523 research outputs found

    Machine learning for crystal identification and discovery

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    As computers get faster, researchers -- not hardware or algorithms -- become the bottleneck in scientific discovery. Computational study of colloidal self-assembly is one area that is keenly affected: even after computers generate massive amounts of raw data, performing an exhaustive search to determine what (if any) ordered structures occur in a large parameter space of many simulations can be excruciating. We demonstrate how machine learning can be applied to discover interesting areas of parameter space in colloidal self assembly. We create numerical fingerprints -- inspired by bond orientational order diagrams -- of structures found in self-assembly studies and use these descriptors to both find interesting regions in a phase diagram and identify characteristic local environments in simulations in an automated manner for simple and complex crystal structures. Utilizing these methods allows analysis methods to keep up with the data generation ability of modern high-throughput computing environments.Comment: Fixed typo, added missing acknowledgment, added supplementary informatio

    Model Pembelajaran Asam Basa Berbasis Scs (Science Process Skills) Melalui Kegiatan Laboratorium Sebagai Wahana Pendidikan Sains Siswa Mts

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkenal- kan dan mengetahui efektivitas Model Pembelajaran SCS ( Science Process Skills ) melalui kegiatan Laboratorium Sebagai Wahana Pendidikan Sains yang cocok bagi siswa MTs agar meningkatkan: penguasaan konsep kimia, ke- mampuan berpikir kreatif, dan keterampilan sains siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kelas, dan difokuskan pada pokok bahasan asam basa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu MTs Negeri di kota Semarang dengan subyek sebanyak 40 siswa kelas III. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi model pembelaja- ran, soal-soal tes, pedoman wawancara, pedoman obser- vasi dan angket, sedang LKS digunakan pada saat kegiatan laboratorium. Dalam model pembelajaran dikembangkan empat jenis konsep yaitu konsep kongkret, konsep yang menyatakan sifat, konsep yang melibatkan penggambaran simbol, dan konsep berdasarkan prinsip. Model pembela- jaran ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep pada setiap kelompok kemampuan siswa, mengembangkan ke- mampuan berpikir kreatif dengan hasil tertinggi pada as- pek membangun konsep di atas pengetahuan yang telah ada pada diri siswa dan terendah pada aspek memilih hal- hal yang mungkin tidak relevan, serta keterampilan sains mengatasi kurangnya waktu pembelajaran, bagian-bagian pembelajaran tertentu dapat dilaksanakan di luar jam ke- las

    A Broadband Superabsorber at Optical Frequencies: Design and Demonstration

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    Metasurface based super absorbers exhibit near unity absorbance. While the absorption peak can be tuned by the geometry/size of the sub-wavelength resonator, broadband absorption can be obtained by placing multiple resonators of various size or shapes in a unit cell. Metal dispersion hinders high performance broadband absorption at optical frequencies and careful designing is essential to achieve good structures. We propose a novel analytical framework for designing a broadband super absorber which is much faster than the time consuming full wave simulations that are employed so far. Analytical expressions are derived for the wavelength dependency of the design parameters, which are then used in the optimization of broadband absorption. Numerical simulations report an average polarization-independent absorption of ~97 in the 450 to 950 nm spectral region with a near unity absorption (99.36) in the 500 to 850 nm region. Experimentally, we demonstrate an average absorption over 98 in the 450 to 950 nm spectral region at 20 degree incident angle The designed super absorber is polarization insensitive and has a weak launch angle dependency. The proposed framework simplifies the design process and provides a quicker optimal solution for high performance broadband super absorbers

    Crystalline Assemblies and Densest Packings of a Family of Truncated Tetrahedra and the Role of Directional Entropic Forces

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    Polyhedra and their arrangements have intrigued humankind since the ancient Greeks and are today important motifs in condensed matter, with application to many classes of liquids and solids. Yet, little is known about the thermodynamically stable phases of polyhedrally-shaped building blocks, such as faceted nanoparticles and colloids. Although hard particles are known to organize due to entropy alone, and some unusual phases are reported in the literature, the role of entropic forces in connection with polyhedral shape is not well understood. Here, we study thermodynamic self-assembly of a family of truncated tetrahedra and report several atomic crystal isostructures, including diamond, {\beta}-tin, and high- pressure lithium, as the polyhedron shape varies from tetrahedral to octahedral. We compare our findings with the densest packings of the truncated tetrahedron family obtained by numerical compression and report a new space filling polyhedron, which has been overlooked in previous searches. Interestingly, the self-assembled structures differ from the densest packings. We show that the self-assembled crystal structures can be understood as a tendency for polyhedra to maximize face-to-face alignment, which can be generalized as directional entropic forces.Comment: Article + supplementary information. 23 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Fabrication of polyhedral particles from spherical colloids and their self-assembly into rotator phases

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    Particle shape is a critical parameter that plays an important role in self-assembly, for example, in designing targeted complex structures with desired properties. In the last decades an unprecedented range of monodisperse nanoparticle systems with control over the shape of the particles have become available. In contrast, the choice of micron-sized colloidal building blocks of particles with flat facets, i.e., particles with polygonal shapes, is significantly more limited. This can be attributed to the fact that, contrary to nanoparticles, the larger colloids are significantly harder to synthesize as single crystals. Herein, we demonstrate that the simplest building block, such as the micron-sized polymeric spherical colloidal particle, is already enough to fabricate particles with regularly placed flat facets, including completely polygonal shapes with sharp edges. As an illustration that the yields are high enough for further self-assembly studies we demonstrate the formation of 3D rotator phases of fluorescently labelled, micron-sized and charged rhombic dodecahedron particles. Our method for fabricating polyhedral particles opens a new avenue for designing new materials.Comment: 5 pages, published in Angewandte Chemie International Editio

    Heterogeneous Catalysis through Microcontact Printing

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    Here, we investigate four different chemical pathways (Scheme 1a–d) relevant to the Cu-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction.[13] Three of those pathways lead to surfaces functionalized with organic molecules.[5, 11, 14] At the outset, our practical goal was to identify surface-functionalization protocols that are capable of attaining 1) spatial selectivity, 2) high surface coverage, and 3) rapid reaction kinetics. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a fundamental understanding of how different reaction pathways influence the chemical outcome as it applies to the organic functionalization of surfaces

    First Synthesis of Continuous Mesoporous Copper Films with Uniformly Sized Pores by Electrochemical Soft Templating

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    Although mesoporous metals have been synthesized by electrochemical methods, the possible compositions have been limited to noble metals (e.g., palladium, platinum, gold) and their alloys. Herein we describe the first fabrication of continuously mesoporous Cu films using polymeric micelles as soft templates to control the growth of Cu under sophisticated electrochemical conditions. Uniformly sized mesopores are evenly distributed over the entire film, and the pore walls are composed of highly crystalized Cu. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei