32 research outputs found

    Determinants of Financial Stability of Islamic Insurance Companies Listed on Indonesia Financial Services Authority

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    Islamic insurance is an Islamic financial service that guarantees a participant's life, health, education, asset, and business. Some of them experienced a decline in their financial stability. This study aims to analyze the determinants of financial stability of Islamic insurance companies registered at the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) from 2014 to 2018. Thirty-eight data observations were acquired from eight full-fledged Islamic insurance businesses' financial reporting, analyzed using panel data regression. The dependent variable is financial stability, whilst investment, capital structure, insurance premiums, independent board of commissioners, sharia supervisory board, board of directors, and institutional ownership are the independent variables. The results show that financial stability is significantly affected by investment, insurance premiums, independent boards, and institutional ownership. The capital structure, sharia supervisory board, and board of directors do not affect the financial stability. Increasing the number of participant contributions and strategic investments should be a concern of Islamic insurance managers. The role of an independent board and Institutional owners supervisory could strengthen the financial stability of Islamic Insurance. Research on Financial stability is supporting the development of Islamic insurance companies.==================================================================================================== ABSTRAK – Determinan Stabilitas Keuangan Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah yang Terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Asuransi syariah adalah salah satu jasa keuangan Syariah untuk menjamin jiwa, kesehatan, pendidikan, aset dan bisnis. Beberapa perusahaan tersebut mengalami penurunan stabilitas keuangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan stabilitas keuangan perusahaan asuransi syariah yang terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Sebanyak 38 observasi diperoleh dari laporan keuangan 8 perusahaan asuransi syariah periode 2014-2018. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan regresi data panel. Variabel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah stabilitas keuangan sebagai variabel dependen, investasi, struktur modal, premi asuransi, dewan komisaris independen, dewan pengawas syariah, dewan direksi dan kepemilikan saham institusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel investasi, premi asuransi, dewan komisaris independen dan kepemilikan saham institusi berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas keuangan perusahaan asuransi. Variabel struktur modal, dewan pengawas syariah dan dewan direksi tidak berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas keuangan. Peningkatan jumlah iuran peserta dan investasi strategis harus menjadi perhatian pengelola asuransi syariah. peran dewan independen dan pengawasan pemilik institusi dapat memperkuat stabilitas keuangan asuransi syariah. Penelitian stabilitas keuangan pada perusahaan asuransi memberikan dukungan terhadap pengembangan perusahaan asuransi syariah

    Improved Modified Symbiosis Organisms Search (IMSOS): A New and Adaptive Approach for Determining Model Parameters from Geoelectrical Data

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    Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) is a global optimization algorithm inspired by the natural synergy between the organisms in an ecosystem. The interactive behavior among organisms in nature simulated in SOS consists of mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism strategies to find the global optimum solution in the search space. The SOS algorithm does not require a tuning parameter, which is usually used to balance explorative and exploitative search by providing posterior sampling of the model parameters. This paper proposes an improvement of the Modified SOS (MSOS) algorithm, called IMSOS, to enhance exploitation along with exploration strategies via a modified parasitism vector. This improves the search efficiency in finding the global minimum of two multimodal testing functions. Furthermore, the algorithm is proposed for solving inversion problems in geophysics. The performance of IMSOS was tested on the inversion of synthetic and field data sets from self-potential (SP) and vertical electrical sounding (VES) measurements. The IMSOS results were comparable to those of other global optimization algorithms, including the Particle Swarm Optimization, the Differential Evolution and the Black Holes Algorithms. IMSOS accurately determined the model parameters and their uncertainties. It can be adapted and can potentially be used to solve the inversion of other geophysical data as well

    Full Tensor Gradient of Simulated Gravity Data for Prospect Scale Delineation

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    Gravity gradiometry measurement allows imaging of anomalous sources in more detail than conventional gravity data. The availability of this new technique is limited to airborne gravity surveys using very specific instrumentation. In principle, the gravity gradients can be calculated from the vertical component of the gravity commonly measured in a ground-based gravity survey. We present a calculation of the full tensor gradient (FTG) of the gravity employing the Fourier transformation. The calculation was applied to synthetic data associated with a simple block model and also with a more realistic model. The latter corresponds to a 3D model in which a thin coal layer is embedded in a sedimentary environment. Our results show the utility of the FTG of the gravity for prospect scale delineation

