroviral Therapy with a CCR5 Antagonist in Patients with Chronic HIV-1 Infection: Effect on T Cells Latently Infected

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    Objective: The primary objective was to assess the effect of MVC intensification on latently infected CD4+ T cells in chronically HIV-1-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. Methods: We performed an open-label pilot phase II clinical trial involving chronically HIV-1-infected patients receiving stable antiretroviral therapy whose regimen was intensified with 48 weeks of maraviroc therapy. We analyzed the latent reservoir, the residual viremia and episomal 2LTR DNA to examine the relationship between these measures and the HIV-1 latent reservoir, immune activation, lymphocyte subsets (including effector and central memory T cells), and markers associated with bacterial translocation. Results: Overall a non significant reduction in the size of the latent reservoir was found (p = 0.068). A mean reduction of 1.82 IUPM was observed in 4 patients with detectable latent reservoir at baseline after 48 weeks of intensification. No effect on plasma residual viremia was observed. Unexpectedly, all the patients had detectable 2LTR DNA circles at week 24, while none of them showed those circles at the end of the study. No changes were detected in CD4+ or CD8+ counts, although a significant decrease was found in the proportion of HLA-DR+/CD38+ CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells. LPS and sCD14 levels increased. Conclusions: Intensification with MVC was associated with a trend to a decrease in the size of the latent HIV-1 reservoir in memory T cells. No impact on residual viremia was detected. Additional studies with larger samples are needed to confirm the results