11 research outputs found

    The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on tropical performance in the HadGEM2-ES coupled climate model

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    AcceptedArticle in Press©2015. The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.©2015. The Authors. The Earth's hemispheric reflectances are equivalent to within±0.2Wm-2, even though the Northern Hemisphere contains a greater proportion of higher reflectance land areas, because of greater cloud cover in the Southern Hemisphere. This equivalence is unlikely to be by chance, but the reasons are open to debate. Here we show that equilibrating hemispheric albedos in the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2-Earth System coupled climate model significantly improves what have been considered longstanding and apparently intractable model biases. Monsoon precipitation biases over all continental land areas, the penetration of monsoon rainfall across the Sahel, the West African monsoon "jump", and indicators of hurricane frequency are all significantly improved. Mechanistically, equilibrating hemispheric albedos improves the atmospheric cross-equatorial energy transport and increases the supply of tropical atmospheric moisture to the Hadley cell. We conclude that an accurate representation of the cross-equatorial energy transport appears to be critical if tropical performance is to be improved

    The impact of equilibrating hemispheric albedos on tropical performance in the HadGEM2-ES coupled climate model

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    The Earth's hemispheric reflectances are equivalent to within ± 0.2 Wm-2, even though the Northern Hemisphere contains a greater proportion of higher reflectance land areas, because of greater cloud cover in the Southern Hemisphere. This equivalence is unlikely to be by chance, but the reasons are open to debate. Here we show that equilibrating hemispheric albedos in the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2-Earth System coupled climate model significantly improves what have been considered longstanding and apparently intractable model biases. Monsoon precipitation biases over all continental land areas, the penetration of monsoon rainfall across the Sahel, the West African monsoon 'jump', and indicators of hurricane frequency are all significantly improved. Mechanistically, equilibrating hemispheric albedos improves the atmospheric cross-equatorial energy transport and increases the supply of tropical atmospheric moisture to the Hadley cell. We conclude that an accurate representation of the cross-equatorial energy transport appears to be critical if tropical performance is to be improved

    Walker circulation response to extratropical radiative forcing

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    Walker circulation variability and associated zonal shifts in the heating of the tropical atmosphere have far-reaching global impacts well into high latitudes. Yet the reversed high latitude-to-Walker circulation teleconnection is not fully understood. Here, we reveal the dynamical pathways of this teleconnection across different components of the climate system using a hierarchy of climate model simulations. In the fully coupled system with ocean circulation adjustments, the Walker circulation strengthens in response to extratropical radiative cooling of either hemisphere, associated with the upwelling of colder subsurface water in the eastern equatorial Pacific. By contrast, in the absence of ocean circulation adjustments, the Walker circulation response is sensitive to the forcing hemisphere, due to the blocking effect of the northward-displaced climatological intertropical convergence zone and shortwave cloud radiative effects. Our study implies that energy biases in the extratropics can cause pronounced changes of tropical climate patterns

    The benefits of ensemble prediction for forecasting an extreme event: the Queensland floods of February 2019

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    From late January to early February 2019, a quasi-stationary monsoon depression situated over northeast Australia caused devastating floods. During the first week of February, when the event had its greatest impact in northwest Queensland, record-breaking precipitation accumulations were observed in several locations, accompanied by strong winds, substantial cold maximum temperature anomalies and related wind chill. In spite of the extreme nature of the event, the monthly rainfall outlook for February issued by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology on 31st January provided no indication of the event. In this study, we evaluate the dynamics of the event and assess how predictable it was across a suite of ensemble model forecasts using the UK Met Office numerical weather prediction (NWP) system, focussing on a one week lead time. In doing so, we demonstrate the skill of the NWP system in predicting the possibility of such an extreme event occurring. We further evaluate the benefits derived from running the ensemble prediction system at higher resolution than used operationally at the Met Office and with a fully coupled dynamical ocean. We show that the primary forecast errors are generated locally, with key sources of these errors including atmosphere-ocean coupling and a known bias associated with the behaviour of the convection scheme around the coast. We note that a relatively low resolution ensemble approach requires limited computing resource, yet has the capacity in this event to provide useful information to decision makers with over aweek’s notice, beyond the duration of many operational deterministic forecasts

    Distinct tropical climate response to subpolar energy perturbations from the Northern or Southern Hemisphere

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    The energetics framework predicts how climatic asymmetry develops in response to interhemispheric differences in energy flux into the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. Indeed, the late 20th century anthropogenic aerosol emissions, mostly concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere (NH), forced an interhemispheric Hadley circulation that displaces the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) southward. Confusions arise, however, from recent climate model experiments that utilize realistic dynamical oceans, in which radiative perturbations over the Southern Ocean fail to significantly displace the ITCZ. Using a hierarchy of coupled models, here we demonstrate a previously unrecognized sensitivity that the tropical response is intrinsically distinct depending on whether the subpolar energy perturbation comes from the NH or Southern Hemisphere (SH). In response to a NH subpolar radiative cooling, the surface temperature response is blocked by the northward-displaced mean ITCZ and hence is strongly asymmetric about the equator. The SH subpolar radiative cooling, in contrast, is strongly damped by heat uptake due to the mean upwelling in the Southern Ocean. The resultant surface cooling penetrates across the equator, leading to a weak cross-equatorial gradient and little ITCZ shift. These results have important implications for projecting future changes in the tropical hydrological cycle as well as for interpreting tropical paleoclimate data

    Extratropical–Tropical Interaction Model Intercomparison Project (Etin-Mip): Protocol and Initial Results

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    International audienceThis article introduces the Extratropical–Tropical Interaction Model Intercomparison Project (ETIN-MIP), where a set of fully coupled model experiments are designed to examine the sources of longstanding tropical precipitation biases in climate models. In particular, we reduce insolation over three targeted latitudinal bands of persistent model biases: the southern extratropics, the southern tropics, and the northern extratropics. To address the effect of regional energy bias corrections on the mean distribution of tropical precipitation, such as the double intertropical convergence zone problem, we evaluate the quasi-equilibrium response of the climate system corresponding to a 50-yr period after the 100 years of prescribed energy perturbation. Initial results show that, despite a large intermodel spread in each perturbation experiment due to differences in ocean heat uptake response and climate feedbacks across models, the southern tropics is most efficient at driving a meridional shift of tropical precipitation. In contrast, the extratropical energy perturbations are effectively damped by anomalous heat uptake over the subpolar oceans, thereby inducing a smaller meridional shift of tropical precipitation compared with the tropical energy perturbations. The ETIN-MIP experiments allow us to investigate the global implications of regional energy bias corrections, providing a route to guide the practice of model development, with implications for understanding dynamical responses to anthropogenic climate change and geoengineering