92 research outputs found

    Fitotoxicidade de óleos essenciais em plantas de melancia, feijão e arroz

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    The purpose was to evaluate the action of the citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), lemon balm (Lippia alba) and peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oils on watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and rice (Oryza sativa) plants. To each culture, it was used a completely randomized design in factorial scheme with four replications, in which the factors were four essential oil types and four oil concentrations (0.5; 1; 2; and 4%). Eighteen days after planting, plants were sprayed with the solutions of the essential oils, and after twenty-four hours the phytotoxicity evaluation was done by using a scale from zero (0) (no phytotoxicity) to one hundred (100%) (total plant wilting). The 2% concentration of the assessed essential oils was phytotoxic for the three plant species. In watermelon plants, the highest phytotoxicity was shown by the lemongrass oil, which in concentrations of 2 and 4% showed toxicity of 75 and 68.75%, respectively. Beans were the least sensitive to the essential oils, they showed 50% of phytotoxicity when subjected to 4% citronella and lemongrass oils.  Occurred wilting and drying of rice plants under 4% peppermint and citronella oils. Objetivou-se avaliar a ação dos óleos essenciais de citronela (Cymbopogon nardus), capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus), erva-cidreira (Lippia alba) e hortelã-pimenta (Mentha piperita) sobre plantas de melancia (Citrullus lanatus), feijão-carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris) e arroz (Oryza sativa). Para cada cultura foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com quatro repetições, em que os fatores foram quatro tipos de óleos essenciais e quatro concentrações dos óleos (0,5; 1; 2; e 4%). Dezoito dias após o plantio, as plantas foram pulverizadas com as soluções dos óleos essenciais, e 24 horas depois foi feita a avaliação de fitotoxicidade utilizando-se a escala de notas de zero (0) (ausência de fitotoxicidade) a 100 (100%) (murcha total da planta). A concentração de 2% dos óleos essenciais avaliados foi fitotóxica para as três espécies de plantas. Em plântulas de melancia o óleo de capim-limão foi o mais fitotóxico, onde nas concentrações de 2 e 4% apresentou toxicidade de 68,75 e 75%, respectivamente. O feijão foi o menos sensível aos óleos essenciais, apresentando 50% de fitotoxicidade quando submetido aos óleos de citronela e capim-limão a 4%. Ocorreu murcha e ressecamento das plantas de arroz sob 4% dos óleos de hortelã-pimenta e citronela.&nbsp

    Prelabor cesarean section: the role of advanced maternal age and associated factors

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    OBJECTIVE to evaluate whether advanced maternal age (AMA) is associated with prelabor cesarean section and to identify the factors associated with prelabor cesarean section in AMA women, according to the mode of type of labor financing (private or public). METHODS Based on the Birth in Brazil survey, the research was conducted on representative sample of mothers for the country (Brazil), regions, type of hospital and location (capital or not), in 2011/2012. This study included 15,071 women from two age groups: 20–29 years and ≥ 35 years. The information was collected from interviews with puerperal woman, prenatal cards, and medical records of mothers and newborns. Multiple logistic regression modelling was used to verify the association between prelabor cesarean section and maternal, prenatal and childbirth characteristics, according to the mode of financing. RESULTS Our results showed a higher use of prelabor cesarean section for AMA (≥ 35 years) women in the public service (OR = 1.63; 95%CI 1.38–1.94) and in the private service (OR = 1.44; 95%CI 1.13–1.83), compared with women aged 20–29 years. In the adjusted model, we recorded three factors associated with the prelabor cesarean section in AMA women in both, public and private sectors: the same professional in prenatal care and childbirth (OR = 4.97 and OR = 4.66); nulliparity (OR = 6.17 and OR = 10.08), and multiparity with previous cesarean section (from OR = 5.73 to OR = 32.29). The presence of obstetric risk (OR = 1.94; 95%CI .44–2.62) also contributed to the occurrence of prelabor cesarean section in women who gave birth in the public service. CONCLUSIONS AMA was an independent risk factor for prelabor cesarean in public and private services. In the public, prelabor cesarean in AMA was more influenced by clinical criteria. Higher chance of prelabor cesarean section in nulliparous women increases the chance of cesarean section in multiparous women, as we showed in this study, which increases the risk of anomalous placental implantation


