290 research outputs found

    Third-person overt pronoun and zero reference in Estonian. Insights from two experiments

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    This study reports two experiments that investigate the variation between two Estonian third-person referential devices – zero reference vs. the overt pronoun ta. First, in a speech-restoration paradigm (Experiment 1), we test whether the structure of a reference chain affects referential choice. Second, drawing on Experiment 1, we designed an acceptability judgement task (Experiment 2) to explore a possible systematic variation between zero reference vs. overt pronoun in different sentential configurations (two separated sentences vs. one coordinated sentence). Our findings suggest that sentential configuration affects referential choice. Thus, our study accords with earlier observations that salience-only accounts cannot fully explain referential choice. Furthermore, this study supports the form-specific account of reference, by showing that zero reference is more sensitive to sentential configuration than the overt pronoun. We suggest that along with microstructure and the local coherence effects on referential devices, it is necessary to consider macrostructure and the effect of discourse segmenting on referential devices. Kokkuvõte. Helen Hint, Maria Reile, Elsi Kaiser: Kolmanda isiku eksplitsiitne pronoomen ja nullviitamine eesti keeles. Tähelepanekuid kahe katse tulemustest. Artiklis analüüsime eesti keele kolmanda isiku nullviitamise ja eksplitsiitse personaalpronoomeni ta vaheldumist ja referentsiaalseid omadusi. Viisime läbi kaks katset. Esimeses katses uurisime, kas valikut nullviitamise ja ta vahel mõjutab viiteahela struktuur ehk see, millised on olnud eelnevad samale referendile osutavad viitevahendid. Teises katses testisime, kas viitevahendi vastuvõetavuse hinnangut mõjutab lausete omavahelise ühendamise viis (kas kasutatakse kaht iseseisvat lauset või üht kahe rindliikmega lauset). Katsete tulemused näitavad, et viiteahela struktuur nullviitamise ja eksplitsiitse pronoomeni valikut üksinda ei mõjuta, vaid on seotud lausungite ühendamisega. Viimane on aga oluline tunnus eraldiseisvana: nullviitamine on tavalisem siis, kui kasutatakse üht rinnastusseoses olevate liikmetega lauset, ta esineb pigem siis, kui kaks (liht)lauset on omavahel punktiga eraldatud. Teisalt mõjutab lausete ühendamise viis eelkõige nullviitamist, samas kui ta kasutus ei näita selle tunnuse suhtes olulisi erinevusi. Siinne uurimus osutab selgelt, et viitevahendite kasutuses peegeldub diskursuse töötluse mitmetahulisus. Lisaks kohesioonisuhetele mõjutab viitevahendi valikut diskursuse üldisem ülesehitus. Seega on siinse uurimuse tulemused kooskõlas mitmefaktorilise ja vormispetsiifilise lähenemisega viitamisele

    The Inverse Redshift-Space Operator: Reconstructing Cosmological Density and Velocity Fields

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    We present the linear inverse redshift space operator which maps the galaxy density field derived from redshift surveys from redshift space to real space. Expressions are presented for observers in both the CMBR and Local Group rest frames. We show how these results can be generalised to flux--limited galaxy redshift surveys. These results allow the straightforward reconstruction of real space density and velocity fields without resort to iterative or numerically intensive inverse methods. As a corollary to the inversion of the density in the Local Group rest frame we present an expression for estimating the real space velocity dipole from redshift space, allowing one to estimate the Local Group dipole without full reconstruction of the redshift survey. We test these results on some simple models and find the reconstruction is very accurate. A new spherical harmonic representation of the redshift distortion and its inverse is developed, which simplifies the reconstruction and allows analytic calculation of the properties of the reconstructed redshift survey. We use this representation to analyse the uncertainties in the reconstruction of the density and velocity fields from redshift space, due to only a finite volume being available. Both sampling and shot-noise variance terms are derived and we discuss the limits of reconstruction analysis. We compare the reconstructed velocity field with the true velocity field and show that reconstruction in the Local Group rest frame is preferable, since this eliminates the major source of uncertainty from the dipole mode. These results can be used to transform redshift surveys to real space and may be used as part of a full likelihood analysis to extract cosmological parameters.Comment: 13 pages (Latex), 6 postscript figures included, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Methods & proposal for metadata guiding principles for scholarly communications

