3,657 research outputs found

    L’analyse des besoins en formation pédagogique des enseignants du supérieur au Maroc : comparaison de plusieurs dispositifs

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    La principale question soulevée dans cette étude a trait à la problématique de la pertinence et de la fiabilité des méthodes d’analyse des besoins en formation pédagogique des enseignants du supérieur. L’étude comparative de deux approches d’analyse de besoins selon, d’une part, la définition que l’on accorde au concept de besoin (drive ou écart) et d’autre part, selon le contexte dans lequel on administre le questionnaire (à distance ou en présentiel), montre qu’il existe une différence significative dans la priorisation des besoins et que cette différence dépend non seulement de la définition du concept de besoin, mais aussi du niveau d’explicitation du questionnaire.The main point raised by this study concerns the issue of relevance and reliability of methods used to analyze needs of higher education teachers in terms of pedagogical training. A comparative study between two approaches of needs analysis according to, on the one hand, the definition of the concept of need (drive or gap) and, on the other, the context in which the questionnaire is administered (at distance or in presence) – shows a significant difference in needs prioritization and that this difference depends not only on the definition of the concept of need, but also on the level of explicitness of the questionnaire.El tema principal de este estudio se refiere a la problemática de la pertinencia y fiabilidad de los métodos de análisis de las necesidades en formación pedagógica de los profesores de enseñanza superior. El estudio comparativo de dos enfoques de análisis de las necesidades según, por una parte, la definición que se da del concepto de necesidad (drive o desviación) y, por otro lado, según el contexto en el cual se administra el cuestionario (a distancia o presencial) muestra que existe una diferencia significativa en la priorización de las necesidades y que esta diferencia depende no sólo de la definición del concepto de necesidad, sino también del nivel de explicitación del cuestionario

    'Har vi hatt leksehjelp nĂĄ?' Sosial utjevning nĂĄr alle skal med

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    I en kompleks verden får tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan også være paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjør at resultatene ikke blir som forutsatt. I så fall kan selve implementeringen av ordningen preges av dilemmaer som må løses gjennom prioriteringer og kompromisser. I 2010 innførte regjeringen rett til leksehjelp for alle barn i grunnskolens 1.-4. trinn. Vi ser i denne artikkelen nærmere på hvordan ordningen ble implementert og praktisert på fire skoler, og spør hva som skjer når man i skolen skal nå frem til alle elever med det samme tilbudet, og samtidig bidra til å utjevne sosiale forskjeller mellom dem. I artikkelen gir vi en kort bakgrunn for innføringen av leksehjelpsordningen, og viser hvordan den tolkes ulikt av ulike aktører. Vi avdekket at leksehjelpsordningen bærer i seg en spenning mellom det å skulle ”favne om alle elever” og samtidig ”bidra til sosial utjevning”. Lokale tilpasninger til dette spenningsforholdet resulterte i svært ulik praksis i skolene. De økonomiske rammene for ordningen ga ikke rom for både høy voksentetthet og høy pedagogisk kompetanse i leksehjelpen. Dermed måtte skolene velge og tilpasse sine valg i spenningsfeltet mellom disse godene etter hva som framsto som mulig å få til, og hvilke hensyn som var viktigst i den lokale konteksten. I artikkelen viser vi hvordan disse forskjellene kan forklares som resultater av valg og prioriteringer som gir ulike praktiske løsninger på ordningens innebygde paradoks

    Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Purtscher Retinopathy after Severe Traffic Accident in 16-Year-Old Boy