    Constrained Two-Dimensional Inversion of Gravity Data

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    The non-uniqueness in the solution of gravity inversion poses a major problem in the interpretation of gravity data. To overcome this ambiguity, "a priori" information is introduced by minimizing a functional that describes the geometrical or physical properties of the solution. This paper presents a 2D gravity inversion technique incorporating axes of anomalous mass concentration as constraints. The inverse problem is formulated as a minimization of the moment of inertia of the causative body with respect to the axes of the mass concentration. The proposed method is particularly applicable to homogeneous, linear mass distributions, such as mineralization along faults and intruded sills or dikes. Inversions of synthetic and field data illustrate the versatility of the implemented algorithm


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    The Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) is a geophysical method utilizing artificial electromagnetic signal source to estimate subsurface resistivity structures. One-dimensional (1D) inversion modelling of CSAMT data is non-linear and the solution can be estimated by using global optimization algorithms. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) are well-known population-based algorithms having relatively simple mathematical formulation and implementation. Hybridization of PSO and GWO algorithms (called hybrid PSO-GWO) can improve the convergence capability to the global solution. This study applied the hybrid PSO-GWO algorithm for 1D CSAMT inversion modelling. Tests were conducted with synthetic CSAMT data associated with 3-layer, 4-layer and 5-layer earth models to determine the performance of the algorithm. The results show that the hybrid PSO-GWO algorithm has a good performance in obtaining the minimum misfit compared to the original PSO and GWO algorithms. The hybrid PSO-GWO algorithm was also applied to invert CSAMT field data for gold mineralization exploration in the Cibaliung area, Banten Province, Indonesia. The algorithm was able to reconstruct the resistivity model very well which is confirmed by the results from inversion of the data using standard 2D MT inversion software. The model also agrees well with the geological information of the study area.Audiofrekvencijska magnetotelurika s kontroliranim izvorom (CSAMT) geofizička je metoda koja se koristi izvorom umjetnoga elektromagnetskog signala za procjenu struktura otpornosti ispod površine. Jednodimenzionalno (1D) inverzno modeliranje CSAMT podataka nelinearno je te se rješenje može procijeniti korištenjem algoritama za globalnu optimizaciju. Algoritam roja čestica (PSO) i algoritam sivoga vuka (GWO) dobro su poznati algoritmi koji se temelje na populaciji i imaju relativno jednostavnu matematičku formulaciju i implementaciju. Hibridizacija PSO i GWO algoritama (hibridni PSO-GWO) može poboljšati sposobnost konvergencije prema globalnom rješenju. U ovom istraživanju primijenjen je hibridni PSO-GWO algoritam za 1D CSAMT inverzno modeliranje. Provedeno je testiranje sa sintetičkim CSAMT podatcima povezanim s 3-slojnim, 4-slojnim i 5-slojnim modelima zemlje kako bi se odredile performanse algoritma. Rezultati su pokazali kako hibridni PSO-GWO algoritam ima dobre performanse u postizanju minimalne neusklađenosti u usporedbi s originalnim PSO i GWO algoritmima. Hibridni PSO-GWO algoritam također je primijenjen za inverziju CSAMT terenskih podataka s ciljem istraživanja mineralizacije zlata u području Cibaliung, provincija Banten, Indonezija. Algoritam je uspio vrlo dobro rekonstruirati model otpornosti, što potvrđuju rezultati inverznoga modeliranja korištenjem standardnoga softvera za inverziju 2D magnetotelurskih podataka. Rezultati modela također se dobro podudaraju s geološkim informacijama istraživanoga područja

    Quasi-2D Resistivity Model from Inversion of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Data using Guided Random Search Algorithm

