19 research outputs found

    Analisa Pressure Build Up Dan Interference Test Pada Sumur Alpha Dan “Beta Lapangan X

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    The main purpose of a hydrocarbon well test or pressure transient analysis is to determine the ability of a layer or the formation to produce. Transient pressure analysis is basically, to give balance pressure interference on the well tested. Result from this well testing is distinguishable become two functions, that is test to obtain reservoir character by executing pressure build-up test analysis and test to know communicating of flow unit by doing interferencetest with Stegmeier method method.

    Yield predictions of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) in Norway under future climate scenarios

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    The perennial forage grass timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is the most important forage crop in Norway. Future changesin the climate will affect growing conditions and hence the yield output. We used data from the Norwegian Value for Cultivation and Use testing to find a statistical prediction model for total dry matter yield (DMY) based on agro-climatic variables. The statistical model selection found that the predictors with the highest predictive power were growing degree days (GDD) in July and the number of days with rain (>1mm) in June–July. These predictors together explained 43% of the variability in total DMY. Further, the prediction model was combined with a range of climate ensembles (RCP4.5) to project DMY of timothy for the decades 2050–2059 and 2090–2099 at 8 locations in Norway. Our projections forecast that DMY of today’s timothy varieties may decrease substantially in South-Eastern Norway, but increase in Northern Norway, by the middle of the century, due to increased temperatures and changing precipitation patterns

    Yield predictions of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) in Norway under future climate scenarios

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    The perennial forage grass timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is the most important forage crop in Norway. Future changes in the climate will affect growing conditions and hence the yield output. We used data from the Norwegian Value for Cultivation and Use testing to find a statistical prediction model for total dry matter yield (DMY) based on agro-climatic variables. The statistical model selection found that the predictors with the highest predictive power were growing degree days (GDD) in July and the number of days with rain (>1mm) in June–July. These predictors together explained 43% of the variability in total DMY. Further, the prediction model was combined with a range of climate ensembles (RCP4.5) to project DMY of timothy for the decades 2050–2059 and 2090–2099 at 8 locations in Norway. Our projections forecast that DMY of today’s timothy varieties may decrease substantially in South-Eastern Norway, but increase in Northern Norway, by the middle of the century, due to increased temperatures and changing precipitation patterns

    Including marker x environment interactions improves genomic prediction in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Genomic prediction has mostly been used in single environment contexts, largely ignoring genotype x environment interaction, which greatly affects the performance of plants. However, in the last decade, prediction models including marker x environment (MxE) interaction have been developed. We evaluated the potential of genomic prediction in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) using field trial data from five European locations, obtained in the Horizon 2020 EUCLEG project. Three models were compared: (1) single environment (SingleEnv), (2) across environment (AcrossEnv), (3) marker x environment interaction (MxE). Annual dry matter yield (DMY) gave the highest predictive ability (PA). Joint analyses of DMY from years 1 and 2 from each location varied from 0.87 in Britain and Switzerland in year 1, to 0.40 in Serbia in year 2. Overall, crude protein (CP) was predicted poorly. PAs for date of flowering (DOF), however ranged from 0.87 to 0.67 for Britain and Switzerland, respectively. Across the three traits, the MxE model performed best and the AcrossEnv worst, demonstrating that including marker x environment effects can improve genomic prediction in red clover. Leaving out accessions from specific regions or from specific breeders’ material in the cross validation tended to reduce PA, but the magnitude of reduction depended on trait, region and breeders’ material, indicating that population structure contributed to the high PAs observed for DMY and DOF. Testing the genomic estimated breeding values on new phenotypic data from Sweden showed that DMY training data from Britain gave high PAs in both years (0.43–0.76), while DMY training data from Switzerland gave high PAs only for year 1 (0.70–0.87). The genomic predictions we report here underline the potential benefits of incorporating MxE interaction in multi-environment trials and could have perspectives for identifying markers with effects that are stable across environments, and markers with environment-specific effects

