3,765 research outputs found

    Profiles of Strong Permitted Lines in Classical T Tauri Stars

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    We present a spectral analysis of 30 T Tauri stars observed with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph over more than a decade. One goal is to test magnetospheric accretion model predictions. Observational evidence previously published supporting the model, such as emission line asymmetry and a high frequency of redshifted absorption components, are considered. We also discuss the relation between different line forming regions and search for good accretion rate indicators. In this work we confirm several important points of the models, such as the correlation between accretion and outflow, broad emission components that are mostly central or slightly blueshifted and only the occasional presence of redshifted absorption. We also show, however, that the broad emission components supposedly formed in the magnetospheric accretion flow only partially support the models. Unlike the predictions, they are sometimes redshifted, and are mostly found to be symmetric. The published theoretical profiles do not have a strong resemblance to our observed ones. We emphasize the need for accretion models to include a strong turbulent component before their profiles will match the observations. The effects of rotation, and the outflow components, will also be needed to complete the picture.Comment: 25 pages including 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    A Variational Approach to the Spinless Relativistic Coulomb Problem

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    By application of a straightforward variational procedure we derive a simple, analytic upper bound on the ground-state energy eigenvalue of a semirelativistic Hamiltonian for (one or two) spinless particles which experience some Coulomb-type interaction.Comment: 7 pages, HEPHY-PUB 606/9

    Sulphur-bearing molecules in diffuse molecular clouds: new results from SOFIA/GREAT and the IRAM 30 m telescope

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    We have observed five sulphur-bearing molecules in foreground diffuse molecular clouds lying along the sight-lines to five bright continuum sources. We have used the GREAT instrument on SOFIA to observe the 1383 GHz 2Π3/2J=5/2−3/2^2\Pi_{3/2} J=5/2-3/2 transitions of SH towards the star-forming regions W31C, G29.96-0.02, G34.3+0.1, W49N and W51, detecting foreground absorption towards all five sources; and the EMIR receivers on the IRAM 30m telescope at Pico Veleta to detect the H2_2S 1(10)-1(01), CS J=2-1 and SO 3(2)-2(1) transitions. In nine foreground absorption components detected towards these sources, the inferred column densities of the four detected molecules showed relatively constant ratios, with N(SH)/N(H2_2S) in the range 1.1 - 3.0, N(CS)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.32 - 0.61, and N(SO)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.08 - 0.30. The observed SH/H2_2 ratios - in the range (0.5-2.6) ×10−8\times 10^{-8} - indicate that SH (and other sulphur-bearing molecules) account for << 1% of the gas-phase sulphur nuclei. The observed abundances of sulphur-bearing molecules, however, greatly exceed those predicted by standard models of cold diffuse molecular clouds, providing further evidence for the enhancement of endothermic reaction rates by elevated temperatures or ion-neutral drift. We have considered the observed abundance ratios in the context of shock and turbulent dissipation region (TDR) models. Using the TDR model, we find that the turbulent energy available at large scale in the diffuse ISM is sufficient to explain the observed column densities of SH and CS. Standard shock and TDR models, however, fail to reproduce the column densities of H2_2S and SO by a factor of about 10; more elaborate shock models - in which account is taken of the velocity drift, relative to H2_2, of SH molecules produced by the dissociative recombination of H3_3S+^+ - reduce this discrepancy to a factor ~ 3.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    First astronomical detection of the CF+ ion

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    We report the first astronomical detection of the CF+ (fluoromethylidynium) ion obtained by recent observations of its J = 1 - 0 (102.6 GHz), J = 2 - 1 (205.2 GHz), and J = 3 - 2 (307.7 GHz) pure rotational emissions toward the Orion Bar. Our search for CF+, carried out using the IRAM 30m and APEX 12m telescopes, was motivated by recent theoretical models that predict CF+ abundances of a few x E-10 in UV-irradiated molecular regions where C+ is present. The measurements confirm the predictions. They provide support for our current theories of interstellar fluorine chemistry, which suggest that hydrogen fluoride should be ubiquitous in interstellar gas clouds.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (uses iaus.sty), to appear in IAU Symposium No. 231, Astrochemistry - Recent Successes and Current Challenges, eds. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake & E. Herbst (Cambridge Univ. Press

    The matrix factorisations of the D-model

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    The fundamental matrix factorisations of the D-model superpotential are found and identified with the boundary states of the corresponding conformal field theory. The analysis is performed for both GSO-projections. We also comment on the relation of this analysis to the theory of surface singularities and their orbifold description.Comment: 23 pages, LaTe