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    This article describes an international community-based effort to create metadata guiding principles for adopting and using richer metadata and advancing its application in scholarly communications. These principles can facilitate the dissemination, discoverability and use/reuse of many types of research and scholarly outputs. While much work remains to be done, these principles serve as a starting point for the evolution of processes that span communities including publishers, researchers, scholars, authors and other creators, librarians, curators, custodians, and consumers of scholarly works. These aspirational Metadata 2020 Principles are designed to encompass the needs of our entire community while ensuring thoughtful, purposeful, and reusable metadata resources. They provide a framework for all of us to be good metadata citizens. They also provide a foundation for considering related work from Metadata 2020 and must be interpreted within the legal and practical context in which we operate. They are intended to guide the broadest possible cross-section of our community in improving research communications, publishing, and discoverability

    Insight into Sulfur Confined in Ultramicroporous Carbon

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    Here, we provide a deeper insight into the state of sulfur confined in ultramicroporous carbon (UMC) and clarify its electrochemical reaction mechanism with lithium by corroborating the results obtained using various experimental techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and in situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In combination, these results indicate that sulfur in UMC exists as linear polymeric sulfur rather than smaller allotropes. The electrochemical reactivity of lithium with sulfur confined in UMC (pore size ≤0.7 nm) is different from that of sulfur confined in microporous carbon (≤2 nm, or ultramicroporous carbon containing significant amount of micropores) and mesoporous carbon (>2 nm). The observed quasi-solid-state reaction of lithium with sulfur in UMC with a single voltage plateau during the discharge/charge process is due to the effective separation of solvent molecules from the active material. The size of carbon pores plays a vital role in determining the reaction path of lithium with sulfur confined in UMC

    Up Regulation of the Maternal Immune Response in the Placenta of Cattle Naturally Infected with Neospora caninum

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    Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoan parasite which is a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide. It forms persistent infections which recrudesce during pregnancy leading to foetal infection and in a proportion of cases, abortion. The mechanisms underlying abortion are not understood. In this study, recrudescence of a persistent infection in eight naturally infected cows occurred between 20 and 33 weeks of gestation. Animals were killed at the time of recrudescence and parasites were detected in the placentae and foetuses. An active maternal immune response consisting of an infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and a 46–49 fold increase in interferon-γ and interleukin-4 mRNA was detected. Other cytokines, notably interleukin-12 p40, interleukin-10 and tumour necrosis factor-α were also significantly increased and Major Histocompatibility Class II antigen was expressed on maternal and foetal epithelial and stromal fibroblastoid cells. Significantly, despite the presence of an active maternal immune response in the placenta, all the foetuses were alive at the time of maternal euthanasia. There was evidence of parasites within foetal tissues; their distribution was restricted to the central nervous system and skeletal muscle and their presence was associated with tissue necrosis and a non-suppurative inflammatory response involving lymphocytes and macrophages, irrespective of the gestational age of the foetus. Whilst an active maternal immune response to a pathogen in the placenta is generally considered to be damaging to the foetal trophoblast, our findings suggest that the presence of a parasite-induced maternal immune response in the placenta is not detrimental to foetal survival but may contribute to the control of placental parasitosis

    Machinery and Technology in Poultry Husbandry

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    Tierschutz in der Geflügelhaltung und Möglichkeiten der Verbesserung durch eine Optimierung der Haltung und des Managements nehmen eine zentrale Rolle in der Geflügelforschung und in der Praxis ein. Zielstellung ist es, neue Wege für die Verbesserung des Tierwohls zu finden und aktuelle Probleme zu lösen. Im Fokus hierbei steht das Schnabelkürzen, das grundsätzlich dem Amputationsverbot nach § 6 TierSchG unterliegt. Seit 2017 wird in Deutschland auf das routinemäßige Schnabelkürzen bei Legehennen verzichtet. Bei Puten besteht aufgrund der derzeit noch unzureichenden wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse noch Forschungsbedarf. Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Licht als wichtigen Faktor in der Haltung von beiden Spezies werden vorgestellt.Animal welfare in poultry husbandry and possibilities for improvement by optimizing husbandry and management play a central role in poultry research and practice. The aim is to find new ways to improve animal welfare and to solve current problems. The German poultry sector focusses on the ban of beak trimming, which is ruled and forbidden in accordance to the Animal Protection Act (§ 6). Since January 2017, the German Egg Branch has been implementing a full ban of beak trimming, while for turkeys there is still a need for research due to the currently insufficient scientific results. Research results on light as an important factor in the husbandry of both species are present
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