99 research outputs found

    Gamma Ray Bursts: Cosmic Rulers for the High-Redshift Universe?

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    The desire to extend the Hubble Diagram to higher redshifts than the range of current Type Ia Supernovae observations has prompted investigation into spectral correlations in Gamma Ray Bursts, in the hope that standard candle-like properties can be identified. In this paper we discuss the potential of these new `cosmic rulers' and highlight their limitations by investigating the constraints that current data can place on an alternative Cosmological model in the form of Conformal Gravity. By fitting current Type 1a Supernovae and Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) data to the predicted luminosity distance redshift relation of both the standard Concordance Model and Conformal Gravity, we show that currently \emph{neither} model is strongly favoured at high redshift. The scatter in the current GRB data testifies to the further work required if GRBs are to cement their place as effective probes of the cosmological distance scale.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (black & white, colour available). To be published in "Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society" as proceedings from Discussion Meeting on Gamma Ray Burst

    Confidence amongst multidisciplinary professionals in managing paediatric rheumatic disease in Australia

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    Objective. Interprofessional collaboration is a crucial component of care for children with rheumatic disease. Interprofessional care, when delivered appropriately, prevents disability and improves long-term prognosis in this vulnerable group. Methods. The aim of this survey was to explore allied health professionals’ and nurses’ confidence in treating paediatric rheumatology patients. Results. Overall, 117 participants were recruited, 77.9% of participants reported being “not confident at all,” “not confident,” or “neutral” in treating children with rheumatic diseases (RD) despite 65.1% of participants reporting having treated >1 paediatric rheumatology case in the past month. Furthermore, 67.2% of participants felt their undergraduate education in paediatric rheumatology was inadequate. “Journals” or “texts books” were used by 49.3% of participants as their primary source of continuing professional development (CPD) and 39.3% of participants indicated that they did not undertake any CPD related to paediatric rheumatology. Small group and online education were perceived to be potentially of “great benefit” for CPD. Conclusion. This paper highlights allied health professionals’ and nurses’ perceived inadequacy of their undergraduate education in paediatric RD and their low confidence in recognising and treating RD. Undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities focusing on interprofessional collaboration should be developed to address this workforce deficiency

    Efektivitas Seduhan Daun Sirih terhadap Indeks Plak pada Anak Usia 12-15 tahun di Desa Pesisir Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    Green betel leaves contain essential oils consisting of phenol and its derivatives, including betlephenol, estragol, kavikol, eugenol, and diastene enzymes. Betel leaf infusion is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria caused plaque. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of steeping betel leaves on plaque index in children aged 12-15 years old in coastal village of Southeast Regency. This is a quasi-experimental one group pre-post test research. The variable measured was dental hygiene using the Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP) plaque index. The treatment given to research subjects was giving steeping water and then gargled for 60 seconds. After that, the plaque index was measured. The data obtained were tabulated and presented in tabular form and tested using paired t-test. The results showed that the plaque index before gargling betel leaf stew was mostly in the bad criteria (60%). Furthermore, after gargling betel leaf decoction, the most plaque index was in the medium category (64%). The results of the paired-t test obtained a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05). This value indicates that there is a difference in the plaque index before and after being given treatment, which means that there is an effect of giving betel leaf infusion on the plaque index. It can be concluded that betel leaf infusion is effective in improving the plaque index in children aged 12-15 years old

    Improving response rates using a monetary incentive for patient completion of questionnaires: an observational study

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    Background: Poor response rates to postal questionnaires can introduce bias and reduce the statistical power of a study. To improve response rates in our trial in primary care we tested the effect of introducing an unconditional direct payment of 5 pound for the completion of postal questionnaires. Methods: We recruited patients in general practice with knee problems from sites across the United Kingdom. An evidence-based strategy was used to follow-up patients at twelve months with postal questionnaires. This included an unconditional direct payment of 5 pound to patients for the completion and return of questionnaires. The first 105 patients did not receive the 5 pound incentive, but the subsequent 442 patients did. We used logistic regression to analyse the effect of introducing a monetary incentive to increase the response to postal questionnaires. Results: The response rate following reminders for the historical controls was 78.1% ( 82 of 105) compared with 88.0% ( 389 of 442) for those patients who received the 5 pound payment (diff = 9.9%, 95% CI 2.3% to 19.1%). Direct payments significantly increased the odds of response ( adjusted odds ratio = 2.2, 95% CI 1.2 to 4.0, P = 0.009) with only 12 of 442 patients declining the payment. The incentive did not save costs to the trial - the extra cost per additional respondent was almost 50 pound. Conclusion: The direct payment of 5 pound significantly increased the completion of postal questionnaires at negligible increase in cost for an adequately powered study

    Real-world evaluation of an acceptance and commitment therapy–based group programme for breast cancer survivors with fear of cancer recurrence

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of a 6-week acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)–based group programme on participants’ fear of cancer recurrence (FCR), quality of life (QoL), psychological distress and psychological flexibility at the end of the programme and 12-week follow-up. Methods: A one-group, post-test service evaluation of a real-world psychological programme was carried out to evaluate collected outcome measures and attendance for a total of 21 groups facilitated between 2017 and 2019. Participants were breast cancer survivors who attended a 6-week group programme led by NHS clinicians. Descriptive statistics and repeated measures ANOVA analyses were carried out for each outcome measure. Attendance levels were examined to assess acceptability. Results: A total of 97 group participants who had completed curative treatment for breast cancer took part. Of whom, 89% completed at least 4 of the 6 weekly group sessions and 76% attended the 12-week follow-up session. Eighty-four (87%) participants returned outcome measures at all three time points relative to group participation (T1 = pre, T2 = post T3 = 12-week follow-up). Group participants were female, mean age 51.9 years. FCR was highest at T1 (mean 25.2, SD 4.7), reduced T2 (mean 21.2, SD 5.4) and further lowered T3 (mean 19.5, SD 6.2). This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). QoL was lowest at T1 (mean 62.4, SD 15.7), increased T2 (mean 71.7, SD 18.1) and further increased at T3 (mean 75.9, SD 17.5). This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Psychological distress measures were shown to reduce, and psychological flexibility increased. Conclusions: This real-world evaluation of an ACT-based group programme led to improvements in FCR, QoL, psychological distress and psychological flexibility in this population. This evaluation provides basis for further investigation to determine if these results can be replicated by controlled research design across diverse populations

    Long-Term Outcomes in IgA Nephropathy

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    BACKGROUND: IgA nephropathy can progress to kidney failure, and risk assessment soon after diagnosis has advantages both for clinical management and the development of new therapeutics. We present relationships among proteinuria, eGFR slope and lifetime risks for kidney failure. METHODS: The IgA nephropathy cohort (2,299 adults, 140 children) of the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) was analyzed. Patients enrolled had a biopsy-proven diagnosis of IgA nephropathy, plus proteinuria >0.5 g/day or eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73m 2 . Incident and prevalent populations were studied as well as a population representative of a typical phase 3 clinical trial cohort. Analyses of kidney survival were conducted using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. eGFR slope was estimated using linear mixed models with random intercept and slope. RESULTS: Median (Q1, Q3) follow-up was 5.9 (3.0, 10.5) years; 50% of patients reached kidney failure or died in the study period. Median (95% CI) kidney survival was 11.4 (10.5, 12.5) years; mean age at kidney failure/death was 48 years, and most patients progressed to kidney failure within 10-15 years. Based on eGFR and age at diagnosis, almost all patients are at risk of progression to kidney failure within their expected lifetime unless a rate of eGFR loss ≤1 ml/min/1.73m 2 /year can be maintained. Time-averaged proteinuria was significantly associated with worse kidney survival and more rapid eGFR loss in incident, prevalent, and "clinical trial" populations. 30% of patients with time-averaged proteinuria of 0.44 to <0.88 g/g and approximately 20% of patients with time-averaged proteinuria <0.44 g/g developed kidney failure within 10 years. In the "clinical trial" population each 10% decrease in time-averaged proteinuria from baseline was associated with a hazard ratio (95% CI) for kidney failure/death of 0.89 (0.87-0.92). CONCLUSIONS: Outcomes in this large IgA nephropathy cohort are generally poor with few patients expected to avoid kidney failure in their lifetime. Significantly, patients traditionally regarded as being "low-risk", with proteinuria <0.88 g/g (<100 mg/mmol), have high rates of kidney failure within 10 years

    Setting the context for a complex dental intervention of role substitution in care homes: initial process evaluation findings

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    Background The oral health and quality-of-life of older adults residing in care homes is poorer than those in the community. Oral health care provision is often unavailable and a concern and challenge for managers. The use of Dental Therapists and Dental Nurses rather than dentists could potentially meet these needs. ObjectivesSENIOR (uSing rolE-substitutioN In care homes to improve oRal health) is a randomised controlled trial designed to determine whether role substitution could improve oral health for this population. A parallel process evaluation was undertaken to understand context. This paper reports on the first phase of the process evaluation.Materials and MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 key stakeholders who either worked or had experience of dependent care settings. Questions were theoretically informed by the: Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PAHRIS) framework. The focus was on contextual factors that could influence adoption in practice and the pathway-to-impact. Interviews were fully transcribed and analysed thematically.ResultsThree themes (receptive context, culture, and leadership) and 11 codes were generated. Data shows the complexity of the setting and contextual factors that may work as barriers and facilitators to intervention delivery. Managers are aware of the issues regarding oral health and seek to provide best care, but face many challenges including staff turnover, time pressures, competing needs, access to services and financial constraints. Dental professionals recognise the need for improvement and view role substitution as a viable alternative to current practice. ConclusionAlthough role substitution could potentially meet the needs of this population, an in-depth understanding of contextual factors appeared important in understanding intervention delivery and implementation.<br/

    Early Mississippian evaporites of coastal tropical wetlands

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    Extensive evaporites in Lower Mississippian successions from palaeoequatorial regions are commonly used as evidence for an arid to semi‐arid palaeoclimate. However, in this article, detailed studies of evaporites and their context refute this interpretation. Detailed sedimentological and petrographical analysis of the Lower Mississippian of northern Britain, is combined with archived log data from more than 40 boreholes across southern Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland, and published literature from Canada. Two key cores from the Tweed Basin and the northern margin of the Northumberland – Solway Basin contain 178 evaporite intervals and reveal twelve distinct forms of gypsum and anhydrite across seven facies that are associated with planar laminated siltstone and intercalated thin beds of ferroan dolostone. Nodular gypsum and anhydrite, typically in intervals <1 to 2 m thick, are integral components of the succession. Nodular evaporite occurs within about 1 m of a palaeosurface, but most evaporite deposits represent ephemeral brine pans to semi‐permanent hypersaline lakes or salinas on a floodplain that was subjected periodically to storm surges introducing marine waters. Formation of evaporites under a strongly seasonal climate in a coastal wetland is supported by palaeosol types and geochemical proxies, and from palaeobotanical evidence published previously. Although 65% of modern equatorial areas experience a strongly seasonal climatic regime, salinas and sabkhas are a minor component today in comparison with the evidence from these Lower Mississippian successions. This implies that the earliest terrestrial environments were complex and dynamic, providing a diverse range of habitats in which the early tetrapods became terrestrialized and represent a setting that is rarely preserved in the geological record

    Development of an intervention to expedite cancer diagnosis through primary care: a protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: GPs can play an important role in achieving earlier cancer diagnosis to improve patient outcomes, for example through prompt use of the urgent suspected cancer referral pathway. Barriers to early diagnosis include individual practitioner variation in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, professional expectations, and norms. AIM: This programme of work (Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis [WICKED]) will develop a behaviour change intervention to expedite diagnosis through primary care and contribute to improved cancer outcomes. DESIGN & SETTING: Non-experimental mixed-method study with GPs and primary care practice teams from Wales. METHOD: Four work packages will inform the development of the behaviour change intervention. Work package 1 will identify relevant evidence-based interventions (systematic review of reviews) and will determine why interventions do or do not work, for whom, and in what circumstances (realist review). Work package 2 will assess cancer knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of GPs, as well as primary care teams' perspectives on cancer referral and investigation (GP survey, discrete choice experiment [DCE], interviews, and focus groups). Work package 3 will synthesise findings from earlier work packages using the behaviour change wheel as an overarching theoretical framework to guide intervention development. Work package 4 will test the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention, and determine methods for measuring costs and effects of subsequent behaviour change in a randomised feasibility trial. RESULTS: The findings will inform the design of a future effectiveness trial, with concurrent economic evaluation, aimed at earlier diagnosis. CONCLUSION: This comprehensive, evidence-based programme will develop a complex GP behaviour change intervention to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer, and may be applicable to countries with similar healthcare systems