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    Este artigo tem como objetivos identificar as contribuições da Educação a Distância como política de expansão e democratização do ensino superior, sob o foco da visão dos Coordenadores de Polos de Apoio Presencial e Tutores presenciais, e observar as contribuições da expansão de cursos EaD para o desenvolvimento regional e local nos estados da Bahia e Pernambuco. Para realizar esta investigação, foram escolhidos quatro polos, localizados nas cidades de Juazeiro/BA, Pintadas/BA, Ouricuri/PE e Trindade/PE. Para a coleta de dados, usou-se a abordagem qualitativa de análise. Para o processo de levantamento de dados, procedeu-se a entrevistas com Coordenadores de Polo e Tutores presenciais e a distância, nos polos selecionados. Em complemento a estas entrevistas, utilizou-se o levantamento de arquivos e documentação (documentos, planilhas e registros impressos e digitais) da Secretaria de Educação a Distância da Univasf, com o intuito de verificar as localidades e polos dos egressos e, localizar os Coordenadores e Tutores. Após esta fase de coleta, procedeu-se à transcrição das entrevistas e à comparação documental, seguidos da análise dos dados obtidos. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destacam-se que os coordenadores concordam que a EaD veio para aumentar o acesso à educação superior e melhorar a vida das pessoas. Destaca-se ainda que ocorrem dificuldades comuns reveladas por eles, dentre as quais a carência de internet de qualidade e falta de apoio quanto a manutenção do polo com os gestores municipais. Estes resultados demonstram a efetiva contribuição da Educação a Distância, tanto na formação dos egressos quanto para o desenvolvimento local e regional, e mostram que este é um campo ainda aberto a novas investigações.This article aims to identify the Distance Education contributions as policy of expansion and democratization of higher education, under the focus of the view of Coordinators of Presential Support and Tutors and observe the contributions of the expansion of distance education courses for regional and local development in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco. To carry out this investigation, were selected four poles, located in the cities of Juazeiro / BA, Pintadas / BA, Ouricuri /PE and Trindade /PE. To collect data, we used the qualitative approach analysis. For the data collection process, it proceeded to the interviews with Pole Coordinators and Presential and Distant Tutors in the selected poles. In addition to these interviews, we used the survey of documentation and files (documents, spreadsheets and printed and digital records) of the Secretary of Distance Education of UNIVASF, in order to verify the locations and poles of graduates and locate Coordinators and Tutors. After this phase of collection, proceeded to the transcription of the interviews and document comparison, followed by analysis of collected data. Among the results, it highlights that the coordinators agreed that Distance Education has come to increase access to higher education and improving the lives of people. it stands out that still occur common difficulties revealed by them, among which the internet lack of quality and lack of support about the Pole maintenance with city managers. These results demonstrate the effective contribution of Distance Education, both in the training of graduates and for the local and regional development and show that this is a field still open to further investigations

    Stretching exercise: prescription and effects on musculoskeletal function in adults and older people

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    Introduction: Stretching exercises have been included in training and rehabilitation programs to improve the flexibility of adults and older people. However, there is no consensus in the literature about the recommendations for stretching prescription. Objective: The aim of this study was to present an update of recent evidence about the prescription and the musculoskeletal effects of stretching exercises in adults and older. Method: Articles were searched on major databases and related to the period from 2006 to 2017, with the following descriptors: “muscle stretching exercise”, “long-term effect”, “elderly”, “exercício de alongamento muscular”, “efeitos a longo prazo”, and “idoso”. Results: After the analysis, 31 articles were included. The literature reported that the duration of the stretching should be between 10 to 30 seconds, each repetition, for young adults, and from 30 to 60 seconds for the elderly. Regarding acute effects, it was observed that for young adults, stretching durations up to 60 seconds may impair muscle strength performance, what does not seem to occur with elderly people. The main chronic effects found for young and elderly adults were an enhancement in flexibility and range of motion, and for the elderly, it was also observed improvement on torque, balance, gait, mobility, and functionality. The wide methodological variability of the articles analyzed impairs the establishment of a consensus. Conclusion: It is recommended that the stretching exercise must be prescribed considering the evidence for the specific population, i.e., adult or elderly people, as well as the goal to be achieved


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    A Universidade traz intrínseca à sua missão a premissa de fornecer formação integral aos seus alunos, inserindo a Educação em todo o processo de desenvolvimento humano, agregando para tal a formação em suas diferentes formas, entre elas a qualidade de vida. Nesse contexto amplo, a Saúde Coletiva emerge como temática inerente à Educação Superior. O estudo de cunho bibliográfico aqui apresentado tem o objetivo de demonstrar a relevância da Promoção em Saúde à juventude, ao demonstrar a morbimortalidade dos jovens brasileiros e situá-los no contexto da Educação Superior. Algumas estratégias teórico-metodológicas são apresentadas no âmbito da educação em saúde e a Biblioteca é situada como espaço inovador e fecundo para as diferentes abordagens e práticas da Saúde Coletiva. Almeja-se legitimar a promoção em saúde de jovens universitários como um campo de estudos e atuação legítima e de relevância dentro da Universidade Pública. Apresenta-se o ambiente de Biblioteca como espaço integral do sistema educacional e participante dos objetivos da Universidade, inclusive no desenvolvimento de promoção em saúde, que deve estar presente nos vários espaços educacionais e inerentes às condições de vida do jovem no ambiente acadêmico

    AiRound and CV-BrCT: Novel Multiview Datasets for Scene Classification

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    It is undeniable that aerial/satellite images can provide useful information for a large variety of tasks. But, since these images are always taken from above, some applications can benefit from complementary information provided by other perspective views of the scene, such as ground-level images. Despite a large number of public repositories for both georeferenced photographs and aerial images, there is a lack of benchmark datasets that allow the development of approaches that exploit the benefits and complementarity of aerial/ground imagery. In this article, we present two new publicly available datasets named AiRound and CV-BrCT. The first one contains triplets of images from the same geographic coordinate with different perspectives of view extracted from various places around the world. Each triplet is composed of an aerial RGB image, a ground-level perspective image, and a Sentinel-2 sample. The second dataset contains pairs of aerial and street-level images extracted from southeast Brazil. We design an extensive set of experiments concerning multiview scene classification, using early and late fusion. Such experiments were conducted to show that image classification can be enhanced using multiview data

    Comparison of the clinical efficacy of at-home and in-office bleaching

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    Background: There is a lack of consensus regarding the superiority of the two vital bleaching methods. Aims: To compare the clinical efficacies of the two methods at home and in- office. Materials & Methods: Data was collected from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Lilacs, Scielo and BBO. Two independent researchers selected the articles, ie., only randomized clinical trials. Where there was no initial agreement, researchers reached a consensus. The search strategy initially yielded 483 titles. After the exclusion by titles, 408 articles remained and following the abstract-based evaluation, only 5 were subjected to further analysis. Results: The most of the authors did not find any statistically significant differences between at home and in-office bleaching procedures. Conclusion: Both the at home and in-office methods alone or in association are equally efficient when a 14 day protocol is used