    The LBT Panoramic View on the Recent Star-Formation Activity in IC2574

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    We present deep imaging of the star-forming dwarf galaxy IC2574 in the M81 group taken with the Large Binocular Telescope in order to study in detail the recent star-formation history of this galaxy and to constrain the stellar feedback on its HI gas. We identify the star-forming areas in the galaxy by removing a smooth disk component from the optical images. We construct pixel-by-pixel maps of stellar age and stellar mass surface density in these regions by comparing their observed colors with simple stellar populations synthesized with STARBURST99. We find that an older burst occurred about 100 Myr ago within the inner 4 kpc and that a younger burst happened in the last 10 Myr mostly at galactocentric radii between 4 and 8 kpc. We analyze the stellar populations residing in the known HI holes of IC2574. Our results indicate that, even at the remarkable photometric depth of the LBT data, there is no clear one-to-one association between the observed HI holes and the most recent bursts of star formation in IC2574. The stellar populations formed during the younger burst are usually located at the periphery of the HI holes and are seen to be younger than the holes dynamical age. The kinetic energy of the holes expansion is found to be on average 10% of the total stellar energy released by the stellar winds and supernova explosions of the young stellar populations within the holes. With the help of control apertures distributed across the galaxy we estimate that the kinetic energy stored in the HI gas in the form of its local velocity dispersion is about 35% of the total stellar energy.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Pre-main sequence variable stars in young open cluster NGC 1893

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    We present results of multi-epoch (fourteen nights during 2007-2010) VV-band photometry of the cluster NGC 1893 region to identify photometric variable stars in the cluster. The study identified a total of 53 stars showing photometric variability. The members associated with the region are identified on the basis of spectral energy distribution, J−H/H−KJ-H/H-K two colour diagram and V/V−IV/V-I colour-magnitude diagram. The ages and masses of the majority of pre-main-sequence sources are found to be â‰Č\lesssim 5 Myr and in the range 0.5 â‰Č\lesssim M/M⊙M/M_{\odot} â‰Č\lesssim 4, respectively. These pre-main-sequence sources hence could be T Tauri stars. We also determined the physical parameters like disk mass and accretion rate from the spectral energy distribution of these T Tauri stars. The periods of majority of the T Tauri stars range from 0.1 to 20 day. The brightness of Classical T Tauri stars is found to vary with larger amplitude in comparison to Weak line T Tauri stars. It is found that the amplitude decreases with increase in mass, which could be due to the dispersal of disks of massive stars.Comment: 15pages, 16 figures and 5 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Performance of ePix10K, a high dynamic range, gain auto-ranging pixel detector for FELs

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    ePix10K is a hybrid pixel detector developed at SLAC for demanding free-electron laser (FEL) applications, providing an ultrahigh dynamic range (245 eV to 88 MeV) through gain auto-ranging. It has three gain modes (high, medium and low) and two auto-ranging modes (high-to-low and medium-to-low). The first ePix10K cameras are built around modules consisting of a sensor flip-chip bonded to 4 ASICs, resulting in 352x384 pixels of 100 ÎŒ\mum x 100 ÎŒ\mum each. We present results from extensive testing of three ePix10K cameras with FEL beams at LCLS, resulting in a measured noise floor of 245 eV rms, or 67 e−^- equivalent noise charge (ENC), and a range of 11000 photons at 8 keV. We demonstrate the linearity of the response in various gain combinations: fixed high, fixed medium, fixed low, auto-ranging high to low, and auto-ranging medium-to-low, while maintaining a low noise (well within the counting statistics), a very low cross-talk, perfect saturation response at fluxes up to 900 times the maximum range, and acquisition rates of up to 480 Hz. Finally, we present examples of high dynamic range x-ray imaging spanning more than 4 orders of magnitude dynamic range (from a single photon to 11000 photons/pixel/pulse at 8 keV). Achieving this high performance with only one auto-ranging switch leads to relatively simple calibration and reconstruction procedures. The low noise levels allow usage with long integration times at non-FEL sources. ePix10K cameras leverage the advantages of hybrid pixel detectors with high production yield and good availability, minimize development complexity through sharing the hardware, software and DAQ development with all other versions of ePix cameras, while providing an upgrade path to 5 kHz, 25 kHz and 100 kHz in three steps over the next few years, matching the LCLS-II requirements.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    No Drama: Key Elements to the Success of an HIV/STI-Prevention Mass-Media Campaign

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    We qualitatively examined gay men’s reactions to the national “Drama Downunder” HIV/STI social marketing campaign targeting gay men in Australia to identify key campaign elements that underpinned the demonstrated effectiveness of the campaign. We present findings from six qualitative focus groups held with 49 participants as part of the evaluation of the sexual-health-promotion campaign over 2008–2009. Participants identified attention-grabbing images, a humorous approach, positive and simple tailored messaging, and the use of mainstream media as campaign features crucial in normalizing sexual health testing, driving campaign engagement, and ensuring high message exposure. Our results suggest that designers of future campaigns should strive to balance positive and negative campaign images and messages, and find new ways to engage men with sexual health topics, particularly younger gay men. We discuss the implications of our findings about campaign effectiveness for future health-promotion campaigns and message design
