634 research outputs found

    Evolution of the gene regulatory network controlling trunk segmentation in insects

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    The study of pattern formation in insects is the main source of our current understanding of the genetic processes underlying the development of an organism. Ontogeny has been thoroughly studied in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, where a set of transcription factors and signaling molecules pattern the fly embryo through a segmentation gene cascade. Over the past 20 years, this model has been compared to different organisms throughout the Metazoa. Here I describe the functional analysis of genes and gene regulatory network controlling segmentation in the short germ beetle Tribolium castaneum. The hunchback gene is one of the major early determinants in the Drosophila segmentation cascade, where it serves an instructive role in patterning the entire body plan. In several insects, the role of hb in patterning body compartments (cardinal regions) is conserved. However, in hemimetabolous insects developing as short germs hb role has been reported to differ from the canonical gap function described in holometabolous insects. In the first chapter I describe the role of hb in Tribolium, a holometabolous insect developing as short germ. This analysis revealed that Tc'hb has an indirect effect in segmentation, mediated by other gap genes like giant, and a most likely a direct effect in the segment identity specification, by setting the anterior border of thoracic and abdominal Hox genes. This finding suggests an ancestral role of hb as a cardinal gene within insects and allows the reinterpretation of the canonical gap phenotype described in the fly. The expression analysis of ESTs in Tribolium identified a putative non-coding RNA showing a gap-like expression pattern during segmentation. In the second chapter I describe the functional analysis of this gene, named mille-pattes. This analysis defined Tc'mlpt as a novel segmentation gene in Tribolium, which controlls trunk segmentation in a cross-regulatory network among gap genes and regulates the expression domains of Hox genes. Strikingly, mlpt does not code for a transcription factor, but instead, encodes several small peptides, which are conserved among mlpt homologues in various insects. As a model, the gene regulatory network controlling segmentation in Drosophila has been thoroughly tested in many other organisms, revealing a surprising plasticity of the developmental mechanism controlling segmentation among insects. In order to identify the regulatory interactions among the gap genes that are controlling segmentation in Tribolium, I further characterized the gap gene cross-regulatory network in Tribolium and their interaction with pair rule genes. This analysis provided a powerful data set on the regulatory interactions among gap genes and their interactions with pair rule genes in Tribolium. Finally, the concomitant characterization of segmentation genes presented in this thesis allowed the reinterpretation of the role of hunchback among insects, specially the canonical gap phenotype described for Tribolium and Drosophila. Furthermore, by studying the interactions between gap and Hox genes in Tribolium it was possible to propose a model for the regulation and function of Tc'Antp and for the regulation of the Hox genes along the AP axis in Tribolium

    As descrições das características físicas dos Imperadores romanos nas Histórias de Tácito (séc I – II d.C.)

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    Ao longo do artigo analisaremos as belezas e as características físicas dos Imperadores que constam na obra Histórias e como estas são imbuídas de caráter discursivo e imaginativo. Buscamos demonstrar como a cultura Antiga expressada por Tácito nos permite atualizar o conhecimento sobre o Homem, sobretudo quando intencionamos alguma perspectiva inovadora para se trabalhar os clássicos da Antiguidade. A perspectiva que adotamos foi a da beleza enquanto fator sócio-cultural, buscando entender como se dão as relações entre beleza e personalidade nos séculos I - II d.C, e como a interpretação da beleza interfere no julgo do governante e, respectivamente, na atuação do Imperador no poder. Ou seja, como a manutenção de poder e as características físicas dos Imperadores se relacionam para Tácito

    Application of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer in irrigated common bean crops

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    The use of adequate management practices and high nitrogen fertilizer rates have contributed to increase the common bean grain yield, however, the application of nitrogen fertilizer at sowing still requires evaluations for irrigated crops in the Brazilian Cerrado biome region. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of application of different rates of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer—dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP)—at sowing and as top-dressing on agronomic performance and leaf area index of irrigated common bean crops grown in the Brazilian Cerrado biome region. A randomized block design in a 4×3 factorial arrangement with four replications was used. The treatments consisted of four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg ha-1) and three application forms (100% at sowing, 100% as top-dressing, and 50% at sowing + 50% as top-dressing). Irrigation was managed with class A tanks and two-day intervals. The nitrogen applied at the different stages of the crop did not affect the production components of the common bean plants. The highest grain yields were found with the nitrogen rates of 180 kg ha-1 in 2015 (1,756.37 kg ha-1), and 123.98 kg ha-1 in 2016 (1,799.63 kg ha-1).The use of adequate management practices and high nitrogen fertilizer rates have contributed to increase the common bean grain yield, however, the application of nitrogen fertilizer at sowing still requires evaluations for irrigated crops in the Brazilian Cerrado biome region. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of application of different rates of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer—dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP)—at sowing and as top-dressing on agronomic performance and leaf area index of irrigated common bean crops grown in the Brazilian Cerrado biome region. A randomized block design in a 4×3 factorial arrangement with four replications was used. The treatments consisted of four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg ha-1) and three application forms (100% at sowing, 100% as top-dressing, and 50% at sowing + 50% as top-dressing). Irrigation was managed with class A tanks and two-day intervals. The nitrogen applied at the different stages of the crop did not affect the production components of the common bean plants. The highest grain yields were found with the nitrogen rates of 180 kg ha-1 in 2015 (1,756.37 kg ha-1), and 123.98 kg ha-1 in 2016 (1,799.63 kg ha-1)

