1,194 research outputs found

    Classifying Economics for the Common Good: Connecting Sustainable Development Goals to JEL Codes

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    How does economics research help in solving societal challenges? This brief note sheds additional light on this question by providing ways to connect Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. These simple linkages illustrate that the themes of SDGs have corresponding JEL classification codes. As the mappings presented here are necessarily imperfect and incomplete, there is plenty of room for improvements. In an ideal world, there would be a JEL classification system for SDGs, a separate JEL code for each of the 17 SDGs

    PK-yrityksen liiketoimintasuunnitelman kehittäminen

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    Liiketoimintasuunnitelma on kirjallinen ja tiivis esitys yrityksen toiminnasta sisältäen ne ajatukset ja toimet, joilla yritys hallitsee valitsemaansa liiketoiminta-aluetta. Siitä ilmenevät strategia, yrityksen menestystekijät, tulolähteet, ja yhteinen, tekoja ja valintoja ohjaava näkemys. Liiketoiminnan suunnittelun keskeisin merkitys on toimia välineenä menestystekijöiden kartoittamiseen. Tässä diplomityössä eritellään liiketoimintasuunnitelman eri osa-alueet pk-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena on laatia tutkimuksen pohjalta liiketoimintasuunnitelma pienelle betonielementtialan yritykselle. Tutkielma jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa, eli kirjallisuustutkimuksessa, tarkastellaan alan kirjallisuutta ja sitä miten eri lähteissä käsitellään liiketoimintasuunnitelman eri osa-alueita. Toisessa osa, yritysanalyysissä, hyödynnetään kirjallisuustutkimuksessa saatuja tietoja kohdeyrityksen liiketoimintasuunnitelman valmistamiseen

    International business travelers' job exhaustion : effects of travel days spent in short-haul and long-haul destinations and the moderating role of leader-member exchange

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    Purpose – The purpose of the present study is to examine the general and travel-specific job exhaustion of international business travelers (IBTs). The study employs a JD-R model to explain general and travel-specific job exhaustion (IBTExh) through international business travel as demand and leadership (LMX) as a resource buffering the demands of international business travel. Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted among Finnish service company employees who had taken at least one international business trip during the previous year. The data (N 5 569), collected in 2015, were analyzed with path models. Findings – The results suggest that a higher number of international business travel days is related to a higher level of job exhaustion, especially the exhaustion related to international business travel. Moreover, a high-quality LMX was found to be linked to lower levels of both types of exhaustion. Interestingly, for those IBTs’ with a low-quality LMX, even a high number of long-haul international business travel days was not connected with IBTExh. Originality/value – The contribution of our study is threefold. First, this study contributes to JD-R theory and the ill-health process by focusing on a job-specific well-being indicator, IBTExh, in addition to general exhaustion. Second, specific job demands related to international business travel, particularly the duration of business travel spent in short-haul and long-haul destinations, contributes to the literature on global mobility. This study sheds light on the potential effects on IBTs of different types of business travel. Third, our study contributes to the leadership literature and the importance of acknowledging the context in which LMX occurs.© Liisa Mäkelä, Jussi Tanskanen, Hilpi Kangas and Milla Heikkilä. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Mikä menee ylös, tulee myös alas : Laatutavoiteteoreema henkilökohtaisen putoamissuojainjärjestelmän ankkurointipisteen valmistamiseksi

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    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on luoda laatutavoiteteoreema henkilökohtaisen putoamissuojainjärjestelmän ankkurointipisteen valmistamiseksi. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on tutkielman tekijöiden vuosien kattotyöskentelykokemusten kautta ilmenneet ongelmat työturvallisuusvaatimusten ja työtehokkuuden yhteensovittamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana tutkielman tekijät pyrkivät ratkaisemaan tuota havaittua ongelmaa suunnittelemalla ja valmistamalla siirrettävän ankkurointipisteen. Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka on tehty tutkivan tuottamisen metodilla. Teoriaosuudessa laaditaan tutkielman aikana valmistettavaa tuotetta, eli ankkurointipistettä koskeva laatutavoitteisto. Laatutavoitteiden toteutumista testataan suunnittelemalla ja valmistamalla ankkurointipiste, sekä testaamalla ankkurointipistettä koehenkilöiden toimesta sen varsinaisessa käyttökohteessa, konesaumatulla peltikatolla. Ankkurointipisteen käyttäjätietoa kerättiin haastattelemalla koehenkilöitä testiradan suorittamisen jälkeen. Tulokset osoittavat, että tutkielman aikana suunnitellun ja valmistetun ankkurointipisteen laatutavoitteista osa jäi toteutumatta. Ankkurointipisteen kahdeksastatoista laatutavoitteesta viisitoista toteutui. Tutkielman tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että kattotyöskentelyn työtehokkuuden parantaminen työturvallisuusvaatimukset huomioon ottaen on mahdollista siirreltävän ankkurointipisteen avulla

    Estimation of breast height diameter and trunk curvature with linear and single-photon LiDARs

