362 research outputs found

    Experimental Solid Rocket Propulsion

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    The project\u27s primary goal is to research, design, and manufacture solid rocket motors for competition and hobby use. Solid rocket propulsion is one of the most common forms of propulsion and is used primarily for rocket boosters and in model rocketry. This is because unlike other forms of propulsion, the manufacturing cost is significantly lower, and the manufacturing process is less involved. This research project is primarily focused on the hobby side. The current stage of the project is to collect data from static test fires of our propellant. The data recorded will give all the information needed to predict how our propellant will burn when scaled up or down. The manufacturing of these motors is being conducted with the assistance of Embry-Riddle Future Space Explorers and Developers Society, and tests will be performed at the Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry. The end goal of this project is to manufacture low cost, high-performance rocket motors, that will be used at Spaceport America Cup

    The effect of organisational age and size on position and paradigm innovation

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge and theory on innovation in small and medium-sized organisations (SMEs) by exploring the role of size and age on organisational engagement with position and paradigm innovation. Design/methodology/approach – Data on organisational characteristics, including age and size, and engagement with position and paradigm innovation was collected as part of a questionnaire based survey of food sector SMEs in the UK. Structural equation modelling was used to identify the existence of any significant relationships between engagement with position and paradigm innovation and organisational age and size. Findings – Findings suggest that organisational engagement with position and paradigm innovation is not affected by either age or size. Originality/value – Prior research, based primarily on process and product innovation, has generated contradictory results regarding whether size or age effect innovation. This study contributes by focusing on the previously unexplored concepts of position and paradigm innovation

    Overview of the design of the ITER heating neutral beam injectors

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    The heating neutral beam injectors (HNBs) of ITER are designed to deliver 16.7MWof 1 MeVD0 or 0.87 MeVH0 to the ITER plasma for up to 3600 s. They will be the most powerful neutral beam\uf0a0(NB) injectors ever, delivering higher energy NBs to the plasma in a tokamak for longer than any previous systems have done. The design of the HNBs is based on the acceleration and neutralisation of negative ions as the efficiency of conversion of accelerated positive ions is so low at the required energy that a realistic design is not possible, whereas the neutralisation ofH 12 andD 12 remains acceptable ( 4856%). The design of a long pulse negative ion based injector is inherently more complicated than that of short pulse positive ion based injectors because: \u2022 negative ions are harder to create so that they can be extracted and accelerated from the ion source; \u2022 electrons can be co-extracted from the ion source along with the negative ions, and their acceleration must be minimised to maintain an acceptable overall accelerator efficiency; \u2022 negative ions are easily lost by collisions with the background gas in the accelerator; \u2022 electrons created in the extractor and accelerator can impinge on the extraction and acceleration grids, leading to high power loads on the grids; \u2022 positive ions are created in the accelerator by ionisation of the background gas by the accelerated negative ions and the positive ions are back-accelerated into the ion source creating a massive power load to the ion source; \u2022 electrons that are co-accelerated with the negative ions can exit the accelerator and deposit power on various downstream beamline components. The design of the ITER HNBs is further complicated because ITER is a nuclear installation which will generate very large fluxes of neutrons and gamma rays. Consequently all the injector components have to survive in that harsh environment. Additionally the beamline components and theNBcell, where the beams are housed, will be activated and all maintenance will have to be performed remotely. This paper describes the design of theHNBinjectors, but not the associated power supplies, cooling system, cryogenic system etc, or the high voltage bushingwhich separates the vacuum of the beamline fromthehighpressureSF6 of the high voltage (1MV) transmission line, through which the power, gas and coolingwater are supplied to the beam source. Also themagnetic field reduction system is not described

    Craig Goch Report No. 9 Mass mortalities of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the R. Wye, 1976

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    The physical, biological and chemical conditions leading to a mass mortality of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the lower reaches of the R. Wye are described. As a result of sunny and low flow conditions during late June, 1976, water temperatures increased to a maximum of 27.6oC and accelerated the decay of substantial plant stands, the growth of which had been enhanced by the prevailing conditions: this resulted in severe de-oxygenation of the water. It is concluded that the low oxygen concentration in the water at this time was the principal factor in causing mass mortalities of fish and was probably accentuated by high water temperatures

    A prototype tool to enable farmers to measure and improve the welfare performance of the farm animal enterprise: The unified field index

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    Schemes for the assessment of farm animal welfare and assurance of welfare standards have proliferated in recent years. An acknowledged short-coming has been the lack of impact of these schemes on the welfare standards achieved on farm due in part to sociological factors concerning their implementation. Here we propose the concept of elfare performance based on a broad set of performance attributes of an enterprise and describe a tool based on risk assessment and benchmarking methods for measuring and managing welfare performance. The tool termed the Unified Field Index is presented in a general form comprising three modules addressing animal, resource, and management factors. Domains within these modules accommodate the principle conceptual perspectives for welfare assessment: biological functioning; emotional states; and naturalness. Pan-enterprise analysis in any livestock sector could be used to benchmark welfare performance of individual enterprises and also provide statistics of welfare performance for the livestock sector. An advantage of this concept of welfare performance is its use of continuous scales of measurement rather than traditional pass/fail measures. Through the feedback provided via benchmarking, the tool should help farmers better engage in on-going improvement of farm practices that affect animal welfare

    Structural dissection of a complex Bacteroides ovatus gene locus conferring xyloglucan metabolism in the human gut

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    The human gastrointestinal tract harbours myriad bacterial species, collectively termed the microbiota, that strongly influence human health. Symbiotic members of our microbiota play a pivotal role in the digestion of complex carbohydrates that are otherwise recalcitrant to assimilation. Indeed, the intrinsic human polysaccharide-degrading enzyme repertoire is limited to various starch-based substrates; more complex polysaccharides demand microbial degradation. Select Bacteroidetes are responsible for the degradation of the ubiquitous vegetable xyloglucans (XyGs), through the concerted action of cohorts of enzymes and glycan-binding proteins encoded by specific xyloglucan utilization loci (XyGULs). Extending recent (meta) genomic, transcriptomic and biochemical analyses, significant questions remain regarding the structural biology of the molecular machinery required for XyG saccharification. Here, we reveal the three-dimensional structures of an α-xylosidase, a ÎČ-glucosidase, and two α-L-arabinofuranosidases from the Bacteroides ovatus XyGUL. Aided by bespoke ligand synthesis, our analyses highlight key adaptations in these enzymes that confer individual specificity for xyloglucan side chains and dictate concerted, stepwise disassembly of xyloglucan oligosaccharides. In harness with our recent structural characterization of the vanguard endo-xyloglucanse and cell-surface glycan-binding proteins, the present analysis provides a near-complete structural view of xyloglucan recognition and catalysis by XyGUL proteins

    Craig Goch Report No. 9 Mass mortalities of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the R. Wye, 1976

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    The physical, biological and chemical conditions leading to a mass mortality of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the lower reaches of the R. Wye are described. As a result of sunny and low flow conditions during late June, 1976, water temperatures increased to a maximum of 27.6oC and accelerated the decay of substantial plant stands, the growth of which had been enhanced by the prevailing conditions: this resulted in severe de-oxygenation of the water. It is concluded that the low oxygen concentration in the water at this time was the principal factor in causing mass mortalities of fish and was probably accentuated by high water temperatures

    The molecular basis of polysaccharide cleavage by lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases.

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    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are copper-containing enzymes that oxidatively break down recalcitrant polysaccharides such as cellulose and chitin. Since their discovery, LPMOs have become integral factors in the industrial utilization of biomass, especially in the sustainable generation of cellulosic bioethanol. We report here a structural determination of an LPMO-oligosaccharide complex, yielding detailed insights into the mechanism of action of these enzymes. Using a combination of structure and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we reveal the means by which LPMOs interact with saccharide substrates. We further uncover electronic and structural features of the enzyme active site, showing how LPMOs orchestrate the reaction of oxygen with polysaccharide chains.We thank K. Rasmussen and R.M. Borup for experimental assistance, and MAXLAB, Sweden and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), France, for synchrotron beam time and assistance. This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant numbers BB/L000423 to P.D., G.J.D. and P.H.W., and BB/L021633/1 to G.J.D. and P.H.W.), Agence Française de l'Environnement et de la Maßtrise de l'Energie (grant number 1201C102 to B.H.), the Danish Council for Strategic Research (grant numbers 12-134923 to L.L.L. and 12-134922 to K.S.J.). Travel to synchrotrons was supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science through the Instrument Center DANSCATT and the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under BioStruct-X (grant agreement 283570). L.M., S.F., S.C. and H.D. were supported by Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Grenoble FR 2607, LabEx ARCANE (ANR-11-LABX-0003-01), the PolyNat Carnot Institute and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (PNRB2005-11).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nchembio.202

    Effect of photoperiod on sexual activity of boar

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of photoperiod on sexual activity of three breeds of boars: Swedish Landrace (n=34), Large White (n=38), and Duroc (n=32). Boar sexual activity was analysed based on the libido index and intensity of ejaculation. The libido index was calculated as the ratio between the duration of ejaculation and time of preparation until ejaculation. The intensity of ejaculation was the volume of ejaculate (mL) secreted in the unit of time (min). The effect of photoperiod was analysed as the effect of duration of daylight ( lt 12 h and >12 h) within photoperiod intervals (increasing and decreasing). Impact assessment was carried out by applying the General Linear Model procedure. Libido and intensity of ejaculation varied under the impact of photoperiod and the breed of boars. With the increase in age, the boar libido weakened, while the volume of ejaculate and intensity of ejaculation increased. Boars manifested better libido when the daylight lasted longer than 12 h in both photoperiod intervals. Different from libido, the volume of ejaculate and intensity of ejaculation were highest when the daylight was shorter than 12 h, but only in the decreasing photoperiod interval. Swedish Landrace boars manifested best libido, while in the production of sperm the Duroc boars were inferior compared with Swedish Landrace and Large White. The phenotypic relationship among libido, ejaculate volume, and ejaculation intensity ranges from very low to high; however, the coefficients were positive, which indicates the possibility of simultaneous improvement of these traits

    Structural and electronic determinants of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase reactivity on polysaccharide substrates

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    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are industrially important copper-dependent enzymes that oxidatively cleave polysaccharides. Here we present a functional and structural characterization of two closely related AA9-family LPMOs from Lentinus similis (LsAA9A) and Collariella virescens (CvAA9A). LsAA9A and CvAA9A cleave a range of polysaccharides, including cellulose, xyloglucan, mixed-linkage glucan and glucomannan. LsAA9A additionally cleaves isolated xylan substrates. The structures of CvAA9A and of LsAA9A bound to cellulosic and non-cellulosic oligosaccharides provide insight into the molecular determinants of their specificity. Spectroscopic measurements reveal differences in copper co-ordination upon the binding of xylan and glucans. LsAA9A activity is less sensitive to the reducing agent potential when cleaving xylan, suggesting that distinct catalytic mechanisms exist for xylan and glucan cleavage. Overall, these data show that AA9 LPMOs can display different apparent substrate specificities dependent upon both productive protein–carbohydrate interactions across a binding surface and also electronic considerations at the copper active site