    Uma análise da situação financeira da indústria brasileira de aviação civil

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    A indústria brasileira de aviação civil tem voado baixo. O setor apresentou repetidos desempenhos financeiros negativos em 2011, 2012 e 2013, resultando em nível de endividamento médio muito acima do patrimônio líquido. Este estado de coisas não pode ser mantido, sob pena do setor ir à falência. A falência de companhias líderes do setor decerto trará graves consequências para a economia nacional. Este artigo estima a Demonstração do Resultado do Exercício de 2014 do setor. Há que ser dito que os demonstrativos financeiros de 2014 ainda não estão disponíveis. O método usado foi o de simulação de cenários, com o emprego de software específico de simulação Monte Carlo. A variável de risco foi a receita de passagens e a ela foi associada uma distribuição de probabilidade triangular. Os resultados simulados não são encorajadores. A probabilidade de o lucro líquido setorial ser negativo em 2014 é de aproximadamente 40%. Pode-se dizer que o setor balança no abismo da falência. Os resultados desta pesquisa servem de alerta para as autoridades responsáveis pelo controle e acompanhamento das atividades do setor de aviação civil do Brasil.Brazil's civil aviation industry has flown down. The sector had repeated negative financial performance in 2011, 2012 and 2013, resulting in average debt levels far above the equity. This state of affairs can not be maintained, otherwise the industry go bankrupt. The failure of industry-leading companies certainly will have grave consequences for the national economy. This article estimates the 2014 the Income Statement in the industry. It must be said that the 2014 financial statements are not yet available. The method used was the simulation scenarios, with the use of specific software for Monte Carlo simulation. The risk variable was the air ticket revenue and we assigned a triangular probability distribution for such risk variable. The simulated results are not encouraging. The probability of the industry net income to be negative in 2014 is approximately 40%. It can be said that the sector balance the abyss of bankruptcy. These results serve as a warning to the authorities responsible for controlling and monitoring the activities of the civil aviation sector in Brazil

    Efecto de un programa multiprofesional en la promoción de la salud alimentaria de las personas mayores: un estudio longitudinal.

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    Objective: To analyze the food quality of elderly participants in a multi-professional project for health promotion and healthy longevity. Methodology: 55 older adults aged ≥ 60 years (66.03 ± 3.68 years) residents in the south of Brazil were recruited. However, 28 elderlies dropped out of the interventions. Thus, 27 elderlies were assessed (before and after 12-week interventions). To evaluate food quality, the data from the food record of three non-consecutive days and the healthy eating index (HEI) were used, which were applied before and after interventions. The intervention was developed for three months, with theoretical-practical classes on multidisciplinary groups as physical education, psychology, and nutrition (with food reeducation - without nutrition plan). The mean, (±) standard deviation, and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated. The comparison between pre- and post-intervention was performed by paired t-test, assuming a p≤ 0.05. Results: After 12 weeks, it was observed that the elderly showed higher values for the HEI after the interventions (pre: 47.78 ± 14.23 points; 95% CI: 42.41-53.15, versus 56.30 ± 13.05, 95% CI: 51.37-61.22; with p = 0.029; d = 0.59; medium effect). Conclusions: a multidisciplinary approach including a nutritional intervention could promote positive changes in the food quality of the elderly investigated. As a limitation, the absence of a control group and the conduction of a randomized controlled trial are highlighted. However, this study already promotes directions to provide nutritional health in older people.Objetivo: Analizar la calidad alimentaria de los adultos mayores participantes en un proyecto multiprofesional de promoción de la salud y longevidad saludable. Metodología: Se reclutaron 55 adultos mayores de ≥ 60 años (66,03 ± 3,68 años) residentes en el sur de Brasil. Sin embargo, 28 ancianos abandonaron las intervenciones. Así, se evaluaron 27 ancianos (antes y después de las intervenciones de 12 semanas). Para evaluar la calidad de los alimentos se utilizaron los datos del registro alimentario de tres días no consecutivos y el índice de alimentación saludable (IES), que se aplicaron antes y después de las intervenciones. La intervención se desarrolló durante tres meses, con clases teórico-prácticas en grupos multidisciplinares como educación física, psicología y nutrición (con reeducación alimentaria - sin plan de nutrición). Se calcularon la media, la desviación estándar (±) y el intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC del 95%). La comparación entre pre y postintervención se realizó mediante la prueba t pareada, asumiendo una p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Después de 12 semanas, se observó que los ancianos mostraron valores más altos para la IES después de las intervenciones (pre: 47,78 ± 14,23 puntos; IC 95%: 42,41-53,15, versus 56,30 ± 13,05, IC 95%: 51,37-61,22; con p = 0,029; d = 0,59; efecto medio). Conclusiones: un enfoque multidisciplinario que incluya una intervención nutricional podría promover cambios positivos en la calidad alimentaria de los ancianos investigados. Como limitación se destaca la ausencia de un grupo control y la realización de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado. Sin embargo, este estudio ya promueve direcciones para brindar salud nutricional a las personas mayores