    Forbedring av frøsettingspotensialet i tetraploid rødkløver (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Tetraploid red clover has similar forage properties as diploid red clover. However, tetraploid red clover plants are taller, have thicker stems, larger leaves and flower heads, and bigger seeds resulting in higher forage yield than diploid red clover plants. However, the seed yield of tetraploids is significantly lower than of diploids, which is challenging for seed companies. For farmers to be able to benefit from higher forage yield of tetraploids, the seed yield of tetraploid red clover has to be improved. In this project, we studied different aspects of seed yield in tetraploid red clover, focusing on seed yield components. In two consecutive years, twelve Norwegian and Swedish cultivars/breeding lines were studied as spaced plants and in dense canopy trials. Trials with spaced plants were established at one locality while the trials with dense canopies were established at four locations (two in Norway and two in Sweden). Seed yield per flower head was identified as the seed yield component most strongly correlated with the seed yield per plant and with the seed yield per area. Additionally, we found that the seed yield was significantly higher in cultivars developed by crossing of existing tetraploids than in neopolyploids. Our study also aimed to identify putative genes that control seed yield in tetraploid red clover. Transcriptomic analysis was performed on flower buds obtained from two relatively high and two low seed yielding plants, with the aim of identifying transcripts that potentially are involved in determination of seed yield. Genes related to flower development, pollen pistil interactions, photosynthesis and embryo development were differentially expressed in the two genotypes contrasting in seed yield. A significant number of genes related to pollination was overrepresented in the high seed yielding genotypes, which might be a reason for their good seed setting ability. The candidate genes detected in this study might be used to develop molecular tools for breeding tetraploid red clover varieties with improved seed yield potentials.Tetraploid rødkløver har samme egenskaper som diploid rødkløver, men den er høyere, har tykkere stengler, større blader, større blomsterhoder og større frø. Som resultat av dette er fôravlingene større sammenlignet med diploid rød kløver. Dessverre gir tetraploid rødkløver betydelig lavere frøavling, noe som byr på utfordringer når frøfirmaene skal produsere frø til sine engfrøblandinger. For at bonden skal fortsette å ha nytte av de gode egenskapene som tetraploid rødkløver har, må frøavlingen forbedres. Vi har studert ulike frøavlingskomponenter som påvirker frøavlspotensialet i tetraploid rødkløver. Målet var å identifisere komponenter som kan benyttes til å øke frøavlingen ved foredling. Tolv norske og svenske sorter/foredlingslinjer ble studert i enkelplanteforsøk og i tett bestand i to påfølgende år. Enkelplanteforsøk ble anlagt på ett sted mens forsøkene i tett bestand ble anlagt på fire steder (to i Norge og to i Sverige). Frøavling per blomsterhode ble identifisert som den frøavlingskomponenten som hadde størst betydning både i enkelplanteforsøk og i tett bestand. I tillegg ble det funnet at tetraploide sorter som var utviklet ved å krysse eksisterende tetraploide planter ga høyere frøavling enn sorter utviklet ved å kromosomfordoble diploider. Et av målene var også å identifisere gener som potensielt påvirker frøavling i tetraploid rødkløver. RNA sekvensering av blomsterknopper fra to planter med relativ høy frøavling og to med relativt lav frøavling hadde som mål å identifisere overuttrykte og underuttrykte transkripter som kunne forklare forskjellene i frøavling mellom disse plantene. Gener relatert til blomster-utvikling, pollen-griffel samspill, fotosyntese og embryo utvikling var forskjellig utrykt i planter med lav og høy frøavling. Et betydelig antall gener relatert til pollinering var overuttrykt i planter med høy frøavling som kan være grunn til dens høy frøavlingsevne. Kandidat gener identifisert i denne studien kan muligens brukes til å utvikle molekylære verktøy for foredling av tetraploid rødkløver med større frøavling

    Gjødslingsplanlegging. Vurdering av modeller, gjødselbruk og praktiske tilpasninger

