2,376 research outputs found

    Mapping texture domains in quartzite microstructures

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    The paper is concerned with the combined application of two methods for microstructure and texture analysis: (1) optical orientation and misorientation imaging and (2) autocorrelation function (ACF). Using two different samples, the usefulness of the methods and the quality of the results are discussed. One sample is a quartzite layer from the limb of a small scale fold in the Suretta Nappe (ValAvers, Switzerland) which was deformed under upper greenschist conditions, the other is a sample of Black Hills quartzite, experimentally sheared in dislocation creep. Using the method of computer-integrated polarization microscopy (CIP), c-axis orientation and misorientation images were prepared and pole figures were calculated from the azimuth and inclination images. Misorientation images were prepared and analyzed in a number of ways: (1) In as much as misorientation images constitute texture maps, they visualize the geometry and spatial distribution of texture domains; they show if the texture domains are spatially coherent, i.e., if the rock is domainal or not. (2) Thresholded misorientation images allow the calculation of the volume fraction of texture domains, which is a means of estimating the texture intensification independent of the shape of the pole figure skeleton. (3) From the ACF of thresholded misorientation images the average grain size and shape in those domains can be derived. (4) From the shape of the domains (if they exist as spatial entities), the strain or strain partitioning as well as the rheological contrast can be estimated. The paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of localized texture analysis. The aim is to discuss the quality of the results that can be obtained. The samples were chosen because one is domainal the other one is not. A full discussion of the geological implications of the results of the analysis is outside the scope of this contributio

    The wooden «Chasuble Madonnas» from Ger, IX, Targasona and Talló : about the iconography of Catalan Madonna statues in the Romanesque period

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    Numerous wooden Madonna statues of the Romanesque style have survived from medieval Catalonia, which show the Virgin as sedes sapientiae. The thematized exemplars from Ger (second half 12th century), IX (last third 12th century), Targasona (early 13th century) attract the attention of today's viewer by an iconographic peculiarity. Explicitly, they show the enthroned Mother of God, as it will be pointed out, in the priestly chasuble. The chasuble most probably represents Mary's significance as symbol of the hierarchical or institutionalized church and also alludes to the conception of Mary being interpreted as priest or ministerial priest, which became more and more popular in the 12th century. The throne representations of the statues from Ger and Ix, which refer undoubtedly to the famous episcopal throne from the Girona Cathedral by its formal structure, will be related to this significant meaning, too. The iconographic type of the Catalan «Chasuble Madonna» is not to be found in the art of wood carving first, but in Romanesque mural paintings in the Pyrenean Valleys of North-West Cataloia. The historical and cultural sphere, which could have been responsible for the development and dissemination of this Madonna type respectively, will be discussed in the present article in the context of the 11th and 12th century church reform in Catalonia.A Catalunya han sobreviscut nombroses escultures d'estil romànic de la Verge, que la representen com a sedes sapientiae. Els exemplars de Ger (segona meitat del segle XII), IX (últim terç del segle XII) , Targasona (inicis del segle XIII) i Talió (inicis del segle XIII) criden l'atenció per una peculiaritat iconogràfica. Explícitament, figuren la Mare de Déu entronitzada i, com serà més detallat, vstida amb casulla. És molt probable que la casulla representi Maria com a símbol de l'església jerarquitzada o institucionalitzada i també al·ludeix al concepte de Maria com a sacerdot o ministeri sacerdotal, una idea que es va estenent al segle xii. Els trons de les talles de Ger i IX, que per la seva estructura formal es refereixen sens dubte al famós tron episcopal de la catedral de Girona, també es poden vincular al mateix significat. El tipus iconogràfic català de la «Verge amb casulla» no es troba abans en l'art de la talla, sinó en pintura mural romànica de les valls pirinenques del nord-oest de Catalunya. L'ambient històric i cultural que pot justificar el desenvolupament i propgació d'aquest tipus de Verge serà analitzat en el context de la reforma religiosa dels segles XI i XII a Catalunya

    International STEM Achievement: Not a Zero-Sum Game

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    Issue Brief: Building Public Will to Achieve Access to Health

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    This brief provides an overview of the concept of public will building, and looks at how it may serve as an important means to help achieve access to health. As well as describing actions and experiences within each phase of building public will, the brief also provides a case study of how this approach has impacted environmental awareness, another complex issue

    Rotational barriers in perylene fluorescent dyes

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    Rotational barriers in N-substituted perylene dyes have been determined. Phenyl substituents with tert-butyl groups in the o-position give rigid systems, whereas secondary alkyl groups cause low rotational barriers. In spite of that, fluorescent quantum yields are high in both cases. Conformations in solution are discussed

    The Influence of Primary School Principals´ Leadership Styles on Innovative Practices

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    This qualitative research explored the relationship between school principals’ leadership styles and their innovative practices in schools. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ; Avolio & Bass, 1995), was administered to 38 school principals in Lower Austria, who, based on their responses, were then categorized as leaders with stronger or weaker transformational leadership styles.  Six of these principals were then interviewed: three with strong transformational leadership styles (Transformational – High) and three with weaker transformational leadership styles (Transformational – Low). Interview data were coded qualitatively, and patterns and themes emerged relating to how these two groups viewed innovation in their school. The two groups of leaders were similar in that they both viewed requirements for innovation similarly.  Both groups also believed that the results of innovation could lead to an improvement in collegial collaboration and relationship.  However, leaders with stronger transformational leadership styles viewed innovation more positively and placed more importance on innovation than participants with their weaker transformational counterparts. Implications for practice are discussed

    On multiple eigenvalues of trees

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    Let T be a tree of order n>6 with μ as a positive eigenvalue of multiplicity k. Star complements are used to show that (i) if k>n/3 then μ=1, (ii) if μ=1 then, without restriction on k, T has k+1 pendant edges that form an induced matching. The results are used to identify the trees with a non-zero eigenvalue of maximum possible multiplicity