15 research outputs found

    Archival strategies and social order during the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship

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    Este estudio presenta una reflexión sobre la capacidad de los archivos para revelar la naturaleza del orden social que los genera, especialmente en situaciones políticas actuadas por dinámicas de conflicto y resistencia. Como paradigmas de esta capacidad del archivo, se han seleccionado tres casuísticas documentales de la Guerra Civil y la dictadura franquista: en primer lugar, tres archivos del orden social no sublevado; en segundo lugar, el archivo del Servicio de Información y Policía Militar, presentando sus series menos exploradas; finalmente, los sumarísimos, por su condición de documentación de obligada referencia en investigaciones sobre la represión franquista.This study presents a reflection on the ability of archives to reveal the nature of the social order that generates them, especially in political situations acted on by dynamics of conflict and resistance. As paradigms of this ability of the archives, three samples of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship have been selected: first, three archives of the non-rebeled social order; secondly, the archive of the Servicio de Información y Policía Militar, introducing the less explored series; finally, the sumarísimos, due to its condition of documentation of required reference in researches on Francoist repression

    Relations between structural and EEG-based graph metrics in healthy controls and schizophrenia patients

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    Producción CientíficaObjective: To assess using graph-theory properties of both structural and functional networks in schizophrenia patients, as well as the possible prediction of the latter based on the former. Abnormal structural and functional network parameters have been found in schizophrenia, but the dependence of functional network properties on structural alterations has not been described yet in this syndrome. Experimental design: We applied averaged path-length (PL), clustering coefficient (CLC) and density (D) measurements to structural data derived from diffusion magnetic resonance and functional data derived from electroencephalography in 39 schizophrenia patients and 79 controls. Functional data were collected for the global and theta frequency bands with subjects performing an odd-ball task, both prior to stimulus delivery and at the corresponding processing window. Connectivity matrices were constructed respectively from (i) tractography and registered cortical segmentations (structural) and (ii) phase-locking values (functional). Principal observations: In both groups, we observed a significant EEG task-related modulation (change between pre-stimulus and response windows) in the global and theta bands. Patients showed larger structural PL and pre-stimulus density in the global and theta bands, and lower PL task-related modulation in the theta band. Structural network values predicted pre-stimulus global band values in controls and global band task-related modulation in patients. Abnormal functional values found in patients (pre-stimulus density in the global and theta bands and task-related modulation in the theta band) were not predicted by structural data in this group. Structural and functional network abnormalities respectively predicted cognitive performance and positive symptoms in patients. Conclusions: Taken together, the alterations in the structural and functional theta networks in the patients and the lack of significant relations between these alterations, suggest that these types of network abnormalities exist in different groups of schizophrenia patients.This research project was supported in part by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III under project PI15/00299, “Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León” under projects GRS 1263/A/16 and GRS 1485/A/17, and “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and FEDER under grants TEC2014-53196-R and TEC2013-44194-P; by ‘European Commission’ and FEDER under project 'Análisis y correlación entre el genoma completo y la actividad cerebral para la ayuda en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Alzheimer' ('Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal POCTEP 2014-2020'), and by ‘Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León’ and FEDER under project VA037U16. J. Gomez-Pilar was in receipt of a grant from University of Valladolid and A. Lubeiro was in receipt of a grant from Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León

    Findings in the distal and proximal colon in colonoscopy screening after positive FIT and related pre-procedure factors

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 14-03-2022Background: Colonoscopy is the gold standard method for the early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC). Screening programs include immune determination of blood in faeces. Regardless of the method used, proximal colon lesions appear to be detected less frequently. Objective: analyse the characteristics of proximal and distal lesions and possible predisposing factors. Methods: We made a cross-sectional study of 692 patients from the CRC screening program with FIT ≥ 100ngHb/ml (October 2017 - October 2018). The right colon was examined twice as patients were participating in a randomized clinical trial to re-evaluate the right colon by forward-viewing endoscope or proximal retroflexion. The adenoma detection rate (ADR), advanced neoplasia (AN) and CRC in the proximal and distal colon, the histological and morphological characteristics in each section were analysed. Results: Patients were 52.9% male, a mean age of 59.5 years (SD: 7.6). We found 1490 polyps. The ADR was 57.7% (distal 42% and proximal 37%). Detection rates were 45.8% for AN, 40.9% for advanced adenomas, 5.2% for advanced SSL and CRC was diagnosed in 4.8% of patients. Males had more AN than females. The mean age of patients with AN was significantly higher. AN were associated with smoking and alcohol consumption (p=0.0001). Globally, FIT levels were higher in patients with AN (p=0.003). Sixty-six per cent of cancers were distally located and 61.3% of CRC were diagnosed in the early stages. Conclusions: In an average-risk asymptomatic population undergoing colonoscopy after positive FIT, AN were more common in the distal colon in males, older patients, smokers, and those with alcohol intake

    Alternativa a 2000 años de educación : las Comunidades de Aprendizaje

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    Después de un breve recorrido por la historia de la Pedagogía, se ofrece como alternativa a un modelo de escuela tradicional, el de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Se explica su origen, sus principios y sus características. Se dice cómo transformar las escuelas en comunidades de aprendizaje, señalando sus fases. Antes de concluir, se da cuenta de las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el País Vasco.After a short summary of Pedagogic history, an alternative to the traditional school model is offered; learning communities. Their origin, principles and characteristics are explained. The transformation of schools into learning communities are shown, pointing out the steps involved. Before concluding, experiences in the Basque Country are commented on

    Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Las Comunidades de Aprendizaje son una alternativa al modelo de escuela tradicional. Se describe en este artículo el proceso de transformación de un centro escolar en una de estas comunidades. Se trata de lograr una forma de organización y participación social en la que alumnos, profesores, familiares e instituciones deciden cooperar para conseguir un sistema de enseñanza adecuado a las necesidades de los alumnos y a los recursos de la escuela. En primer lugar, se hace un breve recorrido por la Historia de la Pedagogía. Después, se expone el origen de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje y los principios pedagógicos sobre los que se asientan. Se describe cada una de las fases de que consta la puesta en marcha de esta transformación. Del mismo modo, se da cuenta de las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el País Vasco.AragónES