
ABSTRAK;Beberapa ruas jalan pada Trayek Terminal Majene PP dan Trayek Pamboang PP, pada jam-jam puncak angkutan umum  yang ada cenderung digunakan melebihi kapasitas maksimumnya. Keadaan sebaliknya terjadi pada jam non-puncak, kendaraan umum setengah kosong dan harus melakukan kompetisi dengan angkutan umum lainnya untuk mendapatkan penumpang. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui kinerja pelayanan  angkutan  umum,  kebutuhan  angkutan  umum  dan  membuat  rekomendasi  terkait dengan hasil evaluasi kinerja pelayanan pada kedua trayek ini. Dalam penelitian ini indikator kinerja angkutan umum yang dinilai adalah faktor muat, waktu perjalanan, frekuensi pelayanan, waktu antara, waktu tunggu, jumlah kendaraan yang beroperasi, dan waktu pelayanan. Indikator diperoleh dari hasil survey. Hasil anlisis pelayanan angkutan umum menurut Dirjen Perhubungan Darat, kinerja pelayanan angkutan umum pada trayek Trayek Terminal Majene PP dan Trayek Pamboang PP termasuk dalam kategori baik.   Kebutuhan jumlah angkutan umum pada trayek Terminal Majene PP dan trayek Pamboang PP Trayek Terminal Majene PP sebanyak  35  unit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis direkomendasi: jumlah angkutan umum yang sudah ada dipertahankan saja atau dikurangi hingga mendekati nilai rata-rata jumlah kendaraan beroperasi setiap hari serta perlunya pembinaan pada pengemudi tentang kesadaran berlalu lintas yang baik di jalan raya. Kata kunci: Analisis, kinerja, angkutan umum, pelayanan     ABSTRACT;Sometimes in Oebobo Station-Majene Station route and Pamboang Station- Station route, over capacity for public transportation happened in the peak time especially in several roads. While, in  peak off  time, most of  public transportation have no passanger, so they  had to compotate with the other transportation the get the passanger. Service operational planning of public transportation should be evaluate as soon as possible to know how about the performance of public transportation services. The goal of this research are to know about public transportation services performance, fleet necessity of public transportation and  make recommendations relating to the results of the performance evaluation of services on this route both. The indicators of this research are public transportation performance, load factor, time journey, frequency, time line, passenger time waiting, the quantity of vehicle operated, and time services. All of these indicators get from dinamyc and statistic survey. From the results of the public   transport   service   standards   evaluation   by   the   Directorate   General   of   Land Transportation, the performance of public transport services on the Majene Station Route and Pamboang Route including good categories. The needs of public transport fleet on the Majene Station-Pamboang Route is 35 units, whereas for Majene Station-Pamboang Station Route 35units. Based on the results of the evaluation given recommendations are: for while the number of existing public transport or retained only if necessary, be reduced to close to the average value of the number vehicles in operation each day as well as the need for guidance drivers about traffic awareness good on the highway

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