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    Fosfor (P) er nødvendig næringsstoff for alle planter. Den finnes i naturen i sedimenter, det utvinnes derifra og tilsettes i handelsgjødsel. P er en begrensende resurs og det finnes forskjellige prognoser om hvor lenge den kan utvinnes før det tar slutt. I Norge har det blitt overgjødslet med P i ca femti år, P forbruket kulminerte i begynnelsen av 80 tallet, men etter det har forbruket bare godt ned. I løpet av disse 50 åra har P-AL tallet i jorda godt kraftig opp, spesielt i områder hvor det er mye husdyr og grønnsaksdyrking. Høye P-AL tall i kombinasjon med utvasking fører til oppblomstring av alger i vann og ødeleggelser av miljøet, som er et veldig aktuelt diskusjonstema i dag. Nedgangen i P forbruket de siste 20 årene er et resultat av arbeidet for å redusere de høye P-AL tall i jorda og med dette også forbedre miljøet. Siden P er en begrensende resurs, er det viktig å balansere P-forbruket ut fra optimal avling, men ikke mer enn det. Til hjelp for å tilføre optimale mengder gjødsel for forskjellige vekster er det blitt laget et data program som heter Skifteplan. I dag brukes Skifteplan aktivt av gårdbrukere selv eller rådgivningstjenesten som hjelpemiddel i å planlegge gjødsling. Programmet inneholder modeller for blant annet K, P og pH beregninger. Disse modellene har blitt testet i denne oppgaven. I tillegg har det blitt laget en spørreundersøkelse som er sendt ut til gårdbrukere i Hedmarken Landbruksrådgivning og til 38 landbruksrådgivningskontorer i hele landet. Spørreundersøkelse gjaldt bruken av Skifteplan og vurdering av K, P og pH modeller. Det har blitt sett på forbruket av P i Norge gjennom handelsgjødsel i en periode fra 1950 fram til i dag. Data om utvikling av P-AL tall i jorda ble samlet inn for Romerike, Jæren og Rogaland og analysert. Bruken av husdyrgjødsel påvirker P-AL tall i jorda betydelig og har blitt tatt med i diskusjonen. Ved sammenligning av modeller for K mellom Skifteplan og Yara viste det seg at det er betydelige forskjeller i anbefalte mengder K blant disse to beregninger. I eksempelet som ble brukt i oppgaven var forskjellen i anbefalt mengde K til gras opp til 65,2 kg K/daa for en 5 års periode. Det ble også gjort en teoretisk vurdering av nedtapping av P-AL under forutsetning at det ikke skjer noen påfylling fra andre P-fraksjoner i jorda eller fra gjødsel. Resultatet viste at ved P-AL 20, som er vanlig P-AL tall i områder med husdyrproduksjon, blir antallet år for å redusere P-AL ned til 7 hele 22 år. 5 Fra tallene som ble hentet fra SSB ser vi at P forbruket gjennom handelsgjødsel har gått ned og ligger i dag på rundt 12 000 tonn. Fra spørreundersøkelsen blant veiledere kommer det fram at forskjellige veiledere bruker Skifteplan på forskjellige måter og har forskjellige forventninger til programmet. Det er en del som vil ha klare beskjeder fra programmet om anbefalingene for forskjellige næringsstoffer og kalking, som skal stemme overens med den tilstanden jorda er i. De andre er fornøyde med å få et utgangspunkt i næringsbehovet for forskjellige vekster og så gjør de videre justeringer etter lokale forhold og erfaring. pH som beregnes av Skifteplan år etter år viser seg ofte ikke å stemme med den virkelige pH tilstanden av jorda, og det er vist ved å analysere skiftene på en gård. Beregning av kalkmengder i forhold til innholdet av organisk materiale i jorda slår også uheldig ut i visse tilfeller. I programmet brukes det en inndeling i 5 grupper av organisk materialet. Denne inndelingen er i utgangspunktet ikke nøyaktig nok. Slik systemet er i dag vil det i praksis si at det aller meste av norsk dyrka mineraljord kalkes likt uten å ta hensyn til innhold av organisk materiale. Phosphorus is necessary for all plants. In nature P is found in sediments, it is explored from there and we add it to fertilizers. Phosphorus is a limited source and different prognoses about how long phosphorus reserves will last exist. It has been over fertilized with P for more than 50 years in Norway and the maximum use is reached in ’80, after which the use of P through the fertilizers decreased. In these 50 years P-AL has increased, especially in areas where we find cattle and production of vegetables. High P-AL numbers in combination with humid climate and water runoff has resulted in eutrophication of water bodies, which is a hot topic in the discussion today. The decrease in P use after ’80 is the result of effort to reduce high P-AL numbers in soils and with that to improve the environment. Since P is a limited source it is important to balance the use of P according the crops need of fertilizers. A data program, Skifteplan, was made to help farmers in fertilizer planning for different crops. Farmers and advising companies use Skifteplan actively today to plan fertilizing on their farms. This program includes potassium, phosphorus and pH models that are used in calculations. These models have been tested in this thesis. One exploration has also been made and was send to farmers in Hedmarken Landbruksrådgivning and to 38 adviser companies in whole Norway. Exploration was about the use of Skifteplan and evaluation of the K, P, and pH models. The use of P through the fertilizers was analyzed in the period from 1950 until today. Data about developing of P-AL in soils were collected from Romerike, Jæren and Rogaland and the results analyzed. Use of manure influence on P-AL numbers in soils is discussed in the thesis. Significant differences can be seen in K amount recommended in the calculations done by use of Skifteplan and Yara. From the example that is shown in this thesis a difference in recommended K amount over a 5 years period of meadow of up to 65,2 kg/daa is seen. A theoretical evaluation of the reduction of P-AL was done. The calculation showed that if P-AL is 20, which is usual to see in districts with a lot of cattle, 22 years are needed to reduce P-AL to 7. From the data collected from SSB we can see that the P consumption through mineral fertilizer has decreased and the amounts used today is around 12 000 tons per year. 7 From the exploration that was done among advisor companies we can see that each advisor use Skifteplan in different ways and has different expectations to the program. Some of them wants to get straight information from the program about recommendations for different nutrients and liming, which is in accordance with the soil status. The others are satisfied to get a basis in what the plants need and then they do their own adjustments after local conditions and experience. pH calculated in Skifteplan from year to year does not seem to agree with the real pH change in the soil measured by soil analysis. This is shown in the evaluation of fields on one farm. Calculation of the amount of lime use related to the amount of organic material in the soil is in some situations not logical. Skifteplan divides amount of organic matter in 5 groups. This division doesn’t seem to be detailed enough. By using the model of today the same amount of lime is used for almost all cultivated mineral soil more or less independent of the organic matter content

    Fertilizer planing. Evaluation of models, consumption of fertilizers and practical adjustments

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    Fosfor (P) er nødvendig næringsstoff for alle planter. Den finnes i naturen i sedimenter, det utvinnes derifra og tilsettes i handelsgjødsel. P er en begrensende resurs og det finnes forskjellige prognoser om hvor lenge den kan utvinnes før det tar slutt. I Norge har det blitt overgjødslet med P i ca femti år, P forbruket kulminerte i begynnelsen av 80 tallet, men etter det har forbruket bare godt ned. I løpet av disse 50 åra har P-AL tallet i jorda godt kraftig opp, spesielt i områder hvor det er mye husdyr og grønnsaksdyrking. Høye P-AL tall i kombinasjon med utvasking fører til oppblomstring av alger i vann og ødeleggelser av miljøet, som er et veldig aktuelt diskusjonstema i dag. Nedgangen i P forbruket de siste 20 årene er et resultat av arbeidet for å redusere de høye P-AL tall i jorda og med dette også forbedre miljøet. Siden P er en begrensende resurs, er det viktig å balansere P-forbruket ut fra optimal avling, men ikke mer enn det. Til hjelp for å tilføre optimale mengder gjødsel for forskjellige vekster er det blitt laget et data program som heter Skifteplan. I dag brukes Skifteplan aktivt av gårdbrukere selv eller rådgivningstjenesten som hjelpemiddel i å planlegge gjødsling. Programmet inneholder modeller for blant annet K, P og pH beregninger. Disse modellene har blitt testet i denne oppgaven. I tillegg har det blitt laget en spørreundersøkelse som er sendt ut til gårdbrukere i Hedmarken Landbruksrådgivning og til 38 landbruksrådgivningskontorer i hele landet. Spørreundersøkelse gjaldt bruken av Skifteplan og vurdering av K, P og pH modeller. Det har blitt sett på forbruket av P i Norge gjennom handelsgjødsel i en periode fra 1950 fram til i dag. Data om utvikling av P-AL tall i jorda ble samlet inn for Romerike, Jæren og Rogaland og analysert. Bruken av husdyrgjødsel påvirker P-AL tall i jorda betydelig og har blitt tatt med i diskusjonen. Ved sammenligning av modeller for K mellom Skifteplan og Yara viste det seg at det er betydelige forskjeller i anbefalte mengder K blant disse to beregninger. I eksempelet som ble brukt i oppgaven var forskjellen i anbefalt mengde K til gras opp til 65,2 kg K/daa for en 5 års periode. Det ble også gjort en teoretisk vurdering av nedtapping av P-AL under forutsetning at det ikke skjer noen påfylling fra andre P-fraksjoner i jorda eller fra gjødsel. Resultatet viste at ved P-AL 20, som er vanlig P-AL tall i områder med husdyrproduksjon, blir antallet år for å redusere P-AL ned til 7 hele 22 år. 5 Fra tallene som ble hentet fra SSB ser vi at P forbruket gjennom handelsgjødsel har gått ned og ligger i dag på rundt 12 000 tonn. Fra spørreundersøkelsen blant veiledere kommer det fram at forskjellige veiledere bruker Skifteplan på forskjellige måter og har forskjellige forventninger til programmet. Det er en del som vil ha klare beskjeder fra programmet om anbefalingene for forskjellige næringsstoffer og kalking, som skal stemme overens med den tilstanden jorda er i. De andre er fornøyde med å få et utgangspunkt i næringsbehovet for forskjellige vekster og så gjør de videre justeringer etter lokale forhold og erfaring. pH som beregnes av Skifteplan år etter år viser seg ofte ikke å stemme med den virkelige pH tilstanden av jorda, og det er vist ved å analysere skiftene på en gård. Beregning av kalkmengder i forhold til innholdet av organisk materiale i jorda slår også uheldig ut i visse tilfeller. I programmet brukes det en inndeling i 5 grupper av organisk materialet. Denne