14 research outputs found

    Blue Eyes Syndrome Cases in the Duck Farms in the Village Modopuro, Mojosari, District Mojokerto, East Java

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    Modopuro village in Mojokerto, East Java is a region where people are mostly producing local breeds of ducks that is well known called as a Mojosari duck. The Modopuro village located in a lowland area where their people have been farming the Mojosari local ducks for years. It was reported that the outbreaks of the Mojosari ducks occurred during the years of 2012 and 2013. The ducks died suddently with the clinical signs, such as discoloration of the eyes (blue eyes syndrome) within 3 days, torticolis, stumbling, and they were then dead.From the many anxiety of farmers will be the disease, it is necessary to identify the causes of disease and determination of disease prevention measures. Inspection carried out by bringing the infected ducks to Laboratoritum Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University to do a necropsy, histopathological examination, and HA - HI examination have done in Virology Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University. Histopathological examination showed the presence of lesions in organs eyes, lungs, heart, and ceca tonsil. Further, HA-HI test indicates that 90% possibility of of disease blue eyes syndromeon duck farms in the village Modopuro in the second trimester of 2013, caused by the H5N1 virus

    Blue Eyes Syndrome Cases in the Duck Farms in the Village Modopuro, Mojosari, District Mojokerto, East Java

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    Modopuro village in Mojokerto, East Java is a region where people are mostly producing local breeds of ducks that is well known called as a Mojosari duck. The Modopuro village located in a lowland area where their people have been farming the Mojosari local ducks for years. It was reported that the outbreaks of the Mojosari ducks occurred during the years of 2012 and 2013. The ducks died suddently with the clinical signs, such as discoloration of the eyes (blue eyes syndrome) within 3 days, torticolis, stumbling, and they were then dead.From the many anxiety of farmers will be the disease, it is necessary to identify the causes of disease and determination of disease prevention measures. Inspection carried out by bringing the infected ducks to Laboratoritum Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University to do a necropsy, histopathological examination, and HA - HI examination have done in Virology Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University. Histopathological examination showed the presence of lesions in organs eyes, lungs, heart, and ceca tonsil. Further, HA-HI test indicates that 90% possibility of of disease blue eyes syndromeon duck farms in the village Modopuro in the second trimester of 2013, caused by the H5N1 virus

    Case Report: Canine Toxication Food Allergic

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    Canine allergies has a most common symptoms occur as skin irritations : itching, scratching, digging, and gnawing at the skin, often to the point of creating open raw wounds over large areas of the body. For the confirmation diagnosis, the patient has to be checked by laboratories examination. Based on anamneses, clinical examination  and laboratories, it is logical to conclude that this dog which names choky suffers toxic allergic because of toxic accumulation from his food and the prognose was fausta. The treatments which were given for the dog are changing dog food, reducing the total protein in food at least one week, dietic protein and increasing exercise, also scalling for decreasing the plack in dog teeth. Moreover, Choky was given transfer factor supplement and antihistamin with low dosage

    Gambaran tindak kekerasan pada hewan dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Malang