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    International audienceContext: Precision forestry together with new sensor technologies implies Digital Forest Inventories for estimation of volume and quality of trees in a stand.Aims: This study compared commercial LiDAR, new prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual methods for measuring tree quality attributes, i.e., diameter at breast height (DBH) and trunk curvature in the forest stand.Methods: We measured 7 Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) with commercial LiDAR (Zeb Horizon by GeoSLAM), prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual devices. We compared manual measurements to the DBH and curvature values estimated based on LiDAR data. We also scanned a densely branched Picea abies to compare penetrability of the LiDARs and detectability of the obstructed trunk.Results: The DBH values deviated 1–3 cm correlating to the specified accuracies of the employed devices, showing close to acceptable results. The curvature values deviated 1–6 cm implying distorted range measurements from the top part of the trunks and inaccurate manual measurement method, leaving space for improvement. The most important finding was that the SPAD LiDAR outperformed conventional LiDAR in detecting tree stem of the densely branched spruce.Conclusion: These results represent preliminary but clear evidence that LiDAR technologies are already close to acceptable level in DBH measurements, but not yet satisfactory for curvature measurements. In addition, terrestrial SPAD LiDAR has a great potential to outperform conventional LiDARs in forest measurements of densely branched trees

    ProcuValue Value Creating Procurement: Project Report

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    This project addressed the shift in purchasing from a “classical purchasing philosophy” reflecting a transaction-oriented approach to a “modern purchasing philosophy” highlighting longer supplier relationships and a strategic approach in managing supplies and the purchasing function. The current understanding of modern purchasing is limited and it is notably difficult to put the new ideas highlighting long-term value creation into practice.The aim of the project was to create new and widely applicable knowledge for managing strategic purchasing and supply management. It examined the viewpoints of both buyer and supplier. More specifically, this project investigated 1) the benefits of long-term purchasing, 2) the strategic capabilities of the purchasing function, 3) models, practices, and performance measures for modern PSM, and 4) supplier capabilities and the supplier-buyer relationship characteristics. This project had four case companies: Metsä Group, Posti Group Corporation, Tieto Oyj, and Valmet Corporation. All these companies are large multi-national companies operating in the business-to-business markets. The case companies represent the viewpoint of a buyer. The project started with a purchasing maturity analysis, which was carried out by a survey addressed to the case companies. It continued with an interview study, which paid more attention to specific aspects in purchasing: value creation, long-term orientation, and performance management. A supplier survey was conducted in the latter part of the study and addressed to more than 600 suppliers of the case companies. In addition, each of the cases had their own development projects with their respective objectives, schedules and methods. Different characteristics of long-term purchasing were identified, such as purchasing strategies highlighting close supplier partnerships, strategic technology choices, and purchasing related to long-term investments. A long-term approach to purchasing was found to offer benefits such as the utilization of supplier expertise and increased attractiveness among suppliers. The identified strengths of the purchasing functions studied were the skills of purchasing professionals to ensure the availability of purchased goods and services, the existence of a long-term purchasing strategy, documentation of a purchasing process, a link between purchasing and company strategy, and an awareness of the importance of purchasing in contributing to cost competitiveness. The most common development areas of purchasing included cross-functional integration between purchasing function and other functions such as product development, involvement of suppliers in product development, bundling of the supplies, and using and communicating of supplier evaluations.New models, practices and performance measures for contemporary purchasing and supply management were developed in the course of this study. In the case company Valmet, a new design-to-cost framework was developed in order to improve cross-functional and inter-organizational collaboration in product development. At Posti, an approach for measuring supplier partnerships was designed. In the case of Metsä Group, a framework for measuring supplier quality was developed. At Tieto, the idea of combining data from different functions was successfully presented and tested. The analysis of supplier capabilities and supplier-buyer relationship characteristics revealed that a foundation for a good buyer-supplier relationship does indeed exist. Suppliers appear to be capable when offering and implementing their solutions. However, integration between supplier and buyer frequently remains rather superficial. For example, true collaboration in product development is rare.Several avenues for future research in the field of PSM can be identified. There remains a need to better understand the benefits of long-term purchasing in terms of financial numbers as well as the mechanisms for creating the benefits. Further, there is a need to better understand when to search for long and close supplier relationships. Supplier satisfaction is a rising topic requiring more attention since buyer companies are increasingly competing for the most capable suppliers. Digitalization in purchasing and supply management is a topic gaining increasing attention and requiring more research in the future. There has already been lot of work in automating and digitalizing purchases. This project revealed a topical need for digital supplier portals, which centralize all the supplier information (e.g. costs, contracts, supplier offerings and their use in different business)

    Laboratory-scale x-ray absorption spectroscopy of 3d transition metals in inorganic thin films

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    In this paper we present laboratory-scale X-ray absorption spectroscopy applied to the research of nanometer-scale thin films. We demonstrate the Cu K edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of CuI and CuO thin films grown with atomic layer deposition. Film thicknesses in the investigated samples ranged from 12 to 248 nm. Even from the thinnest films, XANES spectra can be obtained in 5-20 minutes and EXAFS in 1-4 days. In order to prove the capability of laboratory-based XAS for in situ measurements on thin films, we demonstrate an experiment on in situ oxidation of a 248 nm thick CuI film at a temperature of 240 degrees C. These methods have important implications for novel and enhanced possibilities for inorganic thin film research.Peer reviewe