18 research outputs found

    Diagnostiquer la proximité perçue en vente directe de produits alimentaires

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    Assessing the perceived proximity in direct selling of food products In line with the Editorial of DĂ©cisions Marketing "Is proximity a new marketing trend?", the aim of this article is to question the managerial relevance of the concept of proximity within the context of direct selling of food products. Through empirical studies in three supply chains - French CSA (AMAP), farm shops and direct selling on markets- we show the interest of assessing perceived proximity since it has a positive influence on consumers trust towards the studied supply chains and allows to discriminate them. The relevance of the concept of proximity being supported, recommendations are then emphasized on two points: which kinds of proximity to encourage and how to enhance proximity in food direct selling.Dans le prolongement de l'Ă©ditorial de DĂ©cisions Marketing : " La proximitĂ© est-elle une nouvelle mode du marketing ? ", cet article interroge la pertinence managĂ©riale du concept de proximitĂ© en vente directe de produits alimentaires. Via des Ă©tudes empiriques menĂ©es dans trois circuits - l'AMAP, le Point de Vente Collectif et le marchĂ© - nous montrons qu'il est pertinent de diagnostiquer la proximitĂ© perçue par les consommateurs car elle influence positivement la confiance Ă  l'Ă©gard des circuits Ă©tudiĂ©s et permet de les discriminer. Une fois l'intĂ©rĂȘt du concept dĂ©montrĂ©, des recommandations sont formulĂ©es autour de deux interrogations : quels types de proximitĂ© encourager et comment dĂ©velopper la proximitĂ© perçue en vente directe

    Pyroséquençage pour le développement d'EST et de SNP aviaires

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    Le but du programme est de combler les dĂ©ficits en marqueurs observĂ©s pour trois espĂšces aviaires : la caille, le canard et la poule. La stratĂ©gie choisie est l'obtention, Ă  partir de plusieurs individus de lignĂ©es d'intĂ©rĂȘt, de SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, polymorphisme d'un nuclĂ©otide) par une nouvelle technologie de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit (sĂ©quenceur 454 GS-FLX, Roche). Nous sĂ©quençons des reprĂ©sentations rĂ©duites du gĂ©nome, en sĂ©lectionnant d'une part des fragments de restriction d'ADN gĂ©nomique - les mĂȘmes chez tous les individus - et d'autre part les transcrits qui reprĂ©sentent globalement la partie du gĂ©nome correspondant aux gĂšnes exprimĂ©s. Ces expĂ©rimentations sont rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  partir d'Ă©chantillons d'ADN ou d'ARN issus d'individus de lignĂ©es Ă  l'origine de croisements existants, pour chacune des trois espĂšces. Les donnĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par plusieurs "runs" de sĂ©quence seront traitĂ©es in silico : contigage Ă  haut dĂ©bit, recherche de SNP, comparaison avec les banques de sĂ©quences connues...En plus de l'intĂ©rĂȘt que reprĂ©sente la production d'un trĂšs grand nombre de SNP nouveaux, cette technologie devrait permettre de mieux sĂ©quencer les rĂ©gions riches en (G+C) correspondant aux plus petits des microchromosomes pour lesquels il n'y a pas de sĂ©quence chez la poule. La comparaison des sĂ©quences des transcrits obtenues chez la caille et le canard avec la sĂ©quence du gĂ©nome de la poule permettra d'Ă©tablir une "cartographie virtuelle" des SNP obtenus, grĂące Ă  la grande conservation de syntĂ©nie existant entre ces trois espĂšces

    Les effets de la mention d’origine gĂ©ographique locale sur les perceptions alimentaires

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    International audienceCette recherche examine l’impact de la mention d’origine locale sur les perceptions et l’intention d’achat des produits alimentaires. Elle met par ailleurs en Ă©vidence le mĂ©canisme psychologique spĂ©cifique Ă  l’origine locale expliquant ces effets. Deux expĂ©rimentations, rĂ©alisĂ©es sur 632 consommateurs au total, montrent qu’un fromage (Ă©tude 1) et une pomme (Ă©tude 2) sont perçus comme Ă©tant plus sains, meilleurs au goĂ»t, plus respectueux de l’environnement et du travail des agriculteurs quand ils sont prĂ©sentĂ©s comme Ă©tant des produits locaux (versus nationaux ou issus d’une autre « rĂ©gion »). L’intention d’achat est Ă©galement plus Ă©levĂ©e quand les produits portent la mention d’origine locale. L’étude 2 montre que ces effets peuvent ĂȘtre expliquĂ©s par la thĂ©orie des niveaux de reprĂ©sentations. Le produit local est perçu comme Ă©tant plus proche spatialement et psychologiquement par le consommateur, qui peut ainsi imaginer plus concrĂštement la maniĂšre dont il a Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ© ou prĂ©paré ; ce qui influence positivement les perceptions et l’intention d’achat. Ces effets sont mesurĂ©s sur des produits qui ne sont pas typiques du territoire. Ils perdurent quel que soit le niveau d’identitĂ© locale de la personne qui Ă©value le produit

    Low-dose pesticide mixture induces accelerated mesenchymal stem cells aging in vitro

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    International audienceThe general population is chronically exposed to multiple environmental contaminants such as pesticides. We have previously demonstrated that human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) exposed in vitro to low doses of a mixture of seven common pesticides showed a permanent phenotype modification with a specific induction of an oxidative stress-related senescence. Pesticide mixture also induced a shift in MSC differentiation toward adipogenesis. We thus hypothesized that common combination of pesticides may induce a premature cellular aging of adult MSC. Our goal was to evaluate if the prolonged exposure to pesticide mixture could accelerate aging-related markers and in particular deteriorate the immunosuppressive properties of MSCs. MSC exposed to pesticide mixture, under long-term culture and obtained from aging donor were compared by bulk RNA sequencing analysis. Aging, senescence and immunomodulatory markers were compared. The protein expression of cellular aging-associated metabolic markers and of immune function of MSC were analyzed. Functional analysis of the secretome impact on immu-nomodulatory properties of MSC was realized after 21-days exposure to pesticide mixture. The RNA sequencing analysis of MSC exposed to pesticide showed some similarities with cells from prolonged culture, but also with the MSCs of an aged donor. Metabolic markers MDH1, GOT, SIRT3, associated with cellular aging were modified, and altered active T cells regulation, cyto-kines production modifications (IL-10, IL-6, CCL2, TGFÎČ), usually associated with cellular aging, were also observed. A functional profile modified were found with similarities with aging process. STEM CELLS ;9999:00-0

    Low-dose pesticide mixture induces accelerated mesenchymal stem cells aging in vitro

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    International audienceThe general population is chronically exposed to multiple environmental contaminants such as pesticides. We have previously demonstrated that human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) exposed in vitro to low doses of a mixture of seven common pesticides showed a permanent phenotype modification with a specific induction of an oxidative stress-related senescence. Pesticide mixture also induced a shift in MSC differentiation toward adipogenesis. We thus hypothesized that common combination of pesticides may induce a premature cellular aging of adult MSC. Our goal was to evaluate if the prolonged exposure to pesticide mixture could accelerate aging-related markers and in particular deteriorate the immunosuppressive properties of MSCs. MSC exposed to pesticide mixture, under long-term culture and obtained from aging donor were compared by bulk RNA sequencing analysis. Aging, senescence and immunomodulatory markers were compared. The protein expression of cellular aging-associated metabolic markers and of immune function of MSC were analyzed. Functional analysis of the secretome impact on immu-nomodulatory properties of MSC was realized after 21-days exposure to pesticide mixture. The RNA sequencing analysis of MSC exposed to pesticide showed some similarities with cells from prolonged culture, but also with the MSCs of an aged donor. Metabolic markers MDH1, GOT, SIRT3, associated with cellular aging were modified, and altered active T cells regulation, cyto-kines production modifications (IL-10, IL-6, CCL2, TGFÎČ), usually associated with cellular aging, were also observed. A functional profile modified were found with similarities with aging process. STEM CELLS ;9999:00-0

    Low concentrations of ethylene bisdithiocarbamate pesticides maneb and mancozeb impair manganese and zinc homeostasis to induce oxidative stress and caspase-dependent apoptosis in human hepatocytes

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    The worldwide and intensive use of phytosanitary compounds results in environmental and food contamination by chemical residues. Human exposure to multiple pesticide residues is a major health issue. Considering that the liver is not only the main organ for metabolizing pesticides but also a major target of toxicities induced by xenobiotics, we studied the effects of a mixture of 7 pesticides (chlorpyrifos-ethyl, dimethoate, diazinon, iprodione, imazalil, maneb, mancozeb) often detected in food samples. Effects of the mixture was investigated using metabolically competent HepaRG cells and human hepatocytes in primary culture. We report the strong cytotoxicity of the pesticide mixture towards hepatocytes-like HepaRG cells and human hepatocytes upon acute and chronic exposures at low concentrations extrapolated from the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of each compound. Unexpectedly, we demonstrated that the manganese (Mn)-containing dithiocarbamates (DTCs) maneb and mancozeb were solely responsible for the cytotoxicity induced by the mixture. The mechanism of cell death involved the induction of oxidative stress, which led to cell death by intrinsic apoptosis involving caspases 3 and 9. Importantly, this cytotoxic effect was found only in cells metabolizing these pesticides. Herein, we unveil a novel mechanism of toxicity of the Mn-containing DTCs maneb and mancozeb through their metabolization in hepatocytes generating the main metabolite ethylene thiourea (ETU) and the release of Mn leading to intracellular Mn overload and depletion in zinc (Zn). Alteration of the Mn and Zn homeostasis provokes the oxidative stress and the induction of apoptosis, which can be prevented by Zn supplementation. Our data demonstrate the hepatotoxicity of Mn-containing fungicides at very low doses and unveil their adverse effect in disrupting Mn and Zn homeostasis and triggering oxidative stress in human hepatocytes

    Evidences of a Direct Relationship between Cellular Fuel Supply and Ciliogenesis Regulated by Hypoxic VDAC1-ΔC

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    International audienceMetabolic flexibility is the ability of a cell to adapt its metabolism to changes in its surrounding environment. Such adaptability, combined with apoptosis resistance provides cancer cells with a survival advantage. Mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) has been defined as a metabolic checkpoint at the crossroad of these two processes. Here, we show that the hypoxia-induced cleaved form of VDAC1 (VDAC1-ΔC) is implicated in both the up-regulation of glycolysis and the mitochondrial respiration. We demonstrate that VDAC1-ΔC, due to the loss of the putative phosphorylation site at serine 215, concomitantly with the loss of interaction with tubulin and microtubules, reprograms the cell to utilize more metabolites, favoring cell growth in hypoxic microenvironment. We further found that VDAC1-ΔC represses ciliogenesis and thus participates in ciliopathy, a group of genetic disorders involving dysfunctional primary cilium. Cancer, although not representing a ciliopathy, is tightly linked to cilia. Moreover, we highlight, for the first time, a direct relationship between the cilium and cancer cell metabolism. Our study provides the first new comprehensive molecular-level model centered on VDAC1-ΔC integrating metabolic flexibility, ciliogenesis, and enhanced survival in a hypoxic microenvironmen

    Projet de pyroséquençage pour le développement d'EST et de SNP aviaires.

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but du programme est de combler les dĂ©ficits en marqueurs observĂ©s pour trois espĂšces aviaires : la caille, le canard et la poule. La stratĂ©gie choisie est l'obtention, Ă  partir de plusieurs individus de lignĂ©es d'intĂ©rĂȘt, de SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, polymorphisme d'un nuclĂ©otide) par une nouvelle technologie de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit (sĂ©quenceur 454 GS-FLX, Roche). Nous sĂ©quençons des reprĂ©sentations rĂ©duites du gĂ©nome, en sĂ©lectionnant d'une part des fragments de restriction d'ADN gĂ©nomique - les mĂȘmes chez tous les individus - et d'autre part les transcrits qui reprĂ©sentent globalement la partie du gĂ©nome correspondant aux gĂšnes exprimĂ©s. Ces expĂ©rimentations sont rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  partir d'Ă©chantillons d'ADN ou d'ARN issus d'individus de lignĂ©es Ă  l'origine de croisements existants, pour chacune des trois espĂšces. Les donnĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par plusieurs "runs" de sĂ©quence seront traitĂ©es in silico : contigage Ă  haut dĂ©bit, recherche de SNP, comparaison avec les banques de sĂ©quences connues... En plus de l'intĂ©rĂȘt que reprĂ©sente la production d'un trĂšs grand nombre de SNP nouveaux, cette technologie devrait permettre de mieux sĂ©quencer les rĂ©gions riches en (G+C) correspondant aux plus petits des microchromosomes pour lesquels il n'y a pas de sĂ©quence chez la poule. La comparaison des sĂ©quences des transcrits obtenues chez la caille et le canard avec la sĂ©quence du gĂ©nome de la poule permettra d'Ă©tablir une "cartographie virtuelle" des SNP obtenus, grĂące Ă  la grande conservation de syntĂ©nie existant entre ces trois espĂšces. ABSTRACT The aim of the project is to fill the lack in markers observed for three avian species (quail, duck and poultry). The chosen strategy is to obtain, by using individuals from several lines of interest, SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) by a high-throughput sequencing technology (sequencer 454 GS-FLX, Roche). Two reduced representations of the genome are sequenced: size-selected digested genomic DNA and transcriptome, which globally represents the part of the genome corresponding to the expressed genes. These experiments are realized from samples of DNA or RNA from individuals of lines from existing crosses, for each species. The data generated by several sequencing runs will be in silico analyzed. Besides the interest of the production of a very large number of new SNP, this technology should allow to sequence GC rich regions corresponding to the smallest microchromosomes for which there is no sequence in chicken. The comparison of the transcriptome sequences in quail and duck with the chicken genome assembly will allow to establish a "virtual cartography" of the obtained SNP, thanks to the synteny conservation existing between these three avian species