206 research outputs found

    A 200-year 210Pb record from Greenland

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    A continuous profile of 210Pb activity extending back to 1766 has been developed for a firn/ice core collected at Site D in central Greenland in 1984. Unexpectedly high activities of 210Pb were found at the base of this core (0.032 pCi kg−1 in samples more than 200 years old), calling into question the common assumption that supported 210Pb can be neglected when constructing chronologies in glacial snow and ice. It is problematic to assert that all of the 210Pb measured at depth should be attributed to the supported fraction, given previous estimates of dust loading in Greenland ice cores. However, even if an estimated constant value of 0.032 pCi supported210Pb kg−1 is subtracted from the measured values to estimate excess 210Pb, the 210Pb chronology for Site D yields ages that are significantly younger (mean accumulation rate too high) than an independent depth-age scale based on annual layer counting. It is apparent that the flux of excess and/or supported 210Pb to this site must have decreased over the past 2 centuries, with decreasing trends in both fractions most likely. Previously published 210Pb profiles for cores from Summit and Dye 3, Greenland, show similar trends, which had been interpreted as decreasing fluxes of excess 210Pb only. For all three sites, it is not possible to separate variations in the fluxes of the excess and supported fractions of 210Pb, but variations in the total 210Pb flux will impact 210Pb-based chronologies generally if these variations have not been restricted to the Greenland ice sheet

    Long-term changes in the acid and salt concentrations of the Greenland Ice Core Project ice core from electrical stratigraphy

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    Continuous electrical records covering a climatic cycle are presented for the Greenland Ice Core Project deep ice core from Greenland. Electrical conductivity measurement (ECM) measures the acid content of the ice, and the dielectric profile (DEP) responds to acid, ammonium, and chloride. All features seen can be explained by chemical changes in the ice, and there is no evidence so far for any major change in electrical response with depth or age of the ice. Both records are dominated by the acidity of the ice which varies strongly from acidic in warm periods to alkaline in cold periods, controlled by neutralization by alkaline dust (calcareous and other mineral dust). When Ca is low, the acidity (mainly nitric acid) has a fairly constant background level throughout the cycle, with slightly lower values in ice believed to be from the last interglacial. Ca has to rise only slightly to neutralize the available acidity, so that acidity is a highly nonlinear reflection of climate changes. If neutralization occurred in the aerosol (rather than in the ice), then the number of cloud condensation nuclei over parts of the northern hemisphere could have been reduced, leading to reduced cloud albedo. This nonlinear feedback may have some importance for modeling of climate change. When both acid and ammonium levels are low, the DEP signal can be used to give a rapid indication of chloride trends

    Site-specific O-glycosylation on the MUC_{2} mucin protein inhibits cleavage by the porphyromonas gingivalis secreted cysteine protease (RgpB)

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    The colonic epithelial surface is protected by an inner mucus layer that the commensal microflora cannot penetrate. We previously demonstrated that Entamoeba histolytica secretes a protease capable of dissolving this layer that is required for parasite penetration. Here, we asked whether there are bacteria that can secrete similar proteases. We screened bacterial culture supernatants for such activity using recombinant fragments of the MUC2 mucin, the major structural component, and the only gel-forming mucin in the colonic mucus. MUC2 has two central heavily O-glycosylated mucin domains that are protease-resistant and has cysteine-rich N and C termini responsible for polymerization. Culture supernatants of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacterium that secretes proteases responsible for periodontitis, cleaved the MUC2 C-terminal region, whereas the N-terminal region was unaffected. The active enzyme was isolated and identified as Arg-gingipain B (RgpB). Two cleavage sites were localized to IR↓TT and NR↓QA. IR↓TT cleavage will disrupt the MUC2 polymers. Because this site has two potential O-glycosylation sites, we tested whether recombinant GalNAc-transferases (GalNAc-Ts) could glycosylate a synthetic peptide covering the IRTT sequence. Only GalNAc-T3 was able to glycosylate the second Thr in IRTT, rendering the sequence resistant to cleavage by RgpB. Furthermore, when GalNAc-T3 was expressed in CHO cells expressing the MUC2 C terminus, the second threonine was glycosylated, and the protein became resistant to RgpB cleavage. These findings suggest that bacteria can produce proteases capable of dissolving the inner protective mucus layer by specific cleavages in the MUC2 mucin and that this cleavage can be modulated by site-specific O-glycosylation

    The GalNAc-type O-Glycoproteome of CHO Cells Characterized by the SimpleCell Strategy

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    The Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO) is the major host cell factory for recombinant production of biological therapeutics primarily because of its “human-like” glycosylation features. CHO is used for production of several O-glycoprotein therapeutics including erythropoietin, coagulation factors, and chimeric receptor IgG1-Fc-fusion proteins, however, some O-glycoproteins are not produced efficiently in CHO. We have previously shown that the capacity for O-glycosylation of proteins can be one limiting parameter for production of active proteins in CHO. Although the capacity of CHO for biosynthesis of glycan structures (glycostructures) on glycoproteins are well established, our knowledge of the capacity of CHO cells for attaching GalNAc-type O-glycans to proteins (glycosites) is minimal. This type of O-glycosylation is one of the most abundant forms of glycosylation, and it is differentially regulated in cells by expression of a subset of homologous polypeptide GalNAc-transferases. Here, we have genetically engineered CHO cells to produce homogeneous truncated O-glycans, so-called SimpleCells, which enabled lectin enrichment of O-glycoproteins and characterization of the O-glycoproteome. We identified 738 O-glycoproteins (1548 O-glycosites) in cell lysates and secretomes providing the first comprehensive insight into the O-glycosylation capacity of CHO (http://glycomics.ku.dk/o-glycoproteome_db/)

    Multi-walled carbon nanotube physicochemical properties predict pulmonary inflammation and genotoxicity

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    <p>Lung deposition of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) induces pulmonary toxicity. Commercial MWCNT vary greatly in physicochemical properties and consequently in biological effects. To identify determinants of MWCNT-induced toxicity, we analyzed the effects of pulmonary exposure to 10 commercial MWCNT (supplied in three groups of different dimensions, with one pristine and two/three surface modified in each group). We characterized morphology, chemical composition, surface area and functionalization levels. MWCNT were deposited in lungs of female C57BL/6J mice by intratracheal instillation of 0, 6, 18 or 54 μg/mouse. Pulmonary inflammation (neutrophil influx in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)) and genotoxicity were determined on day 1, 28 or 92. Histopathology of the lungs was performed on day 28 and 92. All MWCNT induced similar histological changes. Lymphocytic aggregates were detected for all MWCNT on day 28 and 92. Using adjusted, multiple regression analyses, inflammation and genotoxicity were related to dose, time and physicochemical properties. The specific surface area (BET) was identified as a positive predictor of pulmonary inflammation on all post-exposure days. In addition, length significantly predicted pulmonary inflammation, whereas surface oxidation (–OH and –COOH) was predictor of lowered inflammation on day 28. BET surface area, and therefore diameter, significantly predicted genotoxicity in BAL fluid cells and lung tissue such that lower BET surface area or correspondingly larger diameter was associated with increased genotoxicity. This study provides information on possible toxicity-driving physicochemical properties of MWCNT. The results may contribute to safe-by-design manufacturing of MWCNT, thereby minimizing adverse effects.</p

    Site-specific O-glycosylation of members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor superfamily enhances ligand interactions

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    15 pags, 8 figs, 1 tab. -- This article contains supplementary material (Table S1, Figs. S1–S4, and Data Sets S1–S4.1)The low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and related receptors are important for the transport of diverse biomolecules across cell membranes and barriers. Their functions are especially relevant for cholesterol homeostasis and diseases, including neurodegenerative and kidney disorders. Members of the LDLR-related protein family share LDLR class A (LA) repeats providing binding properties for lipoproteins and other biomolecules. We previously demonstrated that short linker regions between these LA repeats contain conserved O-glycan sites. Moreover, we found that O-glycan modifications at these sites are selectively controlled by the GalNAc-transferase isoform, GalNAc-T11. However, the effects of GalNAc-T11–mediated O-glycosylation on LDLR and related receptor localization and function are unknown. Here, we characterized O-glycosylation of LDLR-related proteins and identified conserved O-glycosylation sites in the LA linker regions of VLDLR, LRP1, and LRP2 (Megalin) from both cell lines and rat organs. Using a panel of gene-edited isogenic cell line models, we demonstrate that GalNAc-T11–mediated LDLR and VLDLR O-glycosylation is not required for transport and cell-surface expression and stability of these receptors but markedly enhances LDL and VLDL binding and uptake. Direct ELISA-based binding assays with truncated LDLR constructs revealed that O-glycosylation increased affinity for LDL by 5-fold. The molecular basis for this observation is currently unknown, but these findings open up new avenues for exploring the roles of LDLR-related proteins in disease.This work was supported by the Læge Sofus Carl Emil Friis og hustru Olga Doris Friis’ Legat, the Kirsten og Freddy Johansen Fonden, the Lundbeck Foundation, the A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til Almene Formaal, the Mizutani Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Danish Research Council Sapere Aude Research Talent Grant (to K. T. S.), and the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF107). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this articl

    A call for action: Improve reporting of research studies to increase the scientific basis for regulatory decision-making

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)This is a call for action to scientific journals to introduce reporting requirements for toxicity and ecotoxicity studies. Such reporting requirements will support the use of peer‐reviewed research studies in regulatory decision‐making. Moreover, this could improve the reliability and reproducibility of published studies in general and make better use of the resources spent in research.Nordic Council of Minister
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