73 research outputs found

    Zinc in sediment - an environmental quality standard overview

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    The overall aim of the proposed report was to develop an Environmental Quality Standard overview for zinc in marine and freshwater sediments, including to propose threshold values of zinc in these two compartments. In addition, the proposed threshold values were compared to measured zinc concentrations from monitoring data in freshwater and marine sediments

    Arsenic in sediment - an environmental quality standard overview

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    The overall aim of the proposed report was to develop an Environmental Quality Standard overview for arsenic in marine and freshwater sediments, including to propose threshold values of arsenic in these two compartments. In addition, the proposed threshold values were compared to measured arsenic concentrations from Swedish monitoring data in freshwater and marine sediments

    Copper as a HELCOM core indicator

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    Part 1: Sources, environmental concentrations and state assessments in the Baltic SeaPart 2: EQS derivation for copper in sedimen

    Vad är ohövligt beteende på den svenska arbetsplatsen?

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    The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate how the phenomenon of workplace incivility is experienced amongst Swedish employees and to define the concept of workplace incivility within a Swedish context. The study was carried out using semi-structured interviews on six participants from southern Sweden. Five main themes were identified through thematic analysis; intention, power, impact, expectation and respect. The analysis concludes that a definition of workplace incivility should be focused on the victim’s subjective experience. The offender´s intention with workplace incivility can be both conscious and unconscious, which can cause the victim to experience the intent as ambiguous. This carries some resemblance to Anderson and Pearson’s (1999) definition. However, we do find that there are differences which could be due to variations in local work cultures as well as interpretation methods. The result shows a difference in the importance of incivility intensity and intention depending on the relationship between the offender and the victim. Finally we find that a definition adapted to a Swedish context increases the understanding of the phenomenon.Syftet med föreliggande kandidatuppsats var att med en explorativ ansats undersöka hur fenomenet ohövlighet upplevs bland svenska arbetstagare samt att definiera begreppet utifrån en svensk kontext. Undersökningen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer av 6 deltagare från södra Sverige. Fem huvudtema identifierades genom tematisk analys: intention, makt, påverkan, förväntningar och respekt. Av analysen drogs slutstasen att en definition av ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen bör ha fokus på den subjektiva upplevelsen hos offret. Intentionen av ohövlighet kan vara såväl medveten och omedveten, vilket gör att offret kan uppleva intentionen som otydlig. Vår definition överensstämmer i stort sett med Andersson och Pearsons definition (1999) dock finns det en avgörande skillnad som kan vara kulturellt bunden eller bero på en annorlunda tolkning av fenomenet. Resultatet visar en skillnad på betydelsen av intensitet och intention beroende på vilken relation utövaren har till offret. En definition som är anpassad till en svensk kontext gör att förståelsen för fenomenet ökar

    Simulator för el- och värmeproduktion

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    In this project a simulator has been developed (in C++) with the purpose of illustrating how changes in environmental regulations, tax levels and other policy measures affect the composition of an energy system. The aim of the project was to investigate how energy companies’ investment strategies are affected when changes in economic and environmental conditions occur. A standard scenario has been created based on current Swedish conditions, but the user can create new scenarios and set parameters freely. The user is tasked with building power plants to supply the city/region with district heating and electricity during a pre-set number of years. When the simulation is finished the result is graded in the following categories: economy, environment and quality. To evaluate the simulator three scenarios were created (“early 20th century”, “reduced environmental control” and “future”) in addition to the standard scenario and these were compared with each other by examining how a select group of power plants perform under the given conditions. In the tests cost of electricity (COE) and environmental grade for each power plant were documented.För att enkelt kunna se hur förändringar av miljöregler, skattenivåer och andra styrmedel påverkar uppbyggnaden av ett energisystem har en simulator framställts i programmerings-språket C++. Målet var att undersöka hur energibolagens investeringsstrategier kan påverkas av förändringar i ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar. Ett grundscenario är framtaget som baseras på svenska data och i den inbyggda editorn kan egna scenarion definieras. I ett givet scenario ska användaren genom att bygga kraftverk tillgodose en stads (eller regions) el- och värmebehov under ett förutbestämt antal år. Efter körningen betygsätts simuleringsresultatet utifrån följande tre bedömningskategorier: ekonomi, miljö och kvalitet. För att utvärdera simulatorn skapades tre scenarion (”tidigt 1900-tal”, ”reducerad miljökontroll” och ”framtid”) utöver grundscenariot och testkörningar gjordes. I dessa tre scenarion förändrades styrmedel, miljökostnader och bränslepriser för att se hur dessa parametrar påverkar produktionskostnad av el (cost of electricity, COE) och miljöbetyg

