112 research outputs found
One hypnagogic dream and the I Ching : a plausible interpretation
In this brief report I give an account of one very simple but deeply intriguing hypnagogic dream which potential
meanings were subsequently unfolded and analysed by means of the I Ching, an instrument that has been reputed to
have the capacity to disclose hidden meanings in the situations that are scrutinized with its help. The brief report concludes
for the possibility of amplifying the hermeneutics of one dream through the I Ching
Contribuição da experimentação para o melhor entendimento do conceito da função ou do pensamento simbólicos.
Licenciado em Ciências Psicológicas. Email: [email protected] cognições e os comportamentos podem entrar em conflito tanto em animais como em humanos. A não resolução destes conflitos conduz a adaptações ao ambiente que não são ótimas. Mas a introdução de símbolos que sirvam de intermediários entre as cognições e os comportamentos permite a resolução dos conflitos entre aquelas e aqueles, levando a adaptações ao ambiente que são melhores do que aquelas que resultam de pensamentos sem recurso a símbolos. Todas estas situações (cognição; conflito; comportamento; adaptação) podem ser trazidas para o laboratório e comprovadas experimentalmente, quer com animais quer com humanos. Nesta recensão faço a discussão de experiências neste sentido à luz da Etologia e das Neurociências. As possíveis implicações para a Psicanálise dos dados revistos são apontadas
Human visceral leishmaniasis: epidemiological, temporal and spacial aspects in Northeast Brazil, 2003-2017
Visceral leishmaniasis is a highly lethal zoonosis transmitted by a sandfly. It is caused by a Leishmania protozoan parasite and dogs are the main reservoir. Ceara State is endemic to visceral leishmaniasis and it is considered a high risk transmission area. Temporal and spatial epidemiological studies have been used as tools to analyze the distribution and frequency of human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL). This study aimed to characterize HVL in its epidemiological andtemporal aspects in Ceara State, from 2003 to 2017, as this is a neglected disease and a public health problem. This is an ecological study carried out with HVL confirmed cases in Ceara, using three blocks of years (2003 to 2007, 2008 to 2012 and 2013 to 2017). The disease presented an endemic behavior, affecting mainly male residents in the urban area, especially children under five and young adults between 30 and 49 years old. HVL is recorded in all the municipalities, for more than 10 years, with a growing trend and territorial expansion to the Central and Eastern regions of the State. The results of this study indicated the increase in the incidence and lethality, as well as the expansion of leishmaniasis in Ceara State
Wind Speed Seasonality in a Brazilian Amazon-Savanna Region from the Global Land Data Assimilation System
The objective of this study was to develop a methodology for the use of remote sensing data for the planning of wind energy projects in Maranhão. Monthly wind speed and precipitation data from 2000 to 2016 were used. Initially, wind velocity data were processed using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. Next, the grouping technique known as k-means was used. Finally, a linear regression analysis was performed with the objective of identifying the parameters to be used in the validation of the data estimated by the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) base against the data measured by the meteorological stations. Four homogeneous zones were identified; the zone with the highest values of monthly average wind speeds is in the northern region of the state on the coast. The period of greatest intensity of the winds was identified to be in the months of October and November. The lowest values of precipitation were observed during these months. The analyses carried out by this study show a favorable scenario for the production of wind energy in the state of Maranhão
Epidemiological and clinical factors associated with lethality from Human Visceral Leishmaniasis in Northeastern Brazil, 2007 to 2018
