1,640 research outputs found

    Oxygen depletion affects kinematics and shoaling cohesion of cyprinid fish

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    CommunicationNumerous anthropogenic stressors impact rivers worldwide. Hypoxia, resulting from organic waste releases and eutrophication, occurs very commonly in Mediterranean rivers. Nonetheless, little is known about the effects of deoxygenation on the behavior of Mediterranean freshwater fish. To fill this knowledge gap, we assessed the impact of three different dissolved oxygen levels (normoxia, 48.4%, 16.5% saturation) on kinematics indicators (swimming velocity, acceleration, distance traveled) and shoaling cohesion of adult Iberian barbel, Luciobarbus bocagei, a widespread cyprinid species inhabiting a broad range of lotic and lentic habitats. We conducted flume experiments and video-tracked individual swimming movements of shoals of five fish. Our results reveal significant differences between the treatments regarding kinematics. Swimming velocity, acceleration, and total distance traveled decreased stepwise from the control to each of the two oxygen depletion treatments, whereby the difference between the control and both depletion levels was significant, respectively, but not between the depletion levels themselves. Shoaling cohesion showed dissimilarities between the treatments regarding the maximum distance between fish, as the high depletion treatment differed from each of the other two, indicating that under severe oxygen depletion some individuals move away from the shoal. Overall, our results show how oxygen depletion changes fish behavior, which may entail ecological responses, highlighting the need to maintain an unfragmented river network to ensure movement dispersal among habitats, thus providing conditions for species escapement from hypoxiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determining the Locations of Dust Sources in FeLoBAL Quasars

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    We conduct a spectroscopic search of quasars observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with broad absorption line (BAL) troughs due to Mg II and troughs due to Fe II that simultaneously exhibit strong Balmer narrow emission lines (NELs). We find that in a redshift range of 0.4 less than or equal to z less than or equal to 0.9 approximately 23 of the 70 Mg II BALs and 4 of a subset of 15 Fe II BALs exhibit strong Balmer emission. We also find significant fractions of Mg II BALs (approximately 23%) and those Mg II BALs with Fe II troughs (approximately 27%) have strong continuum reddening, E(B - V) greater than or equal to 0.1. From measurements of the Balmer decrement in three objects, we find similarly significant reddening of the NEL region in three of the four objects; the NELs in the fourth object are not measurable. We also include one object in this study not taken from the SDSS sample that shows Fe II absorption and strong narrow emission, but due to measurement uncertainty and low continuum reddening the comparison is consistent but inconclusive. We find a trend in both the Mg II and Fe II BAL samples between the NEL reddening and continuum reddening. Because the narrow line reddening is consistent with the continuum reddening in every object in the two SDSS samples, it suggests that the reddening sources in these objects likely exist at larger radial distances than the narrow line regions from the central nucleus.Comment: 40 manuscript pages, accepted in ApJ (July

    Integrated pest management in the academic small greenhouse setting: A case study using Solanum spp. (Solanaceae).

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    Premise Botanical faculty and staff at academic institutions are often tasked with establishing and/or caring for plant collections held in small greenhouse facilities. Once plants are in place, an especially acute challenge is managing plant pest/pathogen populations. Integrated pest management (IPM) approaches are an excellent option, but few examples exist in the literature of successful programs that have been developed in academic small greenhouse settings. Methods and Results Over several years, we developed an IPM program for two small research greenhouses on the campus of a primarily undergraduate institution where hundreds of plants have been grown for studies in the genus Solanum. We here present a synopsis of the cultural, mechanical, physical, and biological controls used as part of our successful IPM strategy—including details on the efficacy of multiple predatory insects—with the hope of providing a model for sustainable pest management in the higher education environment. Conclusions IPM can be an effective strategy for maintaining healthy plant populations in small research greenhouses, but it requires a consistent investment of time and funding. A well‐cared‐for plant collection might help support numerous positive outcomes, including advances in faculty scholarship and opportunities for student learning and/or training

    A Foundational Population Genetics Investigation of the Sexual Systems of Solanum (Solanaceae) in the Australian Monsoon Tropics Suggests Dioecious Taxa May Benefit from Increased Genetic Admixture via Obligate Outcrossing

