2,605 research outputs found

    Preparation and Characterization of (PMMA-Berry Paper or Plan Leaves) Composites

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    In this paper, study the effect of addition the Berry Paper or Plan Leaves on optical properties of PMMA. The samples have been prepared by casting technique and different thickness. . The absorption and transmission spectra have been recorded in the wavelength range (200 – 800) nm. The experimental results show that the absorption coefficient, energy gap of the indirect allowed and forbidden  transition, extinction coefficient, read and imaginary dielectric constant and refractive index are changing with increase the of Berry Paper or Plan Leaves concentration

    p53 and PCNA expression in benign, atypical and malignant meningiomas

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    Objective: Alterations: p53 genes are turning out to be the most common genetic alterations in human cancers. Due to long half-life of mutated p53, its detection is possible by immunohistochemistry. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is expressed by dividing cells, hence has been shown to correlate with prognosis. We have used monoclonal antibodies protein DO-7 (p53) and PC10 (PCNA) to see whether their expression correlates with histological grading in meningethelial tumour.Material and Methods: a Twenty nine meningiomas (20 benign, 7 atypical and 2 malignant) were selected from the records of our laboratory. p53 and PCNA expression was sought by immunohistochemistry using Peroxidase Anti Peroxidase (PAP) technique.Results: Four benign and 2 atypical meningiomas showed weak staining for p53. Both malignant meningiomas showed strong positivity for p53. Six benign meningiomas had less than 5% PCNA positivity, one 10% positivity and three showed 20% positivity. PCNA positivity ranged for 10-80% in atypical meningiomas. In two malignant meningiomas PCNA positivity was 70% and 90%.Conclusion: It is worthwhile to include p53 and PCNA expression along with histologic assessment in predicting outcome of meningiomas. A larger series with complete follow-up is essential in assessing value of these markers which unfortunately remains a dream in our country

    When does humoral memory enhance infection?

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    Antibodies and humoral memory are key components of the adaptive immune system. We consider and computationally model mechanisms by which humoral memory present at baseline might instead increase infection load; we refer to this effect as EI-HM (enhancement of infection by humoral memory). We first consider antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) in which antibody enhances the growth of the pathogen, typically a virus, and typically at intermediate "Goldilocks" levels of antibody. Our ADE model reproduces ADE in vitro and enhancement of infection in vivo from passive antibody transfer. But notably the simplest implementation of our ADE model never results in EI-HM. Adding complexity, by making the cross-reactive antibody much less neutralizing than the de novo generated antibody or by including a sufficiently strong non-antibody immune response, allows for ADE-mediated EI-HM. We next consider the possibility that cross-reactive memory causes EI-HM by crowding out a possibly superior de novo immune response. We show that, even without ADE, EI-HM can occur when the cross-reactive response is both less potent and "directly" (i.e. independently of infection load) suppressive with regard to the de novo response. In this case adding a non-antibody immune response to our computational model greatly reduces or completely eliminates EI-HM, which suggests that "crowding out" is unlikely to cause substantial EI-HM. Hence, our results provide examples in which simple models give qualitatively opposite results compared to models with plausible complexity. Our results may be helpful in interpreting and reconciling disparate experimental findings, especially from dengue, and for vaccination

    Muscle healing and nerve regeneration in a muscle contusion model in the rat

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    The nervous system is known to be involved in inflammation and repair. We aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on the healing of a muscle injury and to examine the pattern of innervation. Using a drop-ball technique, a contusion was produced in the gastrocnemius in 20 rats. In ten the limb was immobilised in a plaster cast and the remaining ten had mobilisation on a running wheel. The muscle and the corresponding dorsal-root ganglia were studied by histological and immunohistochemical methods.In the mobilisation group, there was a significant reduction in lymphocytes (p = 0.016), macrophages (p = 0.008) and myotubules (p = 0.008) between three and 21 days. The formation of myotubules and the density of nerve fibres was significantly higher (both p = 0.016) compared with those in the immobilisation group at three days, while the density of CGRP-positive fibres was significantly lower (p = 0.016) after 21 days.Mobilisation after contusional injury to the muscle resulted in early and increased formation of myotubules, early nerve regeneration and progressive reduction in inflammation, suggesting that it promoted a better healing response

