70 research outputs found
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendeskripsikan peningkatan keaktifan
belajar matematika pada garis singgung lingkaran dengan strategi visualisasi, dan
(2) mendeskripsikan peningkatan prestasi belajar matematika pada garis singgung
lingkaran dengan strategi visualisasi. Jenis penelitian ini PTK kolaboratif. Subyek
penelitian yang dikenai tindakan adalah siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Pulutan,
kecamatan Nogosari, kabupaten Boyolali, yang berjumlah 42 siswa. Metode
pengumpulan data melalui metode observasi, catatan lapangan, tes dan
dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode alur.
Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan observasi secara terus menerus dan triangulasi
data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Ada peningkatan keaktifan belajar yang dapat
dilihat dari meningkatnya indikator keaktifan belajar meliputi: a) antusias siswa
dalam bertanya sebelum tindakan 7,14% meningkat menjadi 40,47 % setelah
tindakan. b) antusias siswa dalam mengemukakan pendapat atau ide sebelum
tindakan 4,76% meningkat menjadi 45,24% setelah tindakan, c) antusias siswa
dalam menjawab pertanyaan sebelum tindakan 9,52% meningkat menjadi 50 %
setelah tindakan, d) antusias siswa mengerjakan soal di depan kelas sebelum
tindakan 14,28% meningkat menjadi 54,76% setelah tindakan, dan (2) Ada
peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa yang dapat dilihat dari siswa yang mendapat
nilai lebih dari sama dengan 60 sebelum tindakan 35,71% meningkat menjadi
71,43% setelah tindakan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa penerapan
strategi visualisasi dapat meningkatkan keaktifan dan prestasi belajar siswa
Analisa Ketebalan Steam Chest sebagai Fungsi Breakthrough Time pada Steam Injection Process
The thickness of steam chest is found by integrating the steam velocity with respect to breakthrough time. The bigger rate of steam injection would form the thinner steam chest, which has affected to the cost required to production of steam that would be injected to the reservoir. There is a difference between the theoretical breakthrough time and steam chest calculations with the actual field situation. The difference occurs because in the theory used the ideal condition in which the heat efficiency is perfect, but in the actual field, there are many factors that cause the heat efficiency such as the slope of layers, reservoir heterogeneity, pressure gradient, and permeability distribution
Tujuan skripsi ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis dan merancang sebuah sistem informasi e-commerce jual beli dan tukar tambah berbasis web pada WILLIAM KIRANA MOBILINDO Palembang. Permasalahan yang ada pada WILLIAM KIRANA MOBILINDO adalah pelanggan kesulitan mendapatkan informasi penjualan dan tidak adanya layanan interaktif bagi pelanggan dalam mengetahui spesifikasi harga mobil selain datang langsung ke perusahaan atau komunikas melalui telepon. Dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya WILLIAM KIRANA MOBILINDO sudah menggunakan aplikasi untuk pengolahan data penjualan tetapi belum menggunakan sistem informasi berbasis website, hanya berbasis desktop. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan laporan ini adalah metode RUP (Rational Unified Process). Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem informasi berbasis website pada WILLIAM KIRANA MOBILINDO menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan diharapkan dapat membantu bisnis william kirana mobilindo palembang, yang dapat mempermudah pelanggan dalam mendapatkan informasi produk . Serta mampu mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ada dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan terhadap pelanggan WILLIAM KIRANA MOBILIND
Support Vector Machine Method for Recognizing Patterns in Signatures
Penggunaan tanda tangan saat ini banyak digunakan untuk memverifikasi keabsahan berbagai transaksi keuangan. Lembar cek, kartu kredit dan berbagai dokumen lainnya menggunakan tanda tangan untuk mengidentifikasi keabsahan seseorang. Teknologi identifikasi untuk pengenalan pola tanda tangan termasuk dalam biometrik yang menggunakan karakteristik perilaku alami manusia. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana merancang aplikasi pengenalan pola tanda tangan menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah membangun sistem yang dapat mendeteksi jenis pemalsuan tanda tangan berdasarkan metode Support Vector Machine. Memberikan kemudahan dalam mengenali pola tanda tangan seseorang sehingga dapat diketahui informasi tentang pemilik tanda tangan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rapid application development (RAD) yang terdiri dari analisis deteksi pemalsuan tanda tangan, perancangan sistem, implementasi dan pengujian sistem. Hasil penelitian sistem. Aplikasi pendeteksi jenis pemalsuan tanda tangan berdasarkan metode Support Vector Machine merupakan hasil pengolahan Matlab pada pengolahan citra dan jaringan saraf tiruan biasanya disimpan dalam ekstensi *.mat karena variabel pengolahan citra dan jaringan saraf tiruan bersifat numerik.
The existence of various processed aloe vera products produced from agro-industrial activities in CV. Merapi Organic Farmers D.I Yogyakarta who are able to provide processed products for their raw materials in the form of aloe vera cultivation. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of aloe vera farming, as well as factors that influence the decision of business actors in developing aloe vera agribusiness in Merapi Organic Farming. The analysis methods used include farming feasibility analysis, and multiple liner regression. The research was carried out in May-July 2023, using the survey method. The determination of respondents by purposive sampling is farmers in Merapi Organic Farmers. The results of the research showed that the R/C ratio of aloe vera farming had a value of 2.64 using land owned by CV. Merapi Organic Farmers, so that aloe vera farming activities in CV. Merapi Organic Farmers in Yogyakarta are declared feasible based on the calculation of the R/C ratio. Factors that affect farmers' decision-making are the variables of monthly money needs, distance variables, experience variables, and age variables. Aloe vera farmers in CV. Merapi Organic Farmers. It is hoped that farmers will obtain their own seeds, this is in order to minimize large expenses for aloe vera seeds.Selama dekade terakhir, lingkungan yang mendukung untuk restrukturisasi dan modernisasi sektor pertanian telah terbentuk di CV. Tani Organik Merapi (TOM) Yogyakarta. Diversifikasi ke tanaman bernilai lebih tinggi dapat menjadi pilihan yang menjanjikan untuk pertanian berukuran kecil dan rata-rata, terutama selama pandemic dan pemulihan ekonomi saat ini. Salah satu tanaman alternatif paling menjanjikan yang baru-baru ini ditanam di CV. Tani Organik Merapi (TOM) adalah tanaman lidah buaya. Keuntungan utama dari tanaman ini adalah dapat memanfaatkan lahan pertanian yang sempit dan, oleh karena itu, dapat memfasilitasi pembangunan pedesaan di daerah marginal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pasca panen lidah buaya di Tani Organik Merapi (TOM) Yogyakarta dan manganalisis nilai tambah dari pengolahan lidah buaya menjadi minuman. Kinerja pemasaran rumput laut dianalisis menggunakan efisiensi pemasaran operasional menggunakan kriteria pendekatan marjin pemasaran, farmer’s share, dan rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya, sedangkan nilai tambah dianalisis menggunakan metode Hayami. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 saluran pemasaran. Berdasarkan analisis efisiensi pemasaran, diperoleh bahwa saluran 4 merupakan saluran yang relatif efisien dibandingkan dengan saluran lainnya dengan marjin terendah dan farmer’s share tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 28.95% dan 71.05% dan rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya tersebar merata dengan total rasio keuntungan sebesar 5.23. Nilai tambah dari pengolahan rumput laut menjadi tepung karagenan adalah RP 13 979.16/kg.
Menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pilihan mereka. Survei dilakukan di petani lidah buaya pada Tani Organik Merapi (TOM) Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pola pengambilan keputusan petani salak dalam memilih saluran pemasaran lidah buaya. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman bertani memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan petani sementara faktor lainnya tidak
Over time, technology especially the internet, has now grown and become
one of the media used for various purposes, for example Electronic Commerce (E-
Commerce). E-commerce or known as electronic commerce is the dissemination,
purchase, sale, marketing of goods and services through electronic systems. One of
the buying and selling using E-Commerce means is firearms. Currently, the sale of
firearms is no longer carried out conventionally, but has grown by using online
internet media for individual ownership and use. Therefore, it is necessary to
review the legal arrangements regarding the sale and purchase of firearms in
Indonesia which are related to individual ownership rights and the validity of
online firearms sale and purchase agreements. This study used normative research
methods. The data used by the author are secondary data consisting of primary
legal materials, namely Book III of the Civil Code, Law Number 19 of 2016
concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic
Information and Transaction, Regulation of the Chief of the National Police of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2022 concerning Firearms, and this study also
uses primary data as a complement to the research in the form of interviews with
the Bali Regional Police.