inndelingen er i utgangspunktet ikke nøyaktig nok. Slik systemet er i dag vil det i praksis si at det aller meste av norsk dyrka mineraljord kalkes likt uten å ta hensyn til innhold av organisk materiale. Phosphorus is necessary for all plants. In nature P is found in sediments, it is explored from there and we add it to fertilizers. Phosphorus is a limited source and different prognoses about how long phosphorus reserves will last exist. It has been over fertilized with P for more than 50 years in Norway and the maximum use is reached in ’80, after which the use of P through the fertilizers decreased. In these 50 years P-AL has increased, especially in areas where we find cattle and production of vegetables. High P-AL numbers in combination with humid climate and water runoff has resulted in eutrophication of water bodies, which is a hot topic in the discussion today. The decrease in P use after ’80 is the result of effort to reduce high P-AL numbers in soils and with that to improve the environment. Since P is a limited source it is important to balance the use of P according the crops need of fertilizers. A data program, Skifteplan, was made to help farmers in fertilizer planning for different crops. Farmers and advising companies use Skifteplan actively today to plan fertilizing on their farms. This program includes potassium, phosphorus and pH models that are used in calculations. These models have been tested in this thesis. One exploration has also been made and was send to farmers in Hedmarken Landbruksrådgivning and to 38 adviser companies in whole Norway. Exploration was about the use of Skifteplan and evaluation of the K, P, and pH models. The use of P through the fertilizers was analyzed in the period from 1950 until today. Data about developing of P-AL in soils were collected from Romerike, Jæren and Rogaland and the results analyzed. Use of manure influence on P-AL numbers in soils is discussed in the thesis. Significant differences can be seen in K amount recommended in the calculations done by use of Skifteplan and Yara. From the example that is shown in this thesis a difference in recommended K amount over a 5 years period of meadow of up to 65,2 kg/daa is seen. A theoretical evaluation of the reduction of P-AL was done. The calculation showed that if P-AL is 20, which is usual to see in districts with a lot of cattle, 22 years are needed to reduce P-AL to 7. From the data collected from SSB we can see that the P consumption through mineral fertilizer has decreased and the amounts used today is around 12 000 tons per year. 7 From the exploration that was done among advisor companies we can see that each advisor use Skifteplan in different ways and has different expectations to the program. Some of them wants to get straight information from the program about recommendations for different nutrients and liming, which is in accordance with the soil status. The others are satisfied to get a basis in what the plants need and then they do their own adjustments after local conditions and experience. pH calculated in Skifteplan from year to year does not seem to agree with the real pH change in the soil measured by soil analysis. This is shown in the evaluation of fields on one farm. Calculation of the amount of lime use related to the amount of organic material in the soil is in some situations not logical. Skifteplan divides amount of organic matter in 5 groups. This division doesn’t seem to be detailed enough. By using the model of today the same amount of lime is used for almost all cultivated mineral soil more or less independent of the organic matter content

