22 research outputs found


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    Intraduction: Head injuries caused by traffic accidents showed the highest incidence among other accidents. This study aims to describe head injuries caused by traffic accidents. Method: Design research was the study documents. Data get from Riskesdas 2013. Riskesdas was survey that is health ministry of Indonesia. Chi-square test with α = 5% to see the connection, as well as to look at risk by looking at the value of odds ratios with 95% Confidence significance interval Odds ratio as a tool to analyze. Result: The results showed an association helmet use on the incidence of head injuries caused by traffic accidents motorcycle where motorcyclists who do not use helmets have the highest risk. Keywords:Head injury, the use of helmets, traffic accidents, motorcycle users, 6-14 years ol


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    Remaja overweight-obesitas rentan mengalami penyakit tidak menular, salah satunya adalah depresi. Peningkatan jumlah remaja overweight-obesitas menimbulkan peningkatan kejadian depresi. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi penurunan kualitas hidup remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan depresi pada remaja overweight-obesitas. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan rancang bangun cross sectional. Responden berjumlah 43 remaja usia 15 – 19 tahun dengan overweight-obesitas di Kabupaten Jombang. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah jenis kelamin, binge eating, dan persepsi citra tubuh. Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah depresi. Peneliti mengumpulkan data menggunakan angket online. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret – Mei 2021. Sampel dipilih dengan accidental sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar remaja overweight-obesitas tidak mengalami depresi sebesar 69,8%, sebagian besar tidak mengalami binge eating sebesar 62,8%, dan sebagian besar responden memiliki ketidakpuasan tubuh sedang sebesar 41,9%. tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin, binge eating dengan kejadian depresi pada remaja overweight-obesitas. Sedangkan variabel persepsi citra tubuh memiliki hubungan yang siginifikan dengan kejadian depresi pada remaja overweight-obesitas. Depresi pada remaja overweight-obesitas paling banyak berjenis kelamin perempuan, memiliki ketidakpuasan citra tubuh sedang, dan tidak mengalami binge eating. Remaja dengan overweight-obesitas disarankan untuk menerapkan pola hidup sehat, mengubah stigma penurunan berat badan menjadi peningkatan perilaku hidup sehat, meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan diri dan melakukan konsultasi gizi dan psikologis apabila diperlukan

    Investigasi Kasus Kejadian Luar Biasa Leptospirosis Di Probolinggo Tahun 2022

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    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease transmitted by the bacteria Leptospira sp. Several areas in Indonesia have become endemic, one of which is in Probolinggo. In addition, this location is a flood-prone area and place for rat sentinel surveillance in the East Java region. The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the investigation of the Leptospirosis outbreak in Probolinggo. The study used a descriptive with a case report design on Leptospirosis cases between January to February 2022. The case was derived from the results of Leptospirosis surveillance confirmation data. Based on the findings in January, a high incidence of Leptospirosis was reported and continues to be reported as W1 to the Health Office. Results showed from the investigation of the outbreak there were three cases, male patients, with jobs as traders, retirees, and farmers. The first case resides in Maron District, the second case in Kanigaran District, and the third case in Mayangan District. Most cases were diagnosed as probable (67%) and others as suspect (33%). The three cases had almost the same symptoms such as dizziness, fever, yellow eyes, and muscle aches throughout the body. Two of the three cases were declared dead. It can be concluded that Probolinggo designated as an outbreak of Leptospirosis in 2022. The leptospirosis sentinel surveillance activities carried out were able to detect outbreaks

    Hubungan Jenis Kelamin Dengan Tingkat Stres Pada Remaja Siswa SMA Di Kota Kediri Tahun 2017

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    Objective: stress can be defined as a situation where the demands of a person outweigh the ability of the person that makes a lack of ability to overcome the problems they face. high school students or teenager are more susceptible to stress due to lack of ability in coping stress and solving problems. Stress can cause physiological and biological changes and can cause other diseases.Methods: The type of this research is observational analytic with cross sectional design, and using the two stage random sampling method. The respondent of this research consist of 78 people from high school student in Kediri City in 2017. The variables of this research is were sex and stres level experienced by respondents.Results: The results of data analysis using the chi-square test showed that there is no correlation between sex with stress levels (p=0,390; RR=1,272) in high school student in Kediri City in 2017.Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is that there is no correlation between sex and stress levels. The suggest from this research is give more attention to the teenager or high school student with social support from family and school environment


