582 research outputs found

    Deposition of ZnO-Al (AZO) thin films for optical properties

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    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is an inorganic compound and it is doped with aluminum to increase its capabilities. Aluminum Zinc Oxide (AZO) thin films are semiconductor materials that have band gap energy of 3.3eV. Various method of deposition have been study to growth AZO thin films. It has been extensively use in solar cell application, display application, gas sensing purposes, and thin film transistors (TFTs). In this work, sol gel method and spin coating was used to deposited AZO thin films. The ZnO sol-gel were synthesized using zinc acetate dihydrate as precursor, isopropanol as solvent, diethanolamine as sol stabilizer, and distilled water as oxidation agent. Then, synthesized ZnO were doped with different mole ratio of aluminum nitrate nanohydrate to produced AZO. The glass substrate was used as substrate and AZO thin films were then calcinated at 300°C and 500°C. The characterization of AZO thin film were done using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The XRD results show that the ZnO with hexagonal wurtzite-type structure and temperature does have effect on the film intensity which related to crystallinity of thin films. Through AFM analysis, the value of RMS decreases from 3.018 nm to 2.240 nm as the temperature increases. Meanwhile, from UV-Vis result, it can be seen that AZO thin film have a high transmittance percentage above 90% after wavelength 400 nm with band gap value of 3.3 eV. FESEM image show that the grain boundary of AZO decrease with both parameter (mole ratio and calcinations temperature). Both parameters do have effect on AZO thin film. EDX analysis shows that there are existence of zinc, oxide, and aluminum

    Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter

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    : The globalization era has brought both positive and negative impacts on the life of everyone,including that in the family. The family has a great role in shaping the children's character as theyspend most of their time with the family. However, the government needs to include character education in the curriculum, both implicitly or explicitly. Therefore, the 2013 Curriculum was redesignedbased on competence and character. Despite the great role of the family, the school, as represented bythe teachers, must have a greater role in providing character education for the students in variouscompetencies in order that the national education goals can be achieved maximally. It is stated in the2013 Curriculum that teachers can assess the learning results so that the students can prepare themselves through the mastery of a number of compencies and certain character traits

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Bab IV Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 dan Aplikasinya pada Guru SMA Se-nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    Law is a supporting component to run a state, become in carrying out all activities needs to be supported by Law as a strong juridical base. Education in one of National Development goals in Indonesia. Formal human resources building is conducted through education. Teachers are one of the elements of human resources in education. Professional teachers will be able to increase the quality of education. Certification for teacher program is the real implementation of Law Number 14 of 2005 regarding. Teacher and Lecturer which is applicable in the form of teaching staff certification in order to increase the quality of education and the value of teachers themselves. The certification is carried out through two ways, which are: (1) portofolio assessment (if the teachers do not get the minimum score of 850, they will be sent to participate in Teachers Professionalism Training and Education, and (2) education Professional teachers are looked for by many parties such as the government, parents, and steakeholders. Our prophet Muhammad SAW said in hadits that “If you ask someone to carry out a task that is not his/her capacity, then you will expect something devastating happens to you” (Narrated by Bukhari). Therefore, to conduct the learning and teaching activities, a teacher need to be academically qualified, competent and the certificate which is issued by teacher certification committee mandated in Chapter IV of Law Number 14 of 2005. Teachers who have completed the certification will be paid a professional allowance as much as their base-salary. However, for those who have gotten the certificate and they do not perform their tasks, the payment of the allowance will be terminated, so that, the professional allowance is paid separately from regular monthly salary. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam has been ready to implement the teaching staff certification program as mandated by Directorate General of Higher Education to FKIP Unsyiah which has been appointed as one of authorized institutions to carry out the certification program, and therefore, FKIP Unsyiah has been doing this task very well as regulated in related rules.Keywords: Effectiveness, Qualification, Competency, Certification, and Teachers

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Jual Beli Ikan dengan Sistem Pancingan Bertarif (Studi Kasus Pancingan Sejuta di Desa Sidowayah, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah)

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    Islamic Shari'ah always teaches the magnificiences and proposer it to all its followers. Not only teaching and proposing the magnificiences, Islam also forbids all its followers from all kinds of humiliation and all aspects that can cause humiliation. This sharia’s roles are legitimated in all aspects of human life, starting from the biggest human affairs, namely the affairs of the faith (ideology) that become self-esteem and standard of living, to the smallest affairs. However, there are still some practice of buying and selling that happen in society are not in accordance with Islamic law. As the observation that researchers do in fishing place of Sejuta Sidowayah village, Polanharjo subdistrict, Klaten district. are related to practice of buying and selling fish with cost fishing system in terms of Islamic law. The types of research the researchers use, including field research, and the analytical technique used is descriptive qualitative. The steps used in taking data that is by observation and interview techniques. Based on the methods used in this study. So, if in view of the terms of Islamic law buying and selling of fish with a system of cost should not be done, because it contains of elements that are prohibited in Islam as gharar(vagueness) and gambling (speculative) there is many vagueness in quality and quantity because there is no checking and filtering process before. Therefore, it will be better to avoid this buy and sell to the right process


