2,505 research outputs found

    The POINT-AGAPE Microlensing Survey: First Constraint on MACHOs towards M31

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    To reveal the galactic dark matter in the form of MACHOs ("Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects"), the POINT-AGAPE collaboration is carrying out a search for gravitational microlensing towards M31. A clear microlensing signal is detected. The high-threshold analysis of 3-year data leads to 7 bright and short microlensing candidates. The preliminary estimation of the detection efficiency implies that less than 25% (60%) of standard halos can be composed of objects with masses between 10^{-4} and 10^{-1} (10^{-1} and 1) solar mass at the 95% C.L. This result is compatible with previous microlensing results towards the Magellanic Clouds and gives the first constraints on MACHOs for a distant spiral galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the XXXIXth Rencontres de Moriond "Exploring the Universe", La Thuile, Italy, March 28-April 4, 200

    Cosmic Shear Systematics: Software-Hardware Balance

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    Cosmic shear measurements rely on our ability to measure and correct the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the observations. This PSF is measured using stars in the field, which give a noisy measure at random points in the field. Using Wiener filtering, we show how errors in this PSF correction process propagate into shear power spectrum errors. This allows us to test future space-based missions, such as Euclid or JDEM, thereby allowing us to set clear engineering specifications on PSF variability. For ground-based surveys, where the variability of the PSF is dominated by the environment, we briefly discuss how our approach can also be used to study the potential of mitigation techniques such as correlating galaxy shapes in different exposures. To illustrate our approach we show that for a Euclid-like survey to be statistics limited, an initial pre-correction PSF ellipticity power spectrum, with a power-law slope of -3 must have an amplitude at l =1000 of less than 2 x 10^{-13}. This is 1500 times smaller than the typical lensing signal at this scale. We also find that the power spectrum of PSF size \dR^2) at this scale must be below 2 x 10^{-12}. Public code available as part of iCosmo at http://www.icosmo.orgComment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Optimal PSF modeling for weak lensing: complexity and sparsity

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    We investigate the impact of point spread function (PSF) fitting errors on cosmic shear measurements using the concepts of complexity and sparsity. Complexity, introduced in a previous paper, characterizes the number of degrees of freedom of the PSF. For instance, fitting an underlying PSF with a model with low complexity will lead to small statistical errors on the model parameters, however these parameters could suffer from large biases. Alternatively, fitting with a large number of parameters will tend to reduce biases at the expense of statistical errors. We perform an optimisation of scatters and biases by studying the mean squared error of a PSF model. We also characterize a model sparsity, which describes how efficiently the model is able to represent the underlying PSF using a limited number of free parameters. We present the general case and illustrate it for a realistic example of PSF fitted with shapelet basis sets. We derive the relation between complexity and sparsity of the PSF model, signal-to-noise ratio of stars and systematic errors on cosmological parameters. With the constraint of maintaining the systematics below the statistical uncertainties, this lead to a relation between the required number of stars to calibrate the PSF and the sparsity. We discuss the impact of our results for current and future cosmic shear surveys. In the typical case where the biases can be represented as a power law of the complexity, we show that current weak lensing surveys can calibrate the PSF with few stars, while future surveys will require hard constraints on the sparsity in order to calibrate the PSF with 50 stars.Comment: accepted by A&A, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Microlensing towards M31 with MDM data

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    We report the final analysis of a search for microlensing events in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy, which aimed to probe the MACHO composition of the M31 halo using data collected during the 1998-99 observational campaign at the MDM observatory. In a previous paper, we discussed the results from a first set of observations. Here, we deal with the complete data set, and we take advantage of some INT observations in the 1999-2000 seasons. This merging of data sets taken by different instruments turns out to be very useful, the study of the longer baseline available allowing us to test the uniqueness characteristic of microlensing events. As a result, all the candidate microlensing events previously reported turn out to be variable stars. We further discuss a selection based on different criteria, aimed at the detection of short--duration events. We find three candidates whose positions are consistent with self--lensing events, although the available data do not allow us to conclude unambiguously that they are due to microlensing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE): Proposal to ESA's Cosmic Vision

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    The Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE) is a wide-field space imager whose primary goal is the study of dark energy and dark matter with unprecedented precision. For this purpose, DUNE is optimised for the measurement of weak gravitational lensing but will also provide complementary measurements of baryonic accoustic oscillations, cluster counts and the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect. Immediate auxiliary goals concern the evolution of galaxies, to be studied with unequalled statistical power, the detailed structure of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and the demographics of Earth-mass planets. DUNE is an Medium-class mission which makes use of readily available components, heritage from other missions, and synergy with ground based facilities to minimise cost and risks. The payload consists of a 1.2m telescope with a combined visible/NIR field-of-view of 1 deg^2. DUNE will carry out an all-sky survey, ranging from 550 to 1600nm, in one visible and three NIR bands which will form a unique legacy for astronomy. DUNE will yield major advances in a broad range of fields in astrophysics including fundamental cosmology, galaxy evolution, and extrasolar planet search. DUNE was recently selected by ESA as one of the mission concepts to be studied in its Cosmic Vision programme.Comment: Accepted in Experimental Astronom

    The POINT-AGAPE survey II: An Unrestricted Search for Microlensing Events towards M31

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    An automated search is carried out for microlensing events using a catalogue of 44554 variable superpixel lightcurves derived from our three-year monitoring program of M31. Each step of our candidate selection is objective and reproducible by a computer. Our search is unrestricted, in the sense that it has no explicit timescale cut. So, it must overcome the awkward problem of distinguishing long-timescale microlensing events from long-period stellar variables. The basis of the selection algorithm is the fitting of the superpixel lightcurves to two different theoretical models, using variable star and blended microlensing templates. Only if microlensing is preferred is an event retained as a possible candidate. Further cuts are made with regard to (i) sampling, (ii) goodness of fit of the peak to a Paczynski curve, (iii) consistency of the microlensing hypothesis with the absence of a resolved source, (iv) achromaticity, (v) position in the colour-magnitude diagram and (vi) signal-to-noise ratio. Our results are reported in terms of first-level candidates, which are the most trustworthy, and second-level candidates, which are possible microlensing but have lower signal-to-noise and are more questionable. The pipeline leaves just 3 first-level candidates, all of which have very short full-width half-maximum timescale (<5 days) and 3 second-level candidates, which have timescales of 31, 36 and 51 days respectively. We also show 16 third-level lightcurves, as an illustration of the events that just fail the threshold for designation as microlensing candidates. They are almost certainly mainly variable stars. Two of the 3 first-level candidates correspond to known events (PA 00-S3 and PA 00-S4) already reported by the POINT-AGAPE project. The remaining first-level candidate is new.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS, to appea

    Biogeographic and Ecologic Patterns in Calcareous Nannoplankton in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans During the Terminal Cretaceous

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    Calcareous nannoplankton biogeography in the Cretaceous ocean has been analyzed from their floral composition at a time-slice spanning the upper parts of the Micula prinsii Zone (approximately the latest 10-60 kyr of the Cretaceous) at DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) sites from low (160) through middle (3 T) paleolatitudes in both the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere. The study is based on relative abundance data of 44 species at Sites 356, 525A, and 527 from the South Atlantic, Sites 384 and 548A from the North Atlantic, and Site 465A from the Pacific Ocean.La biogeografía de nanoplancton calcáreo en el océano Cretácico se ha analizado a partir de su composición floral en un intervalo de tiempo que abarca las partes superiores de la zona Micula prinsii (aproximadamente los últimos 10-60 kyr del Cretácico) en DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project). sitios desde bajas (160) hasta medias (3 T) paleolatitudes en el hemisferio norte y sur. El estudio se basa en datos de abundancia relativa de 44 especies en los Sitios 356, 525A y 527 del Atlántico Sur, los Sitios 384 y 548A del Atlántico Norte y el Sitio 465A del Océano Pacífico

    Increasing the Reliability of Adaptive Quadrature Using Explicit Interpolants

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    We present two new adaptive quadrature routines. Both routines differ from previously published algorithms in many aspects, most significantly in how they represent the integrand, how they treat non-numerical values of the integrand, how they deal with improper divergent integrals and how they estimate the integration error. The main focus of these improvements is to increase the reliability of the algorithms without significantly impacting their efficiency. Both algorithms are implemented in Matlab and tested using both the "families" suggested by Lyness and Kaganove and the battery test used by Gander and Gautschi and Kahaner. They are shown to be more reliable, albeit in some cases less efficient, than other commonly-used adaptive integrators.Comment: 32 pages, submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Softwar

    Cosmic shear systematics: software-hardware balance

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    Cosmic shear measurements rely on our ability to measure and correct the point spread function (PSF) of the observations. This PSF is measured using stars in the field, which give a noisy measure at random points in the field. Using Wiener filtering, we show how errors in this PSF correction process propagate into shear power spectrum errors. This allows us to test future space-based missions, such as Euclid or the Joint Dark Energy Mission, thereby allowing us to set clear engineering specifications on PSF variability. For ground-based surveys, where the variability of the PSF is dominated by the environment, we briefly discuss how our approach can also be used to study the potential of mitigation techniques such as correlating galaxy shapes in different exposures. To illustrate our approach we show that for a Euclid-like survey to be statistics limited, an initial pre-correction PSF ellipticity power spectrum, with a power-law slope of −3, must have an amplitude of less than at ℓ= 1000. This is 200 times smaller than the typical lensing signal at this scale. We also find that the power spectrum of the PSF size () at this scale must be below . The public code is available as part of iCosmo at http://www.icosmo.or

    The POINT-AGAPE Survey: Comparing Automated Searches of Microlensing Events toward M31

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    Searching for microlensing in M31 using automated superpixel surveys raises a number of difficulties which are not present in more conventional techniques. Here we focus on the problem that the list of microlensing candidates is sensitive to the selection criteria or "cuts" imposed and some subjectivity is involved in this. Weakening the cuts will generate a longer list of microlensing candidates but with a greater fraction of spurious ones; strengthening the cuts will produce a shorter list but may exclude some genuine events. We illustrate this by comparing three analyses of the same data-set obtained from a 3-year observing run on the INT in La Palma. The results of two of these analyses have been already reported: Belokurov et al. (2005) obtained between 3 and 22 candidates, depending on the strength of their cuts, while Calchi Novati et al. (2005) obtained 6 candidates. The third analysis is presented here for the first time and reports 10 microlensing candidates, 7 of which are new. Only two of the candidates are common to all three analyses. In order to understand why these analyses produce different candidate lists, a comparison is made of the cuts used by the three groups...Comment: 28 pages, 24 figures, 9 table