    Professional Bureaucracy and Health Care Managers’ Planned Change Strategies: Governance in Swedish Health Care

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    To increase efficiency and quality, process development has been implemented in many Swedish hospitals. These hospitals are usually organized as professional bureaucracies in which health care managers have limited decision control. The new governance principles has been implemented without removing bureaucratic elements. This study analyzes how managers implement planned change in these professional bureaucracies, considering if managers coaching style, organizational preconditions, implementation strategy, appraisal of change and clinic autonomy, is associated with health care process quality (HPQ). The study is based on interviews with health care managers and longitudinal assessments of HPQ. The results revealed significant differences between coaching style, organizational preconditions, and HPQ over time. The conclusion is that leadership and preconditions is of importance for the health care manager’s ability to work with planned change, as that the health care managers understand how management methods, governance principles, and professional bureaucracies work in practice

    Comparing emissions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and metals from marine fuels and scrubbers

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    In January 2020, new global regulations were implemented to limit the maximum sulphur content in marine fuels. As an alternative to switch to compliant fuels, the regulations allow for installations of exhaust gas cleaning systems, e.g. scrubbers, that enables a continued use of less expensive heavy fuel oils (HFOs). Characterization of scrubber discharge water shows that the acidified water also becomes enriched with contaminants, and large quantities of metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are thus being discharged directly to the marine environment. When emissions of contaminants to the atmosphere and the marine environment are evaluated simultaneously, the results show that HFO, with scrubbers installed, generates higher emission factors of both metals and PAHs compared to MGO. This highlights the importance of including both the marine and the atmospheric perspective when comparing environmental loads and impact of contaminants from shipping

    Professional Bureaucracy and Health Care Managers’ Planned Change Strategies: Governance in Swedish Health Care

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    To increase efficiency and quality, process development has been implemented in many Swedish hospitals. These hospitals are usually organized as professional bureaucracies in which health care managers have limited decision control. The new governance principles has been implemented without removing bureaucratic elements. This study analyzes how managers implement planned change in these professional bureaucracies, considering if managers coaching style, organizational preconditions, implementation strategy, appraisal of change and clinic autonomy, is associated with health care process quality (HPQ). The study is based on interviews with health care managers and longitudinal assessments of HPQ. The results revealed significant differences between coaching style, organizational preconditions, and HPQ over time. The conclusion is that leadership and preconditions is of importance for the health care manager’s ability to work with planned change, as that the health care managers understand how management methods, governance principles, and professional bureaucracies work in practice

    A vidéki táj használatában bekövetkezett változások társadalmi reakciók tükrében

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    Kutatásunk alapvető célja a hazai vidéki táj használatában bekövetkezett változások vizsgálata, valamint az ezzel kapcsolatos társadalmi reakciók feltárása. Ennek során azt kívánjuk elsősorban megvizsgálni a Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park példáján, hogy a táj kezelése során milyen módon és eszközökkel törekedtek a korábbi mezőgazdasági művelés területeinek művelési ág váltására, és a természetközeli állapotok visszaállítására, illetve e folyamatban milyen eredményeket értek el. A téma időszerűségét az is jelzi, hogy az elmúlt év végén a védett területek kb. 20 %-át a Nemzeti Földalap kezelésébe adta az állam, tehát sorsuk a természetvédelem szempontjából újra bizonytalanná válhat