12 research outputs found

    Internet-delivered treatment: its potential as a low-intensity community intervention for adults with symptoms of depression: protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is a high prevalence disorder, displaying high rates of lifetime incidence, early age onset, high chronicity, and role impairment. In Ireland 12-month prevalence of depression has been reported to be 10.3%. A large percentage of affected individuals have no medical diagnosis nor seek treatment. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has established itself as an option for the treatment of depression. Many Irish adults with depression find it difficult to access evidence-based CBT, this is due to several factors, like stigma and costs. However, systematic factors including the shortage of trained professionals and the relative underdevelopment of services also make access difficult. Stepped-care can increase access to evidence-based CBT. One option is tailored internet-delivered treatment programs. Preliminary research from Ireland needs now to include large-scale studies on effectiveness. Thus the current study seeks to examine the potential of an internet-delivered low-intensity treatment for symptoms of depression in an Irish adult community sample. METHOD/DESIGN: The study is a randomized controlled trial of an online CBT (iCBT) program for the treatment of adults with depressive symptoms. The trial will include an active treatment group and a waiting-list control group. The active condition will consist of 8 weekly modules of iCBT, with post-session feedback support. Participants in the waiting list will receive access to the treatment at week 8. Participants will complete the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and eligibility criteria will also apply. Primary outcomes are depressive symptoms. Secondary outcomes include quality of life indicators, significant events and satisfaction with online treatment. Data will be collected at baseline and at post-treatment, week 8, and at follow-up week 20 (3-months) and week 32 (6-months). Analysis will be conducted on the intention-to-treat basis. DISCUSSION: The study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of an online delivered treatment for depression in a community sample of Irish adults with symptoms of depression. The study will be a first contribution and depending on the sample recruited the results may be generalizable to people with similar difficulties in Ireland and may therefore give insight into the potential of low-intensity interventions for Irish people with depressive symptoms. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN03704676. DOI: 10.1186/ISRCTN0370467

    Skunk River Review 2010-11, vol 23

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    Welcome to the 2010-2011 edition of The Skunk River Review! As the new editor of this publication, I was excited to see the number of submissions and the overwhelming enthusiasm of the students. This year\u27s publication includes work from Composition I, Composition II, Literature, and College Resources courses. Whereas The Skunk River Review is academic work that begins in the classroom, it also reflects student\u27s interests. The essays are not edited for MLA format or general errors because the publication is used as a teaching tool in many classrooms.https://openspace.dmacc.edu/skunkriver/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Predictores de la gravedad de la depresión en personas adultas que buscan tratamiento

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    Antecedentes/Objetivo : La depresión es uno de los trastornos de salud mental más co - munes y un incipiente problema de salud pública. Pocos estudios han investigado la prevalencia y factores predictivos de su gravedad en el contexto irlandés. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar los factores de riesgo que predicen la gravedad de la depresión en una muestra de adultos en Irlanda en búsqueda de tratamiento. Método : Los participan - tes auto-referidos accedieron a una intervención en línea para la depresión. Los partici - pantes ( N = 641) completaron cuestionarios, incluyendo el BDI-II, e información asociada con predictores comunes de la depresión. Resultados : Se encontraron varios factores que predijeron la gravedad de la depresión: el sexo, ser mujer, ser joven, situación laboral, estar soltero o con pareja pero no casado, diagnóstico previo de depresión y experiencias de estrés recientes. Conclusiones : El estudio contribuye a la elaboración de perfiles de incidencia y factores predictivos en la gravedad de la depresión. Los resultados confir - man algunos de los factores de riesgo conocidos y ponen en relieve la necesidad de nue - vas investigaciones que lleven a cabo la detección de la depresión así como un mayor acceso a las intervenciones

    Acceptability, satisfaction and perceived efficacy of “Space from Depression” an internet-delivered treatment for depression

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    Background: There are clear advantages to internet-delivered interventions for depression. Users' perspectives on the acceptability, satisfaction, and efficacy of an internet-delivered treatment for depression can inform future developments in the area. Methods: Respondents (n = 281) were participants in an 8 week supported internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy treatment for depressive symptoms. Self-report online questionnaires gathered quantitative and qualitative data on the user experience. Principle findings: Most respondents were satisfied with the programme (n = 191), felt supported (n = 203), reported positive gains and impact resulting from use of the programme, and perceived these to be likely to be lasting effects (n=149). Flexibility and accessibility were themost liked aspects. A small number of respondents felt their needs were not met by the intervention (n=64); for this group suggestions for improvements centred on the programme's structure and how supporter feedback is delivered. Conclusion: Results will deepen the understanding of users' experience and inform the development and implementation of evidence-based internet-delivered interventions

    Predictors of depression severity in a treatment-seeking sample

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    Background/Objective: Depression is a common mental health disorder and an emerging public health concern. Few studies have investigated prevalence and predictors of depression severity in the Irish context. To investigate the relative contribution of known risk factors that predicts depression severity in a treatment-seeking sample of adults in Ireland. Method: As part of a randomised controlled trial of an internet-delivered intervention for depression participants (N = 641) completed online screening questionnaires including BDI-II and information associated with common predictors of depression. Results: The mean score on the BDI-II was 24.13 (SD = 11.20). Several factors were shown to predict greater severity of depression in the sample including female gender, younger age, unemployment, being single or partnered as opposed to married, previous diagnosis of depression, recent experience of life stressors. Alcohol use, recent losses, knowing a suicide completer, education level, type of employment and income level were not found to be significant. Conclusions: The study contributes to the profiling of the incidence and predictors of severity of depression in an Irish context. The results confirm some of the known risk factors and highlight the need for further research to be carried out on screening for depression and increasing access to interventions

    Enhancing the implementation of the Making Every Contact Count brief behavioural intervention programme in Ireland: protocol for the Making MECC Work research programme

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    Background: Brief behavioural interventions offered by healthcare professionals to target health behavioural risk factors (e.g. physical activity, diet, smoking and drug and alcohol use) can positively impact patient health outcomes. The Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Programme supports healthcare professionals to offer patients brief opportunistic behavioural interventions during routine consultations. The potential for MECC to impact public health depends on its uptake and implementation. Aim: This protocol outlines the ‘Making MECC Work’ research programme, a HSE/Health Behaviour Change Research Group collaboration to develop an implementation strategy to optimise uptake of MECC in Ireland. The programme will answer three research questions: (1) What determines delivery of MECC brief interventions by healthcare professionals at individual and organisational levels? (2) What are patient attitudes towards, and experiences of, receiving MECC interventions from healthcare professionals? (3) What evidence-informed implementation strategy options can be consensually developed with key stakeholders to optimise MECC implementation? Methods: In Work Package 1, we will examine determinants of MECC delivery by healthcare professionals using a multi-methods approach, including: (WP1.1) a national survey of healthcare professionals who have participated in MECC eLearning training and (WP1.2) a qualitative interview study with relevant healthcare professionals and HSE staff. In Work Package 2, we will examine patient attitudes towards, and experiences of, MECC using qualitative interviews. Work Package 3 will combine findings from Work Packages 1 and 2 using the Behaviour Change Wheel to identify and develop testable implementation strategy options (WP 3.1). Strategies will be refined and prioritised using a key stakeholder consensus process to develop a collaborative implementation blueprint to optimise and scale-up MECC (WP3.2). Discussion: Research programme outputs are expected to positively support the integration of MECC brief behaviour change interventions into the Irish healthcare system and inform the scale-up of behaviour change interventions internationally