    Acoustic streaming in a soft tissue microenvironment

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    We demonstrated that sound can push fluid through a tissue-mimicking material. Although acousticstreaming in tissue has been proposed as a mechanism for biomedical ultrasound applications, such as neuromodu-lation and enhanced drug penetration, streaming in tissue or acoustic phantoms has not been directly observed. Wedeveloped a material that mimics the porous structure of tissue and used a dye and a video camera to track fluidmovement. When applied above an acoustic intensity threshold, a continuous focused ultrasound beam (spatialpeak time average intensity: 238 W/cm2, centre frequency: 5 MHz) was found to push the dye axially, that is, in thedirection of wave propagation and in the radial direction. Dye clearance increased with ultrasound intensity andwas modelled using an adapted version of Eckart’s acoustic streaming velocity equation. No microstructuralchanges were observed in the sonicated region when assessed using scanning electron microscopy. Our study indi-cates that acoustic streaming can occur in soft porous materials and provides a mechanistic basis for future use ofstreaming for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.WOS:000451607300022Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072PMID: 30336964Science Citation Index ExpandedQ1 - Q2ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETOcak2019YÖK - 2018-1

    Sustainability of Scientific Journals in the Developing World With Special Reference to Bangladesh

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    The study explores sustainability of scientific journal publication in Bangladesh. Forty-three journal editors were interviewed, and 66 current journals were physically examined for production quality, regularity of publication, and availability at concerned libraries. Findings revealed that 68% of the journals were published late, 30% had inconsistencies in typesetting, and 14% were indexed. Most journals were found either excellent or of good quality in terms of printing (85%), binding (77%), paper (92%), and graphic reproduction (76%). Most journals were not available in major libraries under study. Of the 43 editors, 28 (35%) reported a cost recovery of 1-45% from subscriptions, advertisements, and sales. About 74.4% of the editors did not consider their journals at risk. Although 86% of the editors were confident that their journals would be sustained in the long run, 37.3% could not give any convincing logic in support of their statement. Major problems include lack of skilled staff, finance, quality articles and institutional support, and lengthy peer review process. Only one journal editor was found to be a full-time editor having training in editing and publication. One-half (51%) of the editors reported have training in editing, while four had publication training. Most editors (79%) were interested in acquiring training in editing and publication. Institutional support and backup, enthusiasm and zeal of editors, unmet need for standard local journals, constant flow of funds and articles, and skilled manpower are instrumental for sustainability of science journals in Bangladesh

    Competitive Stripping of Multi-Organic Pollutants from Contaminated Water in Bubble Column Semi-Batch

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    Air  stripping  for  removal  of  Trichloroethylene  (TCE),  Chloroform  (CF)  and  Dichloromethane (DCM) from water were studied in a bubble column (0.073 m inside dia. and 1.08 m height with several sampling ports). The contaminated water was prepared from deionized water and VOCs. The presence of VOCs in feed solution was single, binary or ternary components. They were diluted to the concentrations ranged between 50 mg/l to 250 mg/l. The experiments were carried out in batch experiments which regard the bubble column as stirred tank and only gas was bubbled through stationary liquid. In this case transient measurements of VOC concentration in the liquid phase and the measured concentration profiles were modeled by bubble aeration model (BAM) to fit the experimental data fairly well. The results from batch experiments show that the removal efficiency of VOCs increases with increasing gas flow rate or gas holdup. It is found a pH=10 give the best removal rate, but all experiments were adjusted at pH=8 which allow to study other operating conditions. TCE is being removed faster than the other two components for all systems and a single component was removed faster than binary or ternary system. The KLa values were evaluated by fitting the BAM to the experimental data. It is found that KLa increased with increasing gas flow rate and TCE exhibits the highest KLa values

    CSR in major European football leagues in the age of COVID-19: financial vulnerability, mental health and domestic violence

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    Purpose COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the lives of people and businesses around the world in different ways. France, Spain, Italy and the UK are among the worst affected countries by this pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to identify and compare different corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities taken by the clubs and player of the major football leagues of these four countries to develop a more comprehensive model of intervention. Design/methodology/approach This paper has analyzed the initiatives taken by these football clubs and players to address financial vulnerabilities, mental health problems and domestic violence among the stakeholders and compared them with the existing CSR and humanitarian models. A case study approach has been used to collect and analyze data related to the CSR activities taken by the players and club management. Official websites of the clubs, newspaper and journal articles were among the major sources used to collect data for the paper. Findings Football clubs and players of the four major leagues have raised funds through different campaigns and delivered foods and essential medical supplies to the communities and hospitals to address financial vulnerabilities, mental health issues and domestic violence within their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have provided guidance to their followers using social and television media to improve their physical and mental health during the pandemic. Online competitions, quizzes or virtual hangouts have also been used by the players to engage the stakeholders on a frequent basis. Football clubs have also initiated campaigns to raise awareness within the community on available medical services for the victims of domestic violence and also provided them with shelter, food, medical, legal and online counseling services. Originality/value Football clubs and players of the major leagues were always at the forefront to help the communities and hospitals to address issues related to mental health problems, financial vulnerabilities and domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this paper could help and guide other entities in designing a more comprehensive model of CSR interventions during pandemics or crisis situations to address financial vulnerabilities, mental health problems and domestic violence within their communities.©2022 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed