17 research outputs found

    Thoughts and Awareness of Medical Students About the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    DergiPark: 762676tmsjAims: This study aims to evaluate medical students’ knowledge, thoughts, and awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic. Metho- ds: A questionnaire consisting of 31 questions was prepared for this descriptive study. In the questionnaire, medical students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic were investigated. Categorical variables are demonstrated as numbers and percentages, whereas continuous variables are presented as minimum, maximum, and mean values. Results: A total of 575 participants completed the questionnaire. The mean participant age was 21.7 years. Fifty-two percent of participants knew about the coronaviridae family before the outbreak and 38.8% were informed about COVID-19 in their medical schools. Of the students, 99.7% stated that the first case’s origin was in China. Eighty percent of the participants stated that droplet spread is the transmission route of COVID-19. The most common opinion about the incubation period of the SARS CoV-2 was two to twelve days. Being older than 65 years old, having a comorbidity, being immunosuppressed, or working in the healthcare sector were the most particular risk factors to get infected. The majority of the participants follow the vaccine developments from social media, radio and television. According to 75.83% of the participants, all people should wear a mask in daily life for protection. Conclusion: The epidemiology and diagnostic factors of COVID-19 are well known by medical students. To minimize informa- tion pollution and raise awareness, medical students should be educated about pandemic and management of it. Further evalu- ation with various methods and more participants may help to better understand the awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic in medical students

    The prognostic importance of double-expressor subgroup and AID , UNG and mismatch repair protein expressions in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas

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    Objective: The cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, (DLBCL not otherwise specified (NOS)) which immunohistochemically exhibit MYC and BCL2 expressions arc defined as double-expressor lymphomas (DELs). This study aimed to assess the prognostic impact of DEL and the expressions of other proteins that may have role in tumorogenesis

    Çayeli (Rize) ve İspir (Erzurum) arasında kalan alanın tektonostratigrafik özellikleri

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    İnceleme alanı Doğu Pontidler’de Rize, Çayeli, Arhavi, İspir İkizdere arasında kalan alanı kapsamaktadır. Bu alanda Maçka Tektonik Dilimi (MTD) ve Taşköprü Tektonik Dilimi (TTD) yüzeylenmektedir. MTD yaşlıdan gence doğru; Geç Jura-Erken Kretase kireçtaşı (Berdiga fm.); Turoniyen-Santoniyen çakıltaşı, kumtaşı, mikritik kireçtaşı, silttaşı, marn, bazaltik, bazaltik- andezitik lav, piroklastitler (Çatak fm.); Santoniyen riyolitik, dasitik lav, piroklastitler, kumtaşı, killi kireçtaşı (Kızılkaya fm.); geç Santoniyen-Kampaniyen bazaltik, andezitik lav, piroklastitler, kumtaşı, killi kireçtaşı (Çağlayan fm.); Kampaniyen-Maastrihtiyen riyolitik, dasitik lav, piroklastitler, kumtaşı, killi kireçtaşı (Çayırbağ fm.) ve geç Maastrihtiyen-Daniyen kumtaşı, kiltaşı, tüf, marn, killi kireçtaşlarından (Cankurtaran fm.) oluşmaktadır. MTD üzerine uyumsuz olarak Geç Paleosen-Kuvaterner aralığında sedimanter, volkanosedimanter birimler (Erenler, Kaplıca, Melyat, Pazar, Hamidiye formasyonları, Handüzü, Çağırankaya volkanitleri) gelmektedir. Çalışma alanında TTD’ye ait Turoniyen-Maastrihtiyen bazaltik andezitik lav, piroklastitler ile kumtaşı, mikritik kireçtaşı, kiltaşından oluşan birimler (Yağmurdere fm.) gözlenmektedir. Erken-Orta Eosen sedimanter, volkanosedimanter birimler (Yedigöze, Çoruh formasyonları) tarafından diskordansla örtülmektedir. Ar/Ar yaş tayinlerine göre Çayırbağ formasyonu 83.2±1.0 My, Melyat formasyonu 47.8±1.6 My, Handüzü volkanitlerinin andezit seviyesi 4.25±0.55 My, dasit seviyesi ise 3.93±0.46 My yaşındadır. MTD; Kretase-Paleosen Kaçkar granitoyidi I, Eosen Kaçkar granitoyidi II, Geç Eosen Ardeşen gabrosu tarafından kesilirken, TTD; Kretase-Paleosen Kaçkar granitoyidi I, Geç Eosen Güllübağ monzoniti tarafından kesilmiştir

    Tectonostratigraphic characteristics of the area between Cayeli (Rize) and Ispir (Erzurum)

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    The study area is located in the Eastern Pontides between Rize, Cayeli, Arhavi, Ispir and Ikizdere. In this area, Macka Tectonic Slice (MTS) and Taskopru Tectonic Slice (TTS) are exposed. MTS is composed from old to young; Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous limestone (Berdiga fm.); Turonian-Santonian conglomerate, sandstone, micritic limestone, siltstone, marl, basaltic, basaltic-andesitic lava, pyroclastites (Catak fm.); Santonian rhyolitic, dacitic lava, pyroclastites, sandstone, clayey limestone (Kizilkaya fm.); late Santonian-Campanian basaltic, andesitic lava, pyroclastites, sandstone, clayey limestone (Caglayan fm.); Campanian-Mastrihtian rhyolitic, dacitic lava, pyroclastites, sandstone, clayey limestone (Cayirbag fm.);late Maastrichtian-Danian sandstone, claystone, tuff, marl, clayey limestone (Cankurtaran fm.). Sedimentary, volcanosedimentary units in the Late Paleocene-Quaternary range (Erenler, Kaplica, Melyat, Pazar, Hamidiye formations, and Handuzu, Cagirankaya volcanites) unconformably overlies the MTS. In the study area, Turonian-Maastrichtian basaltic andesitic lavas, pyroclastites and sandstone, micritic limestone, claystone units (Yagmurdere fm.) belonging to TTS are observed, and Early-Middle Eocene sedimentary and volcanosedimentary units (Yedigoze, Coruh formations) unconformably overlies the TTS. According to Ar/Ar dating, Cayrrbag formation was determined as 83.2 +/- 1.0 Ma, Melyat formation as 47.8 +/- 1.6 Ma, and Handuzu volcanics as 4.25 +/- 0.55 Ma for andesite level and as 3.93 +/- 0.46 Ma for dacite level. The MTS was intruded by Cretaceous-Paleocene Kackar granitoid I, Eocene Kackar granitoid II, Late Eocene Ardesen gabbro, while the TTS was intruded by Cretaceous-Paleocene Kackar granitoid-I, Late Eocene Gullubag monzonite