
Buildings environmental impact assessment: simulation of textures


To study the construction as modifying of the environment and by so much as aesthetic attribute of the scene should know in what aspect influences. The physical resources of the landscape will be very seemed before and after the incorporation of a project (quality of content). Therefore they will be mainly the new composition of the elements (communicative quality) and the aesthetic resources (quality aesthetics) on those which will influence the constructions. The different points of view election will remain settled with the simulation by infographic photocomposition. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by their characteristic of color, form, line and texture. It could be also added any elements of compositive reference as are its scale and being tried to stages, as is the case of the landscape, its spatial character. In this article we will center ourselves in one of these attributes: the texture. The different textures vision is crucial in the communication. The simulation of the landscapte has suffered a great impulse with the treatment of the photograph. This method admits various alternatives. It can be analyzed the taken image of the reality such which, or deducting some of its parts, adding some other element originating from the same or of other scene, or including constructions designed in CAD. The great advance, for the investigation of the visual perception, is procured in the composition using the landscape as fund and a construcion created through a design program attended by ordering. This step supposes great alternatives variability and a rapid generation of the same. Settled the great problem to obtain to compatibilize the points of view of the panorama and of the superposed performance and climinated by photographic treatment the properties of the surfaces that tent to be smooth and metalized brilliants. The reflections and conclusions of the texture emerge with speed. They are analyzed in the study the different simulations with different textures

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