Human Visceral Leishmaniasis (HVL) presents a subacute clinical evolution with systemic involvement, which can result in high case fatality, especially among untreated individuals or those with low socioeconomic status. This study aimed to identify epidemiological and clinical factors associated with HVL case fatality in the Ceara State, from 2007 to 2018. This is an analytical cross-sectional study. The bivariate analysis was performed by Stata 15.1 using Pearson’s Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test; and Poisson regression for age-controlled multivariate analysis. From 2007 to 2018, there were 4,863 new confirmed cases and 343 deaths from HVL (case fatality rate=7.05%). The risk factors associated with case fatalities were: age group (RR=8.69; 95%CI:3.56-21.20); black population (RR=2.21; 95%CI:1.45-3.35); jaundice symptoms (RR=1.72; 95%CI:1.38-2.14); edema (RR=2.62; 95%CI:2.10-3.26) and hemorrhagic phenomena (RR=1.63; 95%CI:1.26-2.10); and no prescription drug intake (RR=4.03; 95%CI:2.98-5.46). Treatment with pentavalent antimonial was a protective factor (RR=0.35; 95%CI:0.27-0.45). The number of deaths increased among the elderly, illiterate, urban residents, and black skin color individuals. The drugs pentavalent antimonial and amphotericin B showed an association with death, but were not considered causal factors. Treatment failure led to a high risk of death. In multivariate analysis, the risk factors for fatal cases were age group, black skin, symptoms of jaundice, edema and hemorrhagic phenomena; and failure to take the prescription drugs. Treatment with pentavalent antimonial was shown to be a protective factor. Knowing the factors associated with the fatality of VL-HIV cases may help to improve public policies, in order to refine the epidemiological surveillance program and, consequently, prevent deaths related to the disease in Ceara
Efeito imediato da MWM de Mulligan em pacientes com dor no ombro
Introdução: a dor no ombro leva a limitações e incapacidades entre adultos e idosos, merecendo atenção do fisioterapeuta. Objetivo:Avaliar o efeito imediato da técnica de Mulligan em pacientes com dor no ombro. Metodologia: trata-se de resultados preliminaresde um ensaio clínico realizado entre julho de 2018 a julho de 2019. Pacientes com dor no ombro (n=44), de ambos os sexos, foramrandomizados e submetidos a dois protocolos de tratamento: exercícios terapêuticos (n=22) e MWM de Mulligan (n=22), atendidos naClínica Escola de Fisioterapia da UFBA. Todos os participantes responderam a um questionário clínico e sociodemográfico e realizaramavaliação da dor pela escala visual analógica (EVA) e algometria. Os pacientes foram tratados por dois fisioterapeutas experientes naárea e, depois, foram reavaliados imediatamente. Resultados: mulheres predominaram, a média de idade foi de 56 anos no grupoMulligan e 57 no grupo exercícios terapêuticos. Síndrome do manguito rotador predominou: 19 (86,4%) no grupo Mulligan e 15 (68%)no grupo exercícios. O ombro mais acometido foi o direito no Grupo Mulligan, (17 (77,3%); já no grupo exercícios, foi o esquerdo com12 (55%). A cor negra foi a mais autorrelatada pelos pacientes, e poucos tinham o ensino superior completo. No grupo Mulligan, asocupações mais informadas foram dona de casa, seguida de aposentados e autônomos. No grupo exercícios, não houve dona de casa,e sim mais aposentados e autônomos. Os dois grupos mostraram ser mais sedentários. Não houve diferença da dor pela EVA entreos grupos, antes e após o tratamento (p=0.79, p=0.56, respectivamente). Já a intensidade da dor mensurada pela algometria, tanto antes do tratamento (p=0.008) quanto depois do tratamento (p=0.04), foi diferente entre os grupos, com predomínio de melhorano grupo Exercícios. Conclusão: a MWM não foi mais eficaz que os exercícios terapêuticos na redução da dor do ombro, sendo queo exercício apresentou mais eficácia quando medido através da EVA e sem melhora significativa ao ser mensurada pela algometriaapós aplicação de uma única sessão de tratamento
Genetic diversity of Echinococcus vogeli in the western Brazilian Amazon
Human polycystic echinococcosis is a parasitic infection caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus vogeli, which occurs in rural areas of Central and South America. Until now, little information on the genetic variability of E. vogeli is available. Here, 32 samples from human-excised E. vogeli cysts had a 396-bp sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene sequenced and compared to another 17 COI sequences representing nine Echinococcus species. A Bayesian COI tree revealed that all E. vogeli sequences formed a monophyletic and well-supported clade with an E. vogeli reference sequence. The occurrence of geographically restricted E. vogeli COI haplotypes suggests retention of ancestral polymorphisms with little migration in Acre, Brazil
Jogos lúdicos como recurso no reforço escolar