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    Solanum section Leptostemonum is an ideal lineage to test the theoretical framework regarding proposed evolutionary benefits of outcrossing sexual systems in comparison to cosexuality. Theoretically, non-cosexual taxa should support more genetic diversity within populations, experience less inbreeding, and have less genetic structure due to a restricted ability to self-fertilize. However, many confounding factors present challenges for a confident inference that inherent differences in sexual systems influence observed genetic patterns among populations. This study provides a foundational baseline of the population genetics of several species of different sexual systems with the aim of generating hypotheses of any factor—including sexual system—that influences genetic patterns. Importantly, results indicate that dioecious S. asymmetriphyllum maintains less genetic structure and greater admixture among populations than cosexual S. raphiotes at the same three locations where they co-occur. This suggests that when certain conditions are met, the evolution of dioecy may have proceeded as a means to avoid genetic consequences of self-compatibility and may support hypotheses of benefits gained through differential resource allocation partitioned across sexes. Arguably, the most significant finding of this study is that all taxa are strongly inbred, possibly reflective of a shared response to recent climate shifts, such as the increased frequency and intensity of the region’s fire regime

    Microbial faecal pollution of river water in a watershed of tropical Ethiopian highlands is driven by diffuse pollution sources

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    Journal of Water and HealthTropical communities in the developing world depend heavily on riverine systems for their socioeconomic development. However, these resources are poorly protected from diffuse pollution, and there is a lack of quantitative information regarding the microbial pollution characteristics of riverine water, despite frequently reported gastrointestinal diseases. The aim of our study was to apply faecal taxation (i.e., faecal pellet counting in representative test areas to estimate the potential availability of diffuse pollution sources) in combination with a detailed microbiological faecal pollution analysis in a riverine environment to elucidate the importance of diffuse pollution. To realize this approach, ambient faecal pellets, a multiparametric data set for standard faecal indicator bacteria (SFIB), including Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens spores and enterococci from catchment soil and river water, and a number of riverine water physicochemical variables were analysed during a one-year cycle. We demonstrated that the abundance of ambient faecal pellets, which were consistently counted at reference sites in the catchment, was associated with faecal pollution in the river water. Water SFIB, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, conductivity and total suspended solids were strongly linked with the abundance of ambient faecal pellets in the river catchment, as demonstrated by principal component analysis (PCA). Elevated concentrations of SFIB in the riverine water in the absence of rainfall also suggested the direct input of faecal bacteria into the riverine water by livestock (e.g., during watering) and humans (e.g., during bathing). Statistical analyses further revealed that the microbiological water quality of the investigated riverine water was not influenced by SFIB potentially occurring in the soil. This study demonstrates the importance of diffuse faecal pollution sources as major drivers of the microbiological quality of riverine water in the Ethiopian highlands. In addition, the new successfully applied integrated approach could be very useful for developing predictive models, which would aid in forecasting riverine microbiological quality in tropical developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample. VIII. Characterizing Lyman-Alpha Scattering in Nearby Galaxies

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    We examine the dust geometry and Ly{\alpha} scattering in the galaxies of the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), a set of 14 nearby (0.02 < zz < 0.2) Ly{\alpha} emitting and starbursting systems with Hubble Space Telescope Ly{\alpha}, H{\alpha}, and H{\beta} imaging. We find that the global dust properties determined by line ratios are consistent with other studies, with some of the LARS galaxies exhibiting clumpy dust media while others of them show significantly lower Ly{\alpha} emission compared to their Balmer decrement. With the LARS imaging, we present Ly{\alpha}/H{\alpha} and H{\alpha}/H{\beta} maps with spatial resolutions as low as \sim 40 pc, and use these data to show that in most galaxies, the dust geometry is best modeled by three distinct regions: a central core where dust acts as a screen, an annulus where dust is distributed in clumps, and an outer envelope where Ly{\alpha} photons only scatter. We show that the dust that affects the escape of Ly{\alpha} is more restricted to the galaxies' central regions, while the larger Ly{\alpha} halos are generated by scattering at large radii. We present an empirical modeling technique to quantify how much Ly{\alpha} scatters in the halo, and find that this "characteristic" scattering distance correlates with the measured size of the Ly{\alpha} halo. We note that there exists a slight anti-correlation between the scattering distance of Ly{\alpha} and global dust properties.Comment: 32 pages, 51 figures, accepted to Ap

    Incidence of seizures following initial ischemic stroke in a community-based cohort: The Framingham Heart Study

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    Purpose We examined the incidence of seizures following ischemic stroke in a community-based sample. Methods All subjects with incident ischemic strokes in the Framingham Original and Offspring cohorts between 1982 and 2003 were identified and followed for up to 20 years to determine incidence of seizures. Seizure-type was based on the 2010 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification. Disability was stratified into mild/none, moderate and severe, based on post-stroke neurological deficit documentation according to the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) protocol and functional status was determined using the Barthel Index. Results An initial ischemic stroke occurred in 469 subjects in the cohort and seizures occurred in 25 (5.3%) of these subjects. Seizure incidence was similar in both large artery atherosclerosis (LAA) (6.8%) and cardio-embolic (CE) (6.2%) strokes. No seizures occurred following lacunar strokes. The predominant seizure type was focal seizure with or without evolution to bilateral convulsive seizure. One third of participants had seizures within the first 24 h from stroke onset and half of all seizures occurred within the first 30 days. On multivariate analysis, moderate and severe disability following stroke was associated with increased risk of incident seizure. Conclusions Seizures occurred in approximately 5% of subjects after an ischemic stroke. One third of these seizures occurred in the first 24 h after stroke and none followed lacunar strokes. Focal seizures with or without evolution in bilateral convulsive seizures were the most common seizure type. Moderate and severe disability was predictive of incident seizures

    Habitat use of barbel (Barbus barbus) in a restored urban Danube tributary

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    Tributaries play a vital role in fish spawning and recruitment, significantly influencing mainstem river fish populations. However, in the Anthropocene era, tributaries within river networks suffered ecological degradation due to fragmentation and channelization. This has led to reduced distribution ranges and declining populations of various riverine species, underscoring the urgency of conservation and rehabilitation efforts. Our study explores the potential for reintroducing fish from the mainstem Danube River into the Wien River, an urban tributary that has undergone partial rehabilitation. We assessed habitat use and movement patterns of 20 adult barbel (Barbus barbus), a species classified as ‘near threatened’ in Austria, collected from the Danube River during the spawning season. These barbel were tagged with radio telemetry tags and relocated into the upper reaches of the Wien River, surmounting several artificial barriers in the lower sections. Although spawning activity was not observed among the barbel, possibly due to prevailing water temperatures, our data suggest that the Wien River could function as a viable temporary habitat. Barbel were notably inclined to inhabit deeper pool and run habitats. Their daily movements and home ranges were relatively limited, ranging from 0.0 to 1.1 km and 100 m to 2.9 km, respectively. One contributing factor to restricted movement was the presence of beaver and knotweed dams, which created temporary migration obstacles. On average, the barbel remained within the system for more than a month. Most of these fish migrated downstream at the onset of a significant high-flow event. Our assessment suggests that while the Wien River may not serve as a permanent habitat, it could function as a temporary habitat for migratory fish. However, to ensure accurate assessments of the restored Wien River as a spawning habitat, it is imperative to reevaluate the findings under stable spawning conditions and gather comprehensive data on relevant abiotic factors. This study advocates for the restoration of longitudinal connectivity between tributaries and mainstem rivers as a means to counteract biodiversity loss in Anthropocene river ecosystems

    Prognostic relevance of symptoms versus objective evidence of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients

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    Aim Little is known about the prognostic significance of silent versus symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) in diabetic patients. We therefore assessed the incidence of scintigraphic evidence of CAD in diabetic patients without known CAD and the impact of symptoms and scintigraphic findings on prognosis. Methods and results A consecutive series of 1737 diabetic patients without known CAD underwent dual-isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) and 1430 were followed-up for a median of 2 (1-8.5) years. Critical events were defined as myocardial infarction or cardiac death. Objective evidence of CAD was found in 39% of 826 asymptomatic diabetic patients, in 51% of 151 diabetic patients with shortness of breath (SOB), and in 44% of 760 diabetic patients with angina. During follow-up, 98 critical events occurred. Annual critical event rates were 2.2% in asymptomatic, 3.2% in angina, and 7.7% in diabetic patients with shortness of breath (\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p<0.001p{<}0.001 \end{document} versus other groups). With MPS evidence of CAD, critical event rates increased to 3.4% (asymptomatic), 5.6% (angina), and 13.2% (SOB) (\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p0.009p{\leqslant}0.009 \end{document} versus no evidence of CAD). Age, hypertension, shortness of breath, scarring and ischaemia were independent predictors of critical events. MPS findings added incremental information to prescan information regarding outcome prediction. Conclusions In asymptomatic diabetic patients, the rate of objective evidence of CAD and annual critical events were similar to those found in diabetic patients with angina. The outcome was three times worse in diabetic patients with shortness of breath. MPS findings were strongly predictive of outcome and proved valuable for risk stratificatio