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    Purpose. To describe optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography (OCTA) in a case of Purtscher retinopathy. Methods. A 16-year-old male underwent ophthalmological examination including color fundus photography, spectral domain OCT, OCTA, and microperimetry. Examination was performed 10 days, 1 month, and 6 months after the trauma. Diagnosis was based on the characteristic clinical presentation. Patients. A single patient case. Results. Only the right eye was affected, and all examinations of the left eye were normal. The visual acuity of the right eye was 0.03 (Snellen equivalent) at 10 days and at one month, improving to 0.16 at 6 months. The imaging confirmed the findings of Purtscher retinopathy with ischemic whitening of the retina and retinal hemorrhages and thickened inner retina on OCT. Microperimetry showed reduced sensitivity in the central macula of the right eye. OCTA revealed nonperfusion in both the superficial and the deep retinal capillary plexus of the right eye. Conclusion. The OCTA in traumatic Purtscher retinopathy following traffic accident showed nonperfusion in both the superficial and the deep capillary plexus of the retina. OCTA is a valuable noninvasive diagnostic examination in Purtscher retinopathy, and fluorescein angiography became redundant in this case

    Sequential experimental Design for Misspecified Nonlinear Models

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    International audienceIn design of experiments for nonlinear regression model identification, the design criterion depends on the unknown parameters to be identified. Classical strategies consist in designing sequentially the experiments by alternating the estimation and design stages. These strategies consider previous observations (collected data) only while estimating the unknown parameters during the estimation stages. This paper proposes to consider the previous observations not only during the estimation stages, but also by the criterion used during the design stages. Furthermore, the proposed criterion considers the robustness requirement: an unknown model error (misspecification) is supposed to exist and is modeled by a kernel-based representation (Gaussian process). Finally, the proposed sequential criterion is compared with a model-robust criterion which does not consider the previously collected data during the design stages, with the classical D-optimal and L-optimal criteria

    Model-Robust Design of Experiments for Sequential Identification of ODE Parameters

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    International audienceThis paper presents the idea of sequential model-robust Design of Experiments (DOE) for the identification of dynamic systems modeled with an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). The studied DOE problem consists in selecting sequentially the instants where the measures will be done in order to best estimate the system's parameter. The robustness is achieved by considering a statistical representation of the model error defined as the difference between the true ODE and the ODE used in the model. The idea of modeling the model error with a statistical representation has been widely explored in the DOE literature for the identification of static systems. However, there have been little previous works that apply this idea for the identification of dynamic systems. This paper initiates an exploration of this idea in the context of first-order ODE. The model error is modeled by using a kernel-based representation (Gaussian process). A new criterion for the instant selection is constructed and tested on an illustrative example. The design reached with the proposed sequential robust criterion is compared with the design reached with the non-robust version of criterion and with the classical uniform design


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    International audienceA new criterion for sequential design of experiments for linear regression model is developed. Considering the information provided by previous collected data is a well-known strategy to decide for the next design point in the case of nonlinear models. The paper applies this strategy for linear models. Besides, the problem is addressed in the context of robustness requirement: an unknown deviation from the linear regression model (called model error or misspecification) is supposed to exist and is modeled by a kernel-based representation (Gaussian process). The new approach is applied on a polynomial regression example and the obtained designs are compared with other designs obtained from other approaches that do not consider the information provided by previously collected data

    Exploring Possible Humanoids on Mars: A Lesson Designed for Twice-Exceptional Gifted Students

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    This practical article presents a classroom-tested pedagogical plan to assist instructors in teaching thinking skills to gifted students with disabilities in the context of science. The lesson, which focused on using Edward de Bono thinking skills to explore humanoid images that appear in NASA photos, provided accommodations for students with hearing impairment, along with disabilities associated with short and long-term memory. The instructional design team presented the arts-integrated activity of drawing scenes showing possible ways the anomalies could have been generated, and an interactive electronic game using iPads that asked participants to gather needed items for a trip to Mars. High-achieving doctoral students, many of whom were identified as gifted during their K-12 schooling, participated in the lesson. Incorporation of electronic game technology along with creative arts-integrated activities was received positively and was an effective strategy to increase motivation, to sustain student’s engagement, and to attract and retain the directed attention of students, especially because of the social interaction

    Multimorbidity and quality of life: a closer look

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    © 2007 Fortin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens
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