181 research outputs found

    Molecular Signatures of the Eagle Effect Induced by the Artificial Siderophore Conjugate LP-600 in E. coli

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    Achieving cellular uptake is a central challenge for novel antibiotics targeting Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. One strategy is to hijack the bacterial iron transport system by siderophore-antibiotic conjugates that are actively imported into the cell. This was realized with the MECAM-ampicillin conjugate LP-600 we recently reported that was highly active against E. coli. In the present study, we investigate a paradoxical regrowth of E. coli upon treatment of LP-600 at concentrations 16-32 times above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The phenomenon, coined “Eagle-effect” in other systems, was not due to resistance formation, and it occurred for the siderophore conjugate but not for free ampicillin. To investigate the molecular imprint of the Eagle effect, a combined transcriptome and untargeted metabolome analysis was conducted. LP-600 induced the expression of genes involved in iron acquisition, SOS response, and the e14 prophage upon regrowth conditions. The Eagle effect was diminished in the presence of sulbactam, which we ascribe to a putative synergistic antibiotic action but not to β-lactamase inhibition. The study highlights the relevance of the Eagle effect for siderophore conjugates. Through the first systematic -omics investigations, it also demonstrates that the Eagle effect manifests not only in a paradoxical growth but also in unique gene expression and metabolite profiles

    Inflammatory Cytokines Facilitate the Sensitivity of P2X7 Receptors Toward Extracellular ATP at Neural Progenitor Cells of the Rodent Hippocampal Subgranular Zone

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    Organotypic hippocampal slice cultures were used to model the effects of neuroinflammatory conditions following an epileptic state on functional P2X7 receptors (Rs) of subgranular zone (SGZ) neural progenitor cells (NPCs). The compound, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), is known to cause pathological firing of neurons, consequently facilitating the release of various transmitter substances including ATP. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interleukin-1(IL-1) both potentiated the dibenzoyl-ATP (Bz-ATP)-induced current amplitudes in NPCs, although via different mechanisms. Whereas LPS acted via promoting ATP release, IL-1 acted via its own receptor to directly influence P2X7Rs. Thus, the effect of LPS was inhibited by the ecto-ATPase inhibitor, apyrase, but not by the IL-1 antagonist, interleukin-1RA (IL-1RA); by contrast, the effect of IL-1 was inhibited by IL-1RA, but not by apyrase. Eventually, incubation with 4-AP upregulated the number of nestin/glial fibrillary acidic protein/P2X7R immunoreactive cells and their appropriate staining intensity, suggesting increased synthesis of P2X7Rs at NPCs. In conclusion, inflammatory cytokines accumulating after epilepsy-like neuronal firing may facilitate the effect of endogenous ATP at P2X7Rs of NPCs, thereby probably promoting necrosis/apoptosis and subsequent cell death

    Academic studies, vocational training, or both? Educational pathways of school leavers with higher education entrance qualification

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    Vor dem Hintergrund deutlich gestiegener Studienberechtigtenzahlen stellt sich die Frage, für welche Qualifizierungswege in den Beruf sich Studienberechtigte entscheiden. Es wird daher untersucht, welche Faktoren bei der Wahl der Alternativen "Berufsausbildung", "Studium" und "Doppelqualifizierung" wirksam werden und wie sich soziale Disparitäten erklären lassen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Studienaufnahme unabhängig davon, ob sie im Anschluss an eine Ausbildung erfolgt oder nicht, von soziodemografischen Merkmalen, Schulleistungen sowie Studienerfolgsaussichten, antizipierten Bildungskosten und -erträgen abhängt. (DIPF/Orig.)Against the background of increased numbers of school leavers with a higher education entrance qualification the authors have a look at educational pathways of these school leavers. The paper explores factors of choice of transition into (1) vocational training, (2) higher education, or (3) a combination of vocational training and higher education one after another. Furthermore, the authors would like to explain the social inequality that reveals within these processes. Their findings indicate that enrolment in higher education (after school or after a vocational training) depends on sociodemographic characteristics, school performances, and expectation of success, as well as anticipated costs, and benefit expectations. (DIPF/Orig.

    Involvement of GPR17 in Neuronal Fibre Outgrowth

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    Characterization of new pharmacological targets is a promising approach in research of neurorepair mechanisms. The G protein-coupled receptor 17 (GPR17) has recently been proposed as an interesting pharmacological target, e.g., in neuroregenerative processes. Using the well-established ex vivo model of organotypic slice co-cultures of the mesocortical dopaminergic system (prefrontal cortex (PFC) and substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA) complex), the influence of GPR17 ligands on neurite outgrowth from SN/VTA to the PFC was investigated. The growthpromoting effects of Montelukast (MTK; GPR17- and cysteinyl-leukotriene receptor antagonist), the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and of two potent, selective GPR17 agonists (PSB-16484 and PSB-16282) were characterized. Treatment with MTK resulted in a significant increase in mean neurite density, comparable with the effects of GDNF. The combination of MTK and GPR17 agonist PSB-16484 significantly inhibited neuronal growth. qPCR studies revealed an MTK-induced elevated mRNA-expression of genes relevant for neuronal growth. Immunofluorescence labelling showed a marked expression of GPR17 on NG2-positive glia. Western blot and RT-qPCR analysis of untreated cultures suggest a time-dependent, injury-induced stimulation of GPR17. In conclusion, MTK was identified as a stimulator of neurite fibre outgrowth, mediating its effects through GPR17, highlighting GPR17 as an interesting therapeutic target in neuronal regeneration

