19 research outputs found

    Non-invasive mechanical ventilation for diagnostic bronchoscopy using a new face mask: an observational feasibility study

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    Contains fulltext : 89809.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: Bronchoscopy is an indispensable tool for invasive pulmonary evaluation with high diagnostic yield and low incidence of major complications. However, hypoxemia increases the risk of complications, in particular after bronchoalveolar lavage. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation may prevent hypoxemia associated with bronchoalveolar lavage. The purpose of this study is to present a modified total face mask to aid bronchoscopy during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. METHODS: A commercially available full face mask was modified to allow introduction of the bronchoscope without interfering with the ventilator circuit. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in 12 hypoxemic non-ICU patients during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the ICU. Results : Patients had severely impaired oxygen uptake as indicated by PaO(2)/FiO(2) ratio 192 +/- 23 mmHg before bronchoscopy. Oxygenation improved after initiation of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. In all patients the procedure could be completed without subsequent complications, although in one patient SpO(2) decreased until 86% during bronchoscopy. A microbiological diagnosis could be established in 8 of 12 patients with suspected for infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our modified face mask for non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is a valuable tool to aid diagnostic bronchoscopy in hypoxemic patients.1 januari 201

    The role of 18F-FDG PET in the differentiation between lung metastases and synchronous second primary lung tumours

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    Contains fulltext : 87717.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: In lung cancer patients with multiple lesions, the differentiation between metastases and second primary tumours has significant therapeutic and prognostic implications. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the potential of (18)F-FDG PET to discriminate metastatic disease from second primary lung tumours. METHODS: Of 1,396 patients evaluated by the thoracic oncology group between January 2004 and April 2009 at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, patients with a synchronous second primary lung cancer were selected. Patients with metastatic disease involving the lungs served as the control group. Maximum standardized uptake values (SUVs) measured with (18)F-FDG PET were determined for two tumours in each patient. The relative difference between the SUVs of these tumours (SUV) was determined and compared between the second primary group and metastatic disease group. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the SUV for an optimal cut-off value. RESULTS: A total of 37 patients (21 metastatic disease, 16 second primary cancer) were included for analysis. The SUV was significantly higher in patients with second primary cancer than in those with metastatic disease (58 vs 28%, respectively, p < 0.001). The area under the ROC curve was 0.81 and the odds ratio for the optimal cut-off was 18.4. CONCLUSION: SUVs from (18)F-FDG PET images can be helpful in differentiating metastatic disease from second primary tumours in patients with synchronous pulmonary lesions. Further studies are warranted to confirm the consistency of these results.1 november 201

    Replication of Lung Cancer Susceptibility Loci at Chromosomes 15q25, 5p15, and 6p21: A Pooled Analysis From the International Lung Cancer Consortium

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    Background Genome-wide association studies have identified three chromosomal regions at 15q25, 5p15, and 6p21 as being associated with the risk of lung cancer. To confirm these associations in independent studies and investigate heterogeneity of these associations within specific subgroups, we conducted a coordinated genotyping study within the International Lung Cancer Consortium based on independent studies that were not included in previous genome-wide association studies. Methods Genotype data for single-nucleotide polymorphisms at chromosomes 15q25 (rs16969968, rs8034191), 5p15 (rs2736100, rs402710), and 6p21 (rs2256543, rs4324798) from 21 case-control studies for 11 645 lung cancer case patients and 14 954 control subjects, of whom 85% were white and 15% were Asian, were pooled. Associations between the variants and the risk of lung cancer were estimated by logistic regression models. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results Associations between 15q25 and the risk of lung cancer were replicated in white ever-smokers (rs16969968: odds ratio [OR] = 1.26, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.21 to 1.32, Ptrend = 2 × 10−26), and this association was stronger for those diagnosed at younger ages. There was no association in never-smokers or in Asians between either of the 15q25 variants and the risk of lung cancer. For the chromosome 5p15 region, we confirmed statistically significant associations in whites for both rs2736100 (OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.10 to 1.20, Ptrend = 1 × 10−10) and rs402710 (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.19, Ptrend = 5 × 10−8) and identified similar associations in Asians (rs2736100: OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.12 to 1.35, Ptrend = 2 × 10−5; rs402710: OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.04 to 1.27, Ptrend = .007). The associations between the 5p15 variants and lung cancer differed by histology; odds ratios for rs2736100 were highest in adenocarcinoma and for rs402710 were highest in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas. This pattern was observed in both ethnic groups. Neither of the two variants on chromosome 6p21 was associated with the risk of lung cancer. Conclusions In this international genetic association study of lung cancer, previous associations found in white populations were replicated and new associations were identified in Asian populations. Future genetic studies of lung cancer should include detailed stratification by histolog

    Large-scale association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci and heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across histological subtypes.

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    Although several lung cancer susceptibility loci have been identified, much of the heritability for lung cancer remains unexplained. Here 14,803 cases and 12,262 controls of European descent were genotyped on the OncoArray and combined with existing data for an aggregated genome-wide association study (GWAS) analysis of lung cancer in 29,266 cases and 56,450 controls. We identified 18 susceptibility loci achieving genome-wide significance, including 10 new loci. The new loci highlight the striking heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across the histological subtypes of lung cancer, with four loci associated with lung cancer overall and six loci associated with lung adenocarcinoma. Gene expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analysis in 1,425 normal lung tissue samples highlights RNASET2, SECISBP2L and NRG1 as candidate genes. Other loci include genes such as a cholinergic nicotinic receptor, CHRNA2, and the telomere-related genes OFBC1 and RTEL1. Further exploration of the target genes will continue to provide new insights into the etiology of lung cancer

    Globaliseringens effekt pÄ partienes syn pÄ relasjonen stat-marked : en analyse av kraftmarkedspolitikk 1997-2009

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    Globaliseringen er vĂ„r tids samtidsdiagnose. NĂ„r man sĂžker Ă„ si noe om globaliseringen kan man ta utgangspunkt i Helds tre perspektiver om fenomenet, hyperglobalister, globalister og transformasjonalister. Globaliseringen gir nye styringsutfordringer som har blitt redefinert fra en nasjonal til en global ramme. Og dette gir et nytt rom for debatt og styring. Samtidig har Makt og demokratiutredningen vist at man i Norge har statskapitalisme uten strategi. Hvorfor og hvordan er dette tilfellet? En mĂ„te Ă„ analysere dette pĂ„ er Ă„ se hva som skjer med forstĂ„elsen av relasjonen stat-marked nĂ„r rammen for politikkutforming og debatt endres fra det nasjonale til det globale. Oppgavens formĂ„l er Ă„ forklare ”hvordan nasjonal politikk” tilpasses det som ofte betegnes som globaliseringsprosesser, herunder regulering, konsesjon og eierskap. Dette for Ă„ forstĂ„ hvordan de politiske partiene SV, DNA, Venstre og HĂžyre har endret sin politikk som fĂžlge av endrede omgivelser, med hovedfokus pĂ„ endring i deres problemforstĂ„else og policyforslag over tid. Nye fenomen som globaliseringen utfordrer institusjonalisert politikk og krever en ny problemforstĂ„else. Problemstillingen vil derfor bli besvart i forhold til et case om kraftmarkedet, med vekt pĂ„ statlig styring og eierskap og partienes syn pĂ„ relasjonen stat-marked. Jeg har benyttet meg av et institusjonelt perspektiv - logic of appropriateness for Ă„ forklare hvordan partiene endrer sin politikk, etter en handlingslogikk LoA - ideen om det passende. Det bemerkes at intensjonen ikke har vĂŠrt Ă„ forklare hvorfor politikken endrer seg, men har vĂŠrt empirisk rettet mot Ă„ forstĂ„ endring, eller mangelen pĂ„ sĂ„dan, i politikk. Dette innebĂŠrer et spĂžrsmĂ„l om hvordan partiene endrer sin forstĂ„else og politikk analysert i lys av LoA. Denne handlingslogikken har sitt utgangspunkt i at man stiller tre spĂžrsmĂ„l, hvordan situasjon er dette, hvem er jeg, hva er mest passende for en person som meg i en situasjon som dette, og tilslutt velger man den handlingen som er mest passende. Globaliseringen som prosess utfordrer deler av den etablerte politikken og skaper en ny problemforstĂ„else i partiene. Dermed re-fortolkes globaliseringen inn i den nasjonale politiske setting pĂ„ bakgrunn av eksisterende virkemidler stat/ marked og eksisterende politikk med statlig eierskap, konsesjonslovgivning og hjemfallsrett. Motivet med politikken endres ikke. Det er ikke globaliseringen direkte som endrer politikken, men det skjer som en konsekvens av nye rammevilkĂ„r. Dette fordi nĂ„r forstĂ„elsen av styringsutfordringene redefineres fra en nasjonal til global ramme blir globaliseringen refortolket inn i en nasjonal ramme. Og da endres synet pĂ„ hva det nasjonale er og betyr i en global konkurransesituasjon. Poenget er sĂ„ at det blir endring i hvordan man definerer problem i den forstand at globale forhold bakes inn i problemdefinisjonen og i argumenter for partienes politikk. Partienes syn pĂ„ globaliseringen er at Sv ser det som Ăžkende urettferdighet og turbokapitalisme, Ap har en forstĂ„else av globaliseringen som Ăžkende vekst og utfordringer i likhet med den under industrialiseringen. Handlingsregelen for Sv er mer styring og mindre marked, mens for Ap er det Ăžkt politisk samspill. Venstre ser globaliseringen som et gode, siden dette gir bedre pris og bedre ressursutnyttelse. Handlingsregelen er verdensborger og balanse mellom stat og marked hvor staten definerer reglene. HĂžyre mener som V at markedet skal styre og de ser globaliseringen som Ăžkte Ăžkonomiske muligheter og utfordringer og styrt av markedsmekanismene derfor mĂ„ man Ă„pne opp for disse, hvor regelen for handlingsvalget blir mer marked. Vi antar at deres syn pĂ„ globaliseringen kan overfĂžres til det endrede handlingsrommet til kraftmarkedet og at dette former deres problemdefinisjon og policyutforming her. Vi vil ogsĂ„ se hvordan deres syn pĂ„ globaliseringen kan spores i eierskapsdebatten om Statkraft, som vi antar vil bli en ytterligere spesifisering av partienes normer. Partienes syn pĂ„ relasjonen stat- marked (1997-2005) Partienes syn pĂ„ relasjonen stat - marked kommer til syne pĂ„ fĂžlgende mĂ„te med hensyn til statlig eierskap og styring hvor Ap er det eneste partiet som spesifikt vil beholde hjemfalls- instituttet i begge perioder, mens H ser det som en hemsko. Svs fokus er konsesjons- lovgivningens betydning som motvekt mot spekulasjonsĂžkonomien, mens Venstre ikke er fremmed for at private lĂžser oppgaver vel sĂ„ tilfredsstillende som staten, ogsĂ„ pĂ„ det globale plan. Som en generell stilisering av partienes syn pĂ„ staten vis a vis markedets rolle i politikk- utformingen av kraftmarkedet og politikken /samfunnet generelt er Sv pro stat, Ap sĂžker partnerskap der Venstre sĂžker balanse og HĂžyre er pro markedet. Sv og Ap vil opprettholde konsesjonslovgivning og hjemfallsinstituttet, Venstre mener kraftmarkedet skal styres av de globale markedsmekanismene i likhet med HĂžyre som ogsĂ„ ser hjemfallsinstituttet som en hemsko. Partienes syn pĂ„ relasjonen stat- marked 2005-2009 Vi har sĂžkt Ă„ vise globaliseringens effekter pĂ„ partienes program, I synet pĂ„ relasjonen stat-marked er Sv for en sterk stat med hensyn til styring og eierskap, Ap sĂžker partnerskap, hvor staten skal styre markedet direkte og ikke via regler som hos V. Ap Ăžnsker statlig eierskap. Hos Venstre er det en tvetydighet, siden de normalt ser markedet som den rĂ„dende mens staten kun definerer reglene. HĂžyre har ingen endring i politikk men litt sterkere eller annerledes argumenter da de fĂžr fokuserte pĂ„ eiendomsretten men nĂ„ ogsĂ„ fordi man mĂ„ tilpasse seg markedet. Vi kan spore endring i SV sin politikk ved opprettholdelse av hjemfall og Ap sin politikk ved Ăžkt statlig eierskap. NĂ„r det gjelder kraftmarkedspolitikken er alle partiene opptatt av miljĂžet og globaliseringen er blitt re-fortolket inn forstĂ„elsen av det nasjonale ved at alle sĂžker Ă„ bli ledende pĂ„ kraft innen miljĂž og/eller eksport. Partienes forstĂ„else av Statkraft fra SF til AS Som fĂžlge av et institusjonelt perspektiv som anlegges i oppgaven forventer man at synet pĂ„ relasjonen stat–marked og den institusjonaliserte kraftmarkedspolitikken styrer forstĂ„elsen av debatten og gir seg utslag i hva partiene mener er betydningen av omgjĂžringen fra SF til AS. Dette etter ideen om det passende- LoA. Sv ser endringen som snikprivatisering, AP det som tap av styringskraft og HĂžyre (inklusiv Venstre) ser det som tilrettelegging for like konkurransevilkĂ„r. Dette kan underbygge at eksisterende virkemidler og eksisterende politikk former situasjonsforstĂ„elsen av nye fenomen ved at situasjonsforstĂ„elsen av globaliseringen aktualiserer en norm om mer eller mindre stat, mer eller mindre marked, som man antar er internalisert i partienes identitet. Konklusjonen viser fĂžlgende Problemstillingen for denne studien var: hvordan endrer de politiske partiene sin politikk nĂ„r rammene for den nasjonale politikk er i endring, som fĂžlge av det som ofte omtales som globaliseringsprosesser? Og konkretiseres ved Ă„ velge partiprogram (1997-2009) for Sv, AP, Venstre og HĂžyre med hensyn til deres kraftmarkedspolitikk, globaliseringssyn og endring av statens eierskap i Statkraft fra SF til AS, som case. Hovedkonklusjon er at globaliseringen re-fortolkes inn i en nasjonal politisk setting og eksisterende virkemidler og politikk former problemforstĂ„elsen av nye fenomener

    Incidence and treatment of tracheal cancer: a nationwide study in the Netherlands.

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    Contains fulltext : 53071.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence, characteristics, treatment, and survival of patients with tracheal malignancies in the Netherlands. METHODS: All cases of tracheal cancer entered into the database of the Netherlands Cancer Registry in the period 1989-2002 were selected. Data on histological type, age at time of diagnosis, treatment, and survival were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: The annual incidence was 0.142 per 100,000 inhabitants (308 cases, of which 15 were found incidentally at autopsy). Of these, 72% were men. In 52.9%, the histological type was squamous cell carcinoma and in only 7.1% adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). Mean age at time of diagnosis was 64.3 years. Of the 293 patients diagnosed while alive, 34 patients underwent surgical resection (11.6%), 156 patients received radiotherapy (53.2%), and 103 patients neither (35.4%). Median survival of all 293 patients was 10 months (mean 28 months) with 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year survival rates of 43%, 15%, and 6%, respectively. The prognosis of patients with ACC was significantly better. The 5-year survival rate in patients who underwent surgical resection was 51%, and the 10-year survival rate in these patients was 33%. CONCLUSION: The prognosis of patients with a tracheal malignancy is usually poor. Surgical treatment, however, can lead to good survival rates; still, this is currently only used in selected patients, even though it would seem to be possible in more cases in view of the technical advances in the field of tracheal surgery. Centralizing the care and treatment of tracheal cancers and implementing a more assertive attitude towards this disease could make surgery accessible to a larger number of patients. Data from the literature show that this would lead to better survival in patients with a tracheal malignancy

    Undertreatment of tracheal carcinoma: multidisciplinary audit of epidemiologic data.

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    Contains fulltext : 81051.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)National epidemiologic data were examined to determine the eligibility for curative therapy in tracheal carcinoma. An expert audit of primary tracheal carcinomas registered from 2000 to 2005 with the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) included blinded patient data and radiographic review to assess diagnosis and resectability. Actual treatment was compared with the opinions of a multidisciplinary panel (Radboud panel) and a second reviewer. Of 101 NCR-registered primary tracheal carcinomas, the Radboud panel diagnosis was metastatic disease or local extension of adjacent tumors in 34. Seventeen cases were excluded for missing data. In 50 cases confirmed by panel and a second reviewer, actual treatment consisted of surgery in 12 (24%), radiotherapy in 29 (58%), endobronchial treatment in 6 (12%), and observation in 3 (6%). Both panel and second reviewer identified 16 additional surgical candidates, a total of 28 (56%) of 50. Treatment recommendations of panel and second reviewer disagreed in four cases (8%). One-third of NCR-registered primary tracheal carcinomas were misclassified nontracheal primary tumors involving the trachea. A majority of cases meeting audit criteria for diagnosis and surgical resection was treated with other modalities. Interreviewer disagreement was small. The audit of a national cancer registry suggests that incorrect diagnosis and undertreatment are common in rare airway tumors