29 research outputs found
Recommendations for respiratory syncytial virus surveillance at national level
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections and hospitalisations among young children and is globally responsible for many deaths in young children, especially in infants aged <6 months. Furthermore, RSV is a common cause of severe respiratory disease and hospitalisation among older adults. The development of new candidate vaccines and monoclonal antibodies highlights the need for reliable surveillance of RSV. In the European Union (EU), no up-to-date general recommendations on RSV surveillance are currently available. Based on outcomes of a workshop with 29 European experts in the field of RSV virology, epidemiology and public health, we provide recommendations for developing a feasible and sustainable national surveillance strategy for RSV that will enable harmonisation and data comparison at the European level. We discuss three surveillance components: active sentinel community surveillance, active sentinel hospital surveillance and passive laboratory surveillance, using the EU acute respiratory infection and World Health Organization (WHO) extended severe acute respiratory infection case definitions. Furthermore, we recommend the use of quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR-based assays as the standard detection method for RSV and virus genetic characterisation, if possible, to monitor genetic evolution. These guidelines provide a basis for good quality, feasible and affordable surveillance of RSV. Harmonisation of surveillance standards at the European and global level will contribute to the wider availability of national level RSV surveillance data for regional and global analysis, and for estimation of RSV burden and the impact of future immunisation programmes
Knowledge and pro-environmental behavior. The case of Czech households.
Studium humanitní vzdělanosti - Kvalifikační modulLiberal Arts and Humanities - Qualified Skills ModuleFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie
Stress in the profession of an operator at an information telephone line.
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na problematiku stresových situací v profesi operátora informační telefonní linky a jeho zvládání. Teoretická část se kromě samotné problematiky stresu, používané terminologie, zdravotních aspektů, prevence a způsobů zvládání krizových situací věnuje i možným důsledkům stresu na život jedince. S ohledem na zkoumanou profesní skupinu bude popsána náplň práce operátora na telefonní informační lince.
V praktické části bude realizováno kvantitativní výzkumné šetření. Prostřednictvím dotazníku bude zkoumáno subjektivní prožívání a hodnocení míry pracovní zátěže u operátorů společnosti Informační linky s r.o.This thesis focuses on the issue of stress in the profession of an operator at an information telephone line and its management. The theoretical part apart from the issue of stress, the used terminology, health aspects, prevention and ways of coping with crisis situations itself also concentrates on possible effects of stress on life of an individual. With regard to the researched vocational group the scope of employment of an operator at a informatics telephone line will be described.
In the practical part the quantitative research will be implemented. A subjective experience and an evaluation of workload of operators at the Informační linky ltd will be examined through a questionnaire.Fakulta filozofick
Basic analytical components changing during the final stages of beer production
The aim of this thesis is to observe the final phase of beer production in cylinder-conical fermentation and ripening tanks. The task is to observe and measure basic analytical parameters while finishing beer fermentation, that include: % alcohol (weight), % alcohol (vol.), % real extract, % apparent extract, % extract of the original wort, relative density, and osmotic pressure. The theoretical part of this thesis explains the concept of beer, further it clarifies legislative requirements on beer production, requirements on quality and ingredients. It further describes the chemical composition of beer, the fermentation of beer, as well as the principle of the functioning of cylindro-conical fermentation and ripening tanks. The practical part of the diploma thesis compares data gained through measurements of samples of 10° and 12° bottom fermented beer of Pilsner type, a half of samples being taken from cylindro-conical tanks, and the second half being taken from open tubs. Other chapters provide the processed results of inividual measurings, and the conclusion sums up all the facts that were found
Dynamika zahraničního obchodu Slovenské republiky se státy EU
HAVLÍČKOVÁ, M., Dynamics of the comparative advantages in Slovak exports com-pared to the European Union. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno. 2017. The thesis deals with the evaluation of the development of Slovak exports in rela-tion to the changes that occurred after theaccession of the Slovac Republic to the EU or as a result of the crisis in 2008 and 2009 The data analysed in this thesis come from the website of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and Eurostat. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the dynamics of comparative advantages of the Slovak economy in terms of export some groups of products according to the classification SITC1 compared to the countries of the European Union using gravity model and regression analysis
Secure transportation services to move cash and other valuable assets
Bakalářská práce se zabývá technicko-organizační stránkou zajištění převozu finančních hotovostí a jiných cenin. Zahrnuje popis a zhodnocení stávajícího stavu převozu. Druhá praktická část práce je věnována identifikaci a následné analýze kritických míst s odůvodněným návrhem inovativních změn a doporučení. Cílem práce je na základě analýzy navrhnout inovativní bezpečnostní opatření, které povede ke zvýšení bezpečnosti chráněného převozu peněz a jiných cenin.The bachelor thesis is about the technical and organizational aspects for the transfer of financial cash and other valuables. There are also description and assessment of current shipping status. The second practical part is devoted to the identification and subsequent analysis of critical parts with a reasoned proposal of innovative changes and recommendations. The aim of the thesis is to propose innovative security measures on the basis of the analysis, which will lead to an increased security of the protected transport of money and other valuables.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř
Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-lethal ammunition in short firearms
HAVLÍČKOVÁ, Martina. Hodnocení účinnosti neletálního střeliva do krátkých střelných zbraní. Diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství, 2020.
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou neletálního střeliva do krátkých střelných zbraní. Teoretická část poskytuje přehled a charakteristiku základních kategorií neletálních zbraní s detailnějším zaměřením na skupinu neletálních střelných zbraní a střeliva. Samostatná kapitola věnovaná ranivé balistice popisuje především její základní charakteristiky a aspekty hodnocení účinnosti neletálního střeliva. Praktická část práce zahrnuje balistický experiment, ve kterém byly na balistické lince vystřeleny z krátkých střelných zbraní vybrané druhy neletálního střeliva do zkušebního bloku náhradního materiálu. Na základě získaných výsledků experimentu byla zhodnocena účinnost posuzovaného neletálního střeliva.HAVLÍČKOVÁ, Martina. Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-lethal ammunition in short firearms. Diploma thesis. Ostrava: VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering, 2020.
The primary focus of this thesis is the problematics of non-lethal ammunition for short firearms. The theoretical part provides an overview of basic non-lethal weapon categories and a more detailed focus to non-lethal ammunition in short firearms. The main chapter is dedicated to wound ballistics and explains mainly its basic characteristics and aspects of the evaluation of non-lethal ammunition. The practical part of the thesis includes a ballistic experiment, in which selected types of non-lethal ammunition were fired from small firearms on a ballistic line into a test block of ballistic material. Based on the obtained results of the experiment, the effectiveness of the assessed non-lethal ammunition was evaluated.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvýborn
Tourism in czech villages of romanian Banat
My bachelor thesis is about tourism in rural areas, mainly about Czech villages which are located in region Banat in Romania. The main goal of my thesis is to map and show Banat as tourist destination. By using case study I would like to also evaluate the influence of tourism on villages and surrounded nature of model area. In theoretical part there are explained terms such as tourism and its influence, rural tourism, rural location and region Banat. Practical part compares data collected from theoretical and methodological basis and data collected during field investigation. There are interviews with local businessmen, hosts and Czech tourists, together with survey for tourists. I analyse attitudes of local residents toward possible further development of tourism in Czech villages in Romania and also influence of tourism on life in villages and surrounded countryside