    RBFOX1, encoding a splicing regulator, is a candidate gene for aggressive behavior

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    The RBFOX1 gene (or A2BP1) encodes a splicing factor important for neuronal development that has been related to autism spectrum disorder and other neurodevelopmental phenotypes. Evidence from complementary sources suggests that this gene contributes to aggressive behavior. Suggestive associations with RBFOX1 have been identified in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of anger, conduct disorder, and aggressive behavior. Nominal association signals in RBFOX1 were also found in an epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) of aggressive behavior. Also, variants in this gene affect temporal lobe volume, a brain area that is altered in several aggression-related phenotypes. In animals, this gene has been shown to modulate aggressive behavior in Drosophila. RBFOX1 has also been associated with canine aggression and is upregulated in mice that show increased aggression after frustration of an expected reward. Associated common genetic variants as well as rare duplications and deletions affecting RBFOX1 have been identified in several psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders that are often comorbid with aggressive behaviors. In this paper, we comprehensively review the cumulative evidence linking RBFOX1 to aggression behavior and provide new results implicating RBFOX1 in this phenotype. Most of these studies (genetic and epigenetic analyses in humans, neuroimaging genetics, gene expression and animal models) are hypothesis-free, which strengthens the validity of the findings, although all the evidence is nominal and should therefore be taken with caution. Further studies are required to clarify in detail the role of this gene in this complex phenotype

    Critical evaluation of P2X7 receptor antagonists in selected seizure models

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    The ATP-gated P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is a non-selective cation channel which senses high extracellular ATP concentrations and has been suggested as a target for the treatment of neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. The use of P2X7R antagonists may therefore be a viable approach for treating CNS pathologies, including epileptic disorders. Recent studies showed anticonvulsant potential of P2X7R antagonists in certain animal models. To extend this work, we tested three CNS-permeable P2X7R blocker (Brilliant Blue G, AFC-5128, JNJ-47965567) and a natural compound derivative (tanshinone IIA sulfonate) in four well-characterized animal seizure models. In the maximal electroshock seizure threshold test and the pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) seizure threshold test in mice, none of the four compounds demonstrated anticonvulsant effects when given alone. Notably, in combination with carbamazepine, both AFC-5128 and JNJ-47965567 increased the threshold in the maximal electroshock seizure test. In the PTZ-kindling model in rats, useful for testing antiepileptogenic activities, Brilliant Blue G and tanshinone exhibited a moderate retarding effect, whereas the potent P2X7R blocker AFC-5128 and JNJ-47965567 showed a significant and long-lasting delay in kindling development. In fully kindled rats, the investigated compounds revealed modest effects to reduce the mean seizure stage. Furthermore, AFC-5128- and JNJ-47965567-treated animals displayed strongly reduced Iba 1 and GFAP immunoreactivity in the hippocampal CA3 region. In summary, our results show that P2X7R antagonists possess no remarkable anticonvulsant effects in the used acute screening tests, but can attenuate chemically-induced kindling. Further studies would be of interest to support the concept that P2X7R signalling plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of epileptic disorders

    On the role of NOS1 ex1f-VNTR in ADHD – allelic, subgroup, and meta-analysis

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a heritable neurodevelopmental disorder featuring complex genetics with common and rare variants contributing to disease risk. In a high proportion of cases, ADHD does not remit during adolescence but persists into adulthood. Several studies suggest that NOS1, encoding nitric oxide synthase I, producing the gaseous neurotransmitter NO, is a candidate gene for (adult) ADHD. We here extended our analysis by increasing the original sample, adding two further samples from Norway and Spain, and conducted subgroup and co-morbidity analysis. Our previous finding held true in the extended sample, and also meta-analysis demonstrated an association of NOS1 ex1fVNTR short alleles with adult ADHD (aADHD). Association was restricted to females, as was the case in the discovery sample. Subgroup analysis on the single allele level suggested that the repeat allele caused the association. Regarding subgroups, we found that NOS1 was associated with the hyperactive/impulsive ADHD subtype, but not to pure inattention. In terms of comorbidity, major depression, anxiety disorders, cluster C personality disorders and migraine were associated with short repeats, in particular the repeat allele. Also, short allele carriers had significantly lower IQ. Finally, we again demonstrated an influence of the repeat on gene expression in human post-mortem brain samples. These data validate the role of NOS-I in hyperactive/impulsive phenotypes and call for further studies into the neurobiological underpinnings of this association.PostprintPeer reviewe