2,621 research outputs found
Cultural Preservation of Ethnomedicine in Peru
In conjunction with the Minority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training program at San Diego State University, three Linfield students contributed to the ongoing Peru Ethnomedical Project in Trujillo, Peru by: Conducting surveys in two neighborhoods on the edge of the city; Creating a medicinal plant garden in the Chan Chan archaeological site museum.
Surveys conducted in Moche, Trujillo were part of a larger study supervised by anthropologists Douglas Sharon and Thomas Love. The research aims to evaluate the usage of medicinal plants in rural and urban Peruvian communities. Linfield’s contribution focused on the creation of the medicinal garden to serve as a community model and educational program. The overall purpose of the 2015 summer faculty collaborative project was to: Preserve the knowledge of these practices; Analyze the plant properties; Publish the information; Provide the community with a garden that reflects the commonly used plants; Educate new generations; Bring back and apply this knowledge in the Linfield community
Resultados a largo plazo del tratamiento de las fracturas de rótula mediante hemipatelectomia
Han sido revisadas retrospectivamente 48 fracturas de rótula tratadas mediante hemipatelectomía, con un seguimiento medio de 14,6 años. Para la valoración se han seguido criterios clínicos, radiológicos, subjetivos y de potencia del aparato extensor. El rango de movilidad de la extremidad intervenida es del 89%, la potencia del aparato extensor de 83% y la medición de la circunferencia del muslo del 97%, tomando como referencia la extremidad no intervenida. Encontramos un 45% de resultados excelentes, 39,58% de buenos resultados, 10,41% de resultados regulares y 4,16% de malos resultados. Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tipo de fractura, la edad de los pacientes, la existencia de patología previa en la rodilla, las lesiones asociadas a la fractura rotuliana por el traumatismo y el resultado final obtenido. A la vista de estos resultados podemos concluir que la hemipatelectomía es una técnica eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de fracturas de rótula.A retrospective stydy was made of 48 patellar fractures who were threated with a hemipatellectomy. The mean time of follow-up was 14,6 years. The results were assessed with use of clinical, radiological, subjective and isokinetic quadriceps strength-testing criteria. The mean active range of motion was 89%, the strength of quadriceps was 83% and the circumference of the thigh was 97% of these measurements in the contralateral extremity. The over-all results was rated as excellent in 45,83%, dood in 39,58%, fair in 10,41% and poor in 4,16%. There was a significant statistical correlation between the type of fracture, the previous patology in the knee, the associated lesions caused by trauma and the outcome. The results of this study indicate that hemipatellectomy can be an effective and secure treatment for selected patellar fractures
Estudio prospectivo de profilaxis ambulatoria con sulodexida después de una artroplastia total de cadera o rodilla
La falta de continuidad en el tratamiento profiláctico ambulatorio se muestra como una de las causas determinantes en la aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el primer mes tras el alta hospitalaria. La dificultad de administración por parte del paciente de las heparinas de bajo peso molecular y la diferencia de preocupación entre los médicos de Atención Primaria y los Servicios especializados por el problema tromboembólico son algunas de las causas de esta discontinuidad. Se realiza un estudio prospectivo sobre 221 pacientes intervenidos de prótesis total de cadera y rodilla con la finalidad de estudiar los resultados obtenidos con el tratamiento profiláctico mediante Sulodexida, un fármaco que une a sus propiedades antitrombóticas la comodidad de la administración vía oral. Se encontró una respuesta satisfactoria sin aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el 98,8% del grupo que completó el tratamiento (n=164), frente al 21% de complicaciones que presentó el grupo que no completó el estudio.The discontinous thromboprophylaxis is a determinant cause in the presence of thromboembolic complications in the first month after hospital discharge. The difficult administration of the low -molecular- weight heparin by the patient and the different preoccupation for this problem between the Primary Care and the orthopedics specialists are the causes that incite to discontinous thromboprophylaxis. A prospective study was made of 221 patients who undergoing a total hip arthroplasty or a total knee arthroplasty and the objective was to investigate the incidence of venous thrombosis in the patients who were treated with oral sulodexide in the first month after hospital discharge. We analized the efficacy and the secondary effects of sulodexide. There were satisfactory results in 98,8% of patients who were treated with sulodexide (1,2% of venous complications), and 21% of venous complications in the group of patients who did not continue the thromboprophylactic treatment
Integración de las construcciones rurales en el paisaje: encuestas y conclusiones
Design and integration of rural buildings in landscape: surveys and conclusions. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by its characteristics of colour, form, line and texture. Any elements of compositive reference such as its scale and spatial character could also be added. This research applies a new method for predicting the value of the integration of buildings into the landscape, based on psychological aspects and the capacities of modern computers that are able to analyse easily these attributes. The designer can analyse the visual elements, all of them divided and studied in the properties that define them
Buildings environmental impact assessment: simulation of textures
