163 research outputs found

    Cell Therapy Product Manufacturing Considerations

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    Cellular therapy products are defined as autologous, allogeneic, or xenogeneic cells that have been propagated, expanded, selected, pharmacologically treated, or otherwise altered in biological characteristics ex vivo to be administered to humans and applicable to the prevention, treatment, cure, diagnosis or mitigation of disease or injuries. This definition is broad and encompasses a diverse set of cell based products with many potential applications. While relatively few cell based therapies are currently marketed, others are in late phase clinical development. In addition, the use of cellular therapies in investigational studies has been steadily increasing. Due to the nature of these therapies, they have both great therapeutic potential and manufacturing challenges. Challenges include starting cell variability, lack of reference standards, patient specific and/or small lot sizes, limited material for testing, the need for aseptic processing, and others. Despite these challenges, cell based therapies allow manufacturers to tap into complex and living systems that may be poorly understood but can potentially repair, replace, or restore function in the patient. This talk will focus on providing a few strategies to address common manufacturing challenges by 1) applying principles of Current Good Manufacturing Practices; 2) understanding product’s key Critical Quality Attributes and Critical Process Parameters; and 3) knowing how to deal with process change

    A Cytochemical Study of the Transcriptional and Translational Regulation of Nuclear Transition Protein 1 (TP1), a Major Chromosomal Protein of Mammalian Spermatids

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    Immunocytochemical localization and in situ hybridization techniques were used to investigate the presence of spermatid nuclear transition protein 1 (TP1) and its mRNA during the various stages of spermatogenesis in the rat. A specific antiserum to TP1 was raised in a rabbit and used to show that TP1 is immunologically crossreactive among many mammals including humans. During spermatogenesis the protein appears in spermatids as they progress from step 12 to step 13, a period in which nuclear condensation is underway. The protein is lost during step 15. An asymmetric RNA probe generated from a TP1 cDNA clone identified TP1 mRNA in late round spermatids beginning in step 7. The message could no longer be detected in spermatids of step 15 or beyond. Thus, TP1 mRNA first appears well after meiosis in haploid cells but is not translated effectively for the several days required for these cells to progress to the stage of chromatin condensation. Message and then protein disappear as the spermatids enter step 15. In agreement with a companion biochemical study (Heidaran, M.A., and W.S. Kistler. J. Biol. Chem. 1987. 262:13309-13315), these results establish that translational control is involved in synthesis of this major spermatid nuclear protein. In addition, they suggest that TP1 plays a role in the completion but not the initiation of chromatin condensation in elongated spermatids

    Breast Cancer Biology: The Multifaceted Roles of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Recent upsurge in the interest of breast cancer metastasis is partly attributed to the discovery of novel, yet unclear, mechanisms of breast cancer interaction with sites of distant metastasis such as the bone marrow microenvironment. In this review, we discuss the significance of the interactions between breast cancer cells and cells of the bone marrow. This is a subject of intense research studies aim to provide new methods of treatments and perhaps the identification of new drug targets. This review also discusses the role of inflammation and the bimodal function of the transforming growth factor-β signaling pathway in the process of tumorigenesis. We bring attention to future prospects in breast cancer research, including the role of microRNAs in cancer quiescence in the bone marrow and the application of microRNAs to basic science discoveries in oncology. Finally, we discuss the cancer stem cell hypothesis, which is not a new idea, but has resurged with investigative questions

    P62dok, a Negative Regulator of Ras and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (Mapk) Activity, Opposes Leukemogenesis by P210bcr-abl

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    p62dok has been identified as a substrate of many oncogenic tyrosine kinases such as the chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) chimeric p210bcr-abl oncoprotein. It is also phosphorylated upon activation of many receptors and cytoplamic tyrosine kinases. However, the biological functions of p62dok in normal cell signaling as well as in p210bcr-abl leukemogenesis are as yet not fully understood. Here we show, in hemopoietic and nonhemopoietic cells derived from p62dok−/− mice, that the loss of p62dok results in increased cell proliferation upon growth factor treatment. Moreover, Ras and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is markedly sustained in p62dok−/− cells after the removal of growth factor. However, p62dok inactivation does not affect DNA damage and growth factor deprivation–induced apoptosis. Furthermore, p62dok inactivation causes a significant shortening in the latency of the fatal myeloproliferative disease induced by retroviral-mediated transduction of p210bcr-abl in bone marrow cells. These data indicate that p62dok acts as a negative regulator of growth factor–induced cell proliferation, at least in part through downregulating Ras/MAPK signaling pathway, and that p62dok can oppose leukemogenesis by p210bcr-abl

    PDGF induced microRNA alterations in cancer cells

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    Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) regulates gene transcription by binding to specific receptors. PDGF plays a critical role in oncogenesis in brain and other tumors, regulates angiogenesis, and remodels the stroma in physiologic conditions. Here, we show by using microRNA (miR) arrays that PDGFs regulate the expression and function of miRs in glioblastoma and ovarian cancer cells. The two PDGF ligands AA and BB affect expression of several miRs in ligand-specific manner; the most robust changes consisting of let-7d repression by PDGF-AA and miR-146b induction by PDGF-BB. Induction of miR-146b by PDGF-BB is modulated via MAPK-dependent induction of c-fos. We demonstrate that PDGF regulates expression of some of its known targets (e.g. cyclin D1) through miR alterations and identify the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a new PDGF-BB target. We show that its expression and function are repressed by PDGF-induced miR-146b and that mir-146b and EGFR correlate inversely in human glioblastomas. We propose that PDGF-regulated gene transcription involves alterations in non-coding RNAs and provide evidence for a miR-dependent feedback mechanism balancing growth factor receptor signaling in cancer cells

    The role of heterodimerization between VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 in the regulation of endothelial cell homeostasis

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    VEGF-A activity is tightly regulated by ligand and receptor availability. Here we investigate the physiological function of heterodimers between VEGF receptor-1 (VEGFR-1; Flt-1) and VEGFR-2 (KDR; Flk-1) (VEGFR(1-2)) in endothelial cells with a synthetic ligand that binds specifically to VEGFR(1-2). The dimeric ligand comprises one VEGFR-2-specific monomer (VEGF-E) and a VEGFR-1-specific monomer (PlGF-1). Here we show that VEGFR(1-2) activation mediates VEGFR phosphorylation, endothelial cell migration, sustained in vitro tube formation and vasorelaxation via the nitric oxide pathway. VEGFR(1-2) activation does not mediate proliferation or elicit endothelial tissue factor production, confirming that these functions are controlled by VEGFR-2 homodimers. We further demonstrate that activation of VEGFR(1-2) inhibits VEGF-A-induced prostacyclin release, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAP kinase and mobilization of intracellular calcium from primary endothelial cells. These findings indicate that VEGFR-1 subunits modulate VEGF activity predominantly by forming heterodimer receptors with VEGFR-2 subunits and such heterodimers regulate endothelial cell homeostasis

    The protein phosphatase 1 regulator NIPP1 is essential for mammalian spermatogenesis

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    NIPP1 is one of the major nuclear interactors of protein phosphatase PP1. The deletion of NIPP1 in mice is early embryonic lethal, which has precluded functional studies in adult tissues. Hence, we have generated an inducible NIPP1 knockout model using a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase transgene. The inactivation of the NIPP1 encoding alleles (Ppp1r8) in adult mice occurred very efficiently in testis and resulted in a gradual loss of germ cells, culminating in a Sertoli-cell only phenotype. Before the overt development of this phenotype Ppp1r8 -/- testis showed a decreased proliferation and survival capacity of cells of the spermatogenic lineage. A reduced proliferation was also detected after the tamoxifen-induced removal of NIPP1 from cultured testis slices and isolated germ cells enriched for undifferentiated spermatogonia, hinting at a testis-intrinsic defect. Consistent with the observed phenotype, RNA sequencing identified changes in the transcript levels of cell-cycle and apoptosis regulating genes in NIPP1-depleted testis. We conclude that NIPP1 is essential for mammalian spermatogenesis because it is indispensable for the proliferation and survival of progenitor germ cells, including (un)differentiated spermatogonia.publishe

    Tissue Engineering: A Biological Solution for Tissue Damage, Loss or End Stage Organ Failure

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    ABSTRACT In recent years the science of tissue engineering has emerged as a powerful tool for the development of a novel set of tissue replacement parts and technologies. Recent advances in the fields of biomaterials, stem cell technologies, growth factor field and biomimetics have created a unique set of opportunities for investigators to fabricate lab-grown tissues from combination of extracellular matrices (scaffolds), cells, and bioactive molecules. Despite these breakthrough advances, the major challenges facing this new emerging field of bioengineering remain unresolved as lab-grown tissues still exhibit a general lack of functional and biomechanical stability needed for transplantation. A successful strategy to develop true human replacement parts requires a multidisciplinary approach that converges recent advances in tissue, matrix, growth factor and developmental biology with recent technological breakthroughs in tissueinformatics, bioinformatics, highthrouput combinatorial chemistry and stem cell technologies