88 research outputs found

    How to make grounded the preferred approach to psychological research? A review

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    Grounded theory has proven to be a very popular methodological choice for researchers in areas such as education, health, and social since 1960. This review aims to identify and describe the use of grounded theory in the field of psychology. The online database was used as a source including psycINFO, ScienceDirect, and Proquest. There are (N = 18) articles resolved through the screening process by setting exclusion or inclusion criteria. The results of the review on the application of grounded theory in psychology research can be grouped in several points including how to write the title of research, research objectives, to step-by-step grounded theory implementation, technically ranging from researcher attitude, role, and treatment to literature, data collection, its findings. Two grounded theory versions are identified (i.e, classic grounded theory and constructivist) and described in detail the technical applications that can be chosen by the researcher by considering the differences (strengths and weaknesses) between the two. Understanding and disciplined and consistent application of grounded theory will help contribute either in the building, developing, or filling the theoretical gaps that exist.Keywords: classic grounded theory, constructivist grounded theory, psychology

    Resiliensi Akademik Ditinjau dari Strategi Self-Regulated Learning (SLR) pada Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Multidisiplin

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    Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin membuktikan seberapa besar pengaruh strategi self-regulated learning (SLR) terhadap kemampuan resiliensi akademik mahasiswa pascasarjana multidisiplin. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan menyebarkan angket tentang strategi SLR yang menggunakan teori Zimmerman & Martines (1989) serta skala ketahanan akademik dari teori Martin & Marsh (2003). Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara strategi self-regulated learning (SLR) dan resiliensi akademik mahasiswa pascasarjana multidisiplin, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 dan nilai R sebesar 0,409. Ini berarti bahwa strategi self-regulated learning memiliki kontribusi sebesar 16,7% terhadap resiliensi akademik mahasiswa. Implikasi penelitian ini bahwa pentingnya peningkatan strategi self-regulated learning demi meningkatkan resiliensi akademik mahasiswa pascasarjan

    Studi Kajian Literatur Wanita Tidak Menikah Di Berbagai Negara

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ingin melakukan studi kajian literatur tentang bagaimana tendensi wanita tidak menikah pada rentang usia dewasa awal sampai dewasa akhir di berbagai negara sebagai salah satu proses penelitian disertasi. Desain studi kajian literatur ini ialah narrative review dari berbagai hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi yang telah dipublikasikan dalam bentuk jurnal, proceeding dan penulisan ilmiah on line. Studi kajian literatur tentang tendensi wanita tidak menikah ini diperoleh dari beberapa hasil penelitian di berbagai negara, meliputi : Amerika, Cina, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jerman dan Malaysia. Adapun tema-tema diperoleh dari studi kajian literatur tersebut, meliputi : 1) Peningkatan prosentase jumlah wanita tidak menikah ; 2) Latar belakang/alasan menjadi wanita tidak pernah menikah / mempertahankan tidak menikah hingga saat ini ; 3) Tipe dan siklus lajang ; 4) Stigma sosial; 5) Ambivalensi ; 6) Keuntungan ; 7) Kerugian/problem-problem yang dialami; 8) Persepsi orang pada umumnya/keluarga terhadap wanita tidak pernah menikah vs persepsi wanita tidak menikah ; 9) Peran dukungan sosial ; 10) Coping yang dilakukan; dan 11) Pemenuhan tahapan tugas perkembangan : intimacy dan generativity. Hasil ulasan tema-tema tersebut dapat memberikan masukan yang berarti terhadap topik-topk kajian penelitian selanjutnya tentang wanita tidak menikah, seperti stigma sosial, konsep diri, persepsi wantia tidak menikah terhadap status tidak menikah dan status menikah dan persepsi wanita menikah terhadap status tidak menikah dan status menikah pada generasi wanita masa kini, well-being, coping stress, dan empowering

    The Alignment of Solution-Focused Brief Counseling in Helping to Achieve Resilience

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    This review of the literature aims to explain why Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC) is appropriate as an approach in helping individuals achieve resilience, after experiencing certain traumatic events. This study was motivated by the need for a conceptual explanation of what approaches can be recommended so that recovery of post-traumatic psychological conditions and the achievement of resilience can be carried out with more efficient and effective processes. The method used in this study was comparative analysis, involving a variety of relevant literature to identify alignment concepts between SFBC and resilience. The intended literature includes reference books, reputable scientific journal articles, and various information from credible sources. The results of the study show that there are points of similarity in the two theories, both in terms of basic assumptions and concepts related to the intervention process which confirms the relevance and accuracy of the use of SFBC in helping individuals achieve post-traumatic resilience. This study can then be used as a scientific foothold for the application of SFBC in an effort to increase individual resilience in various contexts

    The Social Intervention for Adolescence with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Systematic Review

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    AbstractThe systematic review aims to find the types of effective social interventions applied to adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in several articles selected through the screening process in 2010-2018. The review was conducted with search keywords "social intervention" and "autism spectrum disorder" on 3 online databases, namely ERIC, Springer Link, and ScienceDirect. There were 8 articles reviewed from a total of 420 obtained from screening results according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that the social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be improved and developed through several interventions such as the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS), Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skills Intervention (MASSI), Peer Network Intervention, and CBT-CSCA. The four interventions were significantly able to increase knowledge and social skills in adolescents who experienced ASD so that it could be a reference in the intervention process in subsequent applications. While measurement with the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) by Gresham & Elliot is the most comprehensive measurement in improving adolescent social skills. This evidenced by several articles that use this measurement and have a positive impact. The development of interventions on symbolic communication among adolescents with ASD needs to be applied in future research.Keywords: Social intervention, autism, adolescenc

    The Development of Educational Practices for Children with Dyslexia in Indonesia

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    Many parents are unaware that their child has dyslexia or commonly known as a learning disability. Dyslexia itself involves difficulty understanding letters and words, resulting in the child being unable to spell or read and write, and because of parental ignorance, the child may need educational and emotional support from teachers and parents. Despite being a special child who needs both of their needs, they are labeled stupid. The purpose of this study is to educate parents that there are many ways that both teachers and parents can teach dyslexic children. This study uses journal literature research methods and descriptive analysis using a variety of methods such as the syllable method, the Glass Analysis method, the multisensory method, and the Fernald method

    Positive Meaning: The Typical Coping of Resilient Person Towards Changing Conditions Become Individual with Disability

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    Previous research (Hendriani, Retnowati, and Koesbardiati, 2011) has found that coping is the mechanism that determines adaptation and attainment of individual resilience in changing conditions become persons with disabilities. Among the active coping sequences identified, the individual's positive meaning of crithical events raises a motivational effect and reinforces the individual to be able to adapt to new life as a person with a disability. This study aimed to follow up the findings by exploring deeper positive meaning of participants who meet resilient criteria. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used to achieve that goal. The study participants were four of eight individuals with disability that also participated in the previous research (Hendriani, Retnowati, dan Koesbardiati, 2011). Researchers used in-depth interviews to extract data, and analyzed them with interpretive phenomenological analysis techniques. The results showed that each participant has a typical positive meaning to the event that made them experience disability. The meaning raises the other positive coping strategies that enable the individual to rise from significant psychological pressure, accept the disability and become empowered

    Identifying Parental Learning Assistance for Children with Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research was motivated by the many difficulties and problems faced by parents of children with disabilities in accompanying their children to study at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Difficulties with learning assistance faced by parents of children with disabilities, if not immediately addressed, will have long-lasting impacts and give rise to other problems, such as children becoming increasingly hampered in mastering learning goals, lack of discipline, and the emergence of various new habits and behavior patterns in children that are less adaptive. The participants in this research were 20 parents of children with disabilities, consisting of 8 mothers of children with intellectual disabilities and 12 mothers of children with an autism spectrum disorder. This research approach is a qualitative case study. The data mining method uses focused group discussion, observation, and online interviews. The collected data was analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. The results of data analysis found 14 themes regarding the steps taken by parents in assisting children's learning. The 14 themes were then categorized into 3 groups of assistance based on their objectives. These results can be used as a basis for formulating strategies to empower parents of children with other disabilities, in optimizing their involvement in the child's learning process

    Family Protective Factors as the Basis for Helping Children With Special Needs Increasing Resilience

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    The number of children with special needs which tend to increase have not been followed by the enhancement on people's knowledge and understanding on their developmental characteristics. Discrimination upon these children come not only from other people in their environment but also often from their own families. In this stressful situation, they are possibly having a lot of difficulties in following educational program and enhancing their academic, social and other life skills. The important aspect that makes some of them adaptive in facing adversity or stressful condition is resilience. The aim of this study was describing family protective factors that can be used as the basis for helping children with special needs increasing their resilience. This study used qualitative approach. Participants consist of four families that have child with special needs. All of those families reside in Surabaya. Data were collected through interview with each family member, observation with general guidance and field notes. Thematic analysis was used as data analysis technique. Eight protective factors found as the result of this study: (1) Family independence; (2) Patience and sincerity in experiencing the problems; (3) The persistence; (4) Positive communication; (5) Togetherness and support among family member; (6) Other social support; (7) Activeness in accessing information and openness to situational changes; (8) Similarity positive respond between parents. The paper concludes with a discussion of these findings, as well as explanation about steps that can be taken by parents in strengthening the protective factors, which will support childrens with special needs to increase their resilience