1,138 research outputs found

    The effect of ring distortions on buckling of blunt conical shells

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    A rigorous analytical study of cones stiffened by many thin-gage, open-section rings is presented. The results are compared with data previously obtained from uniform pressure tests of the Viking mission flight aeroshell and of the Viking structural prototype aeroshells. A conventional analysis, in which the rings are modeled as discrete rigid cross sections, is shown to lead to large, unconservative strength predictions. A more sophisticated technique of modeling the rings as shell branches leads to much more realistic strength predictions and more accurately predicts the failure modes. It is also shown that if a small initial imperfection proportional to the shape of the buckling mode is assumed, the critical buckling modes from analysis and test are in agreement. However, the reduction in buckling strength from the perfect-shell predictions is small

    Creep of ice: Further studies

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    Detailed studies have been done of ice creep as related to the icy satellites, Ganymede and Callisto. Included were: (1) the flow of high-pressure water ices II, III, and V, and (2) frictional sliding of ice I sub h. Work was also begun on the study of the effects of impurities on the flow of ice. Test results are summarized

    Stomatopod Crustaceans from the Carolinas and Georgia, Southeastern United States

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    Literature and specimen records are updated for stomatopod crustaceans known from the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. Gibbesia, new genus, is recognized for Squilla neglecta, and a new species, Neogonodactylus wennerae, is named for an offshore species of Neogonodactylus previously identified with the Caribbean shore species N. bredini. Fifteen species of stomatopods representing 12 genera are now known from the area: Bigelowina biminiensis (Bigelow), Cloridopsis dubia (Milne Edwards), Coronis scolopendra Latreille, Gibbesia neglecta (Gibbes), Heterosquilloides armata (Smith), Meiosquilla quadridens (Bigelow), Lysiosquilla scabricauda (Lamarck), Lysiosquillina glabriuscula (Lamarck), Nannosquilla carolinensis Manning, N. whitingi Camp & Manning, Neogonodactylus torus (Manning), Neogonodactylus wennerae, new species, Platysquilloides enodis (Manning), Squilla deceptrix Manning, and S. empusa Say. A key is provided to species known from the Carolinas and Georgia

    Langevin Thermostat for Rigid Body Dynamics

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    We present a new method for isothermal rigid body simulations using the quaternion representation and Langevin dynamics. It can be combined with the traditional Langevin or gradient (Brownian) dynamics for the translational degrees of freedom to correctly sample the NVT distribution in a simulation of rigid molecules. We propose simple, quasi-symplectic second-order numerical integrators and test their performance on the TIP4P model of water. We also investigate the optimal choice of thermostat parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    New Records for Cubanocuma gutzui Băcescu and Muradian, 1977 (Crustacea: Cumacea: Nannastacidae) from the Western Atlantic

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    Because the original description and many subsequent records for Cubanocuma gutzui have appeared in a Romanian journal, Travaux du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle “Grigore Antipa,” which has limited distribution in the west, many workers studying tropical western Atlantic crustaceans still remain unaware of both the genus and species. Also, the species may have gone unrecognized (recorded as an odd specimen of Campylaspis, for instance) or may have been overlooked because of its small size. As part of an ongoing survey of the marine invertebrates of Guana Island, British Virgin Islands (BVI) (led by T.L. Zimmerman and J.W. Martin), numerous specimens of this nannastacid species were collected extending the known range eastward to the BVI. At the same time, the examination of other regional collections by two of us (RWH, TJH) established the presence of this species in Southeast Florida and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), and we have found additional material from the southern Bahamian region and the northern Caribbean. In this note, we list the known occurrences of Cubanocuma, comment on the habitat, and mention certain morphological features observed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Space tug propulsion system failure mode, effects and criticality analysis

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    For purposes of the study, the propulsion system was considered as consisting of the following: (1) main engine system, (2) auxiliary propulsion system, (3) pneumatic system, (4) hydrogen feed, fill, drain and vent system, (5) oxygen feed, fill, drain and vent system, and (6) helium reentry purge system. Each component was critically examined to identify possible failure modes and the subsequent effect on mission success. Each space tug mission consists of three phases: launch to separation from shuttle, separation to redocking, and redocking to landing. The analysis considered the results of failure of a component during each phase of the mission. After the failure modes of each component were tabulated, those components whose failure would result in possible or certain loss of mission or inability to return the Tug to ground were identified as critical components and a criticality number determined for each. The criticality number of a component denotes the number of mission failures in one million missions due to the loss of that component. A total of 68 components were identified as critical with criticality numbers ranging from 1 to 2990

    New Langevin and Gradient Thermostats for Rigid Body Dynamics

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    We introduce two new thermostats, one of Langevin type and one of gradient (Brownian) type, for rigid body dynamics. We formulate rotation using the quaternion representation of angular coordinates; both thermostats preserve the unit length of quaternions. The Langevin thermostat also ensures that the conjugate angular momenta stay within the tangent space of the quaternion coordinates, as required by the Hamiltonian dynamics of rigid bodies. We have constructed three geometric numerical integrators for the Langevin thermostat and one for the gradient thermostat. The numerical integrators reflect key properties of the thermostats themselves. Namely, they all preserve the unit length of quaternions, automatically, without the need of a projection onto the unit sphere. The Langevin integrators also ensure that the angular momenta remain within the tangent space of the quaternion coordinates. The Langevin integrators are quasi-symplectic and of weak order two. The numerical method for the gradient thermostat is of weak order one. Its construction exploits ideas of Lie-group type integrators for differential equations on manifolds. We numerically compare the discretization errors of the Langevin integrators, as well as the efficiency of the gradient integrator compared to the Langevin ones when used in the simulation of rigid TIP4P water model with smoothly truncated electrostatic interactions. We observe that the gradient integrator is computationally less efficient than the Langevin integrators. We also compare the relative accuracy of the Langevin integrators in evaluating various static quantities and give recommendations as to the choice of an appropriate integrator.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Triple iron isotope constraints on the role of ocean iron sinks in early atmospheric oxygenation

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    International audienceThe role that iron played in the oxygenation of Earth’s surface is equivocal. Iron could have consumed molecular oxygen when Fe3+-oxyhydroxides formed in the oceans, or it could have promoted atmospheric oxidation by means of pyrite burial. Through high-precision iron isotopic measurements of Archean-Paleoproterozoic sediments and laboratory grown pyrites, we show that the triple iron isotopic composition of Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic pyrites requires both extensive marine iron oxidation and sulfide-limited pyritization. Using an isotopic fractionation model informed by these data, we constrain the relative sizes of sedimentary Fe3+-oxyhydroxide and pyrite sinks for Neoarchean marine iron. We show that pyrite burial could have resulted in molecular oxygen export exceeding local Fe2+ oxidation sinks, thereby contributing to early episodes of transient oxygenation of Archean surface environments

    Direct measurements of OH and other product yields from the HO2 + CH3C(O)O2 reaction

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    The reaction CH3C(O)O2 + HO2 → CH3C(O)OOH+O2 (Reaction R5a), CH3C(O)OH+O3 (Reaction R5b), CH3+CO2+OH+O2 (Reaction R5c) was studied in a series of experiments conducted at 1000 mbar and (293±2)K in the HIRAC simulation chamber. For the first time, products, (CH3C(O)OOH, CH3C(O)OH, O3 and OH) from all three branching pathways of the reaction have been detected directly and simultaneously. Measurements of radical precursors (CH3OH, CH3CHO), HO2 and some secondary products HCHO and HCOOH further constrained the system. Fitting a comprehensive model to the experimental data, obtained over a range of conditions, determined the branching ratios α(R5a) = 0.37±0.10, α(R5b) =0.12±0.04 and α(R5c) =0.51±0.12 (errors at 2σ level). Improved measurement/model agreement was achieved using k(R5) =(2.4±0.4)×10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, which is within the large uncertainty of the current IUPAC and JPL recommended rate coefficients for the title reaction. The rate coefficient and branching ratios are in good agreement with a recent study performed by Groß et al. (2014b); taken together, these two studies show that the rate of OH regeneration through Reaction (R5) is more rapid than previously thought. GEOS-Chem has been used to assess the implications of the revised rate coefficients and branching ratios; the modelling shows an enhancement of up to 5% in OH concentrations in tropical rainforest areas and increases of up to 10% at altitudes of 6-8 km above the equator, compared to calculations based on the IUPAC recommended rate coefficient and yield. The enhanced rate of acetylperoxy consumption significantly reduces PAN in remote regions (up to 30 %) with commensurate reductions in background NOx

    Kinetics of isothermal and non-isothermal precipitation in an Al-6at%Si alloy

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    A novel theory which describes the progress of a thermally activated reaction under isothermal and linear heating conditions is presented. It incorporates nucleation, growth and impingement and takes account of temperaturedependent solubility. The model generally fits very well to isothermal calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry data on precipitation in an Al-6 at.% Si alloy. Analysis of the data shows that two processes occur in this precipitation reaction: growth of large Si particles and growth of pre-existing small nuclei. Determination of the sizes of Si precipitates by transmission electron microscopy indicates that interfacial energy contributions are small and have a negligible influence on solubilit