741 research outputs found

    Rejoinder to Discussion of "A Tale of Two Datasets: Representativeness and Generalisability of Inference for Samples of Networks''

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    This rejoinder responds to discussions by of Caimo, Niezink, and Schweinberger and Fritz of ''A Tale of Two Datasets: Representativeness and Generalisability of Inference for Samples of Networks'' by Krivitsky, Coletti, and Hens, all published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association in 2023.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Karakteristik Surimi Yang Dibuat Dari Hasil Pencucian Daging Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis L) Dengan Air Dingin (± 4ºc)

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    This research intended to study the effect of washing period of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis L) meat with cold water to the chemical and physical properties of surimi. The functional properties of surimi was tested either by physical or chemical analysis. In this study we measured folding test, texture and fat content. A complete randomized design were designated for this study with washing period as a treatment ( 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 min). The average value of folding test were 2.2, 2.6, 3.0, 3.8 and 4.6, respectively. There is an increment of folding test value as the washing period increased. The average value of the texture analysis were 3.0, 3.8, 4.4, 5.1 and 5.9. Likewise, the longer the washing time, the firmer the texture. However, as the washing period increased, the fat content of surimi tend to decrease

    Mutu Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis L) Asap Yang Direndam Dengan Larutan Kulit Buah Manggis (Gracinia Mangostana Linn).

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of smoked skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis L) smoke pre-treated in a solution of mangosteen peel with a concentration of 3, 4 and 5%, with various soaking time, then stored and observed at 0, 3, 6, and 9 days. The results showed that the highest value of total plate count (TPC) was found in the fish sample storage for 9 days, soaking with a concentration of 3% for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, the lowest TPC value was discovered for the fish samples that did not undergo storage, and immersed in a solution of 5% for 30 minutes. Furthermore, the highest TVB value (Total Volatile bases) was detected in fish samples soaked with 3% solution of the mangosteen for 15 minutes (59.22mg N/100g) while the lowest value obtained on the fish sample marinated with 5% concentration for 15 minutes and did not experience storage (5.04mg N/100g)

    The social contact hypothesis under the assumption of endemic equilibrium: Elucidating the transmission potential of VZV in Europe.

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    The basic reproduction number R0 and the effective reproduction number R are pivotal parameters in infectious disease epidemiology, quantifying the transmission potential of an infection in a population. We estimate both parameters from 13 pre-vaccination serological data sets on varicella zoster virus (VZV) in 12 European countries and from population-based social contact surveys under the commonly made assumptions of endemic and demographic equilibrium. The fit to the serology is evaluated using the inferred effective reproduction number R as a model eligibility criterion combined with AIC as a model selection criterion. For only 2 out of 12 countries, the common choice of a constant proportionality factor is sufficient to provide a good fit to the seroprevalence data. For the other countries, an age-specific proportionality factor provides a better fit, assuming physical contacts lasting longer than 15 min are a good proxy for potential varicella transmission events. In all countries, primary infection with VZV most often occurs in early childhood, but there is substantial variation in transmission potential with R0 ranging from 2.8 in England and Wales to 7.6 in The Netherlands. Two non-parametric methods, the maximal information coefficient (MIC) and a random forest approach, are used to explain these differences in R0 in terms of relevant country-specific characteristics. Our results suggest an association with three general factors: inequality in wealth, infant vaccination coverage and child care attendance. This illustrates the need to consider fundamental differences between European countries when formulating and parameterizing infectious disease models

    Experimental observation of extreme multistability in an electronic system of two coupled R\"{o}ssler oscillators

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    We report the first experimental observation of extreme multistability in a controlled laboratory investigation. Extreme multistability arises when infinitely many attractors coexist for the same set of system parameters. The behavior was predicted earlier on theoretical grounds, supported by numerical studies of models of two coupled identical or nearly identical systems. We construct and couple two analog circuits based on a modified coupled R\"{o}ssler system and demonstrate the occurrence of extreme multistability through a controlled switching to different attractor states purely through a change in initial conditions for a fixed set of system parameters. Numerical studies of the coupled model equations are in agreement with our experimental findings.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Corporate Social Responsibility in a context of sustainable development

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    “The future we want”, the main document summarizing the action areas advocated by the Rio+20 conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 20-22nd), advocates “green economy” as a main instrument to eradicate poverty, while maintaining the healthy functioning of the environment. “Green economy” is a reply to global capitalism and the excesses of its elite practitioners, as they became manifest during the recent economic crisis. A classical contribution of the private business sector to sustainable development is corporate social responsibility (CSR). The concept dovetails in the doctrine that a company is not only responsible for a positive economic performance, but also has to take care about the environmental, social and ethical aspects of its activities. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3164

    The Belgian PCB and dioxin incident of January-June 1999: exposure data and potential impact on health.

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    In January 1999, 500 tons of feed contaminated with approximately 50 kg of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 1 g of dioxins were distributed to animal farms in Belgium, and to a lesser extent in the Netherlands, France, and Germany. This study was based on 20,491 samples collected in the database of the Belgian federal ministries from animal feed, cattle, pork, poultry, eggs, milk, and various fat-containing food items analyzed for their PCB and/or dioxin content. Dioxin measurements showed a clear predominance of polychlorinated dibenzofuran over polychlorinated dibenzodioxin congeners, a dioxin/PCB ratio of approximately 1:50,000 and a PCB fingerprint resembling that of an Aroclor mixture, thus confirming contamination by transformer oil rather than by other environmental sources. In this case the PCBs contribute significantly more to toxic equivalents (TEQ) than dioxins. The respective means +/- SDs and the maximum concentrations of dioxin (expressed in TEQ) and PCB observed per gram of fat in contaminated food were 170.3 +/- 487.7 pg, 2613.4 pg, 240.7 +/- 2036.9 ng, and 51059.0 ng in chicken; 1.9 +/- 0.8 pg, 4.3 pg, 34.2 +/- 30.5 ng, and 314.0 ng in milk; and 32.0 +/- 104.4 pg, 713.3 pg, 392.7 +/- 2883.5 ng, and 46000.0 ng in eggs. Assuming that as a consequence of this incident between 10 and 15 kg PCBs and from 200 to 300 mg dioxins were ingested by 10 million Belgians, the mean intake per kilogram of body weight is calculated to maximally 25,000 ng PCBs and 500 pg international TEQ dioxins. Estimates of the total number of cancers resulting from this incident range between 40 and 8,000. Neurotoxic and behavioral effects in neonates are also to be expected but cannot be quantified. Because food items differed widely (more than 50-fold) in the ratio of PCBs to dioxins, other significant sources of contamination and a high background contamination are likely to contribute substantially to the exposure of the Belgian population

    Surprising findings following a Belgian food contamination with polychlorobiphenyls and dioxins.

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    We found that 12.1% of Belgian export meat samples from chicken or pork, unrelated to the PCB/dioxin crisis from 1999, contained more than 50 ng polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)/g fat and that 6.5% of samples contain more than 20 ng/g fat for the sum of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its metabolites. Part of this background contamination stems from imported animal feed ingredients (fish flour and grains), sometimes contaminated by recent use of DDT, as can be deduced from the ratio between DDT and its main metabolite, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE). However, after comparing PCB concentrations in fish flour and grains with those found in meat, we suggest that the high concentrations stem from recycled fat. This is the first paper describing background concentrations of PCBs in animal meat from Belgium

    Laser-UV-microirradiation of interphase nuclei and posttreatment with caffeine: a new approach to establish the arrangement of interphase chromosomes

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    Laser UV microirradiation of Chinese hamster interphase cells combined with caffeine post-treatment produced different patterns of chromosome damage in mitosis following irradiation of a small area of the nucleus that may be classified in three categories: I) intact metaphase figures, II) chromosome damage confined to a small area of the metaphase spread, III) mitotic figures with damage on all chromosomes. Category III might be the consequence of a non-localized distortion of nuclear metabolism. By contrast, category II may reflect localized DNA damage induced by microirradiation, which could not be efficiently repaired due to the effect of caffeine. If this interpretation is right, in metaphase figures of category II chromosome damage should occur only at the irradiation site. The effect might then be used to investigate neighbourhood relationships of individual chromosomes in the interphase nucleus