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    Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan penyumbang kasus TB terbanyak ketiga di Jawa Timur setelah Kota Surabaya dan Kabupaten Jember. Namun angka penemuan kasus TB di Kabupaten Sidoarjo belum memenuhi target dan cenderung menurun dibanding 2 tahun sebelumnya. Capaian CDR tahun 2021 sebesar 47,2%. Rendahnya angka penemuan kasus TB berkaitan dengan rendahnya capaian penemuan suspek TB. Capaian pelayanan suspek TB sesuai standar di Kabupaten Sidoarjo tahun 2021 sebesar 43%. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis masalah dalam penemuan suspek TB di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observational yang dilakukan tanggal 21 Januari - 25 Februari 2022 di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Identifikasi masalah dilakukan dengan wawancara pemegang program dan studi dokumen. Prioritas masalah menggunakan metode USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth). Analisis penyebab masalah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Fishbone. Capaian pelayanan suspek TB sesuai standar sebesar 43% masih belum memenuhi target Standar Pelayanan Minimal. Hal tersebut menjadi prioritas masalah pada program TB berdasarkan metode USG. Penyebab rendahnya capaian penemuan suspek TB yang mendapatkan pelayanan sesuai standar yaitu belum optimalnya upaya penemuan suspek TB yang dilakukan petugas kesehatan dan kader yang dipengaruhi faktor kurangnya komitmen, situasi pandemi covid, keterbatasan anggaran skrining, kurangnya dukungan lintas sektor dan peran serta masyarakat. Belum optimalnya upaya penemuan terduga TB yang dilakukan petugas kesehatan dan kader merupakan prioritas masalah dalam program TB di Sidoarjo. Rekomendasi pemecahan masalah adalah peningkatan kapasitas petugas dan kader dalam penemuan suspek TB, monitoring evaluasi capaian kinerja per bulan, dan pemberian reward


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    Background: In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that as many as 10 million people suffered from tuberculosis and 1.5 million died, making it the 13th cause of death in the world's top infectious killer number two after COVID-19. The incidence of Acid-fast bacillus (AFB)+ Tuberculosis TB in Surabaya increased from 2018 to 2020. Purpose: This study aimed to describe the distribution of TB AFB+ incidence in Surabaya by mapping and to analyze the relationship between population density, TB AFB+ cure rates, and death rates during TB AFB+ treatment with AFB + TB incidence in 31 sub-districts of Surabaya City from 2018 to 2020. Methods: This was a descriptive study with secondary data processing obtained from the Surabaya Health Profile Book 2018-2020 using the Pearson Correlation Product Moment statistical test. Results: There was a correlation between population density and the incidence of TB AFB+ in 2018 (0.61), 2019 (0.65), and 2020 (0.62). Then there was a correlation between TB AFB+ cure rate and TB AFB+ incidence in 2018 (0.98), 2019 (0.96), and 2020 (0.91). There was a correlation between the mortality rate during TB AFB+ treatment and the incidence of TB AFB+ in 2018 (0.31), 2019 (0.71), and 2020 (0.88). Conclusion: There is a relationship between population density, TB AFB + cure rate, the mortality rate during AFB + TB treatment, and the incidence of AFB + TB in Surabaya


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    Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the endemic diseases throughout the tropics and parts of the subtropics. One of the provinces that felt the impact of the dengue outbreak was East Java. Overall, villages implementing STBM coverage in East Java Province is good but incidence of DHF is still found in all districts or cities in the last 3-year period. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship and the inclination tendency of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in East Java). Methods: This type of research is an observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The sample population used 38 regencies/cities in East Java Province. The data used are the health profile data of East Java Province in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The data analysis technique used descriptive by utilizing the Health Mapper application version with product version 4.03. Results: The distribution of DHF incidence with the coverage of villages implementing STBM East Java in 2018, 2019, 2020 showed decrease the coverage of villages implementing STBM is also followed by an increase DHF cases every year. The coverage of villages that implement Community Based Total Sanitation (STBM) fluctuates every year. Conclusion: Areas with STBM villages cannot guarantee DHF-free zones but can prevent the transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) by changing hygiene and sanitation behavior through community empowerment to create a good sanitation