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar a vivência de discentes do curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), membros do projeto de extensão: Reforço de Matemática por meio de jogos lúdicos. A proposta do projeto é de contribuir, de forma direta, para a melhoria do rendimento nos estudos na disciplina de Matemática. O que se pretende, não é repetir as explicações do conteúdo ministrado em sala de aula, mas perceber quais são as dificuldades dos alunos e, a partir disso, trabalhar para ajudá-los na evolução do aprendizado por meio de jogos lúdicos. O projeto atende quatro turmas com uma média de 20 alunos cada. As aulas de reforço são oferecidas aos alunos do 6º Ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública do município de Santa Rita do Araguaia – GO e ocorrem quinzenalmente. O projeto ainda está em andamento e os resultados obtidos até o momento levam a uma mudança de postura dos alunos com relação ao estudo da Matemática
Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) in childhood: surgical treatment by maintaining the tooth germs
Introduction: Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a nonneoplasticbenign process, of unknown etiology, more common in children and young adults. When aggressive, the lesion may result in considerable bone destruction and deformation. Oral and Maxillofacial surgery strongly depends on the nature of injury and it may vary from more conservative to more aggressive approach. Case report: The aim of the present study is to report and analyze, a giant cellcentral lesion in a 7-year-old patient on the right side of mandible body treated by surgical enucleation, curettage, and maintenance of the tooth germs. Discussion: In less aggressive lesions, curettage followed by radiographic monitoring is the most widely suggested treatment choice. However, the “gold standard” for aggressive and deforming lesions would be en-bloc resection with a safety margin. Most revisions show recurrence rates of 15 to 20%, thus clinicalmonitoring is necessary at least one year after the intervention. Conclusion: After 12 months, panoramic radiograph and computed tomography indicated new bone formation and no recurrence. In addition, good healing of soft tissues and correct eruption of the teeth #42, #43 and #44 were observed.Introduction: Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a nonneoplasticbenign process, of unknown etiology, more common in children and young adults. When aggressive, the lesion may result in considerable bone destruction and deformation. Oral and Maxillofacial surgery strongly depends on the nature of injury and it may vary from more conservative to more aggressive approach. Case report: The aim of the present study is to report and analyze, a giant cellcentral lesion in a 7-year-old patient on the right side of mandible body treated by surgical enucleation, curettage, and maintenance of the tooth germs. Discussion: In less aggressive lesions, curettage followed by radiographic monitoring is the most widely suggested treatment choice. However, the “gold standard” for aggressive and deforming lesions would be en-bloc resection with a safety margin. Most revisions show recurrence rates of 15 to 20%, thus clinicalmonitoring is necessary at least one year after the intervention. Conclusion: After 12 months, panoramic radiograph and computed tomography indicated new bone formation and no recurrence. In addition, good healing of soft tissues and correct eruption of the teeth #42, #43 and #44 were observed
Isolation of Cryptococcus spp. from several environmental niches in São Luís, MA
Cryptococcosis is an invasive mycosis triggered by a complex of fungal pathogens present in various environmental niches. Cryptococcus neoformans, C. gattii, and emerging pathogens such as C. laurentii and C. albidus are found in aged excreta of Columba livia (pigeon), its natural disseminator. As the pigeon population has increased in São Luís, the objective of this research was to demonstrate the presence of Cryptococcus spp. in the excreta of C. livia in public environments. Twenty-three samples were collected at 14 sites, dispensed into conical tubes, homogenized with saline and chloramphenicol, and allowed to rest until processing. Twenty-four hours after collection, aliquots were distributed in a fungal culture medium and incubated. The macromorphological examination revealed levaduriform, mucoid, bright, isolated colonies compatible with Cryptococcus spp. In the micromorphological examination, 11 of the 23 samples (42.85%) showed the presence of cells with a thick, refringent capsule and mucopolysaccharide around the blastoconidia, typical of Cryptococcus spp. fungi. The other samples (57.14%) were negative for the fungus. The environmental isolation of this fungus in public areas is relevant to public health since the growing pigeon population in São Luís increases the risk of exposure and infection by dispersion of infectious propagules in the environment
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