16 research outputs found

    Optimización de la distribución en planta con formulación QAP y simulación de eventos discretos

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    A suitable design of manufacturing facilities can increase the efficiency of a company's internal operations by optimizing material handling and flow costs. This paper addresses the facility layout planning problem (FLP), modeled as a quadratic allocation problem (QAP), applied to a company dedicated to the production of liquors. The problem was solved using the Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique that belongs to the heuristic algorithms, which allowed us to determine the best allocation of the departments, considering the distances traveled and the material flow costs. Subsequently, a simulation was carried out to evaluate the new distribution given the company's daily activities, considering the variability of loading and unloading times. The simulation results suggest that, if the new layout is implemented, material flow costs and times would be reduced by 13.22 % and 4.28 %, respectively.Un diseño apropiado de las instalaciones de fabricación puede aumentar la eficiencia de las operaciones internas de una empresa, mediante la optimización de los costes de manipulación y flujo de materiales. En este trabajo se abordó la planificación de la distribución de las instalaciones (FLP, por sus siglas en inglés), modelada como un problema de asignación cuadrática (QAP, por sus siglas en inglés), aplicado a una empresa dedicada a la producción de licores. El problema se resolvió utilizando la Técnica de Asignación Relativa Computarizada de Instalaciones, que pertenece a los algoritmos heurísticos, con la cual se logró determinar la mejor asignación de las áreas para la planta, teniendo en cuenta las distancias recorridas y los costos de flujo de materiales. Posteriormente, se realizó una simulación para evaluar la nueva distribución ante las actividades diarias de la empresa, teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad de los tiempos de carga y descarga. Los resultados de la simulación sugieren que, si se aplica la nueva distribución, los costes y los tiempos del flujo de materiales se reducirían en un 13,22 % y un 4,28 %, respectivamente

    Aplicación de un método heurístico y modelación matemática para el diseño de rutas vehiculares en la empresa Eco Urban S.A de la ciudad de Toluca Estado de México

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) proposes solution alternatives for Eco Urban SA, a Mexican company in charge of collecting post-consumer PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) material at different dispersed collection points in the city of Toluca, State of Mexico. , taking into account that the company does not have a VRP study that allows it to efficiently choose the path to follow to collect the material. For this reason, the design of a vehicle route for the collection of PET was proposed, which minimizes the transportation costs associated with the operation carried out by the company. To do this, identifying relevant aspects such as capacity, travel distances from the storage warehouse to the collection points characterized the current collection system. Then, the mathematical model is formulated defining indices, variables, parameters and constraints that limit the objective function to obtain the optimal route. The heuristic sweep method is defined and developed. Finally, the results of the study models and the current collection system are analyzed and compared, exposing the best vehicular route for the collection of PET that operates at minimum cost.  Problema de Ruteo Vehicular, VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) propone alternativas de solución para Eco Urban S.A una empresa Mexicana encargada de la recolección de material PET (Polietileno Tereftalato) posconsumo en diferentes puntos de acopio dispersos en la ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México; teniendo en cuenta que la empresa no posee un estudio de VRP que le permita elegir de manera eficiente el trayecto a seguir para la recolección del material. Por tal razón se propuso el diseño de una ruta vehicular para la recolección de PET que minimice los costos de transporte asociados a la operación realizada por la empresa, para ello se caracterizó el sistema de recolección actual identificando aspectos relevantes como la capacidad, distancias de recorrido desde la bodega de almacenamiento hasta los puntos de acopio. Luego, se formula el modelo matemático definiendo índices, variables, parámetros y restricciones que limitan la función objetivo para obtener la ruta óptima. Se define y desarrolla el método heurístico de barrido. Finalmente, se analizan y comparan los resultados arrojados por los modelos de estudio y el sistema actual de recolección, exponiendo la mejor ruta vehicular para la recolección de PET que opere al mínimo costo

    Generators of matrix algebras in dimension 2 and 3

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    10.1016/j.laa.2006.05.022Linear Algebra and Its Applications43011-6LAAP

    Spatial Analysis of the Suitability of Hass Avocado Cultivation in the Cauca Department, Colombia, Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Geographic Information Systems

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    Avocado is an important export and consumption product in Colombia, and its economic importance is expected to increase in the coming years. With its vast potential territory for avocado cultivation, the department of Cauca is a crucial area for producing this variety. However, small producers in the region often need more knowledge of the most suitable locations for planting. This study seeks to determine the ideal areas for Hass avocado cultivation in Cauca using geographic information tools and multi-criteria decision analysis, using a set of official data from different governmental entities and the hierarchical analytical process that allows determining the intensity of the interrelation of factors in the cultivation of Hass avocado. The results indicate that the municipalities near the Popayán plateau have the most significant potential for Hass avocado production, using the analytical hierarchy process. Approximately 9.2% of the administrative territory of the region is classified as highly suitable for Hass avocado cultivation, and an additional 14.2% is considered moderately suitable, constituting about 700,000 hectares of arable land. This research provides decision-makers and producers with valuable knowledge to support and improve Hass avocado agriculture in the region by implementing agricultural engineering practices

    Fresh Product Supply Chain Analysis in Cauca, Colombia — A Hass Avocado System Dynamics Approach

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    In recent years, agriculture has become an essential activity in Colombia, despite the challenges faced by farmers due to low yields and insufficient resources to improve their main activities, such as irrigation systems, agricultural practices, and industrial machinery. This Hass avocado approach has been addressed in previous research considering system dynamics simulation to evaluate farmers’ behavior strategies and improve their competitiveness. However, these studies typically examine a single strategy effect and avoid multiple integrated strategies. Other studies focused on the complex interactions between different factors in the production chain and their feedback effects on farmers’ productivity and cash flow. For these reasons, this research provides a comprehensively dynamic model and evaluates long-term strategies and their effects on supporting and improving small farmers’ productivity and profitability. A system dynamics methodology was used to model complex systems processing Hass avocado farmer association data and explore their effects on competitiveness for long-term sustainable and profitable agriculture. This research proposes optimal scenarios for small farmers, including strategies such as low-interest credit access, logistics practices, and government technical support. The scenarios provide a proactive tool for decision makers and promote rural farmers’ development, aligning high-quality fresh product supply and demand