    De novo and reference transcriptome assembly of transcripts expressed during flowering provide insight into seed setting in tetraploid red clover

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the most important legume forage species in temperate livestock agriculture. Tetraploid red clover cultivars are generally producing less seed than diploid cultivars. Improving the seed setting potential of tetraploid cultivars is necessary to utilize the high forage quality and environmentally sustainable nitrogen fixation ability of red clover. In the current study, our aim was to identify candidate genes involved in seed setting. Two genotypes, ‘Tripo’ with weak seed setting and ‘Lasang’ with strong seed setting were selected for transcriptome analysis. De novo and reference based analyses of transcriptome assemblies were conducted to study the global transcriptome changes from early to late developmental stages of flower development of the two contrasting red clover genotypes. Transcript profiles, gene ontology enrichment and KEGG pathway analysis indicate that genes related to flower development, pollen pistil interactions, photosynthesis and embryo development are differentially expressed between these two genotypes. A significant number of genes related to pollination were overrepresented in ‘Lasang’, which might be a reason for its good seed setting ability. The candidate genes detected in this study might be used to develop molecular tools for breeding tetraploid red clover varieties with improved seed yield potentials

    De novo and reference transcriptome assembly of transcripts expressed during flowering provide insight into seed setting in tetraploid red clover

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the most important legume forage species in temperate livestock agriculture. Tetraploid red clover cultivars are generally producing less seed than diploid cultivars. Improving the seed setting potential of tetraploid cultivars is necessary to utilize the high forage quality and environmentally sustainable nitrogen fixation ability of red clover. In the current study, our aim was to identify candidate genes involved in seed setting. Two genotypes, ‘Tripo’ with weak seed setting and ‘Lasang’ with strong seed setting were selected for transcriptome analysis. De novo and reference based analyses of transcriptome assemblies were conducted to study the global transcriptome changes from early to late developmental stages of flower development of the two contrasting red clover genotypes. Transcript profiles, gene ontology enrichment and KEGG pathway analysis indicate that genes related to flower development, pollen pistil interactions, photosynthesis and embryo development are differentially expressed between these two genotypes. A significant number of genes related to pollination were overrepresented in ‘Lasang’, which might be a reason for its good seed setting ability. The candidate genes detected in this study might be used to develop molecular tools for breeding tetraploid red clover varieties with improved seed yield potentials