891 research outputs found

    A two-dimensional embedded-boundary method for convection problems with moving boundaries

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    In this work, a two-dimensional embedded-boundary algorithm for convection problems is presented. A moving body of arbitrary boundary shape is immersed in a Cartesian finite-volume grid, which is fixed in space. The boundary surface is reconstructed in such a way that only certain fluxes in the immediate neighbourhood indirectly accommodate effects of the boundary conditions valid on the moving (immersed-)body. Over the majority of the domain, where these boundary conditions have ‘no’ effect, the fluxes are computed using standard schemes. We employ the method of lines, with higher-order spatial discretizations and the explicit Euler scheme for the time integration. To validate the method, two cases, a rectilinear discontinuity of arbitrary orientation, moving in a uniform two-dimensional flow-field, and a cylindrical discontinuity of arbitrary initial location, moving in a circular flow-field, are considered. The simulations show promising, globally accurate solutions. It is anticipated that the algorithm can be used for 2D Euler flows, which we foresee to consider next

    Finite-volume discretizations and immersed boundaries

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    In this chapter, an accurate method, using a novel immersed-boundary approach, is presented for numerically solving linear, scalar convection problems. As is standard in immersed-boundary methods, moving bodies are embedded in a fixed `Cartesian' grid. The essence of the present method is that specific fluxes in the vicinity of a moving body are computed in such a way that they accurately accommodate the boundary conditions valid on the moving body. To suppress wiggles, tailor-made limiters are introduced for these special fluxes. The first results obtained are very accurate, without requiring much computational overhead. It is anticipated that the method can readily be extended to real fluid-flow equations

    Finite-volume discretizations and immersed boundaries

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    A finite-volume method for convection problems with embedded moving boundaries

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    An accurate method, using a novel immersed-boundary approach, is presented for numerically solving linear, scalar convection problems. Moving interior boundary conditions are embedded in the fixed-grid fluxes in the direct neighborhood of the moving boundaries. Tailor-made limiters are derived such that the resulting scheme is monotone. The results obtained are very accurate, without requiring much computational overhead. It is anticipated that the method can readily be extended to real fluid-flow equations

    Practices and challenges on economic empowerment of rural women in Halaba Special Woreda, SNNPR, Ethiopia

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    Women’s economic empowerment helps to insure gender equality and the well being of nations. When women become economically empowered and get their own source of income definitely they insure the basic needs of the family (Raesser, Blumberg 2006). The purpose of the study was to assess the practice and challenges on economic empowerment of rural women in Halaba Special Woreda in S.N.N.P.R of Ethiopia. Standing from this objective, the study attempted to answer the basic questions of what are the factors that contributed to women’s economic dependency, the effort exerted by the government to empower women’s economically and the challenges in the implementation process. The study was conducted using descriptive study design. The total sample size of the study was 353 respondents from 6 kebeles of Halaba Special Woreda. After the representative sample size is determined using Cochran’s (1997) formula, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the sample from the source population. The data collection was done through questionnaire for quantitative survey and interview for qualitative survey. After the data has been collected it’s analyzed supporting with tables and figures. The Challenges and practices on economic empowerment of rural women in Halaba Special Woreda were illiteracy rate among women’s, cultural influence, limited participation in decision making process, having limited access of land and other properties, inadequacy of organization that focus on women’s economic empowerment to deliver the needed services for credit availability were the main findings of the study . Even though, the government declared equality of property right for women, most of them in the study area were not entitled to land

    Physicochemical typology of water of a middle atlas river (Morocco) where the common trout (Salmo trutta macrstigma, Duméril, 1858) live: Oued Sidi Rachid

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    For every live being, ecological conditions greatly influence biology. In the case of a fish, these conditions may be responsible for its presence or absence in the medium, its development and its population size. This work studies the characteristics and physicochemical typology of Sidi Rachid River, known by its wealth of the Salmonidae fish: Salmo trutta macrostigma (Duméril, 1858). The results show that apart from the appearance of nitrates, whose high levels indicate an organic pollution, during some times of the year, coming seemingly from the Ras Elma fish farm waste water, the water quality is good. The results also show that the physico-chemical typology of the watercourse is mainly influenced by the "season" factor and that among the studied variables, only the pH does not influence the spatial and temporal variation of the medium studied characteristics.Key words: Sidi Rachid River, physicochemical typology, Salmo fario, Morocco

    Husbandry practices and phenotypic characteristics of indigenous goat populations in Ethiopia.

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    Abstract: The present study was conducted with the objective to characterize the husbandry practices and phenotypic characteristics of mature Bati, Borana and Short-eared Somali goats kept under traditional management systems so that the information generated can be used in designing breeding programs. The study was covered five districts in four administrative zones of Ethiopia representing Bati (in Oromia Zone) and Kalu (in South Wollo Zone) for Bati goats; Yabello (in Borana Zone) for Borana goats and Shinille and Erer (in Siti Zone) for Short-Eared Somali goats. A total of 345 households interview was made and phenotypic measurements were taken on 601(468 females and 133 males) heads of adult goats with 4 pair of permanent incisors (PPI). However, because of difficulty of finding adequate number of 4PPI sample males, measurements were taken from 2PPI and above males. In this study, in number, goats accounted for 72.01, 50.93 and 47.38% of other livestock species in Siti, around Bati and Borana, respectively. The least square mean (±SE) of goat flock size (44.02±3.33) per household in Siti was significantly (p0.05),whereas Short-eared Somali goats remained significantly (p<0.05) lower for most of the body measurement characteristics. The canonical analysis done on phenotypic measurements also put Bati and Borana goats closer by discriminating Short-eared Somali goat populations. The similarities between Bati and Borena goats and significance divergence of Short-eared Somali goats in phenotypic measurements suggested that the need of further molecular characterization study to validate information from phenotypic characterization. Correlation coefficient was consistently highest between live weight and chest girth in both sexes across the goat populations. Hence, linear measurements could be valuable to estimate live body weight for those farm communities where sensitive weighing scales are not readily available

    Government Ownership and Adaptation in Scale-Up: Experiences from Community-Based Family Planning Programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    A systematic approach to scale-up was applied to expand an integrated  package of family planning and primary healthcare services from the  Democratic Republic of the Congo‘s South Kivu province to health zones in Lomami, Lualaba, and Kasai Central provinces. This approach was based on recommendations from the ExpandNet/WHO guide Beginning with the end in mind. The approach emphasized application of three  recommendations: engaging government stakeholders, ensuring the relevance of the intervention, and tailoring the innovation to the setting. This approach led to successful scale-up of community-based family planning, increasing access to and uptake of contraception and  demonstrating potential for sustainability; 231,566 new acceptors were recruited and 149,826 couple-years of protection were generated. The systematic scale-up approach led to integration of community-based family planning indicators in the national health information system and transferred ownership of the interventions to the government, creating and strengthening government platforms with potential to sustain the interventions.Keywords: DRC, family planning, communities, systematic scale-up, integration, adaptatio
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