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    Vertical electrical sounding (VES) data are usually interpreted in terms of a 1D resistivity model using linearized inversion. The local approach of a non-linear inverse problem has fundamental limitations, i.e. the necessity of a starting model close to the solution and possible convergence to a local rather than a global minimum solution. We studied the application of a global search approach for non-linear inversion using the guided random search method to model VES data. A quasi-2D resistivity model can be created by stitching 1D models obtained from VES data along a profile. Both vertical and lateral resistivity variations are minimized to incorporate a 2D smoothness constraint. The proposed method was applied to invert synthetic VES data as well as field data from a sedimentary environment. Both synthetic and field data inversions resulted in models that correlated well with the known synthetic model and with the geology of the study area, respectively

    A Note on the Use of the Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) of Gravity Data, with Reference to Indonesian Cases

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    The analysis of gravity data is based, among others, on their horizontal and vertical gradients. Horizontal gradients can be directly estimated from the spatially distributed data, while the vertical derivative can be calculated in either space or wave-number domain. Historically, the Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) of gravity data is known to be able to delineate anomalous sources\u27 boundaries. The paper discusses the incorrect use of the SVD of gravity data, with reference to current practices in Indonesia. The SVD relative magnitude along a profile is often used to define whether a density contrast and its dipping orientation correspond to a normal or reverse fault, which might be geologically incorrect. We exemplify our analysis using both synthetic and field data


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    This study aims to analyze the difference in earning quality and potential bankruptcy of Islamic banks before and after the adoption of IFRS and to analyze the relationship of earnings quality and potential bankruptcy to the operating cash flow of Islamic bank. Data obtained from the financial statements of 12 Islamic banks in Indonesia and 17 Islamic banks in Malaysia with financial reporting period from 2010 to 2016. Earning quality is measured by discretion of loan loss provision and the potential bankruptcy of Islamic banks is measured using the Altman z score model. The results show that the earning quality of Islamic banks did not have significant differences between before and after IFRS adoption. While Islamic banks in Malaysia have significant differences between before and after the adoption of IFRS. Islamic banks in both countries do not have the potential bankruptcy difference between before and after IFRS adoption. The earnings quality decreased when the potential bankruptcy at high levels. =================================================================== Kualitas Laba dan Potensi Kebangkrutan Bank Syariah: Indonesia Versus Malaysia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kualitas laba dan potensi kebangkrutan bank syariah sebelum dan sesudah adopsi IFRS dan untuk menganalisis hubungan kualitas laba dan potensi kebangkrutan dengan arus kas operasi bank syariah. Data diperoleh dari laporan keuangan 12 bank syariah di Indonesia dan 17 bank syariah di Malaysia dengan periode pelaporan keuangan dari 2010 hingga 2016. Kualitas laba diukur dengan diskresi cadangan kerugian pembiayaan dan potensi kebangkrutan bank syariah diukur dengan menggunakan model Altman z skor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas laba bank syariah tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah adopsi IFRS. Sementara bank syariah di Malaysia memiliki perbedaan signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah adopsi IFRS. Bank syariah di kedua negara tidak memiliki perbedaan potensi kebangkrutan antara sebelum dan sesudah adopsi IFRS. Kualitas laba menurun ketika potensi kebangkrutan di level tinggi

    Analysis of the Effect of Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) Function on Earning Quality of Islamic Banks

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    Analysis of the Effect of Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) Function on Earning Quality of Islamic Banks Grandis Imama Hendra, MSACCLecturer of Islamic Accounting, STEI TazkiaABSTRACT Objective - This study aims to identify the effect of Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) function on the level of earnings quality in Indonesian Islamic banks. SSB criteria used in this study are size, frequency of Meeting and educational background (Finance / Accounting). Method - Panel data regression is employed to analyze the effect of Sharia Supervisory Board characteristics on the earning quality of Islamic bank. The data were taken from 11 full-fledge Islamic banks in Indonesia with available financial statements from period 2010 to 2015.  Results - The size of Sharia Supervisory Board members has a positive effect on the improvement of earning quality in Islamic banking. Two other variables, namely the frequency of SSB meetings and educational background do not affect the improvement of earnings quality. Conclusion - Studies of the role of Sharia Supervisory Board to the quality of financial statements is still limited, especially in the quality of earning that became the basis in determining the distribution of Islamic banks profit sharing. The main contribution in this research is that the role of SSB should be improved in order to increase the quality of financial reporting. Keyword: Quality of profit, Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB), Sharia/Islamic Bank.  </p