    Embryo Size Regulates the Timing and Mechanism of Pluripotent Tissue Morphogenesis

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    Mammalian embryogenesis is a paradigm of regulative development as mouse embryos show plasticity in the regulation of cell fate, cell number, and tissue morphogenesis. However, the mechanisms behind embryo plasticity remain largely unknown. Here, we determine how mouse embryos respond to an increase in cell numbers to regulate the timing and mechanism of embryonic morphogenesis, leading to the formation of the pro-amniotic cavity. Using embryos and embryonic stem cell aggregates of different size, we show that while pro-amniotic cavity formation in normal-sized embryos is achieved through basement membrane-induced polarization and exocytosis, cavity formation of increased-size embryos is delayed and achieved through apoptosis of cells that lack contact with the basement membrane. Importantly, blocking apoptosis, both genetically and pharmacologically, alters pro-amniotic cavity formation but does not affect size regulation in enlarged embryos. We conclude that the regulation of embryonic size and morphogenesis, albeit concomitant, have distinct molecular underpinnings


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    The open innovation concept emerges as a substantial factor to innovation management of organizations. Given the importance of universities to the innovation system, they also have adapted to this new paradigm. The objective was to identify the main partners of federal universities of Minas Gerais state - Brazil about the technological development. Characterized as qualitative and descriptive, the research was based on secondary data collected in the INPI patent database through the CNPJ of the 11 federal universities. Thus, was evidenced that the interactions carried out by federal universities analyzed are an important way of corroborating for technological development

    Embryo size regulates the timing and mechanism of pluripotent tissue morphogenesis.

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    Mammalian embryogenesis is a paradigm of regulative development as mouse embryos show plasticity in the regulation of cell fate, cell number, and tissue morphogenesis. However, the mechanisms behind embryo plasticity remain largely unknown. Here, we determine how mouse embryos respond to an increase in cell numbers to regulate the timing and mechanism of embryonic morphogenesis, leading to the formation of the pro-amniotic cavity. Using embryos and embryonic stem cell aggregates of different size, we show that while pro-amniotic cavity formation in normal-sized embryos is achieved through basement membrane-induced polarization and exocytosis, cavity formation of increased-size embryos is delayed and achieved through apoptosis of cells that lack contact with the basement membrane. Importantly, blocking apoptosis, both genetically and pharmacologically, alters pro-amniotic cavity formation but does not affect size regulation in enlarged embryos. We conclude that the regulation of embryonic size and morphogenesis, albeit concomitant, have distinct molecular underpinnings

    Children, vulnerability and educative practices

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    Objective: To describe an educational practice based diagnosis of vulnerabilities, aimed at decision making regarding the health of the individuals involved. Method: The methodological approach involved four distinct steps: negotiation with the practice field, ambiencing, data collection and the development of educational practice. Results: The diagnosis of their vulnerability, concerning, among others, the nutritional deficit, permitted to establish the following nursing action: to dialogue with the children, in order to strengthen the pre-existing knowledge about healthy eating. Conclusion: The achievement of educational practice, related to vulnerability diagnosis and supported by the concept of health promotion, requires an approach that considers objective and subjective aspects of living of the population subject of attention

    DIMENSÃO ECOLÓGICA INTERGERACIONAL DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA: princípio (dever) da solidariedade e o risco da "discronia"

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    O homem sempre deteve desde os primórdios da humanidade um relacionamento com a natureza, fazendo uso de seus recursos para assegurar sua sobrevivência e perpetuação da espécie, no entanto tal relacionamento assumiu um caráter destrutivo ao longo dos últimos séculos, o que leva a indagar sobre uma possível discronia entre o tempo e o Direito no âmbito ambiental. Assim o trabalho analisa a questão da possibilidade de discronia, ao mesmo tempo em que analisa questões relacionadas ao tempo e ao Direito Ambiental e possibilidades para o enfrentamento do risco de discronia e do colapso ambiental a partir de iniciativas como o Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA). Foi realizada uma pesquisa com emprego do método hipotético-dedutivo, a qual envolve tanto aspectos teóricos envolvendo tais questões quanto informações recentes sobre a degradação e os impactos ambientais. Os resultados alcançados demonstram que, de fato, repercussões do homem no meio ambiente tornaram o cenário atual insustentável, sendo indispensável a implementação de medidas ambientais em caráter emergencial e com amparo no Direito Ambiental, como a possibilidade de elaboração de uma lei federal que verse sobre as normas e critérios de utilização do PSA para o enfrentamento dessas circunstâncias, sendo o instituto uma das inúmeras possibilidades de avanço ambiental necessárias para o país e para o mundo
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