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    ABSTRAK;Beberapa ruas jalan pada Trayek Terminal Majene PP dan Trayek Pamboang PP, pada jam-jam puncak angkutan umum  yang ada cenderung digunakan melebihi kapasitas maksimumnya. Keadaan sebaliknya terjadi pada jam non-puncak, kendaraan umum setengah kosong dan harus melakukan kompetisi dengan angkutan umum lainnya untuk mendapatkan penumpang. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui kinerja pelayanan  angkutan  umum,  kebutuhan  angkutan  umum  dan  membuat  rekomendasi  terkait dengan hasil evaluasi kinerja pelayanan pada kedua trayek ini. Dalam penelitian ini indikator kinerja angkutan umum yang dinilai adalah faktor muat, waktu perjalanan, frekuensi pelayanan, waktu antara, waktu tunggu, jumlah kendaraan yang beroperasi, dan waktu pelayanan. Indikator diperoleh dari hasil survey. Hasil anlisis pelayanan angkutan umum menurut Dirjen Perhubungan Darat, kinerja pelayanan angkutan umum pada trayek Trayek Terminal Majene PP dan Trayek Pamboang PP termasuk dalam kategori baik.   Kebutuhan jumlah angkutan umum pada trayek Terminal Majene PP dan trayek Pamboang PP Trayek Terminal Majene PP sebanyak  35  unit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis direkomendasi: jumlah angkutan umum yang sudah ada dipertahankan saja atau dikurangi hingga mendekati nilai rata-rata jumlah kendaraan beroperasi setiap hari serta perlunya pembinaan pada pengemudi tentang kesadaran berlalu lintas yang baik di jalan raya. Kata kunci: Analisis, kinerja, angkutan umum, pelayanan     ABSTRACT;Sometimes in Oebobo Station-Majene Station route and Pamboang Station- Station route, over capacity for public transportation happened in the peak time especially in several roads. While, in  peak off  time, most of  public transportation have no passanger, so they  had to compotate with the other transportation the get the passanger. Service operational planning of public transportation should be evaluate as soon as possible to know how about the performance of public transportation services. The goal of this research are to know about public transportation services performance, fleet necessity of public transportation and  make recommendations relating to the results of the performance evaluation of services on this route both. The indicators of this research are public transportation performance, load factor, time journey, frequency, time line, passenger time waiting, the quantity of vehicle operated, and time services. All of these indicators get from dinamyc and statistic survey. From the results of the public   transport   service   standards   evaluation   by   the   Directorate   General   of   Land Transportation, the performance of public transport services on the Majene Station Route and Pamboang Route including good categories. The needs of public transport fleet on the Majene Station-Pamboang Route is 35 units, whereas for Majene Station-Pamboang Station Route 35units. Based on the results of the evaluation given recommendations are: for while the number of existing public transport or retained only if necessary, be reduced to close to the average value of the number vehicles in operation each day as well as the need for guidance drivers about traffic awareness good on the highway

    Passively mode-locked laser using an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber

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    This paper describes the setup and experimental results for an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber laser with passively mode-locked output. The gain medium of the ring laser cavity configuration comprises a 3 m length of two-core optical fiber, wherein an undoped outer core region of 9.38 μm diameter surrounds a 4.00 μm diameter central core region doped with erbium ions at 400 ppm concentration. The generated stable soliton mode-locking output has a central wavelength of 1533 nm and pulses that yield an average output power of 0.33 mW with a pulse energy of 31.8 pJ. The pulse duration is 0.7 ps and the measured output repetition rate of 10.37 MHz corresponds to a 96.4 ns pulse spacing in the pulse train

    Mikrozonasi Seismic dan Analisis Respon Site Spec Ific Kota Palu

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    Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan penelitian dan membuat Peta Gempa Indonesia denganversi masing – masing, penelitian ini menyajikan penelitian untuk mendapatkan Peak GroundAcceleration (PGA) untuk beberapa tempat di Kota Palu berdasarkan metoda yang lebihlengkap, sistematis dan berusaha mengurangi faktor ketidak pastian dalam setiap langkahperhitungan yang dilakukan.Penelitian ini akan meliputi pengumpulan dan pengolahan data gempa, studi seismotektonikdan analisis resiko gempa. Data-data gempa dikumpulkan dari tahun 1904 – 2006. Data gempakemudian diolah sehingga didapat data gempa utama dan kelengkapannya.Untukmemperhitungkan faktor ketidak pastian dari masing - masing tahapan perhitungan dipakaimetoda logic tree.Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan program Equevalent Linear Earthquake Respons Analysis(EERA). Properties dinamik tanah dievaluasi dari data-data hasil penyelidikan tanah yangdikumpulkan dibeberapa tempat di Kota Palu. Hasil dari analisis respon site denganmenggunakan program EERA, dapat digunakan sebagai data masukan untuk pembuatanrespon spectr

    Sustainable waste management via incineration system: an Islamic outlook for conservation of the environment

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    This paper would firstly examine solid waste management currently experienced in Malaysia with special concentration given to waste incineration. Its function and benefits entailed from this system shall then be identified. This paper attempts to emphasize this notion within the Islamic perspective, stressing on the needs to conserve the environment. This study adopts a qualitative approach where the conceptual authoritative literature in the related field is utilized based on content analysis. The related principles of Islamic jurisprudencecarefully examined along with the Quranic verses depicting on this issue This study further submits that incinerating waste could mitigate environmental impact that might otherwise arise from waste. Finally, it further concludes that Islam provides a concrete model of environmental ethics which is based on divine revelation that needs to be observed.Keywords: sustainable waste management; incineration system; environment conservation;Islamic jurisprudence principles