8,013 research outputs found

    Long-term coastal-polynya dynamics in the southern Weddell Sea from MODIS thermal-infrared imagery

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    Based upon thermal-infrared satellite imagery in combination with ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis data, we derive long-term polynya characteristics such as polynya area, thin-ice thickness distribution, and ice-production rates for a 13-year investigation period (2002–2014) for the austral winter (1 April to 30 September) in the Antarctic southern Weddell Sea. All polynya parameters are derived from daily cloud-cover corrected thin-ice thickness composites. The focus lies on coastal polynyas which are important hot spots for new-ice formation, bottom-water formation, and heat/moisture release into the atmosphere. MODIS has the capability to resolve even very narrow coastal polynyas. Its major disadvantage is the sensor limitation due to cloud cover. We make use of a newly developed and adapted spatial feature reconstruction scheme to account for cloud-covered areas. We find the sea-ice areas in front of the Ronne and Brunt ice shelves to be the most active with an annual average polynya area of 3018 ± 1298 and 3516 ± 1420 km2 as well as an accumulated volume ice production of 31 ± 13 and 31 ± 12 km3, respectively. For the remaining four regions, estimates amount to 421 ± 294 km2 and 4 ± 3 km3 (Antarctic Peninsula), 1148 ± 432 km2 and 12 ± 5 km3 (iceberg A23A), 901 ± 703 km2 and 10 ± 8 km3 (Filchner Ice Shelf), as well as 499 ± 277 km2 and 5 ± 2 km3 (Coats Land). Our findings are discussed in comparison to recent studies based on coupled sea-ice/ocean models and passive-microwave satellite imagery, each investigating different parts of the southern Weddell Sea

    MHD simulations of the magnetorotational instability in a shearing box with zero net flux: the case Pm=4

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    This letter investigates the transport properties of MHD turbulence induced by the magnetorotational instability at large Reynolds numbers Re when the magnetic Prandtl number Pm is larger than unity. Three MHD simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in the unstratified shearing box with zero net flux are presented. These simulations are performed with the code Zeus and consider the evolution of the rate of angular momentum transport as Re is gradually increased from 3125 to 12500 while simultaneously keeping Pm=4. To ensure that the small scale features of the flow are well resolved, the resolution varies from 128 cells per disk scaleheight to 512 cells per scaleheight. The latter constitutes the highest resolution of an MRI turbulence simulation to date. The rate of angular momentum transport, measured using the alpha parameter, depends only very weakly on the Reynolds number: alpha is found to be about 0.007 with variations around this mean value bounded by 15% in all simulations. There is no systematic evolution with Re. For the best resolved model, the kinetic energy power spectrum tentatively displays a power-law range with an exponent -3/2, while the magnetic energy is found to shift to smaller and smaller scales as the magnetic Reynolds number increases. A couple of different diagnostics both suggest a well-defined injection length of a fraction of a scaleheight. The results presented in this letter are consistent with the MRI being able to transport angular momentum efficiently at large Reynolds numbers when Pm=4 in unstratified zero net flux shearing boxes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Solar wind data from the MIT plasma experiments on Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7

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    Hourly averages are presented of solar wind proton parameters obtained from experiments on the Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7 spacecraft during the period December 16, 1965 to August 1971. The number of data points available on a given day depends upon the spacecraft-earth distance, the telemetry bit rate, and the ground tracking time allotted to each spacecraft. Thus, the data obtained earlier in the life of each spacecraft are more complete. The solar wind parameters are given in the form of plots and listings. Trajectory information is also given along with a detailed description of the analysis procedures used to extract plasma parameters from the measured data

    Elaboração de uma base de dados de climáticos para a área de produção do arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi apresentar uma metodologia para organizar os dados climáticos em uma base de dados, fazer a análise da consistência dos mesmos e estimar os dados de precipitação pluvial, temperatura máxima e mínima do ar e radiação solar faltantes, de forma a obter uma série histórica de 30 anos de dados diários para os estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso, Tocantins e Rondônia.Pôster - graduação

    Hidden quantum phase transition in Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_{x}Ge: evidence brought by small-angle neutron scattering

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    The magnetic system of the Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_{x}Ge solid solution is ordered in a spiral spin structure in the whole concentration range of x∈[0÷1]x \in [0 \div 1]. The close inspection of the small-angle neutron scattering data reveals the quantum phase transition from the long-range ordered (LRO) to short range ordered (SRO) helical structure upon increase of Fe-concentration at x∈[0.25÷0.4]x \in [0.25 \div 0.4]. The SRO of the helical structure is identified as a Lorentzian contribution, while LRO is associated with the Gaussian contribution into the scattering profile function. The scenario of the quantum phase transition with xx as a driving parameter is similar to the thermal phase transition in pure MnGe. The quantum nature of the SRO is proved by the temperature independent correlation length of the helical structure at low and intermediate temperature ranges with remarkable decrease above certain temperature TQT_Q. We suggest the xx-dependent modification of the effective Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida exchange interaction within the Heisenberg model of magnetism to explain the quantum critical regime in Mn1−x_{1-x}Fex_{x}Ge.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Myosin motors fragment and compact membrane-bound actin filaments

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    Cell cortex remodeling during cell division is a result of myofilament-driven contractility of the cortical membrane-bound actin meshwork. Little is known about the interaction between individual myofilaments and membrane-bound actin filaments. Here we reconstituted a minimal actin cortex to directly visualize the action of individual myofilaments on membrane-bound actin filaments using TIRF microscopy. We show that synthetic myofilaments fragment and compact membrane-bound actin while processively moving along actin filaments. We propose a mechanism by which tension builds up between the ends of myofilaments, resulting in compressive stress exerted to single actin filaments, causing their buckling and breakage. Modeling of this mechanism revealed that sufficient force (∼20 pN) can be generated by single myofilaments to buckle and break actin filaments. This mechanism of filament fragmentation and compaction may contribute to actin turnover and cortex reorganization during cytokinesis
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