109 research outputs found

    Desain Interior Perpustakaan Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang Dengan Konsep Minimalis

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    The low interest in reading has hampered intellectual abilities in society, especially students, so that libraries are required to be able to keep up with the pace of development of the times with services and infrastructure that meet the needs of space users, but the FBS UNP library has not been optimal in terms of interior design standards. Student complaints such as unstable air circulation, lack of reading space, and incomplete facilities have caused inconvenience, so an interior design of the FBS UNP Library was held with a minimalist concept. The purpose of interior design is to design a library layout that is representative and in accordance with interior design standards in order to create a sense of security and comfort for visitors while in the room. The interior design of the FBS UNP Library refers to the application of library interior design standards in the form of space, variety, hierarchy, lighting, personal areas, and comfort. The design method uses the 4D design method, namely Define (Defining) Design (Design), Develop (Development) and Dissaminate (Dissemination). Data collection is done by way of interviews, observation and documentation. Works are presented in the form of an Artwork Report with the main works being Presentation Mockups, Animation Videos and Presentation Posters

    Analisa Produk, Proses Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Di Pepper Lunch Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh kualitas makanan, proses dan harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen di Pepper Lunch Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. Teknik analisa yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel kualitas makanan, proses dan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen, namun variabel harga memiliki pengaruh yang paling besar terhadap kepuasan konsumen. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of food quality, process and price towards consumer satisfaction in Pepper Lunch Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. The analysis technique used in the research is quantitative descriptive. The instrument used is multiple linear regression analysis. Result showed that food quality, process, and price is positive and significantly affecting consumer satisfaction, however price has the most impact towards consumer satisfaction

    Pendampingan Keterampilan Henna Fun dan Mehndi Pengantin Serta Digital Marketing bagi Anggota Sanggar Seni Perguruan Silat Sekapur Sirih Serta Remaja Putri dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat di Nagari Salibutan Kecamatan Lubuk Alung Kabupaten P

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    Nagari Salibutan ini memiliki objek wisata Pemandian Nyarai dan Pemandian Lubuk Napa, dimana kedua objek ini belakangan sangat ramai dikunjungi wisatawan lokal. Dalam perhelatan kedatangan tamu-tamu penting kunjungan objek wisata, maka diadakan penampilan tarian, randai dan juga silat dari Sanggar Seni Perguruan Silat Sekapur Sirih. Sanggar ini beranggotakan remaja di nagari tersebut yang juga aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang diadakan di Nagari Salibutan ini. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan ketua Sanggar Seni Perguruan Silat Sekapur Sirih ini bahwa beliau menyampaikan keluhan atas tidak banyaknya kegiatan anggota sanggar selain dari latihan tari dan randai. Oleh karena itu, sangat dibutukan keterampilan baru untuk dapat menambah keterampilan anggota sanggar dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung nagari salibutan sebagai nagari wisata. Wali Nagari Salibutan, juga memaparkan banyaknya remaja putri putus sekolah dan tidak melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang perguruan tinggi. Umumnya pendidikan tertinggi di nagari ini pada tingkat SMA/sederajat. Remaja putri ini biasanya hanya membantu orang tua di rumah atau ke ladang dan ke sawah. Adanya kerjasama dalam bentuk pengabdian dari Perguruan Tinggi dengan masyarakat diharapkan memberikan solusi terhadap peningkatan keterampilan henna fun dan mehndi pengantin serta digital marketing bagi anggota sanggar dan remaja putri yang secara langsung dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu usaha yang berprofesi sebagai beauty prenuer serta juga dapat mempromosikan hasil karya henna dan mehndi pengantin dan promosi objek wisata ke masyarakat lebih luas sehingga dapat mendorong meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga dan masyarakat

    Natural Disaster Aid Distribution System and Meeting the Needs of Case Victims in Padang Pariaman Regency

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    This study aims to determine the fulfillment of the needs of victims of natural disasters through the implementation of a social assistance distribution system for victims of natural disasters that occurred in Padang Pariaman Regency. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach that describes the social assistance distribution system for victims of natural disasters with an orientation towards meeting the needs of the victims. It can also be categorized as exploratory research which studies a number of cases of aid distribution towards meeting the needs of victims. Data collection was carried out by direct interviews with officials who were directly involved in the distribution of aid, direct observation to victims of natural disasters, document review, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data analysis, using descriptive-qualitative techniques. The results of the study conclude that the current social assistance distribution system for victims of natural disasters has not yet achieved the goal, namely meeting the needs of victims of natural disasters. Long mechanisms and procedures, incompatible with regional conditions, and the absence of potential synergy of personnel are factors between the ineffectiveness of the social assistance distribution system for victims of natural disasters in Padang Pariaman Regency. The results of the study recommend that in formulating a policy for the distribution of social assistance systems for victims of natural disasters, it should begin with periodic mapping of disaster events and the needs of victims, involving victims as recipients of assistance in accordance with the mandate of Article 26 of Law No.24 of 2007 concerning National Disaster Management. Local governments should be given full authority to implement policies in accordance with regional conditions and disaster characteristics. The granting of this authority should be included in the regional autonomy law regarding the rights of regional governments in the case of natural disaster management, specifically included in local regional regulations