The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the legal
arrangements regarding the sale and purchase of firearms by civil society in
Indonesia related to individual ownership rights and to examine and understand
the validity of online firearms sale and purchase agreements in the Indonesian legal system. The results of the study show that firearms buying and selling activities in
Indonesia can be carried out by taking into account the laws and applicable
requirements including billing permits, ownership permits, and use permits for
martial arts or sports purposes. An online firearms sale and purchase agreement is
valid if it is based on certain permits, but the agreement becomes invalid if it is
carried out without permission from the Indonesian National Police
Classification Of Mobile Phone Purchases Based On Sales Transaction Data Using The Rule Based Reasoning
Ordering goods to mobile distributors randomly without classifying the items that are in great demand by consumers is certainly very detrimental because it greatly affects the sale of goods, The solution to make it easier for shop owners to place orders to distributors in terms of selecting the type of goods that consumers are very interested in is by using an application using the method Rule Base Reasoning based on transaction data that has been done. Rule Base Reasoning is an expert system based on a set of rules that represent human knowledge and experience in solving complex cases and imitating human ability to make decisions and solve problems. Test results of the most sold cellphones are A12 as much as 97%, A1K 67%, Rodmin 8 Apro 53 and others ranging from 3% to 30%, Searching for similarity values ​​is enough to do for cases that have the same index as the new case, This system only stored in the database that has been provided and the input data received by the system is still limited
The largest watermelon production in Demak District, Demak Regency is in Bango Village, reaching 7.91/ton and a harvest area of 46/ha with a productivity of 17.2 tons/ha per year based on data from BPS in 2022. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect production, return to scale and efficiency of using Inul watermelon farming production factors. The research was conducted in June 2023, using the survey method.   The determination of respondents by purposive sampling was farmers who were active as members of farmer groups and were planting Inul watermelons, as many as 36 farmers. Primary data collection through interviews using questionnaire guidance. Secondary data comes from BPS and literature literature. The production function uses the Cobb-Douglas production function. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis, scale-up analysis of results and production efficiency analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, production factor factors, namely land area, KNO3 fertilizer and pesticides have a real effect on the 95% confidence level while NPK seeds and fertilizers have a real effect on the 90% confidence level. The sum of elasticity in the Cobb Douglas production function is 0.621 < 1, meaning decreasing returns to scale.   The ratio between the marginal product value (NPM) of production factors and the price of production factors for land area of 4 means that it is not yet efficient. Meanwhile, seed production factors, NPK fertilizers, KNO3 fertilizers and pesticides with NPMXi / HXi values < 1 mean that the allocation of production factors is inefficient.  The use of production factors needs to be increased and the use of seeds, NPK fertilizers and KNO3 fertilizers and pesticides needs to be reduced according to the land area.Produksi semangka terbesar di Kecamatan Demak Kabupaten Demak adalah di Desa Bango mencapai 7.91/Ton dan luas panen 46/ha dengan produktivitas 17,2 Ton/ha per tahun berdasarkan data dari BPS tahun 2022. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi, skala atas hasil (return to scale) dan efisiensi penggunaan faktor- produksi usahatani semangka Inul. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juni 2023 , dengan metode metode survey. Penentuan responden secara purposive sampling yaitu petani yang aktif sebagai anggota kelompok tani dan sedang menanam semangka Inul, sebanyak 36 petani. Pengambilan data primer melalui wawancara menggunakan panduan kuesioner. Data sekunder berasal dari BPS dan literatur pustaka. Analisis data menggunakan fungsi produksi model cobb-Douglas, analisis regresi linier berganda, analisis skala atas hasil dan analisis efisiensi produksi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penggunaan faktor produksi luas lahan, benih, NPK, KNO3 dan pestisida secara serempak berpengaruh sangat signifikan (p= 0,0000 < 0,01) terhadap produksi semangka Inul. Penjumlahan elastisitas pada fungsi produksi cobb Douglas adalah 0,621 < 1, artinya skala kenaikan hasil yang semakin berkurang (decreasing returns to scale). Rasio antara nilai produk marginal (NPM) faktor produksi dengan harga faktor produksi NPMXi/HXi > 1 untuk luas lahan sebesar 4 artinya belum efisien. Faktor produksi benih sebesar 0,34; pupuk NPK sebesar 0,39; pupuk KNO3 sebesar - 9,69 dan pestisida sebesar 0,01 sehingga NPMXi/HXi < 1 artinya pengalokasian faktor produksi tidak efisien. Kesimpulan penggunaan faktor produksi luas lahan perlu ditambah dan penggunaan benih, pupuk NPK dan pupuk KNO3 serta pestisida perlu dikurangi disesuaikan dengan luas lahan.
Kata kunci : efisiensi; semangka inul; faktor-faktor produksi; dema
Research Purposes. This study aims to investigate the influence of organizational agility on organizational performance in the hospitality industry.Research Methods The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 4 Software to analyze the relationship between variables. The sampling technique used is non-probability on 105 employees/business owners in the hotel sector with 3-5 stars in Indonesia.Research Results and Findings. The findings show that organization agility does not possess any direct correlation with organization performance among starred hotels in Indonesia. Furthermore, positive and significant correlation from organizational agility to performance can be established through the mediatory of performance management system implementation and supportive organizational culture among the industry. The result of this study generates enticing implications towards hospitality business leaders.
Time complexity in rejang language stemming
Stemming is the process of separating the root word from an affixed word in a sentence by separating the base word and affixes which can consist of prefixes (prefixes), insertions (infixes), and suffixes (suffixes). Between one language and another, there are differences in the algorithm, especially the stemming process, in morphology. The time complexity of the Rejang algorithm is determined based on the affix group. To find out the time complexity of the stemming algorithm in the Rejang language using the method of making a digital word dictionary of the Rejang language, studying and analyzing the morphology of the Rejang language, making the Rejang language stemming algorithm based on the results of the Rejang language morphology analysis, analyzing the algorithm's performance and calculating the time complexity of the stemming results. The result of this research is to produce an efficient and effective Rejang Language stemming algorithm, where efficiency is indicated by the algorithm's time complexity of O(log n), and the effectiveness is shown from the results of accuracy of 99% against the test of 9000 affixed words. This accuracy value indicates that the over stemming and under stemming processes are 1%. Test results on 15 text documents with an average stemming failure rate of 1%
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