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    Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020 menjadi sebuah babak baru dari kehidupan luas di Indonesia. Pembatasan pergerakan sosial, aktifitas dan penyesuaian kegiatan di ruang publik menjadi perhatian masyarakat dan pemerintah hingga saat ini. Kondisi himpitan ekonomi, pemutusan hubungan kerja, serta terus berjalan nya kebutuan hidup harian adalah permasalahan yang dialami hampir setiap masyarakat di Indonesia. Beberapa kondisi tersebut dapat memperkuat peluang terjadinya tindak kekerasan pada hewan yang menjadi efek sekunder dari kemungkinan peningkatan kasus kekerasan di lingkup keluarga. Tulisan ini menggambarkan tindak kekerasan terhadap hewan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dari bulan Maret 2020 hingga Juli 2021 di daerah Malang. Data dari penelitian ini digunakan untuk dapat mengembangkan konsep bioekologi veteriner dalam pemetaan masalah tindak kekerasan hewan.Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020 menjadi sebuah babak baru dari kehidupan luas di Indonesia. Pembatasan pergerakan sosial, aktifitas dan penyesuaian kegiatan di ruang publik menjadi perhatian masyarakat dan pemerintah hingga saat ini. Kondisi himpitan ekonomi, pemutusan hubungan kerja, serta terus berjalan nya kebutuan hidup harian adalah permasalahan yang dialami hampir setiap masyarakat di Indonesia. Beberapa kondisi tersebut dapat memperkuat peluang terjadinya tindak kekerasan pada hewan yang menjadi efek sekunder dari kemungkinan peningkatan kasus kekerasan di lingkup keluarga. Tulisan ini menggambarkan tindak kekerasan terhadap hewan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dari bulan Maret 2020 hingga Juli 2021 di daerah Malang. Data dari penelitian ini digunakan untuk dapat mengembangkan konsep bioekologi veteriner dalam pemetaan masalah tindak kekerasan hewan

    SA-14 Fracture of the Infraglenoid Tubersity in Canine

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    INTRODUCTIONA broken bone or which was usually called bone fracture had been a medical condition in which there was an incomplete or complete break in the continuity of the bone. There are many different kinds of fracture. The Glenoid Fracture of Os scapula is a very rare occurrence that these fractures have only been described in some series of cases often as a part of scapular fracture series, therefore it was difficult to interpret (1).                In most incidents of ligaments or tendon injuries, fracture or luxation was involved (2). Tuber glenoid fracture often occurs in juvenile animals, it’s because they are very lively and often caused following faulty landing to a jump (3)

    Histopatologi kejadian obstruksi intestinal pada kucing Persia

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    Seekor kucing berjenis kelamin betina, dan berumur 2 tahun dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Brawijaya dengan kondisi lemas. Keluhan dari pemilik, kucing tidak mau makan, tidak ada muntah, tidak ada diare, dan diberikan vitamin. Kucing Caca menunjukkan suhu tubuh 37,6ºC, mukosa pucat, letarghi, palpasi abdomen tidak terdapat nyeri, tidak terdapat jaundice, dan cuping hidung kering. Pemeriksaan hematologi tampak anemia, trombositopenia, dan limfositopenia. Citra radiografi terlihat adanya benda asing dalam usus halus. Kucing di rawat inap selama 7 hari dan tidak menunjukkan perbaikan perkembangan, mengalami kematian dan dilakukan nekropsi untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi. Pemeriksaan histopatologi organ ileum terlihat adanya rupture pada mukosa hingga lapisan submukosa

    Odontoma pada anjing Siberian Husky

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    A 12-year-old female Siberian Husky dog ​​was taken to the Animal Education Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya with complaints of meat or mass in the gum area, this has been going on for ± 1 month, but the dog still wants to eat. Physical examination found that the dog's body temperature was 38.9 ºC and heart rate 100 x/minute, and found a medium-sized mass in the gums, there are a lot of tartar and bad breath. Radiographic examination results showed the presence of radioopacity of the mandibular dexter region. The results of blood tests show leukocytosis, lymphocytosis and monocytosis are indications of inflammation. The diagnosis of this patient's disease is odontoma. Therapy is carried out by surgical action of mass extirpation, extraction of the surrounding teeth and cleaning of tartar. Post-surgery given antiseptics, corticosteroids and supplements, and dogs are allowed to go home after 1 day of post-surgical treatment because the condition has improved.Anjing betina dengan ras Siberian husky bernama Hugo berumur 12 tahun dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Brawijaya dengan keluhan terdapat daging atau massa pada daerah gusi, hal tersebut sudah berlangsung selama ± 1 bulan, namun anjing tersebut masih mau makan. Pemeriksaan fisik didapati bahwa suhu tubuh anjing 38,9 ºC dan detak jantung 100 x/menit, serta ditemukan adanya massa berukuran sedang pada gusinya, terdapat banyak karang gigi dan nafas bau. Hasil pemeriksaan radiografi menunjukkan adanya radioopacity pada daerah mandibula dexter. Hasil pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan leukositosis, limfositosis dan monositosis sebagai indikasi terjadi inflamasi. Diagnosis penyakit pasien ini adalah odontoma. Terapi dilakukan dengan tindakan bedah ekstirpasi massa, pencabutan gigi disekitarnya dan pembersihan karang gigi. Pascabedah diberikan antiseptik, kortikosteroid dan suplemen, serta anjing diperbolehkan untuk pulang setelah 1 hari perawatan pascabedah karena kondisi sudah membaik

    Macroscopic and Microscopic Identification in Native Chicken (Gallus domesticus) Organ with Helminthiasis

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    The native chickens collected from the Blimbing Malang Market were found with a state of lethargy and diarrhea. Native chickens were dissected to find out pathological abnormalities that occurred in the chicken's body by carrying out physical examinations and histopathological examinations. Based on the results of observations and examinations carried out both macroscopically and microscopically after necropsy chickens, the organs of chickens that have pathological abnormalities are the duodenum, jejunum and pulmo. The duodenum and jejunum had nematode infestations which showed villi erosion, hemorrhage, liquefactive necrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltration. Pulmo had hemorrhagic parabronchii, atelectasis of blood capillaries, cloudy swelling, and congestion of blood vessels. The visible abnormality of the small intestine organ damage leads to chicken disease to nematode worm infestation

    Patologi suspect feline viral rhinotracheitis pada kucing Persia

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    Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) atau feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) merupakan agen penyakit saluran respirasi atas yang penting pada kucing. Hal ini disebabkan transmisi penyakit yang mudah. Kucing terinfeksi melalui kontak langsung dengan sekreta konjungtival atau oronasal dari kucing yang terinfeksi. Tujuan studi ini yaitu melihat kondisi patologi secara makroskopik dan mikroskopis pada kucing yang diduga terinfeksi virus rhinotracheitis. Organ yang diperiksa antara lain trakea, paru, dan limpa. Perubahan patologi yang terjadi pada organ-organ tersebut yaitu pneumonia interstitial edematous dan emfisema pulmonum, kongesti pada arteri trabecular dan tracheitis hemoragika.Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) or Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) is the disease agent of upper respiratory tract that is important to the cat. This is due to easy transmission of disease. Cat infected FHV-1 through direct contact with Sekreta Konjungtival or oronasal of infected cats. The purpose of this study is to look at the pathology of macroscopic and microscopic in cats suspected of having Rhinotracheitis Virus. The examined organs are trachea, Pulmo, and spleen. Changes in the pathology that occur in the organs are Interstitial Pneumonia edematous and emphysema Pulmonum, congesti on the trabecular artery and hemorrhagic tracheitis

    SA-5 Case report: Mammary Gland Tubulocarcinoma on Dog Miniature Dachshund at Animal Hospital University of Brawijaya Indonesia

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    In 1 study of 2000 dogs In America, 23% were found to have died due to cancer [1]. Mammary tumors are one of the most common neoplasms of female dogs [2]. This tumor mainly affects middle-aged dogs (9 to 11 years), with an increased incidence that begins at about 6 years old [3]. Sex steroid hormones are thought to have a major role during the early stages of carcinogenesis due to the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors in higher proportions in most mammary tumours. [3,4]. In addition to hormonal influences, the use of products containing medroxyprogesterone acetate (progestin and estrogen combinations) to prevent estrus in dogs is also associated with an increased incidence of mammary tumors [5]. Mammary tumors can interfere with the physiological appearance and physiological function of the body. This report aims to describe cases of mammary tumors in dogs supported by hematology laboratory examination, blood biochemistry, cytology and histopathology