34 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Perkawinan Melalui Video Call

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    Abstract   There is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding the law of marriage through video calls, namely according to the Hanafi madhhab it is valid while according to Syafi'iyah it is not valid. In the Hanafiyah school, one majlis is defined as the person who makes the contract can communicate directly and can carry out the contract at the same time. So any media can be used as long as it can connect the two parties without any manipulation. Meanwhile, according to Syafiiyyah, it is stated that one majlis is gathering in one place and time, marriage can be valid if all parties involved in the procession of the marriage contract must physically gather in one majlis. However, in fiqh law there is a solution for holding marriages remotely, namely through representatives or wakalah contracts either through letters, messengers, telephones, internet networks, video calls or the like. Keyword : Hukum Islam, Perkawinan, Video Cal


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    Matriks Leslie merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi pertumbuhan suatu populasi penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pertumbuhan populasi penduduk perempuan dikota Pontianak tahun 2019 menggunakan Matriks Leslie. Adapun faktor yang berpengaruh dalam pertumbuhan penduduk adalah tingkat kesuburan dan tingkat ketahanan hidup. Rumus yang digunakan untuk memprediksi jumlah penduduk p tahun berikutnya dengan menggunakan Matriks Leslie adalah p  dengan A merupakan Matriks Leslie dan  adalah vector penduduk berisi prediksi jumlah penduduk pada kelas ke-(t+ p) sedangkan  adalah vektor populasi yang berisi jumlah penduduk pada kelas umur ke-t. Hasil prediksi pada jumlah penduduk perempuan kota Pontianak tahun 2019 diperoleh sebanyak 315.218 jiwa, sedangkan jumlah penduduk perempuan pada tahun 2017 berjumlah 314.775 jiwa. Hal ini menunjukkan  pertumbuhan  penduduk perempuan cenderung meningkat. Kata Kunci: Tingkat kesuburan, ketahanan hidup, prediks

    Ayat Muhkamat dan Ayat Mutasyabihat: Tinjauan Sumber Hukum Ekonomi Islam

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    The importance of understanding and studying the sources of Islamic law is the main basis for Muslims in living their lives from time to time. The Koran is the highest source of law which is the main reference in determining Islamic law. The Koran contains more than six thousand verses, collected in one hundred and fourteen suras. Among the verses of the Koran there are what are called muhkamat verses and mutasyabihat verses. One aspect that needs to be considered is the difference between muhkamat and mutasyabihat verses in the Koran. Muhkamat verses are verses whose meaning is clear, namely verses other than mutasyabihat verses. The muhkamat verses explain something and give details, whether it is forbidden or lawful, regarding good promises or bad promises, regarding reward or punishment, warnings or prohibitions, whether they contain news or i'tibar advice or similes or something similar, all of them This is explained in detail and clearly. As for the existence of the mutasyabihat verse, even though it has a wealth of meaning, the translation is carried out by considering the context and hadith


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    In Islamic politics(fiqh al-siyâsah), one of the material studies is a power. In brief, the Islamic politics includes constitutional law,administrative law, international law, and economic law. In view of the relation, on the other hand, it discusseson the relationship of people and the leader as a concrete ruler in a country, inter-nation, or in their national andinternational economic policy. In Islamic politics, there are many theories formulated by some moslem scholarsthat become guide in a practice. Besides, this Islamic jurisprudence theory, as its real advantage, will gather theproblems that have same reason. This theory also will make easy to social life in political activities. This article isaimed at describing 12 Islamic legal norms which relevantly should be applied now and in the future

    Tafsir dari Segi Metode: Metode Tafsir Tahlili

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    Metode penafsiran Al-Qur’an merupakan salah satu bentuk perkembangan tafsir sejak awal hingga masa kini. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan mufasir klasik adalah metode tahlili. Metode ini lahir seiring dengan meluasnya perkembangan agama Islam ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Sehingga Al-Qur’an perlu dijelaskan secara mendetail melalui penafsiran yang komprehensif dengan metode tahlili. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji metode tahlili dari segi sejarah hingga kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tafsir tahlili merupakan salah satu metode untuk menafsirkan Al-Qur’an secara utuh sesuai dengan urutan mushaf dengan meninjau kepada beberapa aspek. Tafsir tahlili muncul untuk menjawab kebutuhan umat akan penjelasan terhadap Al-Qur’an yang mendetail. Melalui tafsir tahlili umat dapat memahami konteks suatu ayat berdasarkan kepada asbab an-nuzul, munasabah ayat, kajian kebahasaan, hingga pendapat para ulama terhadap suatu ayat. Salah satu contoh kitab tafsir tahlili adalah Tafsir Ath-Thabari yang masih digunakan hingga saat ini dan merupakan tafsir pertama yang menggunakan metode tahlili

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Akad Jual Beli Dalam MLM (Multi Level Marketing) (Studi Kasus PT. Melia Sehat Sejahtera Cabang Kartasura)

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    Islam tough us how people can organize their own life and form a grub. Organize from the needs of the body, spiritual until socials needs that do not past from other business. That thing do not past from the ordinances that obtain or called by law. Like a people needed that vital and can appear benefit to all of people. But in practices, the benefits from all human still can not be seen. Like ceremony in business that do by multi level marketing enterprises PT. Melia Sehat Sejahtera branch of Kartosuro and new member candidates in set the deal but still has as an element garar ( not clear ). From the side of the motion of the business that related to the practice of contact mlm business in the look of viewpoints of Islam. Kind of this research that used by researcher is the research field, and analytic method that use the qualitative description. And steps that used in this data took is observation technical, interview and documentation. Based the method that used in this research, so when we looked from the angle of view of Islam. Contracted in this business transaction should be not happened. Because in that transaction contract has element garar that prohibited of Islam law is any not clear in the way of that business. Like benefit that not know when that contract agreed. Thus, contract like this can avoid or ask the transparent from all of agreement in that contract. So that contract in business that we do appropriate with the law and the Islam law

    Sharf on the actors of non-bank foreign exchange business (kupva bb) or money changer

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    The phenomenon of the problem in this study is that there are non-bank foreign exchange (KUPVA) or money changer business people who are not licensed or illegal which are feared to be misused for terrorism, drug transactions and money laundering. Therefore, money changer business people are obliged to make permits to the government for business continuity that is licensed and can be trusted by the public. The purpose of this research is to find out how the provisions of sharf for non-bank foreign exchange business activities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study explained that running a business as a non-bank foreign exchange business activity is permitted as long as it must be comply with the provisions set by the government and the conditions stipulated by the MUI fatwa council, including taking care of permits, not for speculation (chancy), there transaction needs or just in case (deposits), if the transaction is carried out on a similar currency then the value must be the same and in cash (at-taqabudh) if different types must be made with the exchange rate that applies when the transaction is carried out and cash

    Peningkatan Iman dan Moral Anak Melalui Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak

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    The age of globalization characterized by advances in science and technology coming to Indonesia is irreversible, its presence is not only a positive impact as such, but also had a negative impact, a negative impact on children is diminishing belief to things spiritually like faith God, angels, books, messengers, the Last day and qada ', Qadr. In addition, today's children also experienced the decadence like daring to parents, no disrespect to the older, daring to teachers. Small picture of a child's life in modern times need serious attention, including by educational institutions especially the role of Islamic religious teachers as someone who took on the task of educating the nation and improve morale through the learning material to learners' aqidah morals. Zaman globalisasi yang ditandai dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Selain membawa dampak positif, kehadirannya juga membawa dampak negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif globalisasi yang menimpa anak adalah menipisnya kepercayaan anak terhadap hal-hal yang bersifat spirituil, seperti iman kepada Allah, malaikat, kitab-kitab, rasul-rasul, hari akhir, dan qada’, qadar. Selain itu, anak-anak zaman sekarang juga mengalami dekadensi moral seperti berani kasar kepada orang tua, kurang respek kepada yang lebih tua, dan hilangnya rasa takdzim kepada guru. Gambaran kecil kehidupan anak di zaman modern ini perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius termasuk oleh lembaga pendidikan Islam terutama peran guru agama sebagai sosok yang mengemban tugas untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan memperbaiki moral melalui materi pembelajaran aqidah akhlak kepada peserta didiknya. &nbsp

    Development of the study materials for spelling for the Islamic primary stage in the light of the analytical approach

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    Dictation lessons at this school are the additional material, but in the learning process, there are problems, such as the need for more basic books and measurement methods. This is what happens at school ibtidaiyah Al-Anwar Cangringrandu Perak Jombang dan sekolah ibtidaiyah Bahrul Ulum Tambak beras. This study aims to develop a textbook for Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Al-Anwar and Ibtidaiyyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang to improve writing skills, especially in the field of Imla’ by paying attention to those aspects of knowledge that are needed. The problem of this study is; a form of textbook Imla’developed, The extent to which the effectiveness of Imla’ learning with using textbooks that have been developed. The type of research is the R & D Sugiyono and experiments using the Pree test and post-test on the experimental and control classes. Then to determine the level of effectiveness is the test-T. The results of this study are 1) the development of textbook material dictation for students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Al-Anwar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang, 2) the development of textbooks that have been prepared, the learning process has increased effectiveness and efficiency. With a value of 16,190476 t count> t-table 3,65 with 99,9%. Confidence level. This means that there is a significant difference between the final value of the initial value