To study the construction as modifying of the environment and by so much as aesthetic attribute of the scene should know in what aspect influences. The physical resources of the landscape will be very seemed before and after the incorporation of a project (quality of content). Therefore they will be mainly the new composition of the elements (communicative quality) and the aesthetic resources (quality aesthetics) on those which will influence the constructions. The different points of view election will remain settled with the simulation by infographic photocomposition. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by their characteristic of color, form, line and texture. It could be also added any elements of compositive reference as are its scale and being tried to stages, as is the case of the landscape, its spatial character. In this article we will center ourselves in one of these attributes: the texture. The different textures vision is crucial in the communication. The simulation of the landscapte has suffered a great impulse with the treatment of the photograph. This method admits various alternatives. It can be analyzed the taken image of the reality such which, or deducting some of its parts, adding some other element originating from the same or of other scene, or including constructions designed in CAD. The great advance, for the investigation of the visual perception, is procured in the composition using the landscape as fund and a construcion created through a design program attended by ordering. This step supposes great alternatives variability and a rapid generation of the same. Settled the great problem to obtain to compatibilize the points of view of the panorama and of the superposed performance and climinated by photographic treatment the properties of the surfaces that tent to be smooth and metalized brilliants. The reflections and conclusions of the texture emerge with speed. They are analyzed in the study the different simulations with different textures
Virtual Reality system for freely-moving rodents
Spatial navigation, active sensing, and most cognitive functions rely on a tight link between motor output and sensory input. Virtual reality (VR) systems simulate the sensorimotor loop, allowing flexible manipulation of enriched sensory input. Conventional rodent VR systems provide 3D visual cues linked to restrained locomotion on a treadmill, leading to a mismatch between visual and most other sensory inputs, sensory-motor conflicts, as well as restricted naturalistic behavior. To rectify these limitations, we developed a VR system (ratCAVE) that provides realistic and low-latency visual feedback directly to head movements of completely unrestrained rodents. Immersed in this VR system, rats displayed naturalistic behavior by spontaneously interacting with and hugging virtual walls, exploring virtual objects, and avoiding virtual cliffs. We further illustrate the effect of ratCAVE-VR manipulation on hippocampal place fields. The newly-developed methodology enables a wide range of experiments involving flexible manipulation of visual feedback in freely-moving behaving animals
Las nuevas construcciones ante la conservación del paisaje tradicional: un acercamiento a su estudio en el Páramo Leonés
Los paisajes se encuentran salpicados de numerosas edificaciones que influyen en la visualización que se tiene
de ellos. Las construcciones rurales son un tipo de edificio
que, por sus dimensiones y localización, influyen notablemente en la apreciación estética de la escena. Es
notoria la importancia creciente en nuestro país del paisaje
como recurso natural y, por tanto, de las construcciones
como factor que afecta a la belleza paisajística. La sociedad en general, y los técnicos y proyectistas en
particular, deberían tener en cuenta que la elección de
los materiales de construcción, el emplazamiento y las
relaciones de texturas y colores son consideraciones
primordiales para el diseño de edificios rurales. Son
elementos que intervienen en la conservación de los ecosistemas y en la potenciación del turismo rural, una de
las principales vías económicas para muchas regiones
Autonomous on-board data processing and instrument calibration software for the SO/PHI
The extension of on-board data processing capabilities is an attractive
option to reduce telemetry for scientific instruments on deep space missions.
The challenges that this presents, however, require a comprehensive software
system, which operates on the limited resources a data processing unit in space
allows. We implemented such a system for the Polarimetric and Helioseismic
Imager (PHI) on-board the Solar Orbiter (SO) spacecraft. It ensures autonomous
operation to handle long command-response times, easy changing of the processes
after new lessons have been learned and meticulous book-keeping of all
operations to ensure scientific accuracy. This contribution presents the
requirements and main aspects of the software implementation, followed by an
example of a task implemented in the software frame, and results from running
it on SO/PHI. The presented example shows that the different parts of the
software framework work well together, and that the system processes data as we
expect. The flexibility of the framework makes it possible to use it as a
baseline for future applications with similar needs and limitations as SO/PHI.Comment: Conference: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentatio, Software
and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy
El presente artículo resume el estado del arte de las redes VANET como una extensión de las redes MANET, por tener características particulares en cuanto a la forma de construir topologías que cambian dinámicamente en el tiempo, en tal sentido, se proponen los argumento para que en futuros trabajos de investigación, se haga un análisis no desde el punto vista de simulación, sino desde el punto de vista matemático para que se desarrolle a través de cadenas de Markov, ya que la construcción de redes VANET corresponde o puede verse como un proceso estocástico discreto, que puede ser analizado matemáticamente por medio de dichas cadenas, con el fin de garantizar una entrega confiable de paquetes de información entre vehículos los cuales están entrando y saliendo constantemente dentro de la topología de red
Las nuevas construcciones antes la conservación del paisaje: un acercamiento a su estudio. Caso particular del páramo leonés
El paisaje es un recurso natural que cada vez aparece considerado con mayor profusión en la redacción de proyectos, y que debe ser protegido y conservado ante la construcción de Intervenciones antrópicas. Por tanto, el impacto visual ha de ser estudiado como una parte primordial en los estudios generales de impacto ambiental. Las nuevas tecnologías deben contribuir a ello proporcionando herramientas informáticas que realicen simulaciones y reproducciones de la realidad con alto grado de fidelidad
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