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    Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) No. 24 of 2014 explains that the management of non-tax state revenue for functional officials is called the honorarium and professional services for the prince. And fees for honorarium and transportation services in each office of religious affairs are different, seen from the typology or number of marriages and referrals that occur in the office each month. The regulation is used in the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Cileunyi Bandung District. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of honorarium payments for professional services and transportation in the Office of Religious Affairs in the District of Cileunyi, Bandung Regency and the obstacles and solutions to obstacles in the management of honorarium payments for professional services and transportation in the Office of Religious Affairs in the District of Cileunyi, Bandung. The theory used by researchers is the model of policy implementation theory presented by van meter and van horn where he states that the success of a policy can be measured by 6 (six) factors, namely: (1) size and objectives of the policy, (2) resources, (3) the characteristics of implementing agencies, (4) communication between organizations, (5) attitudes or tendencies of implementers, (6) economic, social and political environment. The research method uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews with KUA employees of Cileunyi District Bandung Regency, which amounted to 5 (five) respondents and at the Ministry of Religion Ministry of Bandung as many as 4 (four) respondents as well as literature study. Data processing techniques use triangulation to process data, interviews and observations. Based on the results of this study indicate that the management of honorarium payments for professional services and transportation at the Office of Religious Affairs, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency has started to run quite well. this can be seen from the policy objectives that can reach the target, the characteristics of the executors who are also quite good, and the economic, social, and political environment that supports the implementation of this policy. With the obstacle of lack of socialization regarding the provisions of the policy and resource facilities and infrastructure that are felt to be insufficient for the KUA of Cileunyi District. And the solution to these obstacles is to take action and get more attention from the central government regarding payment


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    This study aims to determine the contribution of waist muscle flexibility to heading abilities in SMA N 2 Kabupaten Kaur football players. This type of research is correlational research. The research sample is 20 people. The instruments used in this study were the flexion of the trunk test and the heading ability test in soccer games. Where the results of waist muscle flexibility as many as 2 people (10%) have a Good category. As many as 10 people (50%) have the Enough category. As many as 6 people (30%) had the Poor category and 2 people (10%) had the Very Poor category and the results of heading ability as many as 1 person (5%) had the Very Good category. As many as 9 people (45%) have a Good category. As many as 6 people (30%) have the Adequate category and as many as 4 people (20%) have the Poor category. Based on the results of the study above, there is Flexibility of the Waist Muscles Against Heading Ability of 68.00%

    Pola Konsumsi Masyarakat Post-Modern (Suatu Telaah Perilaku Konsumtif Dalam Masyarakat Post-Modern)

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    Kehidupan postmodern menciptakan pola-pola konsumsi baru yang merupakan ciri khas dari kehidupan postmodern tersebut dan membuat orang atau para konsumen bisa menikmati apa-apa yang disediakan oleh era kehidupan tersebut yang disebabkan oleh khayalan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan itu maka manusia harus bekerja. Pekerjaan merupakan identitas dari manusia itu sendiri. Keberadaan manusia ditentukan oleh pekerjaan yang dimilikinya. Eksistensi manusia hilang manakala ia tidak bekerja. Dengan timbunan besar barang/komoditi ini melahirkan kemakmuran dalam masyarakat kapitalis.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v1i1.245


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    ABSTRAK Kota Bukittinggi merupakan salah satu  kota pariwisata yang ada di Indonesia. Letak geografis dan sumber daya alam menjadi aset bagi kota Bukittinggi sebagai kota pariwisata. Hal ini karena banyaknya objek wisata yang menarik, menjadikan kota ini dijuluki sebagai "kota wisata". Ngarai Sianok merupakan salah satu objek wisata alam yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan  baik itu dari dalam maupun luar negeri, dimana terdapat taman Panorama yang memungkinkan wisatawan untuk melihat keindahan pemandangan Ngarai Sianok tersebut. Pengembangan promosi pariwisata Bukittinggi dalam bentuk animasi, dapat meningkatkan reabilitas komunikasi dan mengatasi keterbatasan waktu dan jarak sehingga apa yang ditampilkan menarik perhatian dan dapat menciptakan presentasi yang dinamis dan interaktif. Animasi juga dapat membuat sesuatu itu memiliki karakter yang unik sehingga mudah diingat dan dikenal, bahkan disukai banyak orang. Melalui animasi, diharapkan meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan di Bukittinggi. Kata Kunci: Bukittinggi. Pariwisata. Animasi. Media promosi ABSTRACT Bukittinggi is one of tourism city in Indonesia, Geographic location and natural resources become an asset to the city as a tourism Bukittinggi, this is because the number of interesting attractions, make this city dubbed as a "tourist town". Canyon Sianok is one of the natural attractions which are visited by tourists both from within and outside the country, where there are parks Panorama that allows tourists to view the scenic beauty of the canyon Sianok.  Development of tourism promotion Bukittinggi in animated form, can improve communication reliability and overcome the limitations of time and distance so that what is displayed to attract attention and can create dynamic and interactive presentations. Animation can also create something that has a unique character that is easy to remember and is known, even well like, through animation is expected to increase tourist arrivals in Bukittinggi. Key word: Bukittinggi, Tourism, Animation, Medium Promotion

    100 aastat tagasi avatud Taagepera sanatooriumist valguses ja varjus I

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    Eesti Arst 2023; 102(9):494–49