97 research outputs found

    Adaptation of ‘Early Climate Change Disaster’ to the Northern Coast of Java Island Indonesia

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    In the last few decades, the tidal inundation and abrasion along northern coast of Java Indonesia have been grown very rapidly. These situations are far beyond the geological scale. These are way too fast. Time series of high resolution satellite image data shows very clearly the tidal inundation and abrasion existence. In the recent years in fact the tidal inundation is obviously going further deeper inland. Many of urban and other areas like farming area, fishpond, etc. have been suffered tidal inundation and becoming worse in times. First it was only few centimetres of inundation and come only at a high tide, but now it can be more than a half of meter and coming at regular tide, and even has comes permanently in certain places. Many of the area along northern coast of Java are also suffering abrasion due to frequently of bad weather with storm surge strike the coastal area. What is happening to the northern coast of Java Island Indonesia is one most clear pictures of ‘early climate change disaster’. Adaptation has been created against this ‘early climate change disaster’ such as build dykes, elevate the land, houses, infrastructures, etc. This paper will tell in details and comprehensively regarding adaptation of ‘early climate change disaster’ to the northern coast of Java Island Indonesia. This is one way to remain on what would happen in the future world wide as the global climate change consequences are finally coming. We have seen the news of the projection model of sinking of coastal cities in the world, vanishing Islands around the Pacific, etc. in the future

    Datum Geodetik Batas Maritim Indonesia â Singapura: Status dan Permasalahannya

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    Maritime boundary between Indonesia and Singapore in the strait of Singapore has been defined by the territorial sea boundary treaty of 1973.In this treaty, geodetic datum of the geographic coordinates of six boundary points between Indonesia and Singapore are not explicitly stated. This paper investigates the possible datum for these coordinates, namely KERTAU48, KERTAU68, GENUK and SOUTH ASIA, and its impacts on the coordinates and location of boundary points. Related aspects are also discussed. Paper is sum up with some conclusions and recommendations

    Studying Landslide Displacements in Megamendung (Indonesia) Using GPS Survey Method

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    Landslide is one of prominent geohazards that frequently affects Indonesia, especially in the rainy season. It destroys not only environment and property, but usually also causes deaths. Landslide monitoring is therefore very crucial and should be continuously done. One of the methods that can have a contribution in studying landslide phenomena is repeated GPS survey method. This paper presents and discusses the operational performances, constraints and results of GPS surveys conducted in a well known landslide prone area in West Java (Indonesia), namely Megamendung, the hilly region close to Bogor. Three GPS surveys involving 8 GPS points have been conducted, namely on April 2002, May 2003 and May 2004, respectively. The estimated landslide displacements in the area are relatively quite large in the level of a few dm to a few m. Displacements up to about 2-3 m were detected in the April 2002 to May 2003 period, and up to about 3-4 dm in the May 2003 to May 2004 period. In both periods, landslides in general show the northwest direction of displacements. Displacements vary both spatially and temporally. This study also suggested that in order to conclude the existence of real and significant displacements of GPS points, the GPS estimated displacements should be subjected to three types of testing namely: the congruency test on spatial displacements, testing on the agreement between the horizontal distance changes with the predicted direction of landslide displacement, and testing on the consistency of displacement directions on two consecutive periods

    The Use of GNSS GPS Technology for Offshore Oil and Gas Platform Subsidence Monitoring

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    Due to oil and gas exploitation, offshore oil and gas platform may experience subsidence. Continuing subsidence may deform the platform infrastructures, adding the risk for any failure on the platform objects. The failure means disaster. Therefore the subsidence information is mandatory for risk assessment and safety requirement. Repeatedly or continuous monitoring of accurate positions on the platform by using global navigation satellite system global positioning system (GNSS GPS) technology may reveal the changing of even small positions which are representing subsidence on the platform. This chapter will be deeply discussed on the use of GNSS GPS technology for offshore oil and gas platform subsidence monitoring, especially in Indonesia, the archipelago country where long baseline between reference station in the land and monitoring station at the sea slightly exists. The capability and especially the high performance of this technology on deriving subsidence information along with data sample of long baseline will be highlighted

    Aspek Geodetik Penegasan Batas Darat Indonesia dan Papua New Guinea: Status dan Permasalahannnya

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    Permasalahan teknis batas darat Indonesia dan Papua New Guinea berkaitan dengan proses delimitasi dan demarkasi batas darat yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kedua negara. Proses tersebut tidak menyatakan secara tegas implementasi datum dan kerangka referensi yang digunakan untuk merekonstruksi monumen batas berdasarkan meridian yang disepakatai dalam artikel-1 perjanjian batas tahun 1973. Tidak jelasnya datum dari meridian kesepakatan mengakibatkan demarkasi batas dilakukan menggunakan datum yang berbeda yaitu datum astronomis dan geodetik. Penggabungan koordinat astronomis dan geodetik untuk merepresentasikan meridian kesepakatan menimbulkan permasalahan dan implikasi teknis bagi batas darat kedua negara. Makalah ini mengkaji status dan permasalahan teknis penegasan batas darat Indonesia dan Papua New Guinea dan alternatif solusinya. Kajian dilakukan menggunakan koordinat monumen batas hasil survei GPS tahun 2004 dan koordinat monumen batas perjanjian tahun 1973 serta hasil demarkasi tahun 1983-1991. Makalah ini ditutup dengan beberapa kesimpulan dan saran

    Penentuan Tinggi Orthometrik Gunung Semeru Berdasarkan Data Survei GPS dan Model Geoid EGM 1996

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    Semeru is the highest mountain in Java island with an altitude of about +3676 m above the sea level. This altitude was measured during the Dutch colonial times using the Triangulation method, which is based on angles measurements using a theodolite on the measurement points. At the present times, with the advancement in positioning technology and better knowledge on the Earth's gravity field, an orthometric altitude of a mountain can also be determined by utilizing GPS satellites observation data and a global geopotential model. In this paper, the methodology, mechanism and results of the altitude determination of Semeru mountain using the August 2003 and August 2004 GPS survey data and EGM 1996 geoid model will be described and discussed.The obtained results show that the altitude of Semeru at the present times is about +3677 m above the mean sea level.The paper will be sum up with some closing remarks

    Deformation Study of Papandayan Volcano using GPS Survey Method and Its Correlation with Seismic Data Observation

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    Papandayan volcano located in the southern part of Garut regency, around 70 km away from Bandung city, West Java. Many methods carried out to monitoring the activities of volcano, both continuously or periodically, one of the monitoring method is periodically GPS survey. Basically those surveys are carried out to understand the pattern and velocity of displacement which occurred in the volcano body, both horizontally and vertically, and also others deformation elements such as; translation, rotation and dilatation. The Mogi modeling was also used to determine the location and volume of the pressure source which caused deformation of volcano body. By comparing seismic activity and the deformation reveal from GPS measurement, before, during and after eruption, it could be understood there is a correlation between the seismicity and its deformation. These studies is hoping that GPS measurement in Papandayan volcano could be one of supported method to determine the volcano activities, at least in Papandayan volcano

    Insight into the Correlation between Land Subsidence and the Floods in Regions of Indonesia

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    Land subsidence by definition is the lowering of ground level from certain elevation references. The rates of subsidence can commonly vary between 1 and 20 centimeters per year and even more in certain places. Subsidence produces impacts such as infrastructure damage, problems with drainage, wider expansion of flood water, as well as tidal inundation (flooding by sea water at coastal areas experiencing land subsidence). These impacts are quite costly. All this is disastrous. In a number of regions of Indonesia, land subsidence and negative impacts in the shape of flooding and tidal inundation clearly exist. In Jakarta and Bandung we can see that the subsiding areas close to rivers frequently suffer from flooding. Tidal inundation is a regular feature at subsiding coastal areas such as Jakarta, Blanakan, Semarang, and Demak. Since these negative impacts are clearly formed a disaster while mitigation and or adaptation is still a big homework, in this case for better adaptation and mitigation in the future, understanding deeply the correlation of land subsidence and flooding is necessary as discused in this chapter. We conclude that the correlation is quite tremendous and indeed producing a disaster
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