    Analisis Risiko Kanker Payudara Berdasar Riwayat Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Hormonal dan Usia Menarche

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    Kejadian kanker payudara terus mengalami peningkatan dan merupakan masalah kesehatan yang cukup serius di dunia, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Kanker payudara saat ini merupakan jenis kanker yang paling mendominasi di Indonesia. Paparan estrogen yang tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker payudara pada perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan paparan estrogen melalui pemakaian alat kontrasepsi hormonal dan usia menarche dengan kejadian kanker payudara pada perempuan. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah observasional analitik dan menggunakan desain penelitian kasus kontrol. Populasi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien perempuan yang didiagnosis menderita kanker payudara oleh dokter di RSUD Dr Soetomo tahun 2013. Populasi kontrol dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien perempuan yang melakukan pemeriksaan payudara di RSUD Dr Soetomo pada tahun 2013, namun tidak didiagnosis menderita kanker payudara oleh dokter. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 90 responden yang ditarik dari populasi dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Variabel yang diteliti adalah pemakaian alat kontrasepsi hormonal dan usia menarche. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik ganda (α = 5%) menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian alat kontrasepsi hormonal (p = 0,028; OR = 3,266) dan usia menarche (p = 0,031; OR = 3,492) mempunyai hubungan yang signifi kan terhadap kejadian kanker payudara pada perempuan di RSUD Dr Soetomo tahun 2013. Diharapkan masyarakat dapat lebih cermat dalam menentukan durasi pemakaian alat kontrasepsi hormonal serta menghindari pola hidup yang dapat mempercepat terjadinya menarche

    Overview of the Application Student Fatigue Surveillance at High School

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that this epidemic is a public health emergency of international concern on January 31, 2020 (Bulut & Kato, 2020). As of July 15, 2022, a new coronavirus infection, COVID-19, has spread worldwide, causing more than 500 million cases and over 6.3 million deaths. The COVID-19 pandemic situation presents many challenges and unprecedented social distancing problems that have changed habits, one of which is in the field of education. During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture. All educational activities began to use video conferencing, mobile based, and computers/smartphones. The transition of the original learning system offline to online requires students to adapt to these conditions. This has a negative impact, one of which is fatigue in students. The impact of student fatigue causes a sense of loss of spirit, laziness, stress, insomnia. This research was carried out in 2020 with a data collection technique, namely using a Focus Discussion Group (FGD) on the head/leader of a senior high school (SMA) in the East Java area with a total of 8 informants. The results of the FGD found that Some of the schools do not yet have a student fatigue monitoring program. Some schools are not yet aware of the importance of student resilience surveillance. Therefore, it is necessary to have a policy of requiring each school to carry out health surveillance, especially related to student conditions so that bias is well monitored the condition of students, both physical and mental, in order to follow optimal learning


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    Background: The number of prehypertension patients will always be higher than hypertension patients; this is supported by the prevalence of prehypertension being 48.40% according to JNC 7, and hypertension being 34.10% according to Basic Health Research in 2018. Coffee consumption and sleep quality were risk factors that are closely related to the lifestyle of students, this is also reinforced by the number of 24-hour coffee outlets that are open around Universitas Airlangga. Purpose: This aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between coffee consumption and sleep quality on the incidence of prehypertension in final year Universitas Airlangga students. Methods: This type of research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design and uses the Chi-square test. The samples consisted of 146 people, which were taken using a simple random sampling method. Data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire. This study involved coffee consumption and sleep quality as independent variables and the incidence of prehypertension in final year Universitas Airlangga students as the dependent variable. Results: There is a correlation between coffee consumption (p=0.00) and sleep quality (p=0.01) with prehypertension in final year Universitas Airlangga students. Coffee consumption has a 2,47 times greater risk and sleep quality has a 2,09 times greater risk of prehypertension in final year Universitas Airlangga students. Conclusion: Poor coffee consumption and sleep quality are related with prehypertension in final year Universitas Airlangga students