654 research outputs found

    Determination of temperature in the cutting zones

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    This paper presents the results of experimental analyses of the cutting temperature in primary, secondary and tertiary cutting zones. The experimental data are compared with the simulation results gained by means of the FE-method with the programme „DEFORM“. The results can be used both for the analysis of cutting processes and for the designing of cutting toolsПриведены результаты экспериментальных исследований температуры в первичной, вторичной и третичной зонах резания и их сравнение с расчетными данными моделирования процесса резания методом конечных элементов посредством программы “DEFORM“. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы как при исследовании процессов резания, так и для проектирования режущих инструментовНаведено результати експериментальних досліджень температури в первинній, вторинній і третинній зонах різання та їх порівняння з розрахунковими даними моделювання процесу різання методом скінченних елементів за допомогою програми “DEFORM“. Одержані результати можуть бути використані як при дослідженні процесів різання, так і для проектування різальних інструменті

    Determination of temperature in the cutting zones

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    This paper presents the results of experimental analyses of the cutting temperature in primary, secondary and tertiary cutting zones. The experimental data are compared with the simulation results gained by means of the FE-method with the programme „DEFORM“. The results can be used both for the analysis of cutting processes and for the designing of cutting toolsПриведены результаты экспериментальных исследований температуры в первичной, вторичной и третичной зонах резания и их сравнение с расчетными данными моделирования процесса резания методом конечных элементов посредством программы “DEFORM“. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы как при исследовании процессов резания, так и для проектирования режущих инструментовНаведено результати експериментальних досліджень температури в первинній, вторинній і третинній зонах різання та їх порівняння з розрахунковими даними моделювання процесу різання методом скінченних елементів за допомогою програми “DEFORM“. Одержані результати можуть бути використані як при дослідженні процесів різання, так і для проектування різальних інструменті

    Highly Sensitive Gamma-Spectrometers of GERDA for Material Screening: Part 2

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    The previous article about material screening for GERDA points out the importance of strict material screening and selection for radioimpurities as a key to meet the aspired background levels of the GERDA experiment. This is directly done using low-level gamma-spectroscopy. In order to provide sufficient selective power in the mBq/kg range and below, the employed gamma-spectrometers themselves have to meet strict material requirements, and make use of an elaborate shielding system. This article gives an account of the setup of two such spectrometers. Corrado is located in a depth of 15 m w.e. at the MPI-K in Heidelberg (Germany), GeMPI III is situated at the Gran-Sasso underground laboratory at 3500 m w.e. (Italy). The latter one aims at detecting sample activities of the order ~0.01 mBq/kg, which is the current state-of-the-art level. The applied techniques to meet the respective needs are discussed and demonstrated by experimental results.Comment: Featured in: Proceedings of the XIV International Baksan School "Particles and Cosmology" Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 16-21,2007. INR RAS, Moscow 2008. ISBN 978-5-94274-055-9, pp. 233-238; (6 pages, 4 figures

    Mitigation of 42^{42}Ar/42^{42}K background for the GERDA Phase II experiment

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    Background coming from the 42^{42}Ar decay chain is considered to be one of the most relevant for the GERDA experiment, which aims to search of the neutrinoless double beta decay of 76^{76}Ge. The sensitivity strongly relies on the absence of background around the Q-value of the decay. Background coming from 42^{42}K, a progeny of 42^{42}Ar, can contribute to that background via electrons from the continuous spectrum with an endpoint of 3.5 MeV. Research and development on the suppression methods targeting this source of background were performed at the low-background test facility LArGe. It was demonstrated that by reducing 42^{42}K ion collection on the surfaces of the broad energy germanium detectors in combination with pulse shape discrimination techniques and an argon scintillation veto, it is possible to suppress the 42^{42}K background by three orders of magnitude. This is sufficient for Phase II of the GERDA experiment

    Highly sensitive gamma-spectrometers of GERDA for material screening: Part I

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    The GERDA experiment aims to search for the neutrinoless double beta-decay of 76Ge and possibly for other rare processes. The sensitivity of the first phase is envisioned to be more than one order of magnitude better than in previous neutrinoless double beta-decay experiments. This implies that materials with ultra-low radioactive contamination need to be used for the construction of the detector and its shielding. Therefore the requirements on material screening include high-sensitivity low-background detection techniques and long measurement times. In this article, an overview of material-screening laboratories available to the GERDA collaboration is given, with emphasis on the gamma-spectrometry. Additionally, results of an intercomparison of the evaluation accuracy in these laboratories are presented.Comment: Featured in: Proceedings of the XIV International Baksan School "Particles and Cosmology" Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 16-21,2007. INR RAS, Moscow 2008. ISBN 978-5-94274-055-9, pp. 228-232; (5 pages, 0 figures

    An Empirical Test of a Communibiological Model of Trait Verbal Aggressiveness

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    The purpose of this study was to test Beatty and McCroskey\u27s communibiological model of trait verbal aggressiveness. In general, this model views trait verbal aggressiveness as an expression of temperament; specifically, that trait verbal aggressiveness represents low thresholds for the fight or flight (FFS) neurobiological system. This model further contends that behavioral inhibition circuitry (BIS) moderates FFS activation by tempering aggressive impulses, otherwise FFS activation would manifest itself in the form of physical rather than verbal attacks. Beatty and McCroskey (1997) propose that low thresholds for stimulating the behavioral activation system (BAS) should be related to trait verbal aggressiveness to the extent that the construct involves a proactive rather than a purely reactive interpersonal function. Because previous research indicated that psychoticism (P), neuroticism (N) and extroversion (E) represent psychological manifestations of the FFS, BIS, and BAS systems, respectively, hypotheses linking P, N, and E to trait verbal aggressiveness (VAS) were tested. A multiple regression equation based on disattenuated correlations explained approximately 46% of the variance in VAS scores. Specifically, (1) the results for P and N were consistent with predictions derived from Beatty and McCroskey\u27s model, and (2) the results for E were indicative of a purely reactive function of trait verbal aggressiveness. Implications for theory and research are discussed

    An Empirical Test of a Communibiological Model of Trait Verbal Aggressiveness

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    The purpose of this study was to test Beatty and McCroskey\u27s communibiological model of trait verbal aggressiveness. In general, this model views trait verbal aggressiveness as an expression of temperament; specifically, that trait verbal aggressiveness represents low thresholds for the fight or flight (FFS) neurobiological system. This model further contends that behavioral inhibition circuitry (BIS) moderates FFS activation by tempering aggressive impulses, otherwise FFS activation would manifest itself in the form of physical rather than verbal attacks. Beatty and McCroskey (1997) propose that low thresholds for stimulating the behavioral activation system (BAS) should be related to trait verbal aggressiveness to the extent that the construct involves a proactive rather than a purely reactive interpersonal function. Because previous research indicated that psychoticism (P), neuroticism (N) and extroversion (E) represent psychological manifestations of the FFS, BIS, and BAS systems, respectively, hypotheses linking P, N, and E to trait verbal aggressiveness (VAS) were tested. A multiple regression equation based on disattenuated correlations explained approximately 46% of the variance in VAS scores. Specifically, (1) the results for P and N were consistent with predictions derived from Beatty and McCroskey\u27s model, and (2) the results for E were indicative of a purely reactive function of trait verbal aggressiveness. Implications for theory and research are discussed