70 research outputs found

    Keefektifan Pembelajaran Mengidentifikasi Isi Cerita Hikayat Menggunakan Media Animasi pada Siswa Kelas X SMA

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    Literature learning, especially the listening element, often receives little attention. One of the contributing factors is the teacher's lack of ability to present interesting learning material, which has an impact on reducing students' interest and motivation to learn in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Literature learning, especially the listening element, needs to present interesting learning media. One of the media that can be used in literature learning, especially the listening element, is animation media. The aim of this research is to determine the level of effectiveness of using animation media in learning literary elements of listening, especially in learning to identify the content of saga stories. Researchers use methodspre-experimental by using designone group pre-test post-test in conducting research. The research results show that learning to identify the content of saga stories using animation media meets the criteria for effectiveness. This is measured based on the results of the t test which shows a significance value of 0.000<0.05, which means H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Animation media that presents visualizations in the form of moving images accompanied by sound can increase students' focus in listening to saga stories.Pembelajaran sastra khususnya elemen menyimak seringkali kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kurangnya kemampuan guru dalam menyajikan materi pembelajaran yang menarik sehingga berdampak pada menurunnya minat dan motivasi belajar siswa dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar di kelas. Pembelajaran sastra khususnya elemen menyimak perlu menghadirkan media pembelajaran yang menarik. Media yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembelajaran sastra khususnya elemen menyimak salah satunya adalah media animasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan penggunaan media animasi dalam pembelajaran sastra elemen menyimak, khususnya pada pembelajaran mengidentifikasi isi cerita hikayat. Peneliti menggunakan metode pre-experimental dengan menggunakan desain one group pre-test post-test dalam melakukan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran mengidentifikasi isi cerita hikayat menggunakan media animasi memenuhi kriteria keefektifan. Hal tersebut diukur berdasarkan hasil uji t yang menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000<0,05 yang artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Media animasi yang menyajikan visualisasi berupa gambar bergerak disertai suara dapat meningkatkan fokus siswa dalam menyimak cerita hikayat

    Analisis Faktorā€“Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alokasi Anggaran Belanja Modal

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    Regional Autonomy intended that each region can be independent in conducting regional development in the form of capital cost in order to increase the area of fixed assets. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is the influence of the Economic Growth, General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund, Revenue Sharing Fund, Original Income Area, SiLPA, and Total Area against Capital Expenditure of the District/City in Indonesia. This study used secondary data obtained from the Supreme Audit Agency in 2017. The sample used in the study were 180 District/City located in Indonesia. The way to analyze the data by using multiple linier regression analysis. Based on the analysis stated that the variable Revenue Sharing Fund, Original Income Area, Total Area effect on Capital Expenditure. While Economic Growth, General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund, SiLPA does not effect on Captital Expenditure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untukĀ  mengembangkan media pembelajaran dengan media blog pada maeteri menulis pantun dengan menggungakan metode penelitian pengembangan RnD sertaĀ  mengetahui kelayakan media blog sebagai media ajar pada pembahasan menulis pantun di kelas VII pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pokok di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu metode RnD dari Borg and Gall. Tahapan pengembangan model iniĀ  meliputi potensi masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, perbaikan desain,uji coba produk. Pengembangan divalidasi oleh tiga validator yakni ahli materi dengan penilaian mencapai 81% masuk dalam kategoriĀ  layak, validasi ahli media dengan penilaian mencapai 85% masuk kategori cukup layak, validasi guru pelajaran mencapai angka 96% kategori layak, Dari keseluruhan penilaian oleh validator kelayakan media blog yang sudah dipaparkan, media blog pada materi menulis pantun kelas VII ini memiliki kualitas layak dan dapat diterima sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran dengan kategoriĀ  layak (valid)

    Fabrikasi Hunian Sementara untuk Pasca Bencana

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    Indonesia is an inseparable state of the earthquake. As a result of the earthquake, many victims lost their homes. The victims had to stay in isolation for a long time. From that, the victim needs assistance in the form of shelter, but the housing canā€™t be built easily. Then a temporary building is needed a transition phase to house assistance is still being developed. The government is currently unable to provide maximum temporary shelter. The purpose of this study is to find the right model for temporary shelter assistance in post-disaster situations used in refugee locations in Indonesia and abroad. The research method uses a literature review by comparing the temporary shelter model and the study model as a comparison of occupancy dimensions. Temporary shelter is the residence required during post-disaster and can be produced in fabrication. Fabrication for temporary housing is related to connection, material, packaging, demolition, and distribution system. It aims to maximize on-site assistance, facilitating the installation and distribution of temporary shelter

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada Siswa SMP

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parents' education level on student achievement in learning Indonesian. The method in this study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational research design. The research subjects were grade VIII students of junior high school consisting of 40 students. Instruments as data collection tools in the form of questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using simple and multiple regression tests. The results showed that between parents' educational level and students' Indonesian learning achievement there was a significant and positive influence with a large influence of 18.8%. As for the educational level of parents and learning motivation on students' Indonesian learning achievement, there is a significant and positive influence with a large influence of 30.1%. Based on the findings of this study, there is an influence of parents' educational level and learning motivation on learning achievement.   Keywords: Indonesian, Learning Outcomes, Motivation, Education Leve

    Seting Kegiatan Adat Masyarakat Minangkabau Di Komplek Perumnas Kotamadya Padang

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    ABSTRACT The research objective was to study the continuity of adat activity setting pattern that it\u27s done by the Minangkabau\u27s society at Nagari with housing complex of Kotamadya Padang. By studying adat activity settings it was hoped that it could identify which one of the settlement still has a similar activity setting with Nagari. The research was done at four locations by taking samples randomly. It used a one stage cluster sampling. The results of the research were that 1) adat activity at housing complex of Perumnas Kotamadya Padang was still done by the society. Some of its tradisional adat categories weren\u27t done anymore, because it had been substituted by modern adat, 2) the activity subtitution caused the change of setting. Observing of four research locations showed that housing complex of Balimbing still maintain their adat strongly. It\u27s caused by a) the width of complex area that it gives a possibility for the society to build a facility according to their activity setting, and b) housing complex is surrounded by the original populations that they need a adat facility (having an open sufficiently). Key words : adat - activity - setting - continuit

    Exploring the Usage and the User Interface of Mobile apps for Donors in Natural Disaster in East Java, Indonesia

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    Natural disasters occur quite often in Indonesia. Relief can be in the forms of logistics or funds. Indonesian Red Cross is one of the institutions most trusted in distributing donations. Unfortunately, there is still no easy facilitation for donors in transferring funds. An effective system is needed to ease donors in transferring funds using an online application, to guarantee that the funds are not misused, to inform the kind of disasters requiring financial aids or to report the utilization of the aids. Not many researches have been conducted on this subject. Those related to the Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care were focused on patients. The ones in the field of e-commerce were focused on customers. Meanwhile, this research on the case of natural disaster was focusing on donors, which was not quite ordinary. The researches in the case of natural disasters were mostly focusing on the problem of distribution and supply of logistics or searching the nearest locations using GIS. This research aims to explore the user expectations of the mobile apps on the process of donating applying the principles of HCI such as conveniences, effectiveness, security, completeness of information, feedback, and visibility. The result of this research shows that the expected users with this application could provide quality of information, continuity, ease of access and high security. Developing a mobile application with effective interaction between the application and the users is really a challenge. Keywords: humanā€“computer interface; humanitarian logistics; donor syste

    Typification and taxonomic notes of Smilacaceae species in Java

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    Smilacaceae is known as a taxa with wide phenotypic variation and their taxonomical complexities remain unsolved. The three species of Smilacaceae housed in Java, are given nomenclature history. Since all the potential sources of original material have been investigated, but nothing has been identified, three neotypifications were designated here. Herbarium specimen of Koorders 34990Ī² in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) was chosen as the neotype of Smilax klotzschii. The de Groot & Wehlburg RD52 herbarium specimen in BO was chosen as the neotype of S. nageliana and Blume 463 herbarium specimen in L was chosen as the neotype of S. odoratissima
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