7 research outputs found

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Blocking VEGF by Bevacizumab compromises electrophysiological and morphological properties of hippocampal neurons

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    A hallmark of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is neoangiogenesis, mediated by the overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Anti-VEGF antibodies, like bevacizumab, prolong progression-free survival in GBM, however, this treatment has been reported to be associated with a decline in neurocognitive function. Therefore, this study focused on the effects of bevacizumab on neuronal function and plasticity. We analyzed neuronal membrane properties and synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampal slices, as well as spine dynamics in dissociated hippocampal neurons, to examine the impact of bevacizumab on hippocampal function and viability. VEGF inhibition resulted in profound impairments in hippocampal synaptic plasticity as well as reductions in dendritic spine number and length. Physiological properties of hippocampal neurons were also affected. These effects of VEGF blockade on hippocampal function may play a role in compromising memory and information processing and thus, may contribute to neurocognitive dysfunction in GBM patients treated with bevacizumab

    Differential susceptibility to effects of maternal sensitivity? A study of candidate plasticity genes

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    Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2014. Here we tested whether there was genetic moderation of effects of early maternal sensitivity on social-emotional and cognitive-linguistic development from early childhood onward and whether any detected Gene x Environment interaction effects proved consistent with differential-susceptibility or diathesis-stress models of Person x Environment interaction (N = 695). Two new approaches for evaluating models were employed with 12 candidate genes. Whereas maternal sensitivity proved to be a consistent predictor of child functioning across the primary-school years, candidate genes did not show many main effects, nor did they tend to interact with maternal sensitivity/insensitivity. These findings suggest that the developmental benefits of early sensitive mothering and the costs of insensitive mothering look more similar than different across genetically different children in the current sample. Although acknowledgement of this result is important, it is equally important that the generally null Gene x Environment results reported here not be overgeneralized to other samples, other predictors, other outcomes, and other candidate genes

    A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing

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    The 1000 Genomes Project aims to provide a deep characterization of human genome sequence variation as a foundation for investigating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Here we present results of the pilot phase of the project, designed to develop and compare different strategies for genome-wide sequencing with high-throughput platforms. We undertook three projects: low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 179 individuals from four populations; high-coverage sequencing of two mother-father-child trios; and exon-targeted sequencing of 697 individuals from seven populations. We describe the location, allele frequency and local haplotype structure of approximately 15 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, 1 million short insertions and deletions, and 20,000 structural variants, most of which were previously undescribed. We show that, because we have catalogued the vast majority of common variation, over 95% of the currently accessible variants found in any individual are present in this data set. On average, each person is found to carry approximately 250 to 300 loss-of-function variants in annotated genes and 50 to 100 variants previously implicated in inherited disorders. We demonstrate how these results can be used to inform association and functional studies. From the two trios, we directly estimate the rate of de novo germline base substitution mutations to be approximately 10−8 per base pair per generation. We explore the data with regard to signatures of natural selection, and identify a marked reduction of genetic variation in the neighbourhood of genes, due to selection at linked sites. These methods and public data will support the next phase of human genetic researc