16 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Regulasi dan Perlindungan Hukum atas Privasi Data Pasien di Tiga Negara Asia Tenggara (Indonesia, Singapura, dan Laos)

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    Legislation and legal protection of patient data privacy in e-health systems in Indonesia, Singapore, and Laos will be compared in this study. The present analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the regulatory framework, identifies challenges, and suggests future directions to improve patient data privacy of patient. The findings reveal that while all three countries have established laws and regulatory bodies to address patient data privacy, Singapore stands out for its comprehensive and robust framework. Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), backed by effective enforcement measures, addresses several different data protection and privacy rights issues. While efforts have been made by Indonesia and Laos to regulate patient data privacy, there is still room for improvement, particularly in enforcement methods and compliance with international standards. Identified challenges include limited resources, awareness and compliance gaps, cybersecurity risks, and cross-border data sharing. Some directions for the future include strengthening enforcement mechanisms, increasing international collaboration to harmonize data protection standards, promoting data governance and accountability within healthcare organizations, increasing public awareness and empowering patients, and continuously evaluating and adapting regulatory frameworks to address evolving risks and technological advancements

    Implementation of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient as Feature Extraction using K-Nearest Neighbor for Emotion Detection Based on Voice Intonation

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    Purpose: To determine emotions based on voice intonation by implementing MFCC as a feature extraction method and KNN as an emotion detection method.Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the data used was downloaded from several video podcasts on YouTube. Some of the methods used in this study are pitch shifting for data augmentation, MFCC for feature extraction on audio data, basic statistics for taking the mean, median, min, max, standard deviation for each coefficient, Min max scaler for the normalization process and KNN for the method classification.Findings/result: Because testing is carried out separately for each gender, there are two classification models. In the male model, the highest accuracy was obtained at 88.8% and is included in the good fit model. In the female model, the highest accuracy was obtained at 92.5%, but the model was unable to correctly classify emotions in the new data. This condition is called overfitting. After testing, the cause of this condition was because the pitch shifting augmentation process of one tone in women was unable to solve the problem of the training data size being too small and not containing enough data samples to accurately represent all possible input data values.Originality/value/state of the art: The research data used in this study has never been used in previous studies because the research data is obtained by downloading from Youtube and then processed until the data is ready to be used for research

    Tuning the photophysical features of self-assembling photoactive polypeptides for light-harvesting

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    The LH1 complex is the major light-harvesting antenna of purple photosynthetic bacteria. Its role is to capture photons, and then store them and transfer the excitation energy to the photosynthetic reaction center. The structure of LH1 is modular and it cooperatively self-assembles from the subunits composed of short transmembrane polypeptides that reversibly bind the photoactive cofactors: bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid. LH1 assembly, the intra-complex interactions and the light-harvesting features of LH1 can be controlled in micellar media by varying the surfactant concentration and by adding carotenoid and/or a co-solvent. By exploiting this approach, we can manipulate the size of the assembly, the intensity of light absorption, and the energy and lifetime of its first excited singlet state. For instance, via the introduction of Ni-substituted bacteriochlorophyll into LH1, the lifetime of this electronic state of the antenna can be shortened by almost three orders of magnitude. On the other hand, via the exchange of carotenoid, light absorption in the visible range can be tuned. These results show how in a relatively simple self-assembling pigment-polypeptide system a sophisticated functional tuning can be achieved and thus they provide guidelines for the construction of bio-inspired photoactive nanodevices

    Kinetika Reaksi Alkyd Resin Termodifikasi Minyak Jagung dengan Asam Phtalat Anhidrat

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    Reaksi esterifikasi anhidrida phtalat dengan monogliserida merupakan reaksi kondensasi membentuk polimer dengan rantai linier. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kinetika reaksi alkid resin termodifikasi minyak jagung tanpa menggunakan katalis. Proses penelitian ada dua tahap yaitu tahap pertama reaksi alkoholisis dan tahap kedua reaksi esterifikasi. Tahap alkoholisis diawali dengan mereaksikan minyak jagung dan gliserol dengan perbandingan molar 1:2 pada suhu 250°C. Sampel diambil pada selang waktu 30 menit selama 3 jam untuk dianalisis kadar gliserol bebasnya dengan metode iodometri (FBI-AO2-03). Tahap esterifikasi adalah mencampurkan anhidrida phtalat ke dalam reaktor batch dengan perbandingan molar gliserol : anhidrida phtalat 3:2. Sampel dianalisis kadar gugus OH- dengan metode asetat anhidrida. Peubah-ubah yang dipelajari meliputi variasi suhu dari 230°C – 260°C dan variasi perbandingan ekivalen OH/COOH dari 1 – 1,25. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diambil kesimpulan bahwa minyak jagung dan gliserol dapat dialkoholisis tanpa menggunakan katalis pada kisaran suhu 230°C – 260°C. Pengaruh suhu terhadap konstanta kecepatan reaksi dinyatakan dengan persamaan Arrhenius adalah sebagai berikut : k1=1,4647×104 exp (-8237,7/T) (g/mgek.men) k4=2,1398×109 exp (-14142/T) (g/mgek.men) Kata kunci: alkoholisis, esterifikasi, minyak jagung, gliserol, anhidrida phtalat Esterification of phthalic anhydrate with monoglyceride is a condensation reaction to form a linear chain polymer. The present work aimed at investigating reaction kinetics of alkyd resin modified with corn oil in the absence of catalyst. The work consisted of two steps i.e. alcoholysis and esterification. In the alcoholysis step, corn oil and glycerol were brought into reaction with a molar ratio of 1:2 at 250°C. Every 30 minutes during 3 hour reaction, reaction products were sampled to analyse the remaining free glycerol by iodometry method (FBI-AO2-03). In the esterification step, phthalic anhydrate was put in the batch reactor with a glycerol-phthalic anhydrate molar of 3:2. Samples were taken and the hydroxyl ions were analysed by acetate anhydrate method. The variables investigated in the present work were reaction temperatures varied from 230°C to 260°C and equivalent OH/COOH ratio from 1 to 1.25. Experimental results showed that alcoholysis of corn oil and glycerol could be carried out in a temperature range of 230°C to 260°C without the presence of catalyst. The effect of temperature on the reaction rate constant of monoglyceride and phthalic ester formation could be respectively written in the Arrhenius correlations as follows: k1 = 1.4647.104 exp (-8237.7/T) g/mgeq.min k4 = 2.1398.109 exp (-14142/T) g/mgeq.min Keywords: alcoholysis, esterification, corn oil, glycerol, phthalic anhydrat

    Improvement of Catalyst Activity in Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion via Metal (Sr/La) Impregnation over ZSM-5 Catalyst

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    The use of methanol over ZSM-5 and modified catalysts for the production of light olefins has emerged as an effective new strategy for this industry. In the methanol-to-olefin (MTO) process, the challenges are maintaining product selectivity and prolonging the lifetime of the catalyst catalyst manufacturing become.  The effect of strontium (Sr) and lanthanum (La) impregnated over the ZSM-5 catalyst on MTO conversion was investigated in this study. The results showed that the metals impregnated on ZSM-5 had influenced its acidity strength and improved catalyst activity and lifetime in the MTO process. When a metal strontium of 5 wt.% was impregnated, the quantity of Bronsted acid sites (BAS) in the parent ZSM-5 was reduced to 81.53%. The catalyst 5La-ZSM-5 modified improved the selectivity of light olefin ca. 88% and high conversion methanol 100% for 15 h time-on-stream. The sequence of catalyst activity was 5La-ZSM-5 > 3La-ZSM-5 > 5Sr-ZSM-5 > 3Sr-ZSM-5 > parent-ZSM-5. The role of metal (Sr/La) impregnated over ZSM-5 is important for reducing acidity and prolonging activity catalyst from 7 to 14 h

    Distribusi Berat Molekul Alkyd Resin Termodifikasi Minyak Jagung

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    Reaksi esterifikasi anhidrida ftalat dengan monogliserida merupakan reaksi kondensasi membentuk polimer dengan rantai linier. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh suhu dan perbandingan konsentrasi reaktan terhadap derajat polimerisasi alkid resin. Proses penelitian ada dua tahap : tahap pertama reaksi alkoholisis antara minyak jagung dan gliserol, dan tahap kedua reaksi esterifikasi antara monogliserida dengan anhidrida ftalat. Proses alkoholisis dan esterifikasi dijalankan secara batch dalam labu leher tiga, yang dilengkapi dengan pengaduk merkuri, jaket pemanas, thermometer. Tahap alkoholisis diawali dengan mereaksikan minyak jagung dan gliserol dengan perbandingan molar 1:2 pada suhu 2500C. Suhu 2500C tercapai sampel diambil dengan interval 30 menit selama 3 jam untuk dianalisis kadar gliserol bebasnya dengan metode iodometri. Tahap esterifikasi adalah mencampurkan anhidrida ftalat ke dalam reaktor batch yang berisi produk alkoholisis dengan perbandingan molar gliserol : anhidrida ftalat 3:2. Suhu esterifikasi dijaga tetap pada 2500C. Sampel diambil dengan interval 15 menit selama 75 menit untuk dianalisis kadar gugus OH- dengan metode asetat anhidrida. Peubah-ubah yang dipelajari meliputi variasi suhu dari 2300C -2600C pada perbandingan ekivalen OH/COOH 1:1, serta variasi perbandingan ekivalen OH/COOH dari 1 – 1,25 pada suhu tetap 2500C. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diambil kesimpulan bahwa derajat polimerisasi berbanding lurus dengan suhu dan perbandingan konsentrasi reaktan


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    HERIYANTO B41111070 [email protected] ABSTRACT This study attempts to know: ( 1 ) the influence motivation quality against interest students accounting FE UNTAN for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, ( 2 ) the influence motivation career to interest students accounting FE UNTAN for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, ( 3 ) the influence motivation to students economic interest accounting FE UNTAN for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, ( 4 ) the influence perception the a study of interest students accounting FE UNTAN for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, ( 5 ) the influence perception the cost of education to interest students accounting FE UNTAN for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, ( 6 ) the influence motivation the quality, the influence of motivation career, the influence of motivation economic, the influence of perception study period, and influence the cost of education together to interest students accounting FE UNTAN to continue S2 accounting. This research using sample 100 people student accounting FE UNTAN still active until academic year 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , and 2015 , better than regular regular A and B .Sample obtained in incidental sampling .Lab data obtained using a questionnaire and then analyzed use regression analysis double by using SPSS version 22 . Which a conclusion can be obtained from the study is the variable motivation the quality and motivation economic significant on variables interest students for continuing their studies to S2 accounting, while motivation career , perception study period and perception the cost of education not significant on variables interest students to continue our to S2 accounting. keyword: interest students continuing their studies to S2 accounting, motivation the quality , motivation career , motivation economic , perception study period , perception the cost of education . ABSTRAK     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh Motivasi kualitas terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, (2) Pengaruh Motivasi karir terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, (3) Pengaruh Motivasi ekonomi terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, (4) Pengaruh persepsi masa studi terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, (5) Pengaruh persepsi biaya pendidikan terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, (6) Pengaruh Motivasi kualitas, pengaruh motivasi karir, pengaruh motivasi ekonomi, pengaruh persepsi Masa Studi, dan pengaruh biaya pendidikan secara bersama-sama terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UNTAN untuk melanjutkan S2 akuntansi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel 100 orang mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi UNTAN yang masih aktif sampai tahun akademik 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, dan 2015, baik dari reguler A maupun reguler B. Sampel diperoleh secara incidental sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan selanjutnya dianalisis mengunakan analisis regresi ganda dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 22. Kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah variabel motivasi kualitas dan motivasi ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel minat mahasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, sedangkan motivasi karir, persepsi masa studi dan persepsi biaya pendidikan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel minat mahasiswa untuk melanjutkan sudi ke S2 akuntansi. Kata kunci: minat mahasiswa melanjutkan studi ke S2 akuntansi, motivasi kualitas, motivasi karir, motivasi ekonomi, persepsi masa studi, persepsi biaya pendidikan

    Keanekaragaman Mangrove dan Sediaan Karbonnya di Kepulauan Lepar Pongok, Bangka Selatan

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    Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai bulan September 2017 bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang keragaman, potensi jenis dan kandungan karbon pada hutan mangrove, di Kepulauan Lepar Pongok, Bangka Selatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pusposive sampling, setiap lokasi dibuat sepuluh plot contoh ukuran 10m x 10 m jarak antar plot 50 m, dalam plot tersebut dibuat sub plot ukuran 5 m x 5 m untuk tingkat belta dan 2 m x 2 m untuk tingkat semai. Hasil penelitian di lokasi tersebut didominasi oleh Rhizophora mucronata Blume, Rhizophora apiculata Blume, Bruguiera cylindrica W.et.A., dan Sonneratia caseolaris (L) Engl. dengan kerapatan masing-masing 886 pohon/ha, 626 pohon/ha, 495 pohon/ha dan 263 pohon/ha. Regenerasi hutan mangrove di lokasi penelitian cukup baik, untuk jenis Sonneratia caseolaris (L) Engl. regenerasinya tidak sempurna yaitu tidak terdapat di tingkat belta. Rhizophora mucronata Blume mempunyai biomassa sebesar 146,75 ton/ha diikuti oleh jenis Rhizophora apiculata Blume sebesar 102,25 ton/ha dan Bruguiera cylindrica W.et.A. sebesar 98,42 ton/ha. Total biomassa di lokasi penelitian sebesar 387,51 ton/ha. Biomassa hutan mangrove berdasarkan jenis di Kepulauan Lepar Pongok didominir jenis Rhizophora mucronata Blume sebesar 358,62 ton/ha (setara 179,31 ton C/ha atau 658,07 ton CO2/ha)

    The effect of temperature and time of extraction on the quality of Semi Refined Carrageenan (SRC)

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    Euchema cottonii is a good source of kappa-carrageenan and can be found cultivated in the Indonesia coastal areas in which one of them is in Banten Province. Carrageenans have many applications and are utilized in human food and pet-food industry. Carrageenans are also utilized in non-food industry such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, printing and textile formulations. Hence, the present study features on the cooking process cooking time and cooking temperature. The effects of these parameters on carrageenan quality such as gel viscosity and gel strength were studied. The process of extraction of carrageenan was conducted with variations temperature: 60, 70, and 80 °C and the variation of time: 1, 2, and 3 hours. Alkaline substance used was KOH with 8% concentration and the ratio of solvent to dry seaweed 8:1. From the present investigation, it was observed that SRC extraction reached the best condition at temperature 70 °C for 2 hours with the value of yield 30.20%, 5.90% moisture content, 18.34% ash content, sulfate content of 6.94%, viscosity of 190 cP, and the gel strength 714.45 g / cm2. The treatment of temperature and extraction time significantly affected the quality of the SRC yield parameter, viscosity and gel strength