3,873 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan handout pada mata diklat pengelasan efektif dan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca gambar kerja siswa dengan hand-out pada mata diklat pengelasan di kelas X TP 4 SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas model Kemmis yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah kelas X TP 4 SMKN 3 Yogyakarta sebanyak 34 siswa pada mata diklat Dasar Kejuruan Mesin (DKM). Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini dilakukan melalui observasi, dan pemberian tes. Data observasi yang diperoleh pada setiap siklus dan hasil tes dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil prestasi belajar siswa setelah dilaksanakan penerapan metode pemberian handout pada mata diklat pengelasan. Pada siklus I rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa yaitu 70, pada siklus II rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa yaitu 74,17 dan pada siklus III rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa yaitu 84,11. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan handout pada mata pelajaran teori pengelasan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca gambar kerja siswa kelas X TP 4 SMKN 3 Yogyakarta


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    The writer realized that literature can be used to know and add the experience of life. Literature \ud is one of sources that someone may find the description of real life. It covers many aspects of life \ud and it is considered as a mirror of society that is created based on the author's imagination. In this \ud study, the writer appreciates the novel about the main character's psychological pressure in \ud facing the difficulties. \ud The purpose of this study is to discover the three issues stated in problems statements. Some \ud activities were done to reach the purpose of the study. Firstly, analyzing, understanding, and \ud comprehending the novel. Secondly, searching problems dealing with the purpose of study. \ud Then, drawing conclusion based on result data analysis. \ud Moreover, this study uses descriptive method, and this method is used to review the literary \ud research to provide the data. Then, the data are carefully selected and examined to reach the best \ud result of study. And the technique used in this study is library research in which most of \ud information used as sources of study are taken from references: books, dictionaries, and \ud encyclopedias in library. \ud In this novel, there are three main characters, they are Mary Stuart, Tanya Thomas, and Dr Zoe \ud Phillips. The result of this study shows that there are three main characters' psychological \ud pressure. First, Mary Stuart has psychological pressure when she feels lonely in her family and \ud she doesn't have happiness that she had ever had. She needs love and attention from her husband \ud when she loses her son, but her husband always blames her on their son's death. Second, Tanya \ud Thomas has pressure when she loses her husbands. She doesn't have true love, and she lost \ud everything in her life. The third is Dr Zoe Phillips who has been infected by AIDS. She worries \ud about her daughter because of AIDS, and she has to be careful and patient caring her baby. \ud Beside the main characters' psychological pressure above, this study also discussed about the \ud effects of the main characters' psychological pressure toward themselves. First, the effects of \ud Mary Stuart's psychological pressure toward herself are: 1) She decides to evaluate herself what \ud she must do in the future. 2) She wants to divorce her husband because their family is not \ud harmony anymore. 3) There was someone in Wyoming who cared about her and loved her, but \ud she didn't have guts to say it, because she still chose her husband. Second, the effects of Tanya \ud Thomas's psychological pressure toward herself are: 1) She wants to forget her bad experience. \ud 2) She has new life when she felt interest with Gordon who worked as wrangler in ranch. Third, \ud the effects of Dr Zoe Phillips's psychological pressure toward herself are: \ud 1) She wanted to take a vacancy in Wyoming because of AIDS. 2) She didn't feel worried \ud anymore because her friends were willing to take care her daughter when next she died


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    Abstract This research compares and contrasts the structure of Javanese Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet) Theatre and th performance of Balinese Shadow Theatre, enacting the same story derived from Arjuna Wiwaha poem. This research is primarily based on our experiences as both dalang practicioner and instructor, interviewing several Javanese and Balinese dalangs, and field research in Surakarta and Bali. Major part of this research analyzes the performance dramatic structure that includes the plot, setting, characterization, theme, and edification. In comparing yhe performance of both types of Wayang shadow theatre there are similarity, diversity, and overlapping structure of the two Wayang theatres

    Climate Assessment of Orientation Design in the Housing Master Plan Close to the Airport

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    Abstract— This study is a continuation research of Sustainable Master plan Design in Residential Area Near the Airport which was previously conducted. In that study, it has been known that the angles of 135° and 180° towards the runway are the most effective angles which can reduce noise emitted from the airport. For reviewing the climate aspects, models are fitted in those angles, and then the observation of climatic aspects such as: temperature, humidity and wind speed should be conducted to review their influence to noise received by inhabitants. The research methods used were polynomial regressions of goniometric. And the results are correlation models of noise level to temperature, humidity and wind speed

    Linguistic Expression with Referrence to Semiotic in Ulos of Wedding Ceremony of Batak Toba

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    This study was deal with linguistic expression, in semiotics of ulos in wedding ceremony of batak toba. This research used qualitative method which concerned with developing explanations of experience or on data. The source of the data was taken from the ulos in wedding ceremony of batak toba, and relevant with the transcript of interviewing by three informants with some criterias, that is the most dominant population in three different surename in Tarutung, at the age of 45 to 55 years old and have the recognition from each surename. The instruments that is used in this study was tape recorder, camera, and also the book which relevant to the data. In technique of analyzing data, descriptive qualitative data analysis stage is identifying the ornament, reducing the ornament which are not relevant, classifying, interpreting, analyzing and concluding the findings. There are three kinds of ulos used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, they are ulos ragidup, ulos ragihotang, and ulos sadum. Each ulos have topi sokkar which explain that everything in this world have the limit and the color depend to the ceremony that is performed. In ulos ragidup, there are hatir symbolized of wealth, sigumang symbolized the hope of the giver of this ulos for the receiver to works right and efficient also, batu ni ansimun symbolizing the health, sisik ni ikan symbolizing a good life, tidy life, even in a crowded of life, and also jungkit symbolizing in having an organized life well. In ulos ragihotang there are unok-unok, symbolized be a wise person like the humus, and jungkit. In ulos sadum, there is torna where this symbol to remind the people that Batak people come from mountain

    Certified Teacher Beliefs on The Use of Teacher Talk

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    Teachers' belief is becoming important to research as it reveals the decision made by the teachers in teaching learning process. It will also explain the way the teacher behave and talk with it. This research will explore 1) whether or not the certified English language teacher beliefs on the use of Teacher Talk (TT) show parallelism with their actual practices, and 2) the contribution of English language teachers' experiences to the construction of their beliefs regarding the use of Teacher Talk. Mixed research method was implemented to explore the quantitative and qualitative inside of the topic. This way was considered to be effective to meet with the expected answer for this research. Taking place at a suburb area, group of certified teachers became the subject for the research. The researcher utilized questionnaire, observation checklist, audio-video recording, interview guide and, document as the instruments. The result shows that the more the teachers beliefs on the TT, the more practices of TT in the teaching learning process. Another finding reveals that particular teachers experiences contribute a positive impacts on the the construction of teacher beliefs dealing with the management of TT in the class

    Karakteristik Permainan Bolavoli Tim Putera dan Tim Puteri (Studi pada Proliga 2012 di Gresik)

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the characteristics of male and female team's on Proliga 2012 in Gresik. In the championship, there are some differences on the characteristics of the pattern which is made by all of teams. The characteristics are included duration of time, serve, passing, set-up, smash and block. The type of this research was quantitative research by using descriptive analysis method. The data were obtained from the entire game on Proliga 2012 in Gresik. It was conducted observationally. The results of the characteristics of male and female team's volley ball game on Proliga 2012 in Gresik, they are: (1.a) The average time that is needed in one game from all of the games is male team that is faster than female team , (1.b) The total average of male team in each set is faster than female team, (1.c) The total time on rally includes: i) Started from effective serve to hit till the ball dead, male team is faster than female team, ii) Started from effective whistle till the ball dead, male team is faster than the female team, (1.d) The total average time of clean rally and dirty at the male team is faster than female team, (1.e) The total time of the game with the score 3-0, 3-1, and 3-2, male team is faster than female team, (2.a) The total average offensive team in every rally is 46% for male and 54% female team, (2.b) The total of jumping activity of male team is faster than female team, (3.a) The male team often serve jump technique than female team, (3.b) The female team more often do the passing movement when receive or dig than the male team, (3.c) The female team more often stem by using smash with two blockers, while the male team more often stem block with three blockers , (3.d) the feed of down passing with the technique still uses by a team of female than male team. It can be concluded that characteristics of male and female team's volley ball game on Proliga 2012 are the different

    Analisis Efektivitas Video Dokumenter Sebagai Meda Promosi Terhadap Generasi Z Di Batam: Studi Kasus Playstation

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    Video dokumenter adalah sebuah video yang menceritakan tentang fakta yang ada pada objek tertentu, video dokumenter tidak hanya berfungsi untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan informasi, tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dari sebuah video dokumenter sebagai media advertising terhadap perilaku purchase intention dan dimediasi oleh brand awareness pada generasi Z di kota Batam. Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada konsumen dan calon konsumen produk playstation. Variabel advertising merupakan variabel independent, variabel purchase intention merupakan variabel dependent, dan variabel brand awareness merupakan variabel mediasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada generasi Z dengan menggunakan purposive sampling method dengan jumlah sampling 400 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perancangan video dokumenter menggunakan metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) dan dilanjutkan dengan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner menggunakan platform google form, penelitian dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 26. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Regresi Mediasi Kausal Step untuk menguji pengaruh advertising dan brand awareness terhadap purchase intention pada generasi Z di Kota Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara advertising dengan purchase intention, serta variabel brand awareness juga berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention. Penelitian ini membuktikan peran brand awareness sebagai variabel mediasi dalam pengaruh advertising terhadap purchase intention pada generasi Z di Kota Batam. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa advertising dan brand awareness merupakan faktor penting dalam meningkatkan purchase intention pada generasi Z di Kota Batam


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    The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the characteristics of male and female team’s on Proliga 2012 in Gresik. In the championship, there are some differences on the characteristics of the pattern which is made by all of teams. The characteristics are included duration of time, serve, passing, set-up, smash and block. The type of this research was quantitative research by using descriptive analysis method. The data were obtained from the entire game on Proliga 2012 in Gresik. It was conducted observationally. The results of the characteristics of male and female team’s volley ball game on Proliga 2012 in Gresik, they are: (1.a) The average time that is needed in one game from all of the games is male team that is faster than female team , (1.b) The total average of male team in each set is faster than female team, (1.c) The total time on rally includes: i) Started from effective serve to hit till the ball dead, male team is faster than female team, ii) Started from effective whistle till the ball dead, male team is faster than the female team, (1.d) The total average time of clean rally and dirty at the male team is faster than female team, (1.e) The total time of the game with the score 3-0, 3-1, and 3-2, male team is faster than female team, (2.a) The total average offensive team in every rally is 46% for male and 54% female team, (2.b) The total of jumping activity of male team is faster than female team, (3.a) The male team often serve jump technique than female team, (3.b) The female team  more often do the passing movement when receive or dig than the male team, (3.c) The female team more often stem by using smash with two blockers, while the male team more often stem block with three blockers , (3.d) the feed of down passing with the technique still uses by a team of female than male team. It can be concluded that characteristics of male and female team’s volley ball game on Proliga 2012 are the different. Keywords: characteristics, volleyball, male team, female tea
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