1,100 research outputs found

    Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein is necessary for H-2-restricted lysis of infected cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes

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    Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) elicited cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes (CTLs) in mice of the BALB/c and three congenic strains (BALB.b, BALB.k, BALB.HTG). CTL lysis of VSV-infected fibroblasts from the four strains was restricted by the target cells' major histocompatibility complex (H-2). Target cells were also infected with two temperature-sensitive mutants of VSV, tsM and tsG in which, respectively, the viral matrix protein and glycoprotein are not expressed at 39 degrees (restrictive temperature) on the infected cell's surface membrane. At the restrictive temperature, cells infected with wild-type VSV or tsM were lysed by CTLs, but cells infected with tsG were not. The requirement for the glycoprotein on the target cell was also evident from the ability of antisera to the glycoprotein to block completely CTL lysis of VSV-infected cells

    Gilbert, The Filbert

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    If You Could Care : Song

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    Synthetic phospholipid vesicles containing a purified viral antigen and cell membrane proteins stimulate the development of cytotoxic T lymphocytes

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    Synthetic phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) containing the purified glycoprotein (G) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and solubilized membrane proteins from cells of the appropriate H-2 haplotype elicited H-2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that lysed VSV-infected target cells. The CTL were elicited by intact liposomes, not by released components. Thus, when spleen cells from VSV-primed H-2d X H- 2b hybrid mice were stimulated with liposomes having G protein + membrane proteins from cells with one of the parental H-2 haplotypes, the resulting CTL lysed only VSV-infected target cells with that parent's H-2 type. This result argues against the view that T cells in general recognize only processed antigenic fragments on macrophages. Moreover, liposomes were only effective when G protein and cell membrane proteins were included in the same vesicles. This result suggests that for effective interaction with CTL precursors the antigen (G protein) and products of the H-2 complex must be closer to each other than 600-1,000 angstrom, the diameter of the lipid vesicles used in this study

    In A Boat : For Two

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    Ice-Borehole Probe

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    An instrumentation system has been developed for studying interactions between a glacier or ice sheet and the underlying rock and/or soil. Prior borehole imaging systems have been used in well-drilling and mineral-exploration applications and for studying relatively thin valley glaciers, but have not been used for studying thick ice sheets like those of Antarctica. The system includes a cylindrical imaging probe that is lowered into a hole that has been bored through the ice to the ice/bedrock interface by use of an established hot-water-jet technique. The images acquired by the cameras yield information on the movement of the ice relative to the bedrock and on visible features of the lower structure of the ice sheet, including ice layers formed at different times, bubbles, and mineralogical inclusions. At the time of reporting the information for this article, the system was just deployed in two boreholes on the Amery ice shelf in East Antarctica and after successful 2000 2001 deployments in 4 boreholes at Ice Stream C, West Antarctica, and in 2002 at Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska. The probe is designed to operate at temperatures from 40 to +40 C and to withstand the cold, wet, high-pressure [130-atm (13.20-MPa)] environment at the bottom of a water-filled borehole in ice as deep as 1.6 km. A current version is being outfitted to service 2.4-km-deep boreholes at the Rutford Ice Stream in West Antarctica. The probe (see figure) contains a sidelooking charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera that generates both a real-time analog video signal and a sequence of still-image data, and contains a digital videotape recorder. The probe also contains a downward-looking CCD analog video camera, plus halogen lamps to illuminate the fields of view of both cameras. The analog video outputs of the cameras are converted to optical signals that are transmitted to a surface station via optical fibers in a cable. Electric power is supplied to the probe through wires in the cable at a potential of 170 VDC. A DC-to-DC converter steps the supply down to 12 VDC for the lights, cameras, and image-data-transmission circuitry. Heat generated by dissipation of electric power in the probe is removed simply by conduction through the probe housing to the visible features of the lower structure of the ice sheet, including ice layers formed at different times, bubbles, and mineralogical inclusions. At the time of reporting the information for this article, the system was just deployed in two boreholes on the Amery ice shelf in East Antarctica and after successful 2000 2001 deployments in 4 boreholes at Ice Stream C, West Antarctica, and in 2002 at Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska. The probe is designed to operate at temperatures from 40 to +40 C and to withstand the cold, wet, high-pressure [130-atm (13.20-MPa)] environment at the bottom of a water-filled borehole in ice as deep as 1.6 km. A current version is being outfitted to service 2.4-km-deep boreholes at the Rutford Ice Stream in West Antarctica. The probe (see figure) contains a sidelooking charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera that generates both a real-time analog video signal and a sequence of still-image data, and contains a digital videotape recorder. The probe also contains a downward-looking CCD analog video camera, plus halogen lamps to illuminate the fields of view of both cameras. The analog video outputs of the cameras are converted to optical signals that are transmitted to a surface station via optical fibers in a cable. Electric power is supplied to the probe through wires in the cable at a potential of 170 VDC. A DC-to-DC converter steps the supply down to 12 VDC for the lights, cameras, and image-datatransmission circuitry. Heat generated by dissipation of electric power in the probe is removed simply by conduction through the probe housing to the visible features of the lower structure of the ice sheet, including ice layers formed at different times, bubbles, and mineralogical inclusions. At thime of reporting the information for this article, the system was just deployed in two boreholes on the Amery ice shelf in East Antarctica and after successful 2000 2001 deployments in 4 boreholes at Ice Stream C, West Antarctica, and in 2002 at Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska. The probe is designed to operate at temperatures from 40 to +40 C and to withstand the cold, wet, high-pressure [130-atm (13.20-MPa)] environment at the bottom of a water-filled borehole in ice as deep as 1.6 km. A current version is being outfitted to service 2.4-km-deep boreholes at the Rutford Ice Stream in West Antarctica. The probe (see figure) contains a sidelooking charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera that generates both a real-time analog video signal and a sequence of still-image data, and contains a digital videotape recorder. The probe also contains a downward-looking CCD analog video camera, plus halogen lamps to illuminate the fields of view of both cameras. The analog video outputs of the cameras are converted to optical signals that are transmitted to a surface station via optical fibers in a cable. Electric power is supplied to the probe through wires in the cable at a potential of 170 VDC. A DC-to-DC converter steps the supply down to 12 VDC for the lights, cameras, and image-datatransmission circuitry. Heat generated by dissipation of electric power in the probe is removed simply by conduction through the probe housing to the adjacent water and ice

    Identifikasi Potensi Alam Desa Dulangeya Sebagai Kawasan Wisata Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Identification of the Natural Potential of Dulangeya Village as a Tourism Area Using Geographic Information Systems)

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    - Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Dulangeya Kecamatan Botumoito Kabupaten Boalemo. Desa Dulangeya merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Botumoito yang memiliki Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai obyek daya tarik wisata alam. Potensi alam tersebut berupa sumber mata air panas, mangrove dan pesisir pantai berpasir putih berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi alam di Desa Dulangeya menjadi kawasan wisata dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi SIG. Metode dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara dan observasi yaitu metode yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan potensi alam di Desa Dulangeya yang akan dijadikan sebagai kawasan wisata dan dianalisis secara spasial dan skoring. Hasil analisis spasial berdasarkan peta tutupan lahan, peta lereng dan peta geologi menunjukan bahwa Desa Dulangeya memiliki tutupan lahan (hutan mangrove primer, hutan mangrove sekunder, pertanian lahan kering, pertanian lahan kering bercampur semak/belukar), tataran geologi aluvium dan granodiorit serta kemiringan lereng yang berkisar antara 2-5% dan 5-15%. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis skoring untuk setiap kriteria penilian adalah daya tarik (94,44%), aksesibilitas (70,83%), akomodasi (33,33%) serta sarana dan prasana (70%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis spasial dan analisis skoring menunjukkan bahwa Desa Dulangeya merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Botumoito yang memiliki potensi SDA yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu obyek wisata alam. Kata Kunci: Potensi Alam, Wisata, Desa Dulangeya, SI

